Loki's Daughter

By UnderworldsGoddess

3.5M 123K 75.1K

"Her name is Hela," he replied, watching the infant lose interest in the shield and move onto something else... More

Having Fun Shooting Guns.
Everything Looks Better In Green
You Can't Lock Someone Up When They Have Magic
The Encounter
Already Gone, Yet Still Here
Public School?
A Deadly New Power
To Asgard!
Meeting the Family
We Meet Again
Learning The Truth
Was I Hit By A Truck?
Being Difficult
A Little Fun
Ehehe, whoops?
Gone Too Far
Understanding And Breakfast
A Little Hint
Am I Evil?
Don't Let Them Take Me...
Back at S.H.I.E.L.D.
Asgard Again
The Mischief Maker's Mind
The Dagger
Thor's Key
Frigga's Key
Odin's Key
Break Out
The Stone
The Cold Blade
The Death of A Guardian
The Trial

Loki's Daughter

277K 7K 6.4K
By UnderworldsGoddess

Rain was still pouring down as Thor made his way into S.H.I.E.L.D. The bundle in his arms squirmed slightly, making him glance down. There was a baby girl in his arms. She squirmed again and then settled, humming in her sleep. Thor sighed. He could still hear Loki's angry shouting.

"You can't take her, Thor," he'd screamed, "She's my daughter! You cannot take her from me!"

Honestly, Thor didn't know about taking the child. He really didn't think it was fair, but it had been Odin's decision, and he knew it was best for the girl. Loki's daughter was to be sent and raised on Midgard.

As soon as Thor knew that she would be going to Earth, he contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Fury had been hesitant at first, but he soon agreed. The child would be taken to S.H.I.E.L.D. and raised there. Thor never told Loki this, of course. If he knew that his only daughter was going to be raised by his worst enemies, Thor thought that might send him off the edge.

Fury was waiting in the hall with a serious look on his face. His eyes caught sight of the bundle and he looked at Thor.

"She got here fine?"

Thor nodded his head. Fury gestured for Thor to follow him and started down the hall.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, looking at Thor.  

 "Honestly, no, but this is our only option. Because of her powers she cannot be put with a foster family, and leaving her in the hands of her father is out of the question. At least she'll be safe here." Fury sighed and nodded his head.

"Alright, let's show her to the Avengers."

The two walked in silence, the only noises were the child's humming and squirming in her sleep. Fury led Thor into a room where all of the Avengers sat.

Tony Stark was sitting on a couch, phone in hand, looking like he wanted to be somewhere else. Natasha Romanov was looking mildly interested, her eyes on the baby. Clint Barton was at her side, raising an eyebrow at the child but saying nothing. Bruce Banner was tapping his fingers and foot, looking very uncomfortable. The only one who looked anywhere near full interest was Steve Rogers.

"Well, let's see her, then," the super soldier said, leaning forward. Thor leaned down and lied the now fully awake baby on the floor, pulling the blanket off.

The infant looked up with emerald green eyes and smiled. She got on her hands and knees and began to crawl around, taking in the room and every person. Slowly, Thor stood and folded his arms. She was trying to open a cabinet now.

"Someone's nosey," Tony said quickly, reaching over and making sure the cabinet door was shut tightly. The baby looked up at him with a curious glint in her eyes and pulled on the handle more. "No, no," Tony added, holding it shut.

It took awhile before the baby gave up, clearly stubborn. Finally, she let the handle go and crawled over toward Clint and Natasha. Clint shifted in his seat and Natasha's eyes never left the little girl. The baby's eyes caught Clint's bow and she grinned, grabbing it.

"Oh no, no you don't!" Clint quickly grabbed it from her before she could get it. He held it away from her. "Babies aren't allowed to have weapons."

The baby gave him a sour look but moved on easily, catching sight of Steve's shield. The super soldier was reluctant, but he allowed her to hold onto it, helping to hold it so she wouldn't drop it. The child giggled and banged her small hand on it, making little echoing noises. Steve turned to Thor.

"So, what's her name?" he asked. The infant's eyes met his and she grinned. Something was off about it, something with a mix of curiosity, and possibly mischief.

"Her name is Hela," he replied, watching the girl lose interest in the shield and move onto something else. Hela looked up at her name and the same grin came across her face. The smile reminded the Avengers of Loki, it was clearly obvious. The child seemed more innocent, but she was clearly his daughter.

It didn't take a genius to know what they were about to do. The Avengers were about to have their hands full.

Hello everyone! Yeah, this is my fanfiction, it's about, well, Loki's daughter, but it goes a little differently, as you can probably tell. Feedback would be nice, thanks for reading!


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