Inazuma Eleven Is My Life...

By firetornados

6.7K 229 189

Isabelle is just an Inazuma Eleven-obsessed geek until one day her life changes forever and now, not only is... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

394 19 12
By firetornados


"I'm so proud of you." Isabelle tells me and kisses my cheek.

We climb up into the bus and she takes a seat next to Austin. I take a seat next to Jordan.

Sometimes I wonder if Austin lied about not liking Isabelle, but Isabelle swears that they are just friends. Best friends.

Jordan and I grew quite close during the Alius Academy incident, that's why he's probably my best friend.

Mark, Axel, and Jude are all best friends, and Mark always finds a way to have them all squeeze into a two person bus seat.

That's Mark for you.

When the bus arrives, the managers claim that today is mail day, so we might have mail from our friends and families waiting for us outside of our rooms.

I go upstairs and almost every door has a box or a few envelopes in front of them. There is nothing in front of Isabelle's room.

In front of my room is a large box. I pick it up and open the door. I walk in and set it on my bed.

It's from my father and my Alius Academy friends. There is nothing from my sister.

I open the box and find a note at the top.


We are so proud of you. You're playing for Japan's national team and all! We all miss you so much, but we know that you're having fun. We heard that you have a new girlfriend. We don't know her, but if you like her, we do too. Keep on playing soccer!

In the box I find two tickets for a ferry that can take you to any of the islands that surround Liocott, a box with a fancy dress in it, another box with a fancy tuxedo, and a credit card.

Being a millionaire, I'm sure that my father can afford these things, but he didn't have to get me them.

I guess I'm gonna have to do something with those tickets and the dress.

I already know exactly what I'm gonna do.


I hear a knock at my door. I open it to find Xavier, looking super cute, as always.

"Hey, Xavier." I smile.

"Isabelle, are you busy tonight?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "Nope."

"Then would you like to go out to dinner with me?" He asks. "On a boat."

Xavier is the most romantic boyfriend ever.

"I'd love to." I smile and he takes my hand. I blush.

He twirls me, which I love and says, "See you in half an hour. The dress code is fancy."

He hands me a box, then winks, kisses me on the cheek and heads off.

Xavier is so cute and super romantic.

I shut the door. Now to get ready.

I open the box he had given me and inside is a fancy, strapless party dress.

The torso is covered in silver and light purple beading and from the waist to a little above my knees there is smooth, light purple silk that reflects the light.

It is beautiful. It must have been so expensive...

"Oh, Xavier." I sigh, a small smile on my face.

Then the door bursts open.

Suzette, Victoria, Camellia, Silvia, and Celia burst in.

"Isabelle! We're having a party wanna-" Suzette exclaims.

Then she sees the box and the dress.

"Ooh! What's this!?" She asks.

The others look at the things curiously.

"A present from Xavier. He's taking me out tonight! Isn't he so sweet?" I gush.

"Ooh, it's so pretty." Camellia says, sweetly.

"You have the best boyfriend ever." Victoria sighs.

"Didn't Mark take you out last night?" Silvia asks, a slight tone of jealousy in her voice.

"Yeah, but to a soccer game! It's the eighth one this week!" She pounts.

"At least your boyfriend doesn't live in America!" Suzette sighs, talking about Erik.

"Isn't he staying on Liocott to participate in the Soccer Frontier?" Celia asks.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna go visit him right now!" Suzette exclaims. She waves. "I hope you and Xavier have a great time!" She says, then she drags the others off to go visit Erik.

I roll my eyes. Time to change.

Twenty minutes later, I have slipped into the beautiful lilac dress and have turned my waves into curls.

I hear a knock on my door and open it to find Xavier.

He looks so stunning that I almost faint when I see him. He has changed into a fancy tuxedo and his pale skin has a slight glow to it. He smiles at me.

"You look dazzling." He says.

I catch my breath.

"You look dashing." I smile.

He holds his hand out and I take it.

We head out of the dorm, through the gates, and start walking. It's only 5:30pm, so it's not dark yet. The sun hasn't really even started setting.

"I was going to rent a limo, but then I decided that it would be more romantic if we walked." He winks.

I squeeze his hand.

"You always know what to say." I gush.

He smiles and we head to the port, where or boat will be waiting for us.

"Purple suits you." He tells me. "It matches your eyes." He adds.

I blush.

"Did you pick it out?" I ask.

"No, my father sent it to me in the mail for you." He tells me.

I smile.

"Well, tell your father that he has really great taste." I say.

"I think that I might have inherited some of those great taste genes, somehow." He tells me.

This has got to be a pick-up line, since he and his father aren't actually related.

"What do you have great taste in?" I ask, playing along.

"Girls." He responds.

I blush.

"Literally. You always know what to say." I tell him.

When we get to the port, it's 6:30. We have half an hour, so we sit on a bench with the view of the sea and look out.

"You did great in today's match." I tell him.

"You predicted a lot of the things that happened." He tells me. "I guess the prophecy was right, after all." He says.

"Yeah. You guys will get to be so strong! You can't even imagine." I tell him, smiling proudly.

"Stay still for a sec and close your eyes." He tells me.

