A Second Chance

By Super_Unicorn_Llama

26.7K 540 98

Complete!! More

Author's Note
Gotta Get Some
Oh Baby
The Big Question
Double the Love
16 Years Later
Author's Note

Lost Wings Gained

1.5K 41 15
By Super_Unicorn_Llama

Ok guys, here we go. Hope you love this chapter more than you probably already have. This is gonna be a loong chapter.

"Diaval!" screamed a horrified Maleficent.
Ohohooo I am eviillll aren't I?? XD
Jk guys keep reading down below.

"No no, you must become one with your magic. Let it build inside your blood." Maleficent said to Shayna and Regan. "Ugh! I can't mother, I just can't do it." Shayna said. "Oh sweetheart don't be so negative. You'll get it. Eventually." Maleficent said caressing her daughter's hair. "It's simple really. You just have to concentrate Shayna." Regan said. "Easy for you to say. Your magic is a little more simple unlike mine. I have to change forms." Shayna said frustratingly. "Well then why don't we just share the magic. It'll make it easier." Regan suggested. "No! I have to do it myself. I am my mother's daughter and I shall learn how to control my power." Shayna said with her head held high. Maleficent chuckled at her daughter's spirit. She reminded her of herself when she was young. Never giving up on anything. "Maybe I can help." A voice came from from the trees. Diaval jumped off a branch he was sitting on watching them quietly. "I mean I am a shape-shifter after all. Thanks to your beautiful mother." He said smiling. "Well in that case I'll let you take over the lesson." Maleficent said walking to were Regan was sitting. "Ok Shayna the first thing you do is think about what you want to be." Diaval started. "Ok, got it." Shayna said. "Now with the animal set in your mind command your body to turn into what you want." With that Diaval turned into a raven and waited for Shayna to do the same. 'Ok Shay, think and command.' Shayna thought. She thought about being a raven and commanded her body to shift. Before she knew it she was a raven. Diaval took in her raven form with great pride. Her raven form was very impressive. She had his black feathers with a hint of light brown at the tips of her wing feathers. And instead of having tiny horns she had small spikes cutting through the middle of her eyes to the top of her beak. It almost looked like she was wearing armor. Her eyes were still the same green and black. Her tail feathers were light brown and she had small sharp teeth in her beak. Maleficent walked up to her and let her climb her arm. Diaval flew up and landed on her shoulder. Regan still sat in his spot watching. "You look astonishing sweetheart." Maleficent said. Shayna cawed and fluffed up her feathers and flapped her wings. Maleficent giggled and threw her into to air. She landed on the ground and morphed back to a fae. Diaval caressed his head on Maleficent's cheek which she leaned into and flew to the ground to morph back to his human form. "I think you've got the hang of it." Diaval said. Shayna smiled and hugged her father. "Well then since she's got that handled, mother can we start our lesson?" Regan asked. "Yes, today will be at the lake." Maleficent smirked. "Oh mother, whyyy? You know I hate going to the lake." Regan said. Maleficent chuckled and started walking towards the lake. "Today you will learn how to manipulate water. It's very simple." Regan started to walk after her. "Father why don't we go with them. Maybe you can teach me how to morph into a horse, or even better a dragon." Shayna said excitedly. Diaval chuckled, "Now that well take a little more effort. Shall we then." With that they walked after Maleficent and Regan and headed towards the lake together. "Concentrate Regan, let it course through your blood." Regan kept concentrating on the water focusing on the energy in his magic. The water started lifting a few feet before it fell back into the lake. "This is harder than I thought." Regan said. "You'll get it darling. It takes a few tries." Maleficent said. After she said that two horses ran by behind them. Maleficent turned around seeing them stop and gallop towards them. "Well I see you've been busy." She told Diaval who walked up to her and nudged her hand for her to pet him. He nickered when she rubbed his neck. Shayna walked up nickering happily. Maleficent laughed, it was funny to see a horse spin and nicker. "Come here Shayna, let me look at you." Maleficent said. Shayna walked up to her mother nudging her hand. "Well she looks cool." Regan said. Shayna's coat was black while her mane was brown with black tips. She had a