The Memoirs of A Hathaway Boo...

Oleh butterfly_kiss

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What if Rose had gotten pregnant after the cabin scene and 16 years later she's dealing with her daughter's s... Lebih Banyak

The Memoirs of A Hathaway
Chapter Two: Arrival
Chapter 3: A Discussion to Remember
Chapter 4: Debutantee Ball
Chapter 5: Denial and Truth
Chapter 6: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 7: Dinner Disaster
Chapter 8: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 9: Unexpected Surprises
Chapter 10: In the Silence
Chapter 11: Bundle of Joy
Chapter 12: Anger
Chapter 13: Lost Love and Double Duties
Chapter 15: Look Who's Back in Town
Chapter 16: Shattered Perfection
Chapter 17: We All Love Something We Can't Have
Chapter 18: What Just Happened?
Chapter 19: Dinner With The Zecklos
Chapter 20: No Brother Of Mine
Chapter 21: Welcome Home Son
Chapter 22: Getaway Cars, Breakdowns and Love Triangles Oh My!
Chapter 23: Sisters Reunited
Chapter 24: The Definition of Fear
Chapter 25: Ghost
Chapter 26: Sixteen Candles
Chapter 27: Sweet, Oh Sweet Sixteen
Chapter 28: Aftermath
Chapter 29: Moving On

Chapter 14: Here Comes Trouble

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Oleh butterfly_kiss

A/N: I believe I mentioned before that Adrian was a health teacher...At least I hope I did. I think in one of the earlier chapters I made that clear but if not now you know.

So, I have finally decided how I want to wrap this story up. This is the chapter where everything is about to get a whole lot more interesting. There's a special surprise for all you readers out there. Enjoy! And don't kill me if it wasn't what you expected .

Also, not many comments on the post I did yesterday but I would really like it if any of you commented on your ideas of there being a sequel. Either way there's going to be one.

As for all those Richelle Mead fans how many of you have read the new Bloodlines series? I'm reading the Golden Lily right now and it inspired me maybe add a little bit of Sydney in the sequel. I've pretty much mapped out how the rest f the chapters are going to go and what's going to happen. I also want to apologize for the slow updating process. I have very limited internet connection but if I have to I'll start typing the story on my phone to upload faster. I'm very eager to start the next story. I really did not expect to have this story be so liked. I'm also changing the story summary because it's so clique and I want this story to attract more readers. Anyways please comment :)

Much Love,


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Vampire Academy but I do own the storyline and the made up characters of:

Charlotte Ozera*

Charles Ozera *

Alice Ozera*

*Only Characters that are mentioned. No appearance.

Chapter Fourteen: Along Comes Trouble

Adrian POV

After my encounter with Viktoria Belikov, I was rather flustered on what to do with the rest of my day. I didn't have much to do on campus considering my one class only took place once a week. I knew Lissa had only given me the role to make me seem useful but I didn't really enjoy the job. I was much more invested in teaching a subject that wasn't just common sense. Students were not interested in learning about being healthy. Yet I didn't complain with what I was given. I made my way to the cafeteria in hopes of being able to visit a feeder. Last nights episode with Spirit had left me rather drained and I was pretty sure a small dose of blood would soothe the pounding headache I knew was coming on. I must have been very deep in my thoughts because I didn't even notice when I bumped right into a a tall Moroi woman with mousy brown hair and pale green eyes that had a glint of humor.

"Well, if it isn't Adrian Ivashkov. I see you still have a way of getting a woman's attention."

My mouth became dry as realization flooded mind and the features began to connect in my head: mousy brown hair and green eyes.

"Jail bait!" I yelped as I grabbed her into a big hug. It had been years since I had seen the little munchkin graduate from the academy and never return once. She had never visited and she hadn't kept in contact with anybody really but Mia.

Jill laughed as she patted my back, "Can't breathe Adrian." She hissed in gasps of air as I released my hold on her. She was older now and seemed to have a wary vibe in the depths of her eyes. Like she was harboring a bout load of problems and secrets and didn't have an anchor to release the heavy burden. I didn't spend to much time taking in her scattered look before I fully took in her body. She was slender yet still had some appealing curves that not most Moroi women had. She was pale which wasn't too uncommon yet she looked sickly pale. I didn't have much time to take her in before she chuckled and placed her hands in front of her chest, " Well all be darned. Is Adrian Ivashkov actually checking me out?"

