His Golden Haze Part I

By bntvampwolves

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After Bella got pregnant, the Cullens decided that it would be the best decision to move to Alaska. Jacob nev... More

Hannah Hunt
Take My Love And Run
The Antidote
Ballad of the Golden Hour
While I'm Alive
Ancient Mars
I Wanna Be Yours
La Dispute
Green Aisles
Never Let Me Go
Your Bones
Open Season
Given the Time
Heavy Feathers
What Ever Happened
Dreary Moon
High Road
Let's Go Surfing
Mountain Sound
Glory and Gore
Half Gate
Follow Me
I Am Not A Robot
Postcards to Italy

Let it Happen

135 1 0
By bntvampwolves

A/N: I hope you like some of the baby names in this chapter!

Chapter 29: Let it Happen

Renesmee POV:

I am five weeks along now, practically a month. I looked to be about a little over three months pregnant. As promised, Grandpa Carlisle paid me a visit weekly to measure how much my little peanut is growing. He predicts that this pregnancy will take longer than Mom's but it'll be shorter than an ordinary human's. It's all just a guessing game and even more so since our little peanut won't let us know if it's a boy or a girl. Mom told me they couldn't figure out if I was a girl or not and she just assumed that I was a boy.

I took notice to all the changes to my body like my more frequent naps and tender nipples. Yeah, too much information as Jake likes to tell me. My sweets cravings transitioned to just wanting Nutella on everything I eat. I made the dumb decision to slab it over my rare steak and it resulted in me hunched over the porcelain throne for half an hour. I also found out that I detested the scent of any white meat. Poor Jake will have to deal with the fact that the only fried chicken he'll get for now is at a drive thru restaurant in the city. Maybe once the pregnancy is done and over with I'll make it again.

Dad likes to tease me and say that I'm getting spoiled rotten since I drink donated blood whenever I want and also because I call Mom over sometimes at night to read me to sleep. When Jake and I aren't doing other activities of course. Mom said she didn't mind though and she even let me crawl onto her lap. Jake thought it was funny to see me act like a baby, but a girl needs her mom at this time in her life. I know Mom wished she had her mother to be there for her, but Grandma Esme did her best trying to help Mom.

Alice came by today while Jake was was out running around Alaska. I really liked to see him in his wolf form. She came over to talk to me about stocks and I told her I completely trust her judgement. She'll have us making money in no time.

"Do you want a baby shower, Ness?" she asked me hopefully.

"Well, that would be nice. I don't have anything in the nursery besides the crib Jake built." I shrugged my shoulders, "But make sure Jake's family and brothers get up here."

"Oh, Esme also wants to know how you want the nursery to be decorated."

"I really like the stars and the moon concept she talked to me about." I tapped my chin, "It's gender neutral since my little peanut doesn't want to let us know just what he is."

"Okay, she'll probably call you a bit later. And your package will come in this afternoon." Alice sang.

"Oh good." I grinned as I grabbed my jar of Nutella and some banana chips, "I'm growing a lot so I'll need some clothes to wear besides Jake's T-shirts."

Alice placed her cold hand on my growing bump and smiled, "I can't wait to spoil this little one with shopping trips."

"Only you would Aunt Alice." I rolled my eyes and dunked a banana chip in my Nutella.

"I'm going to look at records with our Uncle Jasper. I'll see you later." she skipped off.

I decided to start making lunch since I knew Jake would probably be starving once he phased back. I settled on making pasta alfredo. Simple, easy and delicious. It made me happy to know that there's a life inside of me that I created with Jacob. I let my peanut know that I love her every single day and Jake does too. We've never been so happy as we are now and I didn't think that was possible.

I recently bought a book online filled with baby names and I've been trying to find names for the baby. I asked Jake if he wanted to help me pick one out once he comes home from his run through the woods. I picked out a few names that I thought he would like and did my best to incorporate family names into it. Hopefully Jake had some ideas too. I heard Jake howl, signaling me that he's home. He always kept a pair of shorts outside of the house so he wouldn't walk around naked. Too risky, especially since Aunt Alice liked to welcome herself into our house. I stirred the Alfredo sauce before turning around to greet Jake.

"Did you have a nice run?" I stood up on my tip toes and pecked his lips.

Jake nodded and got on his knees to kiss our little one, "It felt good to be on all fours again."

"That's good, I made us some pasta alfredo. I figured you'd be hungry and we could talk about baby names." I drummed my fingers against his chest.

Jake grinned and gave me another kiss, "You're so cute when you're excited. It sounds like a plan."

I let Jake help set the table and after a few minutes we were enjoying our lunch. It was so good I had seconds and Jake had thirds. After I cleaned my plate, I grabbed the book and sat back down next to Jake.

"Okay boy names or girl names first." I flipped through some pages.

"Ladies first."

"Okay, I think Violet is cute and we can pair it with your mother's name for the middle name." I showed Jake.

