One and Only

By believe96

7.2M 74.7K 7.1K

"I-I think I'm in love with you." My eyes widened and my breath caught as those words left his lips. It was... More

Scared | [Pic. of Jade]
The Beach
Picture of Noah
Picture of Rose
Picture of Alex
First Day of School (Part 1) | [Pic. of Emily]
First Day of School (Part 2)
Sweet Love
Dinner With The Evers
Day One of Practice
The New Girlfriend
Food Fight!
Suspension [Pic. of Maria (Jade's mom)]
Accidental Run-In
Wonderful Rain
Staying Over
Celebrating [Pic. of Charlie]
Swimming Lessons [Pic. of Liam]
Nature [Pic. of Mike]
Lovebites and Empty Classrooms [Pic. of Jane]
Overconfidence is Never a Good Thing [Pic. of Steve]
Sweet Reunion
Water War
Beaches & Fun
Robbers Should Be Quiet
Santa Monica Pier
Fat and Muscle
A Mistaken Kiss
Like It Didn't Even Happen...
Steamy Movies
Hear Me Out
The Christmas Party
Nerves Suck
There's Always A First Time
Taking A Risk
Second Chances
One and Only
Epilogue (Part One)
Epilogue (Part Two)

Kicked Out

150K 1.5K 152
By believe96

Hey! That was FAST! You guys barely give me a chance to write! But I love that! :D

How about 200 votes and 60 comments? I think you guys can do it! :D

And One and Only made it to 100,000 reads!! I never thought my story would make it so far so thank you to all of you reading this right now and sticking with me! Thank you for making this happen!!

Quite honestly, I don't know what's gonna be in this chapter, so...I don't know. Anyway, reading time. Haha, it sounds like this is kindergarten or something. :) 


One and Only

Chapter Fifteen - Kicked Out


I got my cherry coke in my short skirt and too revealing shirt while wearing stilettos. The kind of outfit I've never been proud of. The only thing it ever got me was popularity and fake friends.

"Emily!" Heather screeched from behind me and I rolled my eyes, though I was turned away from her. I don't get why I stick around with these girls; they're not even real friends. All they care about is the latest guy I'm going to 'do.'

I pasted on a fake smile and turned around and shouted, "Heather!" in a high-pitched voice that was annoying to even me. I noticed that the whole lot of them were there. The five most popular girls (excluding me): Heather, Keri, Hannah, Anne, and Chloe. Heather's the one 'in love' with Noah, Keri's the one Noah broke up with in less than half a day, Hannah just wants to screw Noah, Anne couldn't care less, and Chloe, well, no one knows what's going on in her head. But the fact that they were all there was puzzling.

"Don't you 'Heather' me! We saw you yesterday, with Liam. Throwing yourself at a nerd, then getting rejected. I wonder what would happen to your reputation." she sneered at me.

I narrowed my eyes, "You don't have any proof."

She laughed bitterly, "Yes, I do." she put her hand over her shoulder, "Chloe, camera."

Chloe handed her the camera and Heather gave it to me. Wow, she's so stupid, handing her only evidence to the person its against.

I didn't care to look through the pictures as I had already been embarrassed when I did that yesterday. I couldn't see that look of disgust that he gave me, twice in a week. I opened the lid of my cherry coke cup, dropped the camera in, and closed it again.

I looked up at their horror-stricken faces and smiled, "Well, that takes care of that."

Heather was the first to compose herself, "You know that party today at Hannah's?"

I nodded, not understanding what that had to do with anything.

"Well you're not invited. You're kicked off the group." she smiled sweetly.

Weirdly enough, I didn't care. I was relieved. Maybe now I could find myself some real friends. And not have to wear such short and revealing clothes.

I smiled brightly, "Thanks."

Then I got up and left the shop. Stepping outside, I took a deep breath of air. Finally freedom to do live life the way I want. No more parties where I get drunk uselessly and have sex with guys that mean nothing to me. And the best part, I could wear normal clothes again. Freedom is wonderful.



I opened my eyes to Noah's face and screamed. He quickly got up and put his hand around my mouth.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" he shouted, looking at me like I was a lunatic.

I licked his hand so he would take it away and he did with an accompanying 'gross.'

"I just got scared waking up to you."

"It's not like you haven't before."

"Yes, but then I wasn't on a beach," I said calmly.

I looked around, not a lot of people were actually looking at us except for the second long glances.

"Is it normal for people just to be sleeping on a beach?" I asked him, confused.

He thought for a while and then nodded, "Pretty much."

I nodded. Californians are so weird. But then I remembered something that had me scrambling to my feet. "No! My mom's coming home today! She might already be home! It's so late into the day! I have to get back!"

I started panicking, what would I tell my mom? But then relaxed, realizing she'd probably just congratulate me if I told her what actually happened.

"Okay, relax," Noah said soothingly, "I'll just take you back. C'mon."

He got up, too, and started leading the way out of the beach and home. Santa Monica was still exciting in the morning. It had a wide range of people; from hot surfer dudes to, no to be mean, overweight men, and celebrity-like girls to, again, overweight women. I looked at Noah and, just cause I was bored, decided to ask him a question that will either get on his nerves or that he'll laugh to, depending on if he's on his man-period or not, "Hey, Noah?"

