I Want You... (EDITING)

By GloomandDoom

683K 13.4K 3K

Can true love resist eachother? Amanda DeAngelo is the new student at Jericho Valley High School. Amanda no... More

I Want You...(Teacher-Student Romance)
|Welcome to Jericho Valley|
|Nice To Meet You|
|Fancy Seeing You Here|
|Memories Aren't Always Great|
|Boy Is On My Mind|
|"You're Hot Then You're Cold"|
|You Think To Much|
|Nobody Likes A Tease|
|There's A First For Everything|
|The Games Have Ended|
|Dinner & A Movie|
|Party Of The Year|
|A Day With Downey|
|Trouble In Paradise|
|Two Heartaches|
|Mr. Evans|
|Nothing But The Truth|
|Meet The DeAngelo's|
|Panties In A Bunch|
|Panties In A Bunch Pt.2|
|Ready To Tango|
|Calm Before The Storm|
|You'll Wish It Was A Nightmare|
|No One To Save You|
lNo Way Out|
|The Choice|
|Salvation Came With Death|
|Jericho Valley High School Prom 2013: "Dancing In The Moonlight"|
|"Here's To The Rest Of Our Lives"|
|Something's Can't Be Forgiven|
|Trying To Forget|
|Time is of the Essence|
|See You Later..|

|The Day After|

14.9K 284 41
By GloomandDoom

I woke up sprawled out on Robert's bed, I almost felt sad when I looked around and noticed he wasn't there. I didn't want to put my dress back on, so I grabbed his black button down shirt from the night before and just wore that. I walked out into the hall to hear Robert singing downstairs, I walked down the stairs and found him shirtless in the kitchen mixing something in a bowl..

"L is for the way you look at me

O is for the only one I see

V is very, very extraordinary

E is even more than anyone that you adore and ..

Love is all that I can give to you..

Love is more than just a game for two..

Two in love can make it..

Take my heart and please don't break it

Love was made for me and you..

Love was made for me and you..Love was made for me and you."

I'm not sure if he was really trying to sing or just messing around but he was singing in a deep soprano voice, either way he was really good. I came up behind him and got on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the kneck, "Are you always this chipper after sex?" I whispered...he chuckled, "Mm maybe." he said while turning around and leaning on the counter..he looked at me and sighed.."That's a good look on you ya know."..."Oh really?" I said with a smile I did a twirl and looked at him, "Thanks." he smiled and I turned around to walk away, he gave me a slap on the butt before I was out of his reach and I just glared at him. I walked over to the sofa and layed down on my stomach to relax, a couple minutes later Robert came in to the doorway and smirked at me, "Breakfest is served ma' lady." he said with an accent, while taking a bow...I got up and gave him a head nod, "Very well." we both started to laugh and sat down. "Yum, eggs and hashbrowns with bacon...oh AND pancakes? Thanks chef Ramsey." he rolled his eyes and chuckled, "On the contrary, I am better then Chef Ramsey." I looked at the plate and nodded, "I'm sure.." The breakfest was actually delicious ..I got up and I started to notice a pain in my thighs, I stumbled and walked over to the sink. Robert looked at me with confusement..."Im sore.." I said, Robert looked at me, "Why?... OH I know why." he said while forming a boyish smile, I almost facepalmed myself. "Sorry?" he said while getting up and walking over to me. I shrugged.."It's ok...it was for a good cause." I said with a wink, he slid his hand down to my stomach, "You sure you don't want me to give you a massage?" he said seductively as he ran his hand lower and lower, I giggled and slapped his hand away, "I think four times is good enough for one day, you sex machine." He pouted his lip, "Ok." I turned around and washed the dishes. I walked into the living room to see Robert sitting with his leg crossed over the other on the sofa, I walked up behind him and covered his eyes with my hand, "Soo chill day?" I asked in his ear. I could feel his smile grow under my hands, he grabbed my arms from behind him and nodded, "Chill day." he pulled me over with all his strength and I landed with my head on his lap, I slapped him on the chest, "What if I would have fallen?" his smile dropped..."Well then that would have sucked?" he laughed and I gave him a serious face. He ran his hand through my hair as I closed my eyes, "What's on your mind?" he asked quietly. I smiled a bit, "Last night, it was perfect." I heard a chuckle from him, "Perfect is probably an understatement." I smiled.."So are you not going to work Wensday? Since the concert is Tuesday?"..he thought about it "Nope..and neither are you."..I smiled, "Alright then." he looked up at the t.v. and then shook me by the shoulders, "I'm so excited!" I laughed..."I can see that!" he pulled me up to his face and gave me a tight hug, "Black Sabbath, you are seriously the best Amanda." I gave him a tight hug back and just sat there like that on his lap with his arms wrapped around me and mine wrapped around him. "Robert can I ask you something?" I said with my head on his shoulder, "Yes, darling." I smiled...he's such a cutie. "Uh, how come you and Liliann never had any kids?" there was a pause..."We attempted to..but then we found out that she wasn't fertile...she wasn't able to have any." I stayed quiet.."In a way I guess it's a good thing we never had any kids..cus either way we would have divorced..me and her were just not right for eachother for the long haul, and I don't want my kids seeing there parents get divorced like I had to." I nodded, "Do your parents know about us?"...he pulled his head back so that he can look me in the eye..."About that.." he said while forming a smile, "I want you to meet them." That made me a bit weary.."I-I don't know Rob, won't they think this is weird or like immoral?" he looked at me plainly, "My parents are the weirdest people there are...I mean look how I came out." I nodded my head,"That is true..." he raised his eyebrows, "Hey, you aren't supposed to agree!"...I laughed, "It's a good thing, you're unique." He gave me a shy smile and a kiss. "Well, I know they will love you." I smiled but I wasn't to sure about that on the inside.