I close my eyes. The feeling of a swarm of angry butterflies starts to build up in my stomach.

"Do it. Do it. Do it." I think to myself.

I open my eyes and at the same time, we both lean in and our lips lock.

We stay for quite a while, only taking short breaks to breathe and soon "It's seven." He whispers.

We separate.

"That was nice." I whisper.

A smile makes its way onto Xavier's face.

"I'm glad you agree." He winks and we head over onto the dock.

We walk up a ramp, onto the boat, along with some other passengers, all dressed in fancy clothing.

Xavier shows a man our tickets and he directs us over to a table for two that has a great view of the ocean.

Xavier pulls a chair out and motions for me to sit down. I giggle and sit down. He pushes the chair closer to the table and then sits down in his seat.

"It feels like we're in the movie Titanic." I tell him. "Except, without the whole sinking thing." I add.

Way to ruin the moment, Isabelle.

He laughs and nods.

Then we check out the menu.

Xavier really is the best boyfriend ever.


I watch Isabelle and Xavier disappear down the hall. They are so cute together.

"Shit!" I hear a familiar voice.

I open my door a bit more to find Axel standing in the middle of the hallway.

He looks defeated, annoyed, rejected, and angry all at once.

It pains me to see him like this. I never thought that the Axel Blaze would ever feel like this.

If only Isabelle knew how Axel felt about her. But if I tell, Xavier will be really mad.

"Austin?" I hear Axel's voice.

I open the door all the way and look him in the eyes.

Austin, don't do it! Don't do it!

I do it.

I run up to him and wrap my arms around him.

His body tenses but after a few seconds, he hugs me back.

We stay like this for a while and then I remember the therapist and Darren and Isabelle and everyone. I remember the new me.

I let go.

"Axel, what are we doing?" I ask.

A guilty expression crosses his face.

"I don't know." He sighs.

He looks me in the eyes. I can see my large, dark green eyes reflecting back through his brown ones. A part of me breaks off. I still have a weak point for Axel... This can't happen.

"Actually, I do know." He says. "Come with me." He drags me down the hall, up the stairs, onto the rooftop garden. He sits down next to the safety fence and pats the ground next to him. 

A mixture of nervousness and excitement builds up in my stomach. 

Austin. Stop. 

My body does not obey my brain. I sit down next to Axel. 

Axel looks me straight in the eye. "Do you care about me?" He asks.

I nod, eagerly. 

Austin! STOP!

Axel leans in really close. He stays there for a few seconds, his lips millimeters from mine. He takes a deep breath and then his lips touch mine. 

I saw this coming. Why did I not stop him? 

I kiss him back.


I push him away and stand up.

"What are you doing?!?" I exclaim, throwing my hands up into the air. Me and Axel need to be just friends. He said that himself

He looks at me and is about to open his mouth when I interrupt him.

"Axel. The only reason you just kissed me is because you are desperate! You don't give a fuck about me so why do you have to go and complicate everything? HUH! You wanna know why? Because you're selfish! You're a selfish jerk! Go find a random girl on the street to make out with! At least you could think about sparing my feelings?!" I scream. I have just said a terrible word, yet I honestly do not care right now. 

I notice that tears are slowly making their way down my face. I storm off to my room and lock the door.

Why don't I know what my feelings for Axel are? Oh wait, it's because he keeps playing with my emotions.


What did I just do?! Why am I such an idiot?! Why am I so mean?!

Austin and I were friends a few seconds ago, but now he probably hates me and it's all my fault.

He knows that he can't have me, yet I keep luring him in. Like when you tell a dog that if it goes into it's cage it will get a treat, but it never does get that treat... Austin's the dog, I'm the owner with the treat, and I guess Isabelle's the cage.

I should blame Xavier, but honestly, the whole Austin thing has nothing at all to do with Xavier. This is all my doing. Austin was right, I am desperate. Now I've made him feel like a second choice, a backup plan. That has gotta hurt. 

I am a selfish jerk. Austin was completely correct in every single way.

I look up at the sky. It is darkening slowly as large, dark clouds make their way across the horizon. I bet it's gonna rain.

I should get up, but this is my punishment. I am going to spent the rest of the night out here. In. The. Rain.

I awaken to the clash of lightning. My eyes spring open. 

Small droplets of water make their way onto me. I must have fallen asleep. 

I am not soaked yet, so I am guessing that the storm has just started. 

I hear laughter from down below. 

I look through the fence, down to the front yard of the dorm where I see the last thing I want to see.

Xavier is twirling Isabelle around. He twirls her and then they rush off into the dorm before it starts to actually rain.

I realize that tears are streaming down my face.

My life is a mess. My life is a piece of shit.

The one girl I have ever felt feelings for is in love with an ex-friend of mine. The only other person I have ever loved hates me and my selfish attitude. My dad doesn't want me to become a soccer player and he keeps trying to contact me to take me out of the FFI.

My life sucks.

That's when I yell it at the top of my lungs "MY LIFE SUCKS!" It feels good.

I do it again, yet louder. "MY LIFE SUCKS!" I let it out.

I bang my fists against the fence. Now the rain really is pouring.

