I Hate You, Don't Leave Me.

By Makena1D

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A simple love story, but effective. More

I hate you, Don't Leave Me.
Meeting the Boys
Well that was unexpected.
Having fun 101
Discovering a new side of someone doesn't have to be hard....I guess
Is she ok for him?
Falling in love is hard.
Trying to tell one another.
I wish they knew.
The Dallas Day
Fun at seaworld.
The Reveal.
The Reveal. (Continued)
Makena Finds Out
Moving to England
Niall's birthday
The Sanctuary
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 22

Ch 21

10 1 0
By Makena1D

(A/N: You may want to use google translate to understand what Makena is saying to the waitress, and what the waitress is saying back.)

Niall's POV

I kept glancing at the clock at the wall, anxious to see Makena. What if she bailed? What if I did this too suddenly? I kept asking myself. But at exactly 8:00, she walked in the doors gracefully. She walked up to the podium and greeted the man, then she looked as if she was asking about something.

The man pointed over to me, and Makena looked over, her hair bouncing as she did so. She spotted me, then smiled and waved. She turned back to the man in the suit and thanked him, before walking over to me.

I got up and met her half way, and hugged her when she got over to me. Her dress and makeup were amazing, and her necklace and earrings were sparkling. "You look wonderful." I said as I lead her to to table.

"I can say the same about you." Makena said as she sat down.

"Thanks." I said, smiling.

"You're so cute when you smile." Makena rubbed a finger along the side of my jaw as I walked away.

I smiled again and sat down on the other side of the table. There were paparazzi outside, taking pictures of us through the windows. There were two menus already on the table, and we each picked one up.

The waitress that was serving us and asked us, "Che cosa vuoi da bere?"

"I..uh.." I said, looking at Makena. I mouthed, 'What do i do?' at her. I excepted the waiters to speak english.

"I got this." Makena said, smiling at me. "Che tipo di vino avete?"

"Riesling 1990, Knappstein 1989, Meritage 1987, e Sicani 1987." She said.

"Avremo Sicani 1987." Makena said. Makena smirked at me as the waitress walked away.

"Okay, what just went on here?" I asked her.

"She asked us what we wanted to drink, I asked her what kinds of wine they had, and ordered the Sicani 1987." She said.

"So, you speak Italian?"

"Yup. I am Italian."

"Wait, what?"

"I was born in Italy, but raised in America. I was raised being bilingual, and I know a bit of French from high school."

"That is so cool."

Makena smiled, a look of acomplishment in her eyes. "Thank you."

She looked down at her menu and began scanning the menu again. I found 'Baked Rigatoni', saw the ingrediants, and decided I'd have that. The waitress came back with two wine glasses and a bottle of the wine Makena had ordered.

She opened the bottle and poured wine into our glasses. Makena took her glass in between her middle finger and third finger, then raised the glass to her mouth, taking a drink.

"Ah, grazie." Makena said, raising her glass to the waitress.

"Siete pronti per ordinare?" The waitress asked.

"She wants to know what we want to order, you ready?" Makena asked me. I nodded, and told her that I wanted the baked rigatoni, and she looked up at the waitress. "Sì, avrò la tortellini, con un lato di salsiccia piccante italiano. Avrà i rigatoni in forno, con un lato di .... zucca e salsiccia saltati italiana alla griglia. A proposito, sto ordinando per lui, perché non riesce a parlare Italiano."

The waitress nodded, and gathered our menus then walked off, smiling a bit. Makena looked at me, and smiled again. "What?"

"I'm just so happy to be here. With you. Nobody has ever done this for me before."


"Yeah, not even once. No one has ever taken me to an actual restaurant."

"Wow. Well, I'm happy to be the first." I raised my glass of wine, and we chimed them together, and each took a drink. The taste was bitter sweet, the sour grape dancing along my taste buds. I lowered the glass and looked at Makena, who was looking out at the window.

"Don't they ever leave?" She said thoughtfully. A dazed look wore her face, her eyes glazed over and her mouth slightly parted.

I looked over and saw that the paps were still taking pictures of us. I sighed. "No, I'm afraid not."

"Well, its fine, because nothing can ruin this night. Right?" Makena said, grabbing my hand from the table. Her dazed expression was long gone.

"Right." I said, smiling and squeezing her hand. She smiled back and pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "So, you were in the U.S. Military. Zayn told me more about what you did, to kill Osama, anyways. What else did you do?"

She let go of my hand and pulled hers away. "Not much, just saved many lives, helped save my country, and earned a few badges in the progress. I'll show you them when we get back. I made a ton of friends there, who I want to visit when the get on their leave." She said, taking a drink of her wine.

"Ah, okay. I seem to learn new things about you every day, warrior princess." I said. "What's weird is that you don't seem like the type that used to be in war."

"Yeah, I know. Cat tried to drag me out of it, but failed. She really did try though."

"How much?"

"She threatened to never talk to me again. But, as you can see, she did not follow up on that." She took another drink.

I pursed my lips and nodded. "So, what else do I not know about you?" I asked.