"Violet Sarah... Violet Black sounds badass actually. She'll be a tough one." Jake nodded in agreement, "And we can call her 'Vi' for short."

"And for a boy, I was thinking of using the name Mom would've given me if I were a boy. Edward Jacob, E.J. for short." I looked up at him.

"I'm sure your dad would get a kick out of that, but it's sorta cute in a way." Jake snickered.

"Are there any names you like?" I asked.

"I really like the name Chloë for a little girl. It's been on my mind for awhile." he played with his noodles.

"Really? That's cute that you want a little princess, Jake." I grinned.

"I just imagine a little girl to spoil endlessly with what her heart desires." Jake held one of my hands, "And a little boy to play in the mud with and bond with."

"This is really sweet, honey." I kissed his hand, "You're going to the best daddy ever."

"And you're going to be the best mommy ever."

Everything was so perfect in this life I have with Jacob, but deep down I still had that fear of the fire. When would it happen? Aunt Alice hardly brings it up anymore and it could only mean that we're safe or Dad told her to not talk about it with me. I have another life to worry about that I want to protect no matter what and not knowing what could be scares me. I guess that's a mom thing but I don't want to put my baby in any type of danger. The only people I really talked about it with were Mom and Jacob. I knew Jake was just as worried as me, but he wouldn't show it. Mom told me that our family will do everything in its power to keep the baby safe just like how they did for me.

The best advice I could give myself is to not dwell on it. If it happens, we deal with it then. What I need to be focused on is making sure Jake and I are ready for the baby. I received a text from Alice, telling me that we need to set the date for the baby shower and she'll take care of the rest. I thought it would be neat to do it the in August since we knew that Rachel would be having the twins soon. We wanted her to be fully healed before traveling anywhere. Grandpa Carlisle offered to fly our family from Washington up here so they could enjoy the baby shower. We had more than enough room for all of the family at our entire estate. I really wanted everyone Jake and I love to be around us during this special time in our lives.

Jake and I washed up after eating and relaxed on the couch. I got out my laptop and started up a Skype call with Rachel. I knew she'd be on her laptop trying to find a bigger home for her soon-to-be big family through real estate websites. I know she'll find the perfect home soon enough.

"Nessie! Fancy seeing you here." she waved at me, "Are you taking care of my brother?"

"I'm just fine, Rach." Jake exaggeratingly rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry over him, I got him all taken care of." I reassured her as I glanced at Jake before looking right back her, "Becky told me that you had a doctor's appointment the other day, how did it go?"

"It was fine. I thought I was going into early labor, turns out it was Braxton-Hicks contractions!" she groaned, "Apparently it's common. Daddy said that Mom had them all through her last trimester when she was pregnant with Becky and me."

"I read that Braxton-Hicks contractions prepare your body for labor, you think the girls will come soon?"

"I think about a month and half left. Mom was the same way." Rachel said, "Which means I have to get my behind out of Daddy's house. It's not fair for him to hear two crying little girls in the middle of the night."

"Don't push yourself now. Let Paul help you out." Jake insisted.

"You know better than anyone how stubborn I am, Jake."

"That I do.." he muttered to himself.

"Jake's right though, Rach. You can't let yourself get all stressed out, it isn't good for you or the twins."

Rachel nodded, "I'll do my best. I appreciate that you two worry about me."

"We love you." I beamed at my sister-in-law, "Let me know if anything happens. You know Jacob and I will be in La Push in a heartbeat."

"I love you both too. I'm going to make a call to this house, I'll text you."

"Okay, good luck." I said before ending the call.

I then placed my laptop aside and snuggled up against Jacob. I could tell he's worried about how much stress his sister was under and to be quite honest, I am too. I'm sure that everyone is trying to make the load less heavy, but Rachel wouldn't budge. I think she still wanted to feel like she could still do something for herself. Mom was a lot like that towards the end of her pregnancy. Sure, she did need a lot of help from the rest of the family but if she could do something on her own, she would do it. I wondered if I would have the same mentality when the baby is close to coming. I have a feeling that I would, especially I have a family that hovers and a husband who is just as bad of a worrywart as them.

Jacob POV:

I really do hope that Paul is doing everything he can to help my sister, I can't bear to think of things going downhill for her and the twins. I would so go down to La Push and beat him to it with a drop of a coin but Rachel probably wouldn't like that very much. I knew she'd be fine, but not physically being there to see that ate away at me.

Being here with Renesmee is the greatest joy I'll ever have, but I still miss my pack and family. I didn't want Nessie to feel bad about it because I knew that she needed her family more right now. Besides, we'd eventually make our move to La Push once we were ready for it. I hovered my hand over Nessie's small bump and rested my chin on top of her forehead. This is my world now. Nessie and EJ or Violet. The two people I would do absolutely anything for. I felt Nessie's hand over mine as she hummed softly against my chest. I hoped that the baby would start to move a little, but I knew he or she was too small for that. That's okay, little buddy. Grow at your own pace.

