Through Clouds of Steam (A WW...

Autorstwa CosmicDust

1.6K 60 33

This story follows the adventure of an ordinary girl (or young woman, whichever you prefer) who finds herself... Więcej

Before we begin...
Chapter 1: Results
Chapter 2: Inexplicable Circumstances
Chapter 2: Results
Chapter 3: When Myths Come Alive (Part 1)
Chapter 3 (Part 1): Results

Chapter 1: Unexpected Things

377 14 7
Autorstwa CosmicDust

"Okay, _____, make sure you get everything on that list. And don't take too long or I'll get worried."

- Ooh, are we going shopping? :3 (B)
- I hate grocery shopping. >w> (C)
- Psh, forget the list, I'll just buy a tonne of tasty snacks! >:D (A)
- Don't tell me what to do! Dx Who are you, anyway? e.o (D)

"Yes, ma'am," you drawl while stretching your arms lazily and suppressing a yawn - it was far too early in the morning to be motivated. Throwing the strap of a satchel over your shoulder, you open the door to set off, only to be stopped halfway.

"And don't talk to strangers! Remember, stranger-danger!"

Letting out a sigh, you roll your eyes. "You don't have to remind me every single time I walk out the door, you know."

"Yeah, but sweets can be very tempting, you know," your sister replies matter-of-factly while nodding to herself in an all-knowing fashion.

You stare at her blankly, wondering what the heck was going on inside her head. "Sure, that makes perfect sense... Well, I'm off now! See you later, Willa!" And with a quick wave and a smile, you were off.

- I have a sister? :D (C)
- I like our sister, she's amusing. xD (D)
- Psh, Willa? What kind of lame name is that? >.> (A)
- ^Don't be rude! >:/ Besides, it's the person that matters, not the name. ^^ (B)

Early as it may have been, it was a lovely Saturday morning and you look forward to taking a leisurely stroll to the market place. The road that leads to your destination is lined on either side by beautiful wild flowers, their sweet fragrance wafting around in a gentle breeze; the sky is bright blue with puffs of cloud floating around just as lazily as you had felt when you had woken up that morning.

Yes, a perfect day.

Letting out a content sigh you gaze up at the clouds. If only every day was like this, you muse to yourself as you continue down the road, a small smile tugging at your lips.

It was then that it happened - you were walking down a small back alley not far from the market when something suddenly flew past your head and clattered down on to the road in front of you, slowing to a stop as it skittered into a shallow puddle with a dull 'clink'.

Startled, you jump back with a squeak, arms waving around your head like a mad octopus - not like that would have helped your situation if you had been in any form of danger, but the body does do crazy things when one is subjected to unexpected things.

- *le gasp* What is it? D: (B)
- For your information, I do not 'squeak'. -.- (A)
- ^And I most certainly do not wave my hands around, I quote, 'like a mad octopus'! D:< (D)
- Is someone trying to kill me?! D8 (C)

A moment of silence passes as you stand frozen in place and stare at the gentle ripples that had formed on the murky surface. Lowering your arms warily, you put a trembling hand over your chest to slow your racing heart and cautiously look left and right, wondering if whomever was responsible for carelessly throwing the object your way was still nearby. Not another soul was in sight; not many people passed this way and when they did, it was usually later in the day.

Unsure of what weird things might leap out, you slowly creep towards the puddle and lean over it when you see something glimmering in the light of the morning sun, just below the surface of the water. Inching closer with wide eyes and your mouth slightly ajar, you gaze at the shiny spherical object as you crouch lower, carefully reaching out towards it when the thing suddenly lets out a small click and opens up, revealing a clock face.

You, however, are too busy spitting out the little droplets of water that had splashed in your mouth, and wiping the rest of it off your face, to notice. "Ugh! Disgusting!" After frantically rubbing at your face and tongue with your sleeve, you return your attention once again to what you now recognise as a pocket watch.

- Ewww! Germ-water! D8 *flails* (B)
- Ooh, a pocket watch! 83 (C)
- ...Do you think it's worth anything? *slowly pockets it* (D)
- Wow. A pocket watch. How... awesome. =.= (A)

Carefully dragging it out by the lid that now rose above the water, you shake it around a bit to get as much of the water off it as you can and lay it flat on your palm to take a closer look, tracing your index finger along the intricately carved designs on its bronze cover in awe - the watch was definitely old, you could tell by the scratches and small dents adorning it. Or at least terribly neglected, you think to yourself disapprovingly. But who would throw such a beautiful thing away?