"Axel? Axel are you awake?" I hear the most beautiful voice ask me. My eyes shoot open to find Isabelle. My head is resting on her lap.

"Isabelle?" I ask. "Why are you here?" I ask.

"What do you mean why am I here?" She asks, a confused look on her face. 

Now that I take a better look at her, she looks different. She looks about ten years older. She's still the most beautiful girl in the world, though. 

I lift my head. I'm in a bedroom. Light is shining through the window onto a king sized bed that we're lying on. On the wall hang pictures of what looks like a wedding. Is that Isabelle as the bride? And me as the groom? 

There are also a few pictures of Isabelle, Austin, and I and some of me and my sister Julia. We all look ten years older.

A huge stack of papers lie in a folder marked PROPERTY OF THE FIFTH SECTOR in official looking print. 

I look up into Isabelle's stunning teal eyes and she smiles at me. I smile back

"OH MY GOD! AXEL ARE YOU OKAY!?! WAKE UP, PLEASE!" I hear Isabelle's voice. 

I open my eyes to find my head resting on her lap, but she's not ten years older, and we are not in a bedroom. We are out on the roof on the Inazuma Japan dorm in the frigid morning air. 

I am soaked to the bone but feel like I'm on fire. 

"Isabelle?" I wheeze. My throat is incredibly sore.

"Oh thank god! Were you out here all night in the storm?!" She asks. She lightly presses her palm onto my forehead. "Wow! Axel! You're burning! You literally are the flame striker!" She gasps, her eyes widening.

"Yeah, I was out here all night..." I croak.

"Oh my..." She whispers. "Why?" She ask.

I don't answer, instead I say "I'm fine."

I try to stand, but I'm far too weak to even sit up.

"I'll call for help." She says. "You're probably running an unbelievably high fever." She adds, looking pretty concerned.

I get incredibly dizzy and light headed when Isabelle places my head onto the ground lightly and rushes off. A second later, she's back with Mark and Jude. 

"He's been out here all night..." She tells them worriedly.

"Only Mark would do something this stupid, not Axel..." Jude says, also concerned.

"Hey! I'm not stupid!" Mark exclaims, shoving Jude playfully. "Axel, are you okay!?" Mark adds.

I nod slightly and become dizzy doing so.

They lift me up and carry me downstairs to the infirmary. 

I turn out to have an 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.44 Celsius) fever and they have to put me on bed rest until it goes down completely. 

Of course, Coach Travis gets pretty pissed at me and demands to know why I slept out on the roof in a thunderstorm, but I refuse to tell him. 

I'm pretty sure he's getting tired of all the drama I keep stirring up, and trust me, I am too. 

I don't want to remember last night. The thing that happened with Austin, seeing Isabelle and Xavier together. I will have none of it. Instead, I stare at the ceiling, trying to force myself to get better. I don't think it's working.

I hear a quiet click and my eyes flutter open. I turn my eyes towards the door to find a figure. From what I can tell, it's a girl. The room is dark, the only light is coming from the moonlight that is escaping the blinds. I keep my eyes half shut as the figure steps closer so that the moonlight hits her face. 

I can't see very well, but a pair of teal eyes I know all too well flash in the moonlight. It's Isabelle. 

She steps up so that she's standing next to my bed. She sits down in a chair there and just stays like that.

 Is she watching me sleep? Does she care enough about me to do so? I mean, I wouldn't do this sort of thing for anyone unless I really loved them, like my younger sister. Or Isabelle...

After a few minutes, my eyes close completely and I am awakened my something soft brushing my forehead.

I open my eyes slightly so that Isabelle doesn't know I'm awake. 

She has just kissed my forehead. I open my eyes all the way and then sit up. 

She looks startled. I don't care. 

I lean in and kiss her. When our lips connect, I am overcome by a wonderful sensation, a beautiful sensation! It takes over my whole body.

She kisses me back, her lips soft and delicate. After a while, we disconnect and she leaves the room without saying a word. 

YAY! I've finally finished this chapter! It feels so good to just sit down and type for fun and not type essays for school.

I am really trying to develop Axel's character throughout the book! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! 

Axel: Oh, do you?

Me: *Blushes* Y-yes! 

Axel: Ooh, maybe I should kiss you right now.

Me: NO! Axel! Not in front of my readers. Sorry guys!

Jude: Shouldn't you tell them you're n-

Me: Not now! You know that's TOP SECRET information... 

Shawn: Why?

Me: Because... It is.

Jude: That's not a good answer. 

Me: -_-

Mark: Hey, readers! If you want us to tell you the top secret information comment "I know the secret to the prophecy!" Down below!

Me: Hey! You can't do tha-


Hurley: AND NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL THE FINAL WHISTLE... Because, waves never stop hitting the shore. They are always persistent and never give up. They keep reaching for the soft, cream colored sand and never stop until they reac-

Austin: And don't forget to check out the new book "Inazuma Eleven Updates"!

Hurley: HEY! You ruined my mojo, little man!

Me: I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH SO: *throws Shawn into a pool of fangirls* HERE YOU GO! 

Jude: Have fun in there, Shawn!

Shawn: WHY ME!!!!!!!!!!


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