Knocked Out ( Kaylor Fanficti...

By ilikemeandyoulikeyou

8.8K 513 105

A/U (Based on the bad blood music video): Outlaws at the peak of their game, Knockout and Catastrophe must... More

"About time."
The Catastrophic Team.
"I Need A Drink"
Interesting News
The White Room
Just In.
The Crimson Curse
Behind Her Blue Eyes

"Can I get you anything?"

1.9K 90 11
By ilikemeandyoulikeyou

(A/N: okay. Hi. This is AU. Duh. Fiction. Just inspired by the bad blood MV. I really love this pair so I thought I'd try something like this.
The italics are her thoughts and it's in Karlie's POV at the moment.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! More to come. :) )



"Oh Shut up."
Knockout punched the announcer to the ground with just a single throw. The crowd went wild again as she trudged to her corner of the ring and put on her robe before climbing out and walking towards the changing rooms through the crowd, getting clapped on the back now and then.
This was a normal weekday evening for Knockout. Win a few rounds of a big money fight, meet her trainer and maybe even sneak in a drink before heading to the club where she bartended.
Knockout AKA Karlie Kloss to her loved ones, was one of the most high profile street fighters around, one that never lost a fight. Anyone and everyone knew her as Knockout, an apt name they had coined for her after a few fights, seeing how everyone se fought was out stone cold. A few years into the trade, nobody remembered her real name at all. Kloss was known in the street circuit as a kickass fighter but in the underworld circuit, there was more to her than meets the eye. She moonlighted as an assassin from time to time when the right people with the right money came her way and she usually met them at her bar, the one she currently bartended at and secretly owned.
In another life she would've been a supermodel with her killer looks, wit and charm but that wasn't the current situation.

"Hey, Derek. Any hitches tonight?" Kloss asked, as she passed the man who was chatting with some man at the tables. "None yet, babe." He replied, quickly ducking back into conversation after he had kissed her cheek.
"Okay then, let's do this." Karlie said to herself, quickly slipping off her leather jacket as she closed the opening to the counter, putting on that practised smile for the customers.
The usual sleazy crowd of wealthy brats and lonely men poured in as she began mixing out cocktails of all strengths but Karlie wasn't really feeling it tonight. None of the customers looked interesting that she could keep herself occupied and all they wanted was to get a bit of her or touch her or ask her for her number. One would think, that being a well known professional ass-kicker would save you from being looked at like you were just a piece of meat that could be had. Unfortunately, that wasn't true and Knockout had learnt to deal with it in a much less aggressive manner. The only time she had punched a guy was when she first started bartending here, long before she could afford to buy it herself.
The man had gone a bit too far and squeezed her butt while she walked past and Kloss, being the young temperamental lady she was, didn't hesitate to give him a piece of her mind. Of course, she had gotten into major trouble because of that and had almost been fired had it not been for Derek Blasberg, fellow bartender and now her current business partner and best friend who had sorted it out somehow. The boss had always had a soft spot for him. Go figure.
Anyhow, Knockout kept her job and learnt to control her anger 'cause even though she never regretted what she did, she quickly learnt that letting your anger get to you would only result in a punch to the business. That man however, never set foot in their bar again and he used to be one of the most regular customers.

Karlie sighed as she poured another glass of treble whiskey for what looked like a very underage rich kid who thought he was the biggest player of them all, trying to get Kloss' attention anyway he could.

Thinking back to the fight though, Karlie knew that 'the punch' was the reason she was at the stage she was at now. The news of the supposedly wealthy man being hit by a flimsy bartender spread through to all the customers and while most just refrained from getting their hands on her (which was a relief), one of them happened to be a well known bookie with the street crowd and had managed to set up a nice meeting with her to arrange for her to enter the big leagues which meant more money coming her way.

"I saw the punch you threw. That was a well practiced hook. Maybe you should consider moving up your game. I could help you." The bookie, she later was introduced to as Robert had said to her over a drink and Karlie's eyes had lit up. It was her first big break and she wasn't going to back down.

Kloss was glad she had taken that jump and as the years passed, she moved up to the top of the chain. She mostly fought women for the entertainment of perverts and gamblers but she also had the enjoyment of choosing to fight with any big fighter that didn't mind hitting a woman. Again, not saying that society isn't completely twisted but it was and Knockout knew how to make her living out of it. Especially when she was yet to encounter someone that could take her down. And she hoped she didn't have to.

As Knockout was going through this usual chain of thoughts, she spotted Robert walking towards her, with a small paper bag in his hand, showing his range of yellow teeth as he grinned.
"You did great tonight, the crowd loved the extra punch to the referee in the end. Really had them in splits. You're good entertainment, knockout. Here." He said, handing her the bag that Karlie knew was the winnings from the fight.

