Camastoo: Our Life

By Bella_8080

6.5K 231 42

Cam and Arastoo's life! My version of events - Comment any queries and questions xx More

Second time...
Party Time
Never part of his plan...
Thank you for - 1k
In sickness and in health
Forget me not...
Deep Breath
The fog covered my windscreen
...Sorrow is sickening...
You didnt know - I wish we had
A dream? Or just pure reality?

Birthday Boy

248 11 4
By Bella_8080

I had been released from hospital at 8:30 Christmas Eve morning and Arastoo and I had rushed to see our gorgeous little boy. We went to Angela's to pick him up.
"So is his party still on tonight?" Jack asks us when he comes down the stairs.
"Yeah, I'm so excited!" I smiled at Ryan who was playing with the top button of my blouse.
"Okay, we'll see you at two then!" Angela said as we began walking slowly towards the front door.
"You certainly will!" Arastoo nodded.

The house was decorated with balloons and signs that said 'Happy 1st Birthday' and 'Birthday Boy!' The rooms had been set up accordingly with the front room filled with lots of toys and child friendly items like bean bags as well as a long table with party snacks.
The double doors between the front room and the living room were open but had the child proof fence (which I imagined came up to Christine and Michael Vincent's shoulder height) there too separate the children and the adults but also provided full supervision. The door between the hallway and the front room also had a child proof gate.
The living room had food, alcohol and more adult games. There was also a crib because Temperance would be bringing Hank and I would be able to put Ryan down if I needed to. Michelle had watched Ryan all day so that me and Arastoo could set up.

*knock knock*
"I've got it!" Michelle shouted.
"Hi Michelle, how are you?" Seeley said from outside the front door.
I walked into the hallway and saw Temperance holding Hank she smiled at me.
"I don't mean to be a pain but is there anywhere to put Hank down?" She asked sheepishly.
"Of course!" I said smiling.
Once she'd put him down she grinned and said "that was a very logical idea!"
"Thank you!" Arastoo said as he walked into the hall from the kitchen and offered Chardonnay to Brennan and Seeley. Brennan politely declined but Seeley accepted the offer. Christine was sat playing in the front room with Ryan when she said "Angela and Jack are here with Michael Vincent!"
I got up and walked to the door, I greeted the boys and they both went to their assigned rooms but as I shut the door Angela stayed in the hall.
"I'm going to make an announcement later and I wanted to know if it was okay if I did?" She smiled hopefully.
"Yeah, that's fine. I mean I don't think Ryan is going to mind!"
We walked into the living room.

All the invited guests had arrived and we were about to start playing monopoly when Angela stood up.
"I'd like to tell you all something and it will probably come as a surprise to most of you!"
As I looked around the room I noticed that the only people not drinking alcohol were myself, Angela, Brennan and the Vasiri's.
"I'm Pregnant!" Angela continued.
"Congratulations!" Everybody began to clap.
After a couple minutes of congratulations Angela sat down.
"Okay we can continue with the game now!" Angela smiled
A gleeful Christine came up to the fence and said "Mummy's pregnant too!"
Seeley and Brennan just stared blankly at their daughter.
"Whoops!" Christine said realising she'd done something wrong.
"We hadn't even told you yet!" Seeley said bluntly.
"Mummy had been sick again, that's why she went back to work early!" Christine continued to analyse.
It was true, Brennan had chosen the 4 month option instead of full extended maternity leave.
Brennan was still staring and the rest of the room couldn't contain their amazement at the two revelations that had just taken place, I decided to announce my own.
I stood up and smiled "Brennan, I'm about to make announcement which I shouldn't and I'm not sure that Angela will be prepared to fit it into the wedding preparations." Brennan looked up at me and smiled.
"I am also pregnant with my second child!"
Angela started cheering "This is going to be the funnest thing ever!"
Brennan stood up and hugged me.
"Wait! Let me get a photo of the three of you!" Arastoo ran out and grabbed the camera...

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