I was quickly brought back to reality as I felt a witty retort on the tip of my tongue, "Never Jail bait." I breathed.

She rolled her eyes and smirked, " I really wish you wouldn't call me that anymore. I'm thirty years old. I passed the jail bait mark many moons ago."

I laughed, "You'll always be jail bait to me Jill."

She frowned and shrugged, "What ever floats your boat I guess. Look, I really need to get going. My plane leaves in about two hours and I need to say bye to everyone before I leave."

I was the one now frowning. She hadn't even been on campus twenty four hours and she was already running away. What had changed this girl so badly?

I scrunched my eyes together and pulled out a cigarette. It was a bad habit but I had cut back extremely since my teenage years.

"You can't be serious Jill? You don't call, you don't write and never visit and now that you're here you're just going to run away again without even getting a chance to visit?"

Jill seemed to be fighting an internal battle before she replied, " It isn't so much that I want to but that I need to. I have some things to take care of."

I sighed lighting the cigarette, " What things can't wait a few more days? You haven't even gotten to mingle yet."

Jill seemed like she was fishing for answer before she finally sighed and gave in, " I need to be back for work."

I took a few drags from the cigarette before nodding.

"Jill Mastrano works now? Where at?"

Jill seemed to go wide eyed before she finally took in my raised eyebrow and sighed, "If you tell a single person I so much as won't hesitate to shove a whole pack of cigarettes down your throat and light them."

I chuckled at the image forming in my head and shrugged, " Come on Jail bait. It can't be that bad."

She turned red and slowly whispered, " I'm a showgirl. In Vegas."

At that I dropped my cigarette before a fit of laughter took over.

Alana POV

"Alana? Hello earth to Alana! Have you heard a single word I've said? Gosh what's wrong with you today?" Leila complained as I sat at the table in the cafeteria completely spaced out. I actually hadn't even realized lunch had started which kind of scared me considering I was always supposed to be on alert. I never spaced out which left me silently yelling at myself. I didn't get a chance to address Leila and her now angry face as we were interrupted by none other then Dimitri Belikov himself. He seemed slightly distraught as he locked eyes with me. Leila seemed to finally subside her anger as she quickly excused herself and ran off towards the door to the feeders. I watched as my father took a seat across from me before he spoke, "Alana" He said and it seemed to pain him. Like he was struggling with whatever he had to say. I couldn't help but feel a tiny prick of joy ignite inside my heart.

"Belikov." I said coolly, causing him to squirm a little under my hard gaze.

"Look Alana, I know we haven't really started off on the right foot but I want to change that. No matter what's going on between your mother and I, you're still my daughter and I'd like to at least have some sort of relationship with you. I know I can't make for fifteen years of your life but I can make up for the next fifteen if you would please just bare with me. I don't expect anything from you but I would really be honored if I could take you out to dinner in town on Friday and at least get to know you."

He took a long deep breath recovering from his long speech and for the first time I tasted fear in his presence. He was scared for my reply and that fact had my head nagging at me. I couldn't figure out if I was satisfied or upset about him being uncomfortable in my presence.

I nodded my head not offering much words which must have thrown Dimitri off since he seemed to still be nervous. Without another word I stood and walked away, meeting up with Leila as she waited in line for the feeders. I felt bad for not really offering more to the conversation with Dimitri, but I just couldn't handle the realization that my love life was way more complicated then I thought.

Leila seemed to forget she was irritated with me for spacing out but seemed to forget all about her anger as she bombard me with questions.

"So what did your father have to say? What do you even call him? Is he planning on staying?"

The questions rattled off her tongue and her cheeks flushed at the amount of questions that had flown from the tip of her tongue. Yet she was my best friend and I was glad somebody in my life cared enough to ask.

I sighed and leaned against the doorway, " I...I don't really know what to call him. And he wanted to go to dinner on Friday and I have no idea if he's staying."