"Honey, I'm tired." Nessie mumbled as she looked up at me, "Can we take a nap?"

I dipped my head down to press my lips against her's gently before parting, "Bed or here?"

"Bed, I don't want my back to start aching."

I pulled my wife into my arms before I stood up and walked slowly towards our bedroom. A normal Alaskan summer had a temperature at about 70 degrees. It was warm but not California hot. I sat Nessie on the bed and helped her get out of her clothes until she was just in her bra and underwear. I took off my shorts and kept my boxers on before helping her pull down the comforter. We both preferred to sleep with sheets nowadays since Nessie got hot easily. We laid face to face to each other with an arm draped around each other. I could imagine that this would be difficult once she gets bigger. I watched as her eyes slowly closed, signalling that she was sleeping. I admired my beautiful gift of life just a while longer before falling asleep myself.

I dreamed a rather... passionate dream about Nessie and I. She had her nose buried deep into my stomach as her hot, wet mouth took me whole. Ooh, how I miss how that felt. We still had our intimate moments, but not as much as we would like to. Her energy was mostly depleted by the time we went to bed. Instead our 2-3 nightly rounds, we had one before she would roll over and sleep. I'm not a jerk like some guys are, I understand that she needs more rest now than ever. It isn't any of her fault that she doesn't have the energy she had before she got pregnant. I knew she was frustrated with herself at times she couldn't keep her eyes open and I reassured her that it was fine and that the baby needs her to be in tip top shape. I know it's selfish to only think of myself when she needs more attention and that's why I'm okay with our sudden drop in our sex drive. I just spent a lot of time in the shower when I woke up. Once the baby is here and she's ready for it, I have no doubt we'd be just where we were before.

I was still dreaming that same dream, thinking about her riding me as her chocolate brown eyes bore into my brown ones. Her soft breathy moans echoed in my mind and I felt my own hips rising up to meet her's. God, this felt so great. Before I could see Renesmee's expression as she released all over me, I woke up to Nessie pushing me off of her.

"Jesus, Jake! You can't just hump me in your sleep!" she fumed as she crawled out of the bed and into the bathroom.

Yep, I'm in trouble. Damn these pregnancy hormones. Other times, this would turn her on so much that she'd try to jump my bones. I watched as she came back into the room with lotion and some tissue. Her cheeks were a bright red as she threw them at me and she folded her arms across her chest. I would tell her how cute she looked when she's mad, but I didn't think that would be a good idea.

"Take care of that! I'm going to the living room." she hastily shrugged her rope on before stomping to the living room.

I looked at the clock, it was almost dinner time. With the way Nessie is, I'm pretty sure she isn't in any type of mood to cook dinner and I'm a lost cause. KFC it is. I relieved myself before I got myself dressed and I slid into a pair of sneakers. I reluctantly walked into the living room and kissed Renesmee's hair.

"I'm sorry, Ness. I didn't mean for that to happen."

No answer.

"I'm going to KFC, do you want a biscuit?" I asked gently.

"No. And make sure you wash up when you get back." she said in monotone, "Money is in the cookie jar."

I kissed her one more time before taking the money from the cookie jar and walking out the door. It kinda sucks having her mad at me, but I knew she'd eventually get over it. I hopped into the rabbit and made my drive to our local KFC. I decided it was best if I just ate inside this time, Nessie would hurl at the scent of the white meat. I ordered a breast and wing with a side of mashed potatoes. This isn't as good as Nessie's cooking, but it tasted good enough for the night. I came back home and got in the shower so Nessie wouldn't fight me if I smelled like greasy fried chicken. She was still on the couch looking at cribs, this time she had her pajamas on. I came back into the living room after spending about fifteen minutes in the shower and wore an old Nirvana tee with loose shorts.

Nessie sniffed me and put down her laptop before she went to me and gave me a bone-crunching hug. I guess I'm forgiven now.

"You're not mad anymore?" I asked warily as I wrapped my arms around her to hold her close.

She shook her head and kissed my collarbone, "No, I think you've learned your lesson... Just time that better, okay?"

Difficult to do that when I don't know what to expect with these hormones.

"I'll do my best." I sighed in relief as I kissed her temple.

"Come take a look at these cool cribs I found on Pinterest." she held my hand and led me to the couch.

We sat down on the sofa and I looked over her shoulder at the selection of cribs that she had on different tabs. For the most part they were a nice dark brown wood while others were either a light brown or almost white color.

"I'm leaning more on this one." she pointed out, "This one is adjustable and could eventually turn into a toddler's bed once she's old enough for it."

It was a nice chestnut brown color with an added on changing table which I'm sure would come in handy during late nights with a newborn. Exactly what little EJ or Vi would need.

"That sounds like a good investment, Ness. We should get that one." I agreed.

The cost of it wasn't to die for, but seeing Nessie's smile as she bought something for our baby was.

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