Let it be


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Ellie Wardle (played by Chloe Moretz) and Will Smith (played by Logan Lerman) are two ordinary people, but on... Еще

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 15

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After an hour of pampering and dressing up in different outfits, Jasmine had finally finished her masterpiece. Even though Ellie was going to be on super fast rides that make her hair fly about with the wind, Jasmine had curled Ellie’s blonde beautiful locks. They fell down her back, springing upwards with curls. Ellie’s face was covered with barely any makeup. Jasmine had used a small amount of light pink lip gloss that made her mouth glow, and a bit of liquid eyeliner on top of her lids; making her gorgeous blue eyes stand out. Not forgetting the mascara that extended her lashes, and the slight placement of eyeliner that exhibited her liquid eyeliner on her lids. Ellie wore one of Jasmine’s outfits. They were skinny jeans, a purple and blue floral top and a black denim jacket to keep her warm. The shoes she had placed on her feet were just basic black vans, which matched well with the skinny jeans and jacket.

     Jasmine gasped, “Wow, you look...amazing”

     “Can I look in the mirror?” Ellie asked, biting her lower lip.

     Jasmine motioned her hand towards the mirror that was on the wall in the bathroom. Ellie slowly strolled over to it nervously, and looked down at the floor. When she arrived at the mirror, with her head still facing the floor, she looked up. For a moment, she was speechless. Jasmine walked up behind her and smiled at Ellie through the reflection of the mirror. Ellie’s mouth was wide open in the shape of an ‘O’.

    Jasmine giggled and pushed her jaw back up, “We don’t want flies in our mouths now do we,”

    “This is unreal,” Ellie finally said, “I’m dreaming.”

     Jasmine pinched her sister playfully, “Ouch!” Ellie whined.

     “No you’re not,” Jasmine smiled,

     “Thank you so much Jas,” Ellie’s eyes started to water in joy.

     “No problem sis,” Jasmine smiled back, wrapping her arm around her sister’s neck.

     Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

     “That must be him!” Jasmine chirped excitedly,

     “The nerves are kicking in now...” Ellie replied with her hand on her chest.

     “Just have fun,” Jasmine smiled, “No need to be nervous.”

     Ellie nodded, “You are right, now let’s not keep him waiting.”

     Jasmine walked down the stairs proudly, with her beautiful pampered sister walking behind her. Jasmine walked up to the door, but spun round to her sister before opening it. She showed a toothy smile to her nervous twin, and then pulled down the door handle; swinging it open.

     And there he stood. Will. His hair was gelled to the side perfectly, like he was ready for a date. He wore a blue t-shirt and dark blue chinos, finished amazingly with a pair of Nikes and a gorgeous smile that was lit up on his face.

     “Hello Will,” Jasmine greeted,

     “Hi Jas, is Ellie ready?” Will replied.

     “She’s right here,” Jasmine smiled, gesturing to her sister who started walking closer to the door.

     Will’s eyes widened, “Wow,”

     “Is it too much?” Ellie blushed,

     “No,” Will answered straight away, “I mean...you look perfect.”

     The words left Will’s mouth without any thought, but fortunately it created a bright toothy smile on Ellie’s face. She was sure she had turned into a tomato by now, but she didn’t care. Like Jasmine had told her a few minutes earlier, just have fun.

     “Are you ready?” Will asked again, simply reaching out his palm to Ellie.

     Ellie placed her hand in his, “Readier than ever,” She replied.

     Will smiled and pulled her cautiously out of the house.

     “Have a good time,” Jasmine waved,

     “We will,” Will replied with a smile.

     As Jasmine close the front door to her home, Will opened the back seat to his Mum’s car, motioning Ellie to jump inside first.

     “Thank you,” Ellie said sweetly, getting into the car.

     Will just smiled, before getting in himself.

     “Hello Ellie,” Zoey greeted looking in her rear view mirror,

     “Hello Mrs. Smith,” Ellie replied.

      “You look very beautiful Miss. Wardle,” Zoey smiled,

     Ellie blushed, “Aw, thank you.”

     “No problem, sweetheart.” Zoey said, starting to drive the car up and out of the street. “Now I know why Will is always talking about you,”

     “Mum...” Will groaned in embarrassment,

     Ellie’s eyes lit up, “He does?”

     “Oh, yes. Not in front of his Father of course. I have no idea what goes on with that little brain of Harry’s, I guess he just doesn’t want his boy to grow up.” Zoey said, making Ellie feel a bit insecure and edgy,

     “Yes, that might be it.” Ellie replied nervously.

     The rest of the journey was in complete silence, until they reached the fair; where Ellie and Will gave their thanks to Zoey.

     As they walked through the gates, complete awkward silence struck again. Ellie started fiddling with her fingers, thinking of what to say. But luckily for her, Will broke the silence.

     “I’m glad we are friends,” He smiled,

     “Me too,” Ellie smiled back.

     “There’s not as many people as I thought there would be,” He laughed, “At least there will be no lining up or anyone getting claustrophobic.”

     “Yeah, I agree I thought there would be more people. But there are still quite a few,” Ellie sniggered; Will just looked around awkwardly, before spotting James and Chloe.

     “Hey,” Will started, “There’s James and Chloe!”

     “And I care because?” Ellie replied in a snobby tone,

     “I think we should go say hi, don’t you?” Will smiled.

     “Sure, whatever.” Ellie said, her mood had completely dropped when Will mentioned Chloe.

     Ellie hadn’t spoken to Chloe for at least three weeks now. It felt weird she was going to be speaking to her again, and it made her slightly nervous. Ellie just wanted to spend time with Will, get to know him again, hook a duck with his arms around her waist. Ellie wanted the imaginable; that she wasn’t entirely sure was actually going to happen at all with James and Chloe around.

