The Akatsuki's pet cat? ~a Na...

By ninjastar270

516K 16.9K 4.4K

Soft and cuddly, a kitten of black fur reluctantly joined a group of S-Ranked criminals under the name of "Ak... More

The Akatsuki's pet cat? ~a Naruto fanfiction~
Chapter.2 ~ Being adopted by the Akatsuki
Chapter 3~ BIRD TRAVEL
Chapter 4~ Accepted or not?
Chapter 5 ~Meeting the 'Family'.~
Chapter 6 ~ Sleepytimes~
Chapter 7 ~Understanding or Revenge?
Chapter 8 ~An unusual game of hot potato...
Chapter 9 ~ Twinkie Killer! ~
Chapter 11~ Mission: Denied?
Chapter 12~ The Disturbed Team?
Chapter 13~ Lame missions and an uncool batman
Chapter 14~ No Comment >.>
Chapter 15~ VOICES IN MY HEAD.
Chapter 16~ Chunin Chimichangas! (Or somethin'...)
Chapter 17~ Test? No thanks.

Chapter 10 ~ Mangekyo World?

28K 985 135
By ninjastar270

~3rd person POV

Itachi and Kisame returned from their mission, a short bounty hunt, and got back home to see Noroi beating Hidan at Mortal Kombat.

"No fucking way! This cat's a fucking cheater!"

"Hidan stop being a dumbass! This cat is kicking your ass on its own with Raiden and Sub-Zero un!!" Deidara spoke from behind the couch, watching. Noroi mewed happily as her fatality attack won her the 32nd rematch in a row.

"....." Itachi was speechless at the scene. A cat beating an immortal criminal at a video game was pretty rare. His one thought: this cat isn't just a cat. But I think he established that already.

Itachi shook his head and gestured to Kisame. "Come on. We have to check in with Leader."

Kisame reluctantly followed.

The pair entered Leaders lair and turned in all the information and money gathered on the mission. They had no further missions, so they were granted leave.

Itachi on the other hand, had a mission of his own.

On their bounty hunt, Itachi had also beaten the crap out of Orochimaru. Orochimaru "wanted his body" and Itachi wasn't going to have that. Orochimaru fled the Akatsuki soon after his defeat.

Itachi knew that Orochimaru was planning something. Something that had to do with Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves, where his beloved little brother resided. Itachi himself knew that he couldn't interfere directly. He was a wanted criminal....

Just as Itachi was about to open the door to his bedroom, little Noroi happened to be crawling out from under the door. Itachi narrowed his eyes at a sheepish Noroi.

"Mew?" Noroi squeaked out. The kitten held something behind its back. Itachi sighed and twirled the cat around, and was pretty pissed to find that she had taken one of his secret stash of dango. His ultimate favorite snack.

With all the problems and shit running through his mind, I guess Itachi wasn't thinking very well at the time. He had ended up using the Mangekyo sharingan on little kitten Noroi on instinct.

~Noroi's POV

I groggily sat up and held my head in my hands. Damn! I was caught! Now all that kissing up was or nothing! I facepalmed. I should've sensed him coming! Now I'm in know, I don't even know where I am...It's a world of red. Red floor, red sky, red random puddles.

I snapped my fingers. "Damn it! Can't believe i got caught! That's a negative point on my ninja chart!" I said. "! I can talk again?!" I stood up and looked at one of the random red puddles in this red world and almost squealed. With my fushia eyes, I saw a Neko-human! "I'm human again!! Yes!!! I have cat ears and a tail still, but I'm human!!!"

I was so happy, I didn't hear the footsteps behind me become closer, close enough to be able to hold a kunai to my neck.

"Who are you?" Itachi spoke in his monotone yet demanding voice. Seriously it's like, mesmerizing.

"Hm?" I turned my head to face him, "don't you recognize me? I'm Noroi!!" smiled happily, pulling on my ears. They're so soft!!! And distracting!!

"Noroi's a cat."

"No shit. I was human, but was turned into a cat! And then Tobi took me with him! And how am I a human in this place? I want to stay a Neko forever!"

