Ch 21

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(A/N: You may want to use google translate to understand what Makena is saying to the waitress, and what the waitress is saying back.)

Niall's POV

I kept glancing at the clock at the wall, anxious to see Makena. What if she bailed? What if I did this too suddenly? I kept asking myself. But at exactly 8:00, she walked in the doors gracefully. She walked up to the podium and greeted the man, then she looked as if she was asking about something.

The man pointed over to me, and Makena looked over, her hair bouncing as she did so. She spotted me, then smiled and waved. She turned back to the man in the suit and thanked him, before walking over to me.

I got up and met her half way, and hugged her when she got over to me. Her dress and makeup were amazing, and her necklace and earrings were sparkling. "You look wonderful." I said as I lead her to to table.

"I can say the same about you." Makena said as she sat down.

"Thanks." I said, smiling.

"You're so cute when you smile." Makena rubbed a finger along the side of my jaw as I walked away.

I smiled again and sat down on the other side of the table. There were paparazzi outside, taking pictures of us through the windows. There were two menus already on the table, and we each picked one up.

The waitress that was serving us and asked us, "Che cosa vuoi da bere?"

"I..uh.." I said, looking at Makena. I mouthed, 'What do i do?' at her. I excepted the waiters to speak english.

"I got this." Makena said, smiling at me. "Che tipo di vino avete?"

"Riesling 1990, Knappstein 1989, Meritage 1987, e Sicani 1987." She said.

"Avremo Sicani 1987." Makena said. Makena smirked at me as the waitress walked away.

"Okay, what just went on here?" I asked her.

"She asked us what we wanted to drink, I asked her what kinds of wine they had, and ordered the Sicani 1987." She said.

"So, you speak Italian?"

"Yup. I am Italian."

"Wait, what?"

"I was born in Italy, but raised in America. I was raised being bilingual, and I know a bit of French from high school."

"That is so cool."

Makena smiled, a look of acomplishment in her eyes. "Thank you."

She looked down at her menu and began scanning the menu again. I found 'Baked Rigatoni', saw the ingrediants, and decided I'd have that. The waitress came back with two wine glasses and a bottle of the wine Makena had ordered.

She opened the bottle and poured wine into our glasses. Makena took her glass in between her middle finger and third finger, then raised the glass to her mouth, taking a drink.

"Ah, grazie." Makena said, raising her glass to the waitress.

"Siete pronti per ordinare?" The waitress asked.

"She wants to know what we want to order, you ready?" Makena asked me. I nodded, and told her that I wanted the baked rigatoni, and she looked up at the waitress. "Sì, avrò la tortellini, con un lato di salsiccia piccante italiano. Avrà i rigatoni in forno, con un lato di .... zucca e salsiccia saltati italiana alla griglia. A proposito, sto ordinando per lui, perché non riesce a parlare Italiano."

The waitress nodded, and gathered our menus then walked off, smiling a bit. Makena looked at me, and smiled again. "What?"

"I'm just so happy to be here. With you. Nobody has ever done this for me before."

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