     “Hey,” Will greeted to the other two,

     “Will, you made it!” James replied happily, before placing his eyes on Ellie; scanning her up and down.

     “Ellie, you came too.” Chloe smiled, opening her arms to embrace Ellie into a hug.

     Ellie declined Chloe’s offer, and folded her arms. “Yeah, I thought it would be fun.” She shrugged.

     “Well I’m glad you came,” Chloe pulled her toughest smile, and placed her arms back to her sides casually.

     “So, you two are dating now?” James asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

     “No,” Both Will and Ellie replied,

     “Just friends,” Ellie nodded.

 “Oh,” James said, “So what ride do you want to go on first?”

     “That one,” Chloe said, pointing at the Ferris wheel,

     “Are you serious, Chloe?” James asked, holding in a laugh.

     “Yeah,” Chloe smiled, winking at Will.

     What is she doing? Why did she wink at me? Will asked himself. Oh god... I know why. Chloe wants me and Ellie to talk, because we can’t do that on any other ride.

     “Maybe later,” Will finally said, “I vote The Twister, something easy but still fun.”

     “I vote the same as Will,” Ellie smiled up at the medium sized, handsome seventeen years old,

     “Twister it is then!” James said with an enthusiastic voice.

     They walked over to the ride, and got into their seats. Will was sat with Ellie, and James was sat with Chloe; obvious, really.

     A tall man wearing a red and black cap walked around to collect the money from them, before starting the ride. They started reversing slowly, but as soon as the first five seconds had passed it suddenly speeded up rapidly. Ellie screamed in excitement, holding on to the bar in front of her. Will laughed and threw his hands up in the air like a little boy.

     Maybe it was a good idea meeting up with James and Chloe. My mood is actually great now. God, girls and their moods... Ellie thought to herself while screaming on the outside.

     Once The Twister had finished, Will and Ellie jumped off dizzy, trying to stay on their feet.

     “I swear that has gotten a lot faster,” James said to Chloe, walking over to where Ellie and Will were stood.

     “Enjoy it?” Will laughed, looking at James’ eyes that rolled about dizzily.

      “I’ve been on better,” James replied, “I don’t think I’ve been this dizzy even when I’ve been drunk.”

     “Ha-ha, alright.” Will rolled his eyes.

     “What should we go on now?” Chloe asked in an excited tone,

     “How about that,” Ellie recommends, pointing at the 10 seats that fly up into the air and back down again,

     “I love them,” Will smiled.

     “Let’s go on it then!” Chloe chirped, skipping to the next ride.

     Trying to keep conscious, James staggered, following Chloe.

     “God man,” Will laughed, “You’re acting like you’re drunk!”

     “That Twister man, it’s a lot faster than it used to be...” James told,

     “Of course,” Will replied sarcastically,

     “I swear,” James raised his tone little, making him sound like a chipmunk. Will couldn’t help but laugh a little, before he arrived with the girls at the next ride.

      James decided not to go on that ride, and stayed off as he was still feeling sick and dizzy.

     “Man, he’s a loser for fair grounds” Will said, jumping off the ride he had just been on,

     “He told me he liked rides,” Chloe furrowed her eyebrows, “He’s such a liar.” She giggled,

     “I am not a liar,” James said angrily, “I just didn’t want to let you down babe.”

     “Aw, baby.” Chloe smiled,

     “Save it for the bedroom,” Ellie laughed, following up behind Will.

     James kissed Chloe’s cheek, grinning at Ellie.

     “I’m hungry,” Chloe moaned, “Can you guys come with me to get a hot dog?”

     “Sure,” Ellie smiled, walking up to her once again best friend,

     They scuttled off in glee, laughing and giggling. Will stood beside James and admired the view in front of them.

     “I’m so glad they’re friends again,” Will said, breaking the silence for the second time today.

     “Does this mean Ellie’s going to be popular?” James questioned, raising an eyebrow.

     “Fuck popularity man,” Will replied, ignoring James’ question. “Is that all you care about?”

     James didn’t answer, but just glared at Will giving him an ‘Are you crazy!?’ look. Will folded his arms tightly, tensing his biceps.

     Will gulped, “I’m going to talk to Ellie,”

He walked up to the hyperactive, smiley teen who he can only call his ‘friend’. He tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned around rapidly.

     “Easy there tiger,” Will laughed,

     “Roar,” Ellie smiled, making a claw shape with her hands; pretending to be a tiger.

     Will bit his lip, God why does she have to be so sexy? He thought to himself.

     “Ha-ha, smart” Will finally said, “Can I speak to you?”

     “Of course,” Ellie replied, walking over to the side of the food stall.


     He gulped loudly. “Well, Ellie. I have got to say you look stunning tonight,”

     “Thanks, you don’t scrub up bad yourself.” Ellie blushed,

     “No problem,” Will shrugged his shoulders, grinning.

     “Is that all you wanted to tell me?” Ellie cocked an eyebrow, curiously.

     No, I love you Ellie. I can’t deal with being ‘just friends’ anymore.

     “Yes,” Will lied.

     You idiot, why did you lie to her? This was your chance, and you’ve blown it.

     “Well that was thoughtful of you to say Will,” She smiled,

     “Just thought I’d mention it instead of keeping it bottled inside,” Will smiled back.

     “Ellie,” Chloe called, motioning her hand to make Ellie come over to her.

     “We better get back then,” Ellie let out a slight laugh as she spoke nervously,

     “Yes, let’s go.” Will replied feeling like an idiot for not telling her how he felt.

     Maybe another time, idiot. He thought to himself, But remember, you are running out of time quickly. Don’t wait so long the next time you make a move, dimwit.

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