Your silent question is soon answered by a shout coming from behind you. "Oi, you there! Get back 'ere! I'll teach you to steal from me!" An angry old man bawls, shaking his fists angrily at you as he bounded up the alley.

- Say what, now? o.0 (B)
- Are you talking to me? e.e (A)
- Woah, woah... Slow down, old man! .__.; (D)
- Maybe I should start running... o.o (C)

"The heck..." You stand there with knitted eyebrows, glancing around to make sure that the elderly stranger is indeed addressing you and not someone else.

It didn't take too long for you to put two and two together: this elderly gentleman had clearly been robbed of something (most likely the watch that you held in your hands) and had been looking for the thief who took it and, in the given situation, believed it to be you.

That does explain why this was thrown away, you gulp, eyes widening, as it finally dawns on you. Feeling the adrenaline pump as the man starts to close the gap between him and you and not knowing what else to do, you bolt in the opposite direction as fast as you can.

"Oi! Stop right there! Get back 'ere with me watch!"

- Run faster legs! Run! Dx (B)
- Why are we running? We should just explain things to him! D8 (A)
- ^I doubt he'd want to listen. Old people are crazy. =.= (C)
- ^Maybe if we explain things to him nicely? ^^; (D)

For an old man, he was in pretty good shape. He was closing in on you while you puffed and panted with every step you took. "I-I didn't steal your bloody watch, I swear! You've got the wrong person!" you barely manage to shout back over your shoulder as you struggle to put as much distance between the mad elder and yourself.

"Likely story!" he roars, as he raises his umbrella horizontally above his head before launching it your way, narrowly missing your head.

- Why the heck would I steal your stupid watch?! D8< (D)
- You're crazy, old man! CRAZY! Dx (B)
- Are you trying to kill me?! THAT COULD HAVE KILLED ME! D:< (A)
- Actually... Maybe I should just throw his umbrella back to him. I'm sure he misses it already! D8< *aims the umbrella at his head* (C)

"What the heck, old man! That's just dangerous!" You were starting to fear for your life when you finally emerge in a relatively busy part of the town; quite a distance away from your original destination, but you hoped you could lose the crazy old man in the crowd. Diving into the mob of people, you squeeze past, almost knocking passersby off their feet. "I'm sorry! Excuse me, coming through! Pardon me!"

You were starting to feel relieved at getting away from the old lunatic until you heard a familiar voice shouting amidst the crowd. "Thief! Stop 'er! Thief! Get back 'ere!"

- I don't want to die! T.T (B)
- Leave me alone! Dx (A)
- Here, take your stupid watch! *carelessly throws it backwards* (C)
- ^Sorry to disappoint you, but the story doesn't allow that to happen because its writer is a moron -.- (D)

Oh, no. Running as fast as you can in your panicked state, you risk looking behind you to catch a glimpse of your pursuer, only to regret it a moment later as you fall to your knees with blurry eyes and a pounding head.

- He did it... He finally did it... D: YOU MANIAC! Dx (C)
- Am I... dying? D8 (D)
- See, this is what life is all about. Just getting punished for shizzle you don't even do! (B)
- ^Deep stuff, man. Deep stuff. >w> (A)

It seems that, while attempting to run for dear life, trying to convince an insane old man that you didn't steal his pocket watch, you had run head on into one of the many lamp posts scattered across the town. As you sit in a daze on the ground with a hand on your throbbing head, the old man finally catches up with you, roughly pulling you up by your arm and starting to lecture you about thievery, while rudely snatching away the watch that was still clutched tightly in your hand.

"Is there a problem here, sir?" A stern looking town guard had apparently spotted your antics and decided to take it upon himself to stick his nose in. You weren't sure whether to be happy or concerned.

"Why, yes, there is!" the old man responds eagerly, looking happy to cause a commotion. "This... this scoundrel 'ere, stole me bloody watch is what's 'appenin'! It was 'anded down from generation to generation, it was, from me great great grandfather and you think it's funny to just nick it from me unguarded self now, do ya? You know, back in my day..."

You were feeling far too dizzy and exhausted to even complain at the old man's incessant ramblings and just block the rest of his monologue out, trying instead to focus on other things, like how your sister will probably kill you if and when you get home for getting into this mess, even though it wasn't exactly your fault.