"Hmm, well, did I ever tell you about the time I stole fifty things in one day from my school?"

I laughed. "Fifty things?"

"I'll take that as a no." Makena said, chuckling. "Well, I was told that I was a bad thief, so I said I could steal at least thirty things without the person even realizing it. I went around my school and stole stuff from various students, teachers, and janitors. I even stole from the principle. By the end of the day, I had stolen fifty dollars, and gotten twenty dollars from the person I had bet against. I also had about twenty pencils, five erasers, and so on. I was very proud of myself." She said.

"Remind me to never have my wallet just sitting on the counter. Or let you go to a bank alone." I said.

She laughed and took another drink of her wine. She sighed when she saw she had already emptied her glass. "Shit. Not again."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I said.

" 'S nothing. Just don't let me drink more than three glasses tonight."

"Why? Not that I want you drunk, but I'd just like to know why."

She looked down. "I used to be an alcoholic." She murmured quietly. She had been so quiet when she said it, I almost didn't hear her.


She nodded, still looking down. "I had it really bad, I used to knock back about ten to twelve bottles of beer at a time. I drank away my problems."

"You must've had a lot of 'em."

"Yup. You bet i did."

I looked down, not knowing what to say. She's gone through so much, that i've heard of. There must be more. I thought.

Later, when we get back to the cabin, I want you to talk to me about everything bad that's ever happened to you. I know it'll be hard, but I need to know more about you princess. I love you, beautiful girl. I wrote on a napkin.

I folded the napkin and handed it to Makena. She opened it and and read it, her bottom lip trembling slightly. She smiled at me as she finished reading, and placed the note on the table.

The waitress came back with some bread sticks in a basket, and set it on the table. "Grazie dimentica." Makena said, nodding at the waitress.

The waitress smiled and said, "Il tuo cibo sarà pronto presto perdere. A proposito, mi piace il tuo vestito."

Makena smiled and nodded, then the waitress walked off. "The food will be here soon." Makena said, grabbing a bread stick and lightly sprinkling it with parmesan

"Sweet. By the way, you did get side dishes, right?" I asked.

Makena laughed. "Of course. I got you sauteed squash-don't worry its good-and grilled Italian sausage. I just got spicy Italian sausage for myself."

"Okay, but the squash better be good."

"Oh, it will be. These are my people! We Italians know how to cook."

"Hell yeah you do!" I said.

Makena laughed and took a big bite of her bread stick, which sent inappropriate thoughts shooting into my head.

No Niall! We're not doing that tonight! Well, at least not here...we might at the cabin actually. But only if she wants to. I thought. Gah! Stop it Niall! You are on a romantic date with Makena! Who is in a dress that is nice and short in the front...strapless.....and low cut.....Niall! C'mon man, you're better than this.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I pulled it out and looked at it. I had a text message from Louis. C'mon man! Get back on track! Makena looks bored as hell! It read. I had made Louis and Cat disguise themselves (Of course Cat changed in her car and snuck around the back to get in) and sit at a table close to us to help me with the date. I looked up and saw Makena on her phone, her elbows sitting on the table.

Shit! What do I do? I texted to Louis.

Not even a minute later my phone buzzed again. Do something funny or entertaining, something that'll make her laugh, even snort. Maybe a reference to Star Wars, Doctor Who, or a disney movie. ~Cat

I nodded, racking my brain for something to say or do. C'mon..think Niall! Aha! I got it! I thought. I grabbed a bread stick, and tore it in half. I was about to do what i thought would entertain her when I looked up and saw her with a new bread stick, where she was slowly going up and down with her hand clutched around it, looking straight at me. She smirked, a lustful look in her eyes. I swallowed.

She put the bread stick in her mouth, and slowly took a bite. She smirked again, knowing what she was doing to me. I gave her the you'll-pay-for-this-later look at she raised her eyebrows.

My phone buzzed again and i forced myself to look away from Makena. It was another text from Louis' phone, and it said, You're screwed. ~Cat

I am not. She's just...teasing me. I sent back.

Ha! That's funny, you think that she's teasing you! This is her just getting warmed up. She'll get worse as the night goes on. ~Cat

Really? How would you know? I sent back.

Cause her two or three other bf's asked me to come with them to help them too. So yeah, i've seen her do her worst, and this ain't it. ~Cat.

Well shit. I sent back.

Yeah, good luck man. Now, pay some attention to your GF!~Cat

I looked up from my phone and put it into my back pocket. Makena was lounging in her chair, looking around at the restaurant, and I took in more of her features. She had her ends dyed red, and her hair was curled. Her makeup made her face sparkle every once in a while when she moved her head. Her hair had been slightly trimmed, and the tips of her hair were layered slightly.

She just looked even more amazing than normal, and I couldn't love her more.


Makena's POV

I had been looking around at the amazing decor in the restaurant, when I realized Niall really does love me. No one else took me to a restaurant before, cared for me before, loved me before.

He really, truly, loves me.