brown marking on her muzzle and light brown wing-like markings on her shoulders. And she had brown stripes on her legs. "Well now I want to morph into a horse." Regan said. "No no no, later, you have to keep practicing." Maleficent said. "Godmother!" a voice came from far off. Maleficent turned around to see Aurora speeding down on a horse. Aurora stopped in front of them but didn't get of the horse. "What's wrong Aurora?" Maleficent asked worriedly. Diaval and Shayna morphed back into their human and fae forms. "There's a kingdom that is waging war against the Moors. Their headed this way." Without a second thought Maleficent bolted into the air flying towards the border. "Stay here and keep safe." Diaval said to Shayna and Regan. "No we're coming with you." Regan said. "No! It's dangerous. Your mother would die if anything happened to you. Stay here keep everyone safe! Aurora make sure they don't leave." With that Diaval morphed into a lion and speed of to the border. "We can't just stay here and do nothing to help." Regan said. "Keeping the creatures safe is helping Regan." Aurora said climbing off the horse. "Well it's not enough! I want to help fight." "You heard what your father said it's to dangerous." Shayna just kept staring towards the border while Regan and Aurora complained. "Aurora I will not stand here and let our parents fight alone! This is our home too and I will not let it be taken!" Regan yelled and flew off towards the border. "Regan!" Aurora yelled. "He won't change his mind Aurora. And I can't let him go alone." Shayna said still staring at the border. Aurora sighed and shook her head. "Go." Shayna snapped her head to Aurora. "Go, make sure that you all come back alive. I'll stay here and take over." Shayna nodded and took off flying after Regan and heading to the border together. "Please keep them safe." Aurora said to the heavens. When Shayna and Regan arrived at the border everyone was fighting. The tree warriors were thrashing and stumping on people. Others were holding back a groups of soldiers. "Over there!" Shayna said pointing a her mother and father. Maleficent threw some soldiers back with her wing gust while Diaval tackled them in his rhino form. Then Maleficent used her magic to throw the soldiers into to air. Shayna and Regan looked at each other and nodded. They flew down knocking some soldiers down. Regan used his magic and Shayna morphed into a wolf. They reached their parents and joined them in the fight. "What are you doing here?!" Maleficent yelled. "We came to help." Regan said headbutting a soldier. Then out of nowhere a big net was thrown. It landed on Maleficent and Shayna. Diaval and Regan were fighting when they heard screaming. Diaval turned his head to see Maleficent and Shayna trapped under an iron net. He ran to them but was blocked off by a group of soldiers. He morphed from a rhino to a lion and started fighting them off. Regan was so concentrated in fighting that he didn't hear his mother's screaming. Maleficent breathed in deep breathes trying to fight the pain. "Mom, hold on." Shayna said. She noticed that the iron didn't effect her and tried to find a way to get out the net. Maleficent looked at her daughter amazed that the iron didn't burn her but she was still in pain and couldn't hold back a scream of pain. A few seconds later and the net was off. Shayna held back the soldiers while her mother healed. Diaval got tired of fighting so tackled down the soldiers and ran to Maleficent's side biting a soldier who got too close to her. Regan started to get tired and started to back off and join his family. Soon they were all surrounded by soldiers. Then they heard poundings of hoofs. Philips army showed up and fought of every soldier with no mercy. That's when Regan and Shayna saw their chance. They used their twin power which makes their magic all the more powerful and took down a group of soldiers. Diaval took down 10 men and Maleficent took down a catapult. The soldiers shrank down in number till only the king and a few soldiers were left. "Stop this now King Arnold!" Philip yelled. "Not till the witch is dead!" The king yelled. "What did she ever do to you?" Philip asked. "Easy! She was born! And I will kill her and her little off springs as well!" "Don't do this, you will regret it!" Philip yelled back. "Enough talking! Fire!" The king said pointing at Maleficent. They shot an arrow at her but before it could hit her Diaval shielded her and the arrow protruded his back. "Dad!" Shayna and Regan yelled. "Diaval!" screamed a horrified Maleficent. She