Devil May Love | Niklaus Mik...

By JarrodYouSuck

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[Completed] "I could love the devil as long as that devil loves me as much as he loves Hell" Evangeline Salv... More

Chapter One: Evangeline
Chapter Two: Dragon Breath
Chapter Three: The Bite
Chapter Four: Price for the Cure
Chapter Five: Ray Sutton
Chapter Six: Evangeline's Story
Chapter Seven: Pure Loneliness
Chapter Eight: Tornado
Chapter Nine: Chicago
Chapter Ten: Not-so-St. Stefan
Chapter Eleven: Spitfire
Chapter Twelve: Do You Think I'll Die?
Chapter Thirteen: Bring Me Back
Chapter Fifteen: Trapped
Chapter Sixteen: Ultimate Importance
Chapter Seventeen: Ties That Bind
Chapter Eighteen: Elijah's Return
Chapter Nineteen: Family Above All
Chapter Twenty: Mother Dearest
Chapter Twenty One: Give Me Love
Chapter Twenty Two: Dangerous Liaisons
Chapter Twenty-Three: Life of an Ex-Salvatore
Chapter Twenty-Four: Obstruct Love
Chapter Twenty Five: Enamored
Chapter Twenty-Six: Transformation
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cruel Intentions
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Forthcoming Fate
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Sunrise before the Sacrifice
Chapter Thirty: Do Not Go Gentle

Chapter Fourteen: With or Without You

24K 656 89
By JarrodYouSuck

How could Klaus have known that it was possible for him to have a strong connection with someone like Evangeline?

As he drove have to Mystic Falls, all that the blonde Hybrid could think about was the fact that he left the only other hybrid he knew (before he made his army) dead before he fled the town at the mention of his father. Klaus put had Evangeline down in her bed thinking that she was going to heal while he was gone so it astonished him to know that she was actually still dead and it was his fault.

It had occurred to him that this woman was changing him, he could feel it. He was caring for her in a way that he hadn't cared for anyone outside of his family in a long while. She was making him weaker by the minute and he couldn't fight it, he just had to take it and accept it. Even after he'd killed her, he still felt empty and affected. Part of him knew she was unaware of her brother's antics just by the way she felt hurt whenever Stefan was near. Yes, Klaus felt it too. He couldn't understand why but he did, he felt her emotions if they were strong enough.

He wasn't even sure how she was able to contact him as a ghost until he remembered her mentioning her good friend Anastasia White. Klaus had only met the witch on a few occasions and she wore her power in her eyes each time. He wasn't intimidated by her but he wasn't planning on agitating on her either. It surprised him that a witch so powerful had befriended Evangeline, seeing as she was more of an imbalance of nature than he was. Then again, he wasn't fully surprised that a person like Evangeline could turn even the most hateful to her side. For God's sake look at what she'd done to him!

In less than a month, he was moping around on his drive home to prove that his bastard of a father was finally out of his life. Something didn't feel right to him though, it felt too easy, so he had to be there to prove that his rotten father was actually ash. And if he wasn't, well, he had a plan for that too.


The small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia looked exactly the same as it had when Klaus had left. The buildings were all the same, Mystic Grill was still there, the houses were the same, nothing had truly changed. Given, Klaus had only been gone for a week or so, not many drastic changes could happen but the town had looked the same for years and years anyway.

The first place Klaus wanted to go was the Salvatore Boardinghouse to make sure Evangeline's brother's hadn't given up hope and buried her somewhere or something of that sort. The problem was that if they were plotting something, he couldn't show up just yet so Evan would have to wait, much to his dismay. Instead, Klaus visited the home of his first successful hybrid. By then, he was sure that Tyler's friends had realized he was sired to Klaus just as the rest of his hybrids and would be keeping him out of 'the loop' but the Original Hybrid could still put the boy to good use with delivering messages for him to the Scooby Gang.

Fortunately, as Klaus arrived at the Lockwood Manor, the young hybrid himself was returning home. By then it was raining heavily and things really seemed to be on Klaus's side.

"The homecoming dance is cancelled" Tyler Lockwood said immediately upon spotting the hybrid, "But I said I'll bring it over to my house"

The Mikaelson hybrid wolfishly grinned, "Perfect, I can have a few friends over to liven the place up in a few minutes"

"Wait, why? This is just supposed to be a dance, right?" Tyler asked confused.

"No, mate, it's a wake, Mikael is gone and I must celebrate"


An hour and a half or so later, Tyler's mansion was crawling with unfamiliar people and an unknown band was playing. There were dancing bodies at every corner and food and drinks at every table. It looked like a great party.

"How did he plan a better party than me so fast?!" Whined Caroline as she and Bonnie entered the Lockwood mansion seeing all of the unknown guests, "Is that a band outside?"

"Who are all these people?" Bonnie questioned skeptically looking at all of the suspiciously unfamiliar faces.

Caroline scoffed, "This is weird! Where's Tyler?"