I looked back at him, to find him staring at me. I smiled at him, and a blush formed on his face. I stared at him, and thought about how much we loved each other, how much he means to me, and how lucky I am to be with him.

"Makena? You alright?" Niall said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, then wiped away the single tear falling down my face. "Just thinking about how lucky I am."

Niall smiled. "I'm the lucky one." He grabbed my hand from across the table, and held it tight.

We were so lost in each other's eyes, we didn't even notice when our food arrived.

"Ahem." Our waitress said. We both blushed, and our hands dove away. "La tortellini, con un lato di salsiccia piccante italiano," she said, and set my delicious plates in front of me. "Avrà i rigatoni in forno, con un lato di zucca e salsiccia saltati italiana alla griglia." She said, and set Niall's plates down.

"Grazie dimentica." I said, and the waitress walked away.

I saw Niall look at a couple at a near by table, both of them holding their menus close to their faces, obscuring my view of them. One had long blonde hair.

Cat's long blonde hair.

"I'll be back." I said to Niall.

He nodded, and I walked over to the table. I cleared my throat, and the couple at the table lowered their menus, to reveal Cat and Louis.

"Pfft, puh, Makena, is that you? What are you doing here?" Louis asked.

"Nice try Louis. What are you two doing here?"

"Niall asked us to come." Cat muttered looking down.

I looked back at Niall, who immediately looked down.


"He wanted to get everything right." Louis said. "So, he asked us earlier today to help him."

I sighed. "No more helping him, alright?"

"But-" Cat started

"I said no more helping him!"

And with that, I left the table, and went back to Niall, who was avoiding my gaze.

"Babe, look at me."

Niall looked up and pushed one corner of his mouth out.

"Hi?" He said, looking ashamed.

"Why did you invite them here?" I asked.

"I wanted help." Niall muttered, looking down.

"You don't neem any help." I said crouching next to him. "You're perfect, you'd get it right no matter what."

He looked at me, his eyes twinkling. "You really think so?"

"Of course Niall." I smiled. "I've always thought that you were perfect. And I always will."

He smiled, and kissed me. "I love you Makena."

"I love you too Niall."


*the next day*

While I was making Niall and I lunch, someone knocked on the door. I started away from the kitchen to answer the door, but Niall yelled to me as he ran by, "I've got it princess!"

I smiled, and walked back to the counter and finished Niall's sandwiches and hot dogs. I heard someone sniffle from the door as Niall opened it.

"Louis?" Niall said.

I put the food on the counter away, and turned to stove off. I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall, and saw a teary-eyed Louis.

"Louis, what's wrong?" I asked, as I brought him to the living room, Niall right behind us.

"El had left early." He said, sniffling again.

"Really? How come?" Niall asked.

"Her dad's in the hospital. I wanted to go with her, but she wouldn't let me."

"Why?" I asked.

"Said her family wouldn't want to have anyone that's not blood related there." He said. "To me, it sounded like they didn't want me there."

I frowned. "Louis, sometimes families just have to face things as a family, without others."

He nodded. "I know. I just...it seems like her family hasn't wanted me around lately. No idea why."

I rubbed his back soothingly and asked, "Do you want to stay for lunch?"

He nodded, a sad smile appearing on his face. "Yeah, that would be nice."


Niall'a POV

After Louis had been reassured by Makena's soothing words, and had eaten a small lunch, he left, and I went to do laundry. I was emptying Makena's pockets, and I felt something sharp in her white shorts.

I pulled it out, and found a blood stained razor. I could actually feel my heart break in two, and then boil into anger.

She had promised me she wouldn't do it again, but she did! I thought angrily to myself.

"Makena!" I yelled.

"Coming!" She yelled back.

She arrived in the room, her face bright. Her face drained when she saw my anger, and the razor I was holding up.

"What the fuck is this?!" I yelled.

Makena swallowed. "My razor."

I took two long steps towards her before I grabbed her left wrist and ripped the small sleeve off. I saw four deep cuts. I swallowed. I looked at her, and dropped her arm. I turned around and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Niall, I-" she started.

"What?! Were you gonna say that you're sorry, cause that's not enough!" I yelled. "You fucking promised me! You said that you wouldn't do it again!"

"Well I'm sorry if I have depression Niall! I was trying to stop but-"

"You obviously didn't try hard enough!"

"Niall you don't fucking understand! I've already got my problems, and cutting gets rid of them for me!" She yelled.

"So you cut yourself whenever you feel a little sad!?"

"No idiot! I do it when I get kicked to the ground by evil girls who hate me for no fucking reason!"

I felt my own face drain. That's why she ran to the bathroom, I thought.

"Oh my god." I whispered. "Makena, I am so sor-"

"Sorry Niall, as you said, sorry isn't enough!"

She ran out of the room, and I heard her suit case open. I saw her run by a couple minutes later, with her pillow, her PJ's, and a couple shirts and some shorts.

I chased her outside, and grabbed her arm, yanking her back.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Away from the ignorant dick I mistakenly thought cared about me!" She yelled, and ran away as fast as she could.

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