The thought made my heart a little sad. I hadn't thought about if Dimitri would be leaving. Then a pit in my stomach made me squirm. If he left would my mother be a wreck? And what about me? If he planned on leaving then why would he care to build a relationship with me in the first place?

Leila patted my back, " I feel like a bad friend. With everything that's been going on lately I haven't even asked you how you've felt about this whole situation? Has anybody asked you how you feel?"

I rolled my eyes playing it cool. I hated showing weakness and I felt that the new addition to my life was bringing out a whole wave of weariness and insecurity in me. Not even mentioning what Eric and Asher were both inflicting on my stream of emotions as well. I smiled at my best friend. She had so much going on in her life as well. Compared to everything that I was going through, nothing compared to the disasters occurring in her life.

"I honestly have a lot of mixed emotions about the whole ordeal. Like I want to forgive Dimitri...but I just can't. I don't know if I ever will be. I hate seeing my mom devastated and me and her are our very own team. If one is hurt the other one feels the effects. It's not like it really matters either."

Leila tsked her tongue, " You don't have to hide from me Alana. Your my best friend. I'm always here for you. No matter how hectic my own life is."

I smiled as the women at the desk called Leila's name. Leila squeezed my hand, "I may not be able to sacrifice my own life for you like you one day will do for me...but I can a least offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Anytime." At that she walked away to the open feeder stall leaving me in a haze of my own emotions.

Nora POV

"Asher! Asher come on. Open up!" I called through our closed bedroom door. We were missing the entire school day and I was pretty sure mother was going to have our asses.

"Go away Nora!" Asher screamed for the hundredth time. He was upset and I knew it. I hated seeing my brother so emotionally in a wreck. Yet I wasn't even sure if he had a reason to be upset. Sure, Alana had swapped a look with Guardian Pavel but that didn't mean there was something going on. Asher was just overreacting and seeing my brother so hurt had caused me to lash out at Alana too. Something I was now regretting.

"Asher! Nothing is going on between Alana and Guardian Pavel. He's not even her type! Stop being so damn stubborn!"

I jumped at the sound of a shoe hitting the closed door, " I said go away Lenora!"

I paused with my mouth hanging open. I know it was not an attractive look but it was so rare for anyone but our parents and teachers to use my full name. That's how I knew he was very serious about going away. Without further argument I left our house and started walking on the path leading to the main school building. Lunch was just about to end and the lunch bustle was dying down. I didn't bother getting lunch considering my mind was too filled with concerns for Asher. Asher was overreacting but I knew that if I was in the position I would have been acting the same way. Maybe not in the I'm-going-to-throw-a-shoe-at-the-door-and-yell-at- my-sister kind of way but I'd be pretty upset. I headed to my next class which was history. I wasn't really excited about attending class but I knew I had to go. As I took my seat I wasn't all too surprised as students began filing in chatting up a storm. However, I was very surprised when none other then Ivan Belikov took the seat next to me.

"Hey Nora." He said like we were old friends. I knew he was Alana's cousin and had talked to him a few times but I was very curious as to why he was choosing to talk to me.

"Um...hi..." I mumbled noticing a dhampir girl staring me down. It was Mila Ozera and she looked very upset as she took her seat in the front row, as far away as possible from where I now was sitting. I pushed it away. I hadn't done anything to the girl but from everything I had seen from her she was just that type of person.

Ivan brought me back to the surface, " So I was wondering if you might want to hang out or something over this weekend."

I whipped my head to face him very confused, " You mean a date?"

He laughed and looked a bit nervous, " Yeah...I mean if you'd rather just hang out as friends it's cool."

I jumped on that too fast, " No no! A date sounds okay."

He smiled and winked before getting up from the desk to sit in his normal seat, " So I'll see you Friday then."