Your thoughts, however, are redirected to your present situation when you realise that the guard had now intervened the old coot's speech and you welcome the interruption. "Sir, if this young woman has indeed committed a... a 'crime', as you say, then perhaps you should consider filing a report against her instead of causing a scene in public."

- *le gasp* He cares! :'D (C)
- ^If only he happened to be good looking too. *u* (D)
- ^^How can he possibly be on our side when he just blatantly told that old man to just report us to the police? (-.(\);; (B)
- ^Hey, he's just doing his job. >.> Besides, this is all that old maniac's fault! D:< (A)

You couldn't help but snicker at the guard's comment and the look of complete and utter boredom etching across his face. Clearly, he didn't find the old man's stories at all fascinating. In fact, you could just imagine him picking his nose and staring away dumbly at some bird or other instead of having to actually do his job.

- Did someone say... Snickers? :D (A)
- Ew. Gross. =___= (B)
- ^Gross but funny. xD (C)
- Well, that totally ruined any image of a knight in shining armour I may have conjured up in my mind... (D)

"Oh, no, no. I 'ave everythin' under control!"

I bet he's just a scrooge and doesn't want to lose any money getting the law involved, you think to yourself bitterly. That is until you see the old man grinning your way, almost like an evil super-villain, as he rubs his hands together in glee.

- Old pervert alert! D: Guard! Save me! Dx (A)
- Wow. That is disgusting. -.- (D)
- Well, he could be thinking of something else, right? ^^; I hope. .___. (B)
- I don't know what you're up to, old man, but you'll be out cold before you mess with me! D:< (C)

"Sir?" the guard questions, looking slightly unnerved.

"You, lassie, will be cleanin' out me barn! I'll consider it an apology and you can be on your way 'ome after that." You could have sworn he mumbled, "Not to mention, I get it done for free..."

"What?" The throbbing pain in your head and the vertigo seemed to intensify at his statement and you stare at him in disbelief. "I... What?" It only became more and more confusing the more you thought about it and you were rendered speechless by the queerness of it all.

"Sir, I understand your proposal but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to take this young woman--"

"Then you can come an' keep an eye on 'er, can't ya, laddie? Let's get going then, shall we?" exclaims the old man, all but skipping along as he drags you and the guard behind him, with you flailing and shouting out against ever taking part in any kind of theft and the guard trying to excuse himself from the situation - both failing miserably.

- Is that even legal? D: THIS IS ANIMAL CRUELTY! Dx (A)
- That guard is a completely useless *censored*! Dx UNHAND ME, YOU FOOL! (D)
- Someone save me! I've been kidnapped by a psychotic old goon! ToT (B)
- At least I won't be alone? ^^;; Oh, who am I kidding? I'M DOOMED! TToTT (C)


And that's how you ended up cleaning out the old man's entire barn all by yourself on that wonderful Saturday morning, while the town guard dozed off on duty, snoring like a walrus with his mouth open and a trail of drool dripping onto his shiny uniform. Ugh. Hopeless. You'd at least think he'd help me out a bit or... or... something!

- ^Whales are lovely creatures, do not insult them by comparing them to this incompetent buffoon. -.- (C)
- What have I done to deserve this? Dx (B)
- Well, if I ever find a Death Note, I know whose names I'm going to write in it first. >:( (D)

It's almost afternoon by the time you manage to finish cleaning. The guard had been of no help whatsoever, except for the fact that he had contacted your sister and informed her of your situation. At least you didn't have to deal with that, which you were grateful for, but you were sure your sister would be raging by the time you got home anyway - not for getting involved in this mess, but for getting caught. You could almost hear her in your head going, "I don't care if you steal the world's bloody air supply! At least do it like a professional and don't get caught!"

- Wise words, sis. Wise words. xD (C)
- What kind of sister would do that? (-.(\) (D)
- ^The lousy kind. xD (A)
- Well, at least she won't be worrying about why I'm late, I guess? ^^; (B)

When you're finally done, the old man comes to examine your handiwork and seems quite impressed as he walks around, nodding and muttering to himself. Well, he better be damn grateful! I should at least get paid for all this when I had nothing to do with any of this in the first place!

As you glare holes in the back of the old man's balding head, he finally comes over and thanks you for your hard work and pats you on the head like a five-year old, dismissing both you and the guard, the latter of whom had only woken up five minutes ago. You resist the urge to smack both of them upside the head and stomp out grumpily. The whole bloody day ruined. Ruined! All because of some stupid old watch!