"Sixty percent as usual." He stated, smiling at her as Kloss quickly took it under the counter and counted the green bills.
Seeing as the money was as he said, Karlie grinned back at him, pouring him a nice glass of scotch as always.

Robert was a brilliant customer at the bar and as close as a father figure she had although he mostly worked as her manager. He was an old man with silvery hair and yellow teeth but a kind face with grey eyes that turned to steel when it came to business. Over the years, he had kept his promise and dealt with all of the fight related problems and sometimes even gave her sound advice in terms of other crisis. Karlie adored him and respected him since he was honest when most people in this industry hadn't even heard of the quality.

"Any interesting customers tonight? Or maybe clients?" Robert asked, taking another swig of his scotch. "Nada." Kloss replied, scouring the room again.
"Just the usual slime." The fighter laughed, before her eyes landed on someone walking towards the counter, looking dead at her with piercing blue eyes.

The loud music didn't seem so loud anymore as she curiously watched this person get closer to her.
Karlie could finally see her face clearly as she took a stool at the counter.
"Well maybe you're wrong." Robert remarked, snapping Karlie out of it.
"Huh?" Karlie asked, puzzled, tearing her eyes away from the girl that had just arrived. "Go see what she wants." Oh, yeah Robert Golovkin was very much a part of the city's Russian Mob. An all around mentor, that one but at that moment , he looked as if he'd seen a very famous celebrity step in.

"Okay." Karlie replied, before returning her gaze to the woman. She briefly gave her a once over as she was looking around the bar at all the people.
Not only was she the owner of those piercing blue eyes that could get anyone's attention, she had blonde hair and it was cut pretty short to seem fun, although the rest of her demeanour made her seem rather broody. The mysterious girl was wearing a black dress that showed off her pretty much perfect body and long legs. She looked like she was about 5' 10" and very much like a model with the chiselled face and beautiful features. Except, her eyes held an expression she couldn't read.

What is she doing here?

Slowly approaching the woman, she took in her appearance once again. As normal as her outfit was, she pulled it off too well.

Then again, I bet she'd pull off even a pair of pajamas and a bra. Woah, there.

Karlie, surprised with her thoughts, shook her head just as she was close to her. Putting on her usual bartender face , she asked "Can I get you anything?" The girl's eyes met Karlie's as she assessed her before smiling and giving her a firm nod. "A stiff vodka martini please. Make sure it packs a punch." She breathed, looking right at Karlie who felt something jolt through
her as those blue eyes pierced her again.

Karlie shook her head, smiling knowingly as she brought out a martini glass. "Someone's making sure they get drunk on the first one eh?"
"Not really. I just need nerves of steel for this meeting I'm about to have." The woman smiled again, winking at the fighter before drumming her fingers on the counter.

A meeting. Hmm....
"And am I allowed to ask who you're meeting with? I might be able to help." Karlie added, with intrigue shining in her eyes.
"Sure...People call her Knockout. Heard of her?" The girl winked at her earning a grin from the bartender who had just slid across the drink.

So you're here to meet me... Who are you?
"I think I know who you're talking about." Kloss replied, enjoying the play as she smirked at the blue eyed woman.
"Do you? Apparently everyone who encounters her stops dead in their tracks. Literally." The blonde smirked, finally popping the olive into her mouth with a toothpick.
The taller girl couldn't hide the smirk that took its place on her face.

Is she flirting with you? Oh shut up, Kloss.
"Very true from what I've seen. Although I'm interested to hear why you're looking for this girl." Karlie replied, taking away the empty glass before being called on by some man asking for a drink while he was clearly just trying to get her attention.
"Oh I've a very serious business proposition, you know...the kind that's unheard of."

Do you now? We'll see about that.

The fighter's eyebrows shot up involuntarily in amusement.
Karlie usually needed real incentive to take up a job outside her usual boxing ring affairs and by incentive it almost always meant an obscene amount of money.
"And what is that? She's very busy at the moment." Knockout asked, walking away from the blonde to attend to another customer.

"I COULD TELL YOU, IF YOU'D SEE ME OUTSIDE THIS RUCKUS." She shouted across the table, causing the brunette to snort in amusement.

This girl is crazy. I like her.
"My customers are feeling threatened by your loud and obnoxious shouting." Knockout whispered, passing her another shot of vodka. "I don't blame them. Men are sissies." The blonde downed the shot before winking at Karlie.

Oh I definitely like her.

"Derek?" Kloss called to the other end of the counter, signalling him to cover for her while she supposedly met with a potential client. Just when she was about to lead the blonde out, Karlie caught Robert's eye. He was smiling mischievously.
"I'm probably walking into a trap right now, aren't I?" Knockout wondered aloud as she lead the blonde to a private booth at the other corner of the extremely crowded bar. "And why do you think so?" The blue eyes girl asked, amused as she slipped into the leather seat. Karlie sat across from her, resting her elbows on the table. "I don't even know who you are."
Stupid, Kloss.
"Oh, that can be sorted immediately. My name is Catastrophe." The blonde girl, now with a name extended her hand. "Knockout." Karlie shook her hand.
I've heard that name before.