His voice must have carried to the front of the room because I watched as Mila's flinched, even though her back was towards us. I frowned slightly uneasy. I didn't like problems with classmates. Ivan didn't seem to notice as he walked away. But I couldn't help and watch Mila the entire class period. She was rather short and had a curvy body like most dhampirs do. Her hair was rather straight and was a midnight black. It almost looked dyed but I was pretty sure her hair was all natural. And her eyes were the trademark blue of the Ozera family. Yet I couldn't help but watch as her eyes carried a heavy sadness, like someone had just died and began to water up as the class ended. I jumped because I hadn't payed any attention to anything during the hour class but to analyze Mila and contemplate my future date with Ivan. Yet something made me not so eager for the date. Because the sadness in Mila's eyes was all too familiar. It was same sadness I watched in Asher's eyes when he gazed at Alana sometimes. The look of a painful love. Realization hit me like a storm cloud. Mila Ozera was in love with Ivan Belikov.

Lissa POV

"Is she okay? Shouldn't she be awake by now?" I heard a familiar voice call out. I vaguely remembered the events that occurred before I had passed out. The realization that I was going to be having twins. Like running for Queen wasn't going to hard enough. Now I had to deal with the stress of not one but two more children. Maybe Christian had been right.

"Calm down Sparky." Rose's voice called out from a far distance. I felt someone graze my hand.

"How can you be so calm Rose? She passed out and is pregnant! You're usually more concerned then I am."

I heard a deep snort, " Maybe because she's already awake. Duh!"

My eyes flew open to take in my surroundings. I was still in the same doctor's room but more faces were starring down at me. Rose's expression held a knowing look and Christian's was composed into a look of pure worry.

Neither of them got a chance to speak as my doctor strutted back in the room, clipboard in hand, " Ah Princess! You're awake. Now here's a prescription for some prenatal vitamins and I also included a few pamphlets on how to keep yourself healthy during this pregnancy. "

She handed over a bag and didn't look the least bit worried, which caused Christian to look slightly confused.

I nodded my head and mumbled a thanks before she spoke again, " Oh and a sonogram is being printed up right now for you to take home."

She walked away without a second glance causing Christian to just gasp, " Is the fact that you just passed out not important to her."

I finally found my voice, " No considering it's expected when you get news like this." I bit my tongue realizing what I had just said. Did I really want to tell Christian we were having twins when things were already so tense between us? And deep down I knew I had to.

"What news? Is everything okay with the baby?" Christian said, panic leaking into his words.

Rose snickered and patted my hand, " I'll see you later Lissa and congratulations." She winked before walking out of the room and closing the door as she went.

Christian looked very confused at this point, "What is she talking about Lissa? What's going on."

I took a deep breath before I grasped his hand, ignoring the fact that we were still fighting, " I need to tell you something Christian...but this doesn't change anything about the campaign."

Christian's grimaced but nodded his head, "Just tell me Lissa."

A closed my eyes, panic filling my heart. What if Christian wouldn't be happy? I ignored the notion. He had to be happy. I was his wife and I was carrying his children. Keeping my eyes closed I continued.

"Christian...I passed out because...because...well I don't know how to say this. Christian, I'm...We're having twins."

I opened my eyes just as Christian's lips connected with mine sending my stomach into tiny flutters. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his lips became hungrier and the kiss deepened. I pouted as he broke the contact.

Breathing heavily he whispered in my ear, " I'm so sorry Lissa. I love you and if being Queen is this important to you then I support you. I support you through anything and everything. I love you Lissa and I'm so happy that you're the mother of my children."

My eyes welled up with tears of joy. All I had wanted was Christian by my side and now I had him. My world glazed over with tears as I pulled Christian in for another kiss. I was so lost in the feel of his mouth against mine that I jumped when someone cleared their throat.

"Princess, here's the sonogram." My doctor said handing Christian the first picture of our babies and quickly leaving the room.

I smiled down at the picture in Christian's hand. We were having twins. I was running for Queen. But none of that mattered at that exact moment. The only thing that mattered was that the man I loved was dedicated to being right by my side through it all. That alone was priceless.

Rose POV

I smiled to myself as I left Lissa and Christian to enjoy their happy moment. Besides, watching Christian fret over her well being and the babies was too much to bare. It made things all too real. Like the fact that my pregnancy was not as beautiful. I didn't have Dimitri there to be concerned about me or to run out for my late night cravings. Sure, I had my friends and especially Adrian but none of that was the same as experiencing all those moments with the man who had helped create the tiny life in my stomach. I hated those facts.