- I just had to pick it up! D:< (D)
- Why couldn't I just walk away like any normal person would have done? Dx (A)
- I shouldn't have run away. I should have tried to explain things to him calmly and everything would have worked out just fine... (B)
- *too busy cursing everything to form coherent thoughts* (C)

As you continue walking along, not caring where you went as long as you were as far away as possible from the old man and his barn, you hear someone shout, "Hey, young lady! Hold on a second!"

Oh, great! What does he want now? For me to clean his entire bloody farm? When you turn around angrily to give the old man a piece of your mind, you instead see the town guard huffing and puffing as he ran up to you. Well, isn't he fit for an officer of the law...

- He's a pathetic excuse for a guard. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, MAN! D8< (D)
- What. Do you. Want? =.= (C)
- Hello, Mr Useless Town Guard. How may I help you? e.e (A)
- Ugh. I just can't be bothered with people right now. >_> (B)

"Wait... one... moment, please!" When he finally catches up with you, he bends over and rests his hands on his knees, breathing heavily for at least half a minute.

"Yes?" you reply, tapping your foot impatiently with your arms crossed over your chest. You still had a whole list of things to get from the market, even though by now half the market would have probably been sold out.

After taking a deep breath and regaining his composure, the guard straightens up and replies, "Perhaps I should accompany you home?"

Is he concerned for my safety or is he just a total creeper? You couldn't tell, as you eyed him dubiously. "No, thank you. I'm fine."

- I say he's a total CREEPER! D8 (D)
- ^I agree. He's probably up to something. .__. (B)
- ^But he could also be nice and worried for our safety? :3 (C)
- ^I wouldn't agree with you completely but I don't disagree with you either. *eyes him doubtfully* -.o (A)


"Look, I've had a pretty depressing day so far, so I would really appreciate being left alone."

"Very well," he replies after a moment's hesitation and clears his throat awkwardly. "Well, good day then, Miss. And try to stay out of trouble," he gives you a pointed look as he continues in the opposite direction, heading towards the town square.

Again, you refrain from smacking him upside the head for being an imbecile, instead resorting to throwing your arms in the air with a frustrated growl, and stomp away angrily. A chilly breeze blows past, ruffling your hair, but you barely take notice of it. Neither do you notice the grey clouds that the breeze had been accompanying until a freezing droplet of water falls on your nose, many more following suit seconds later.

"Oh, just great!" you yell at no one in particular as the rain starts to fall harder. Screw the market, I'm going home! Putting your satchel over your head, you start running down the road, looking for some form of shelter. But you could barely see where you were going through the curtain of water around you, and none of the buildings nearby offered any form of shelter. Maybe I should head to the town square, I'm sure there'll be some place there to stay out of the rain for a bit, you think, quickly turning back and following in the guard's footsteps.

Freezing and soaked to the bone, your satchel not being much help at keeping you dry, you were frantically running down the road, almost to the square when suddenly, you feel the ground disappear beneath your feet.

- Cliff! o.0 (A)
- ^How would we not see a cliff? And why would the town square even be near a cliff?! D:< (C)
- A hole in the ground, perhaps? (D)
- ^You don't say. (B)

Before you could react, you were falling down a deep dark hole, the opening but a pinprick of light in the distance, as gravity drags you down. As the distance between you and the surface grew, all you could think of was, That's funny... I don't ever remember seeing a manhole in that spot before.

Your surroundings soon become pitch black as you fall deeper down the gap, miraculously not hitting anything. Unexpectedly, you feel a warm, floating sensation and light invades your vision from all directions.

- I've been abducted by aliens! D: (C)
- ^Since when have aliens come from underground? -.- And clearly, we've just fallen down a gaping hole in the road. (A)
- What the heck kind of place am I living in, where there are random holes all over the place and weird old people accuse you of random stuff and enslave you for a day to get even?! D: (D)
- ^To be honest, I'm more interested in where we're falling to; I've never heard of the sewers as being warm or bright. (B)


End of chapter one! So, what did you make of it? 83

And before you go on to the results, let me just say that I tried to put the options in alphabetical order but... something didn't quite work out right so... yeah. But I suppose this still kinda works out alright so, what the heck. x3

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully, the next one will be out soon. Thank you for reading, dear readers! Live long and prosper!

Now, tally up the letters, my lovelies, and off we go!


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