I ended up leaving Robert's house around 8 p.m. I haven't really been home much. When I got home my family was in the living room watching a movie. I walked over, "Hey.." my mom looked over, "How was Rob's birthday?" I shrugged "It went really well..he loved the tickets.." I didn't dare tell her about the rest of his 'present', atleast not yet, but my brother gave me a look as if he knew..but I avoided his stare, "Well I'm gonna go shower.." "Ok sweetheart." my mom said while her eyes were on the t.v.

I went up to my room and put on some music and took a shower, and when I came back out..I practically had a heart attack. Josh was standing by my bed and Ivy was sitting on the edge of my bed. "What the fuck is he doing here Ivy?" I said while walking up to her..she stood up, "Josh want's to tell you something." I snapped my gaze at Josh, "Well spit it out." I said in a harsh tone while drying my hair..he took a deep breathe barerly meeting my eyes, "Well...I-I want to apologize to you....and to Ivy and I wanted to do it with both of you together. If you still decide to hate me after this, then that's my fault. But I know how I lied was wrong...honestly, I shouldn't have kissed you that day.. I knew that Ivy was having my baby, but I just...I couldn't except it...I was in denial. I've never been comfortable with change and now my whole world was gonna change..and I guess kissing you gave me some sort of feeling in my mind that nothing was gonna change." he looked over to Ivy, "Ivy...even though it was your mom who came to my house yesterday to ta-" I cut him off, "What is he talking about?" Ivy looked at me..."I finally decided to tell my parents...well my mom..I could tell she was getting suspicious. And she forced me to tell her it was Josh's, she went to his house and told his parents last night." She looked down, and I looked at Josh and he continued, "After your mom left, what my parents said to me really like, got through to me...when I went to my room last night..all I could picture was this little kid growing up never knowing who his actu-" Ivy cut him off, "Her...it-it's a girl." He looked at her with a suprised face..you could tell that it was really starting to set in for Josh at that moment..he cleared his throat. "All I could picture was my kid, growing up never knowing who I was...feeling left out..feeling different, wondering what it would be like if her dad was there..or if she even knew her dad, constantly wondering as she got older and older 'What if my dad was here?' wishing that she could have both her parents, wondering who her dad was...I don't want my kid to have to worry about that, I don't want my kid to ever blame themself. And then I started to think of that one girl Lauren..remember that girl who killed herself last year?" Ivy nodded her head..."I started thinking how she killed herself because she never knew her dad and always blamed herself for her mom's struggle and her steo dad abusing her..and all I could think was 'What if her father was there, what if he didn't run away like some bastard from his responsibility.' She would still be alive..she woukdn't have been abused." A tear started to run down Josh's cheek he shook his head, "The thing's I have said to you and do.e were fucked up and immature, and I regret having sex with you at the party... but NOT because of the fact that we did that...but only because of the fact that I was pissed/sad at Amanda for denying me...and I used you to make myself feel better, I admit that..and I am sorry. But I have gotten my karma, you've been my bestfriend since we were little kids..you were my first love...my first everything, and I turned into this douchebag after we broke up...I see it. Even if you decide not to forgive me and to hate me...I will still be apart of my daughters life. I am going to help every way I can, It should have been this way from the start, but I was just in such denial..I hate myself for what I have done. Amanda I took advantage of you...Ivy and I should have told you about our past from the start..but we just figured it would cause awkwardness or something, all I cared about was myself..I have been a really shitty guy and I am sick of doing the irresponsible thing, I am genuinly sorry to the both of you." he took a deep breath and looked in between us, Ivy looked at the ground, "Alot is gonna have to be done in order for me to completely forgive you or even want to be with you...".."Of course." Josh said while nodding his head, "But for now...I guess I can try and put that behind me." Ivy said, he then looked at me, and I sat down, "Well I am here for you and Ivy...It is gonns take alot for.me toI forgive you both..but I will never forget it..." he nodded his head, and Ivy smiled, "So...how did you guys get in my house anyway?" I asked while looking at them, Josh looked at Ivy.."Well I called Ivy and told her to meet me infront of your house, and I told your mom that we wanted to talk to you, and she sent us up here." I sighed, "That lady.." I smiled, "Well..I don't know about you guys but I am going to sleep sooooo." Ivy got up and they walked to the door, "You know we still have alot to talk about Josh." she said as she walked infront of him "Yes...I do." she nodded and walked out the door, "See you tomorrow." they both said before closing the door, and I closed my eyes to go to sleep, wow...just when I thought my day was over and I could just take a shower and relax they were here to settle shit, either way..I'm glad Josh manned up. But Robert is not going to like me forgiving him one bit.


So I have what's going to happen planned out already...I can't wait to write it cus it's pretty crazay. BUT for now please please please VOTE-COMMENT telk me your thoughts...and what you want to see happen, please&thank you. :)

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