Itachi thought aloud, "You're probably only a human here in my Mangekyo world because your mind is still human, while your body is a cat, and this is the world of controlling minds, not physical control."

I stopped playing with my ears for a moment, "That makes sense."

Itachi rolled his eyes and looked to me, "If you are a human, wouldn't you like to get away from the base? This is a criminal organization."

I shrugged again, "I don't really mind being here. I get fed and get to sleep in a bed and there's video games!!"

Itachi looked at me, his look hiding a perplexed emotion. "Really? Sharing a bed with guys you don't know is good?"

I shrugged. "It's only awkward if you make it awkward. Plus I'm a freaking cat! Hopefully they don't get turned on by a kitten!!" Itachi stared at me with a blank face. "What? What did I do?"

"That's not very appropriate. It's not lady-like to talk like that."

"Does it look like I care? I haven't been able to speak in 3 months! I'll say what I want to say dammit!" I stomped my foot for emphasis, but only ended up stepping on my own tail. I hissed and fell to the floor cradling my injured tail. "Ouch ouch ouch ouch!"

I heard a sigh come from Itachi. Then he spoke, "Fine. How about we make a deal?"

I lifted my head to see him looking down at me. "What kind of deal?"

"I get Leader to let me send you on a personal mission of mine, and I won't tell him you're actually human. If he found out, you'll probably be killed as a spy. Best outcome is getting thrown out."

I felt his heart race slightly faster. He's lying. But I didn't say anything.

"Well what exactly is this mission I will be taking on?" I cuddled my tail some more.

"It would just be a spy mission. I have someone I need to be watched in the village hidden in the leaves. All you have to do is act as their pet and report your daily findings to me at night. You will also possibly act as a bodyguard for them." he spoke in a commanding informative voice. I felt like he was a P.E. Teacher or something.

"Hm...why should I do that? It doesn't benefit me. Even if you used the whole 'You will be killed if anyone found out' thing, who will believe you? Unless you find a jutsu to permanently turn me back into a human, I will still be seen as a cat. What do I gain from this?" Yes, I can be smartistic too!

".....In Konoha, They have some of the best medical and study ninjas. After your mission is complete, I will write a note attached to your collar explaining your situation. Then they can help you. If they can't, you are already a member here with the akatsuki." he spoke after a moment of thinking. His plan does sound promising...

"Hm...sure. Sounds like a nice vacation." I grinned cheekily, "But only if i get the weekends and holidays off. I would like to come back to the base for a while." I love the base, but Konoha is said to be so nice, no constant wars and death...I would love to go there.

Itachi held out his hand to me. I grasped it and stood up.

"So do we have a deal?" Itachi said.

"Why not?" I shrugged and replied.

"Good. Now lets go back-" before Itachi could take us out of the world, I jumped up.

"Hold on!" I held my ears again, "Itachi! Do you like my sexy cat ears?"

The look on his face was hilarious. He tried to keep a straight face like usual, but I could easily see a blush and a frown form on his face before he turned around. And it didn't help that I felt his blood/heart race.

"No. Let's just go."

And with those 4 words, I felt like my mind was being yanked out of my very soul. Pulling me away from the red reality that was Itachi's mangekyo world.


Next chapter! ^-^ so sorry if it's confusing? And short?

Any hetalia fans? You catch a small reference? ;3

Anyone know the pretty obvious person Itachi will have her watch over? I do. =-=

How will the other akatsuki members deal with their kitty leaving? D:

Find out next chapter on-

"mfhjshhjnmhnm hmmm"

Whoops. My cat wanted to name the title ^-^




Love teh smexy cat ears! >w<

EDIT: explanation request~ Noroi was originally a normal human being, but now she's a neko person lady because she's Still physically a cat. The only reason she is a human at all is because shes in Itachi's mangekyo world, which infiltrates the mind. Her mind is still human. Physically=cat Mentally=human. Half cat half human. NEKO ^-^

If the curse is lifted, she will become a normal human again

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