caught him before he could hit the ground. She laid him on his side and he groaned in pain. Maleficent was enraged. Her eyes glowed green and her anger was clearly shown when she bolted to the sky and dove towards the king and his soldiers leaving nothing but a blinding flash of magic and huge cloud of smoke. Philip got off his horse and ran into the cloud. "Dad! Don't worry I'll heal you." Regan said. Shayna laid his head on her lap looking towards the smoke. "Y-you're m-mother?" Diaval asked. "Don't worry, Philip went to get her dad." Shayna said. Before Diaval could say anything he was consumed by darkness. When he opened his eyes he was laying in their home tree with a fae laying next to him. He went to touch her but noticed that he couldn't move his arms. "Maleficent." She stirred awake and looked at him. "Diaval, are you okay?" She asked worriedly. "I can't move my arms." He said. Maleficent sat up and caressed his cheek. "Are you sure?" She asked panicking a little. "Positive." Diaval said starting to panic. "Aurora!" Maleficent called. Aurora appeared in less then a second. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Get Knotgrass, quickly!" Aurora ran off as quickly as she could with a curious Shayna and Regan looking at each other. While Aurora got Knotgrass, Diaval and Maleficent started talking. "What happened?" Diaval asked. "I went rogue." Maleficent said. Diaval smiled at her. "You did that for me." Diaval said. "Who said I did that for you?" Maleficent said smirking and leaned down to give Diaval a kiss. "Um, are we interrupting?" Said a smirking Regan and Shayna. Maleficent sat up smiling. "Knotgrass is here." Shayna said. "Send her in." Maleficent said. Knotgrass flew in and Maleficent explained the problem. "I can make a potion but it needs a special ingredient." Knotgrass said. "What is the ingredient?" Maleficent asked. "Fae blood. Great Fae blood to be exact." Knotgrass said. Maleficent looked down at Diaval and caressed his head. "There's just one problem. I don't know what effect it'll have on him." Knotgrass said. Maleficent sighed and nodded. "If it's the only way." Knotgrass nodded and went to brew the potion. Shayna started playing a soft tune with her ocarina. Regan was reading a book and Aurora was pacing around. Knotgrass called Maleficent down so she could finish the potion. "Okay you'll need to use a dagger to cut your arm so I can get the blood. But you need to use an iron dagger." At the word iron Maleficent tensed. "Now to do this we need someone that's immune to iron." Maleficent thought about Aurora and Shayna. "Aurora can do it. But I also discovered that Shayna is immune to iron. I don't know if Regan is immune to it." Knotgrass nodded and called Aurora and Shayna to ask them if one of them could cut Maleficent's arm." "You want us to what?!"Aurora yelled. "Shhh if Diaval finds out he wont let us finish the potion. This is the only way to cure him. I wont let him live a wingless life." Maleficent said. "There has to be another way. I mean using fae blood can't be the only source of healing something like that mother." Shayna said. Maleficent sighed, her face turning serious. "This is the only time that I will ask you to do something for the sake of another life. Diaval's life. Your father's life. I will not stand by him knowing that he is suffering the worst fate that any creature with wings could go through. He was my wings when I had none. He protected me and kept me safe. I will do anything to give his wings back even if it means using my blood. So I will ask once more! Will you help me heal Diaval or not?" Aurora and Shayna looked at her, their eyes holding tears. "Ok, I'll do it." Shayna said. "What! No I'll do it." Aurora argued. "Aurora you know you won't be able to do it. I'll do it. For dad." "Do I have a say in this?" Regan spoke up. "Ok, let's settle this. Regan touch the dagger please." Knotgrass said. Regan came up and went to touch the dagger but before he could touch it he felt a heat and then a burn. Regan hissed and pulled his hand away. "Well then that settles it. One of you two have to do it. And fast." Knotgrass said with a serious expression. Maleficent sighed and shook her head. "I can't believe we're doing this. Arguing over something that might save Diaval's life. And I am running out of patience." she said. "I'll do it. Aurora will probably just freeze up because she doesn't like seeing you hurt, so I'll do it." Shayna said. She grabbed the dagger and walked up to her mother. Maleficent stretched her arm out and took a deep breathe. Shayna