I began to walk towards the guard booth. I had missed the first hour of my shift and had sent Viktoria in my place even though she had worked the guard booth this morning.

I glanced up when another pair of shoes joined mine on the pavement to see my own mother walking beside me. Anger began to boil within me but I only clenched my jaw returning my gaze to in front of me.

"Rose look at me." Janine Hathaway said using a stern voice. A voice that had no effect over me.

I laughed dryly, " No thanks I have better things to look at." I said keeping an even pace.

"Rosemarie Hathaway! At least me explain!"

I turned on her, my anger taking full control, " Explain what? I don't care honestly. So what? My father's on campus. You at least could have told me!"

Janine looked stressed as she laughed without humor, " I didn't know Rose!"

I sighed, "Sure you didn't."

I walked away ignoring her calls from behind me. I had started this day planning to have a good day and had had it all ruined in less then an hour.

As I approached the guard booth Viktoria seemed at ease reading a magazine. She looked up at my approach, "Everything good with Lissa?"

I nodded my head feeling my anger slowly evaporate. Viktoria must have caught on that I was in a bad mood, " Anything you want to talk about?"

I didn't meet her eyes. They were too familiar to Dimitri's and it was almost unbearable to even be reminded of him. I shook my head no.

She moved, setting her magazine down, "Look I know the offer might not sound too appealing but I'm planning to go shopping this weekend. Most of my cloths were left in Russia and I just need to get away from being a guardian for awhile. So if you'd like Alana, you and I can make a day of shopping this weekend. Something to take all our minds off of everything that's been going on."

Shopping. Oh, how it had been so long. And it sounded innocent and without drama. Maybe I needed to escape the walls of the academy for awhile. It was perfect and I didn't even mind that it was with Viktoria.

I smiled, " It sounds like a deal." It was exactly what I needed.

Mila POV

"Ivan! Hey wait up!" I called as I saw him walking towards the door to the cafeteria exit.

He turned at the call of his name looking somewhat surprised that it was me calling his name. We hadn't talked in days, not since the break up and it was eating away at my conscious. I needed to talk to him and I needed to talk to him now.

"She speaks." Ivan mumbled sarcastically as I caught up with him as he pushed his way through the door.

I huffed, " Look Ivan...can we talk?" Ivan frowned as we continued to walk down the halls of the academy. I struggled to keep up with his big strides. He was rather tall and I was on the petite side making it very hard to keep up with him.

"Talk about what Mila?" He asked with a weary tone.

My palms began to sweat as I continued our fast pace, " Us."

At that he stopped walking in his tracks just as the bell rang. His deep brown eyes sent a shiver down my spine. God how I loved those eyes.

"There is no us Mila. I already told you. We can't do this anymore. I can't do this anymore. It's just too hard to hide us from the world. As much as I want to be with you...I just don't see us ever being able to be open about our relationship...and I can't do that. Now please Mila...leave it at that."

My eyes began to prick with tears as students began walking to their next class. Ivan's eyes never left mine as I blinked and a traitor tear slid down my face.

Ivan's frowned, " Don't cry Mila."

My hands clenched at my side, " Why shouldn't I? It's not like you care anyways."

Ivan shot me a look of disbelieve, " You don't think it kills me to see you cry? You think it's easy that I'm the one making you cry? Think again Mila because it isn't. It's hard to watch the girl I love cry because she's too ashamed to have people know she's with me."

My eyes widened. Ashamed? He thought I was ashamed of him?

"What...what are you talking about Ivan? You know we can't tell anybody because of your mom and my aunt."

Ivan gave a tiny laugh, " Yet I'm willing to do it no matter what. Just face it Mila. Your ashamed of a guy like me because I can't give you money. I can't give you the royal treatment that the Ozera family could give you. Or maybe you just find it hard to be with me because you think I'll treat you like your selfish father has treated you and your mom for years!"

Without thinking about it I slapped Ivan across the face leaving us both a little shocked.

Ivan's face turned into anger, " Just leave me alone Mila. I can't be around you because it's already too hard to know I'm unwanted."