"I'm guessing that isn't your actual name?" Kloss raised an eyebrow.
"I'm guessing yours isn't, either?" She quipped, causing Karlie to smirk.
"So Cat, tell me what you dragged me here for."
"Don't call me Cat." Cat glared at the taller girl like she had pinched her hard. "Why not, Cat?" Knockout smirked again, the blonde looked like she was about to kill her but Karlie simply put up her hands and sat back in surrender. "Okay okay! Whatever you want. Now would you please get on with the matter at hand?" The glare was instantly replaced by a bitter smile.

"Okay so, straight to the point. There are a bunch nuclear codes in the wrong hands and I need your help to get them back." Knockout snorted at the sound of that before widening her eyes when she saw the look on Cat's face. "You're serious?"

Wow you really don't waste time on courtesy and small talk, do you?

"Of course I'm serious, do I look like a joker to you?" Catastrophe said, frustrated.
"Who are you, some kind of hero spy?" Kloss wasn't going to buy it that easy. "Yeah well, if you want to put it that way, that's fine." The blonde grinned, causing Knockout to scoff. "I've never heard of you before."
Wait, have heard of her...think.

"That's because I'm the best at what I do." The blue eyed girl stated boldly before folding her arms in front of her, assessing the taller girl for the first time that night. Karlie was too busy to notice the way she was checking her out since she was trying to remember where her name had come up. Then it hit her.

Venice. Three years ago. Lunch with Robert down by the channel. He was telling you about her being responsible for the biggest heist in the country...

"Hello? Are you with me?" Cat called, waving her hand in front of her face.
"The casino heist in Venice? Was that you?" This sudden outburst caught her off guard but soon a smirk settled in place as she sat back. "Aha! So you have heard of me...wait how?"
"News always gets around in these circles...but not much has been coming about you in the last 3 years..." Karlie pondered as a satisfied smile reappeared on the blonde's face. "It hasn't been easy being under the radar. Things have certainly moved up for me since then."

"I'll say. Nuclear codes are no petty gold bars." Karlie replied, perking up her ears now that she had been fully introduced to the mysterious girl. "Exactly, which is why I thought maybe you'd want in on this."

You bet.

"What's in it for me?" The fighter asked, sitting back again, her eyes not wavering from the blonde's gaze.
"Well," a smile quivered upwards "A six figure payday..."  Knockout raised her eyebrows at this statement.
"Six figure? How much are we talking about here?"
"If we manage to get those codes back to the right people, it's going to be raining money. A whole lot. Your cut will be a hundred thousand dollars if you're up for it." 

Up for it? Hell yeah. This is the fastest business meeting ever...

However, Karlie wasn't the type to take the first said amount without trying to up the bargain. It was how she kept her clients coming back. She kept them in check, and she delivered. Always.
"Okay. But I have two conditions, you sure you want to hear them?" Kloss questioned as Taylor's eyes wandered around the bar as if looking for someone. "Yeah? And what are those?"

"I don't want to deal with the people that are paying you-us. I'm assuming they're legal authority and I'm not much to socialise with those people." Knockout said, on a warning note. "You don't have to worry about that. I'll deal with them by myself," Good. "What else?" The blonde questioned as Karlie smiled mischievously. "I want a hundred and fifty grand if you want me in this..." Knockout sat back, watching as the blonde's smile dropped and her face turned into a snarl. "What makes you think-"

"If you want me, that's what you'll pay."  Karlie knew she was going over the edge a little but she had never backed down from a bargain and she almost always got what she asked for, besides, she wanted to see how well Miss Catastrophe could handle this.
"You can't even do much." Was the answer she got back, and Karlie rolled her eyes again because how many times had she heard that one before. However, there was a little pang of disappointment in her mind because this job was guaranteed to give her the adrenaline rush and the fame and money she needed and she wondered if asking for another 50 grand was worth it. It was already a handsome amount as it is. Another part of her knew what she was worth, and she set out to prove herself.

"You're right, all I can do is throw a few punches...but I didn't peg you for someone who makes instant assumptions on people and their abilities. " Karlie winked before slipping out of the booth, finally.

"My offer stands, it's your call."  And she left the blonde in her booth, winking just before she walked off, feeling slightly disappointed to be leaving the mysterious girl's presence but at the same time, having the confidence that told her she would be back.

She had to come back.

(A/n: it's a short chapter but there's a lot happening! Feedback appreciated. Kay thanks. :))

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