grabbed her arm and slowly cut a line on Maleficent's arms. Maleficent hissed and held back a scream. She wouldn't want Diaval to know that she's in pain because of him. Her blood trickled into the potion making it light up and turn a bright crimson gold color. Her arm started to heal after the dagger was lifted from her skin. A few seconds later Maleficent climbed her tree to a crying Diaval. "Diaval, what's wrong?" she asked worriedly carresing the tears away. "I can't fly, and my wife had to hurt herself because of me." "Diaval it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for this. You didn't know this would happen." Maleficent said tears building up in her eyes. "Don't cry Maleficent, cause then I'll cry, and then we'll both end up a huge mess." Diaval said sniffling. Maleficent giggled sadly and kissed his cheek. "It's ready." Knotgrass said flying in. "Whenever your ready." Maleficent looked down at Diaval with a look that said 'Are you ready' written all over it. Diaval nodded and smiled. Maleficent turned him into a Raven and carried him out to the clearing. He cawed and bobbed his head up looking up at Maleficent. She smiled at him and set him down on the ground, changing him to his human form. Knotgrass gave her the potion and flew next to Aurora, Shayna, and Regan. Maleficent sat down and caressed Diaval's head. "Ready?" She asked. Diaval nodded and Maleficent brought the cup down to his lips. He drank the potion and waited for it's effect. It was quiet for a minute before Diaval started glowing gold and the wind picked up. "Maleficent! Stand back!" Knotgrass yelled. Maleficent looked up at her and back down before she got up and took a few steps back. Diaval felt something build up in his body, then he started to levitate in the air. Maleficent looked up with worried eyes ready to catch him at any moment. Regan,Shayna, and Aurora stayed back and huddled close together while Knotgrass hid behind a log. Then a bright beam shot to the sky and blinded everyone close by. The air picked up it's pace, the light becoming brighter by the second. Philip looked out his window in the castle wondering what could've caused such a bright light. Then as quick as it appeared it was gone. Maleficent put her hands down from shielding her eyes. So did Regan, Shayna, and Aurora. Knotgrass came out of cover behind the log. Maleficent looked on with shock. Standing in front of her was Diaval. With wings. Fae wings. He was beautiful, black wings and all. Maleficent walked towards him caressed his face softly. She looked in his eyes. They had silver strikes which added more to their beauty. "I think I made your beautiful self more beautiful." she said smiling. Diaval smiled and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled away after a minute smiling down at her. "We're still here you know." Regan said. Diaval and Maleficent chuckled. "Well seeing as that didn't kill him. I'll be on my way." Knotgrass said. "Knotgrass." Maleficent called. "Yes?" Knotgrass said turning to her. "Thank you." With that she flew off smiling. Diaval turned to face his kids. Before he could even talk he was tackled to the ground. "Ok, I get it. I'm ok now." Diaval said chuckling. After a while they ended up having a mud fight with the wallerbogs. Shayna decided to sit down on a rock and play a happy tune with her ocarina and harp. Regan and Aurora had a competition with the wallerbogs and Maleficent and Diaval sat under a tree staring into each others eyes. They were lost in their own little world. Maleficent smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. After a few seconds Diaval spoke up."I'm guessing you'll need to teach me how to fly with these." Maleficent looked up and smiled. "I guess I do, pretty bird." Diaval chuckled and titled her head so she was looking I him. "Thank you." he said and kissed her. They stayed like that for awhile until someone threw mud in between them. They separated slowly and Maleficent glared at everyone in the mud pool. Everyone stayed quiet until Diaval smiled and said, "Revenge time." Maleficent looked at him with a smirk. "Revenge time." With that they stood up and charged at everyone mud flying everywhere.

And so the small family lived happily ever after.

The End!
Finally done with the story. Thank you all for reading and hope you've enjoyed the story. Don't worry I'll be making more. Feel free to read my other story One Strange Family. It's awesome trust me :)
Thank you a million times more for bieng a great audience LOL

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