With that he strode away leaving some students staring at us like lab experiments. I mean how could they not? The two new kids fighting and the royal dhampir? And I mean come on! That slap was so damn loud the whole hall had paused for a few seconds. My hand ached slightly from the impact of Ivan's face yet I couldn't bring myself to fully regret my actions. He deserved it. He was the one who had brought my family into it. He knew I had issues with them. I loved my parents dearly but their drama and fighting is what had led me to move in with my aunt. I couldn't handle hearing my mother cry herself to sleep the nights my father didn't come home. No...he was too busy enjoying the Las Vegas scene to really care. And along the way he had forgotten about his two children. My older sister, Charlotte, had moved out when she was sixteen. At the time I had only been ten. He had also abandoned my dhampir mom. It was unheard of for royals to have dhampir children but it had happened and I guess at a time my father had loved my mother. But now they were two very different people. My dad had gotten used to having mistresses but there was one in particular that had caught his eye. So much that had filed for divorce and had abandoned my mother. I couldn't take it. I had to leave. I simply could not watch as my mother cried over the only man she had ever loved.

I missed them I really did. But Ivan's mention of them had stirred something inside me. He knew nothing about the situation and he had no right to mention it.

I unclenched my fists as I walked into class. My fists clenched together again when I saw Ivan all over one of Alana's friends. I couldn't recall her name. Only that she had a twin brother and her mom had had a baby the night before. His voice carried easily to my ears and I tensed as I took my seat.

" So I'll see you Friday then." he said coolly. My whole body felt like a jolt of electricity had gone through it. He had a date? He was making dates when he knew I wanted him back?

I couldn't concentrate the entire class period as I mentally thought about the girl he had asked out. She was cute there was no doubt. With her dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. She had a nice smile and she had always been nice the times I had talked to her. Yet I wanted to hate her. I wanted to hate her so bad for catching Ivan's eye. But I couldn't. I couldn't hate someone who looked so innocent. The thought brought tears to my eyes as the final bell rang and I raced out of class just as I lost all control. Tears flowed down my eyes and my only thought was maybe Ivan had been right after all.

Unknown POV

"Did it work?"

Master's harsh voice rang out causing me to tremble slightly.

"Y—yes Master."

He chuckled and the sound was like bells. His red rimmed eyes fixed on my own as he spoke once more, " Call her. She'll be pleased to know we've gotten it to work."

I nodded my head and exited the room. Master however called out once more, "Oh and Sugar...fetch me a snack."

I gulped. I rather hated feeding time, especially when I had to retrieve it, "Yes Master."

I quickly left the room before he asked for something else. I loved Master with all my heart but I think he knew my reason for being there was not fully because I wanted to become an immortal. No...I has other priorities. I walked quickly to the dungeons where Master and the other Strogoi kept their future meals. I also knew Master preferred to snack on females. I fumbled for the key in my pocket as I made my way to the dungeon, stopping on the way to fetch a telephone. I dialed the all too familiar number glad when it reached voice mail. I hung up. She hated voice mails and I really did not want another beating like I had received before.

The dungeons were fairly empty except for a few humans. I quickly made my way to where I knew a recent female had been dropped off. I found her curled up in the corner of her cell. Her black dress was torn leaving patches of her skin exposed. Her blonde curls were matted to her head and her black makeup was streaming down her face.

I smiled and opened the door, careful not to have her run. She was too scared to even comprehend what was happening as I led her back through the halls of the house to Master. I didn't knock, knowing I would annoy him more.

"Master, dinner is served." I said as I pushed the girl into the room and quickly shut the door. Master liked to hunt his prey and I preferred not to watch. It killed me to watch.

I forced tears back as I walked away, trying hard to ignore the screams from Master's room.

A/N: So not what you expected huh? At this time the Unknown POV is well...Unknown...even to me. :)

It was something I was not going to write but decided that I should just to stir the pot. I do not know if the Unknown POV will actually become a main character as of now. However, I have an idea that might make the Unknown POV very essential for the sequel. Please comment and share this story with anyone you know who is a VA fan! Please and thank you. :)

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