"Yeah?" he asked, looking down at me.

"Do you consider yourself a hot surfer dude or an overweight man?" I asked him, serious from the outside but laughing like crazy on the inside.

He laughed. Maybe he's not in it! "A hot surfer dude. What do YOU consider me as?"

"An overweight man."

He laughed to this and so did I.

"You know something I've noticed?" I asked him.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow.

"That you have mood swings. Are you on your man-period 24/7?"

"First, I don't think there is a such thing as a man-period. And second, I don't have mood swings!"

I smiled while putting my hands in my back pockets, thinking, 'you just had one,' but saying, "Whatever makes you happy."

"Do you surf?" I asked him. It feels like I'm interrogating him or something.

"Yeah." he replied, nonchalantly.

"Could you teach me sometime?" I asked excitedly.

"One at a time," he paused, then said, "That's what she said!" He then continued to laugh at his own joke.

I laughed a little too because his laughing was contagious. When we'd finally settled down a bit, hd said, "I first have to teach you to swim, remember? We don't want you drowning, now do we?"

"Right." I looked down, then up again, "But can you teach me after I learn how to swim?"

"You don't know how to swim?" a random surfer dude with the typical blond hair and blue eyes said, "Man! You're missing out on a lot! The water caressing your skin and giving you the feeling that you're flying is amazing!"

I looked at him with my eyebrows scrunched together.

"I'd love to teach a beautiful girl like you." he smiled a dazzling smile at me.

But before I could refuse kindly, Noah did, rather harshly too, "No thanks. I'm already teaching her."

He wrapped his left arm around me...possessively?

"Woah, man," he said, putting his hands up, "just offering. Didn't know she was your girl."

"Okay, one, I'm not his girl, and two, thanks for offering." I smiled and the surfer dude walked away, his surfboard in hand.

Noah didn't let go of my waist and I made no move to make him. It felt kind of nice.

"But can you?" I asked him.

"Can I what?"

"Teach me how to surf after you teach me how to swim?"

"Sure." he shrugged and smiled at me.

We reached home in about ten minutes. That's what I love about this city, you can walk almost anywhere!

I noticed that my mom's Jeep was in the driveway. This means she's going to humiliate me.

We reached the door and I patted my pockets and found my keys in the front ones. I took them out and opened the door.

We stepped in and Noah immediately let my waist go. Good, my mom would say some very embarrassing things about it if she saw.

"Mom?" I called out.

"I'm right here, honey." she said, coming down the stairs and squinting at Noah. "Jade! I thought I taught you better than having sex with random guys and bringing them home, too!"

I cocked my head to the side. What? It's my hair! It always looks crazy when I wake up.

She reaches over and puts her glasses on, "Oh! It's you, Noah! Sorry, I didn't have my contacts on. Well at least you didn't just do it with some random guy. Didn't I tell you you were spending a lot of time with him, J-star?" Oh no, it's that nickname. I thought she stopped calling me that!

"Mom! We're fully clothed!" I exclaimed, gesturing to our bodies, "Nothing happened!"

"Oh I know. I was just pulling your leg! It's not like you'd ever do any guy without knowing him! But how come I came home to find you gone?" she turned a bit more serious at her question.

Noah spoke up, "We've been practicing for this assignment we have dance and we were the best out of the whole class, hence we get to go to the state competition and get a chance at getting a full scholarship and $2,000 dollars each. So I thought we could go celebrate a bit and I took her out for ice cream, then we went to the beach and we both fell asleep. I can assure you, ma'am, nothing happened."

My mom came over to me and hugged me tightly, "Good job, J-star!"

"Your show of appreciation by not letting me breathe is very different," I said in a raspy voice.

My mom laughed and let go of me and I took a few deep breaths so I could breathe normally again.

"And good job to you, too, No-ey!" She just made up a nickname for him. No-ey.

She turned to me, "Don't you dare steal my nickname for him." Then she walked away like she was a ninja.

"You have quite an interesting mom." Noah laughed and I nodded, still watching my crazy mother.


Sorry, again, if it's short. Next chapter will definitely be longer! :D And how was Emily's POV? The next several chapters will have her POV in it. I kind of want to show her love story because I'm not going to be writing story on it. But don't worry, Noah and Jade will still be there! If you combine them, it sounds funny Node. :)

So thank you to all of you that gave me suggestions for what the song for the real deal (still don't know what to call it) should be. Here are some songs I chose:

Who Knew - Pink 

Tonight I'm Loving You - Enrique Iglesias 

Pon de Replay - Rihanna  

Evacuate the Dancefloor - Cascada  

Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz 

Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae

Which one should I use? Please help. :)

And check out Alexkuretich's The Third! It has a nice plot! :D

Remember, 200 votes and 60 comments. :)

Quote of the Day: 

"Loving someone that doesn't love you is like reaching for a star. You know you'll never reach it but you just got to keep trying." ~Unknown

Song of the Day: 

Catch Me by Demi Lovato


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