The blonde walked off just as her hybrid boyfriend began speaking to Stefan Salvatore.

"This is a nice party you got going on here" Complimented the compelled vampire.

The sired werewolf vampire hybrid nodded, "Thanks but I'm not the one throwing it, I'm just doing want Klaus wants"

The Salvatore frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It's not a party man" Tyler informed before he added, "it's a wake"

And with that, he turned towards the large stage as the band finished up and the crowd began clapping. Into the light, stepped the Original Hybrid himself dressed in a suit and tie, wearing a smirk.

"Good evening everyone! I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate" he announced, British accent clear and present as he searched the crowd and locked eyes with Stefan, "It's been a long time coming..."

Upon hearing the speech, an appalled Caroline Forbes raced to tell her friends Elena Gilbert and her ex Matt Donovan, only to find little surprise on their faces. Being the bold blonde she was, she called them out for it only to get a lame reply.

"I learned not to be surprised by anything Klaus does" Elena tried to reply lamely but saw the disbelief on her best friends face and quickly planned her escape, "I'm going to find Bonnie"

"What's going on?" The blonde asked Matt, "And what are you two doing here together? I thought you were supposed to be here with Rebekah"

In reality, Elena Gilbert had daggered Rebekah before the get together because she didn't want anyone risking their plans to kill Klaus.

"Plans changed, I need a drink" Matt retorted, quickly escaping as well.

Caroline sighed and rolled her eyes before walking away.

In the midst of the party, Niklaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore walked together side by side.

"Quite the homecoming" Stefan honored causing the blonde to smirk as they walked.

"I've been planning my father's funeral for a thousand years and granted were none of these people invited but you get the idea" The much older man replied slyly.

"What now? You stop running" The Salvatore boy asked curiously as they came to a stop.

Klaus turned towards him, "Now, I reunite my family"

"Right, you mean the people you cart around in caskets" Stefan said matter-of-factly.

Klaus dismissed it, "None of that matters anymore, Mikael's gone, bygones will be bygones"

They paused for a moment and Klaus's mind shot to the man's sister who he had yet to see or hear about. As much as he'd never admit it, he missed Evangeline dearly and would've loved to see her amongst the crowd, dressed for homecoming in a devilish red dress or an elegant blue. He needed her presence with him and his patience was wearing thin.

"Where is your sister?" He finally asked causing a clouded look to cross the brooding Salvatore's face.

"You killed her, remember?" He hissed lowly, narrowing his eyes at the man, "And for some reason, she's actually gone now"

If the hybrid's heart was still beating, he'd feel a tug on it, "Where.Is.She?"

His nostrils flared with his words and his eyes were smoldering as he took a step closer to the brown haired man.

"Dead, Klaus, that's all that matters" Stefan sneered not letting down his guard or stepping back.

The hybrid growled before taking a step back and glancing around to keep from screaming at the undead man, "Speaking of sisters, where is mine then?"

"I have no idea" The Salvatore replied monotonously, "I thought she was coming with Matt"

Klaus didn't believe him for a second, "Oh be honest now Stefan, where's my sister?"

"I said, I have no idea" Stefan said once more, tilting his head to the side, "Now would you like me to take you to your father?"

Being smart enough to know better than to go with the Salvatore alone, Klaus answered, "It's not a party without the guest of honor...bring him to me"

"Alright" Stefan replied, not expecting such answer, "Perhaps something in it for me?"

Klaus furrowed his eyebrows, allowing him to go on, "My freedom from your compulsion"

"Oh you want your freedom?" Klaus repeated, "Well once he's dead and his weapon destroyed, you'll have your freedom. It'll be my pleasure to give it back to you"

Stefan nodded, smiling fakely before walking away, leaving the Original hybrid to his thoughts, which were of course plagued by the one and only Salvatore sister. He had wanted to rip the vampire's heart out for refusing to tell him where his mate was but he had to keep his composure in order to keep things looking normal for his hybrids. The Salvatore just didn't understand that Klaus was the only one who could bring his sister back and keeping him away from her only made things more complicated.

After the conversation between the two, things began to unravel for the Gang against Klaus. When Stefan arrived to the Boardinghouse to announce the change of plans with Klaus, he was attacked by Mikael who then left with Damon. The father of the Original family was a vampire, vampire hunter who only drank the blood of vampires or 'predators' as he called them. The Salvatore brothers both agreed to keep their sister a secret from the man and put her body somewhere he would have been unable to find it.

Klaus then had a conversation to Tyler Lockwood, informing him that the unknown people of his party were indeed his newly turned band of hybrids and would do anything at his beck and call, like the first successful hybrid himself. This led for the Lockwood boy to knock his girlfriend Caroline out with a vervain dart in order to protect her and quickly try to warn the Gang of Klaus's being one step ahead before it was too late.

Klaus then had a conversation with Elena Gilbert, informing her that he was one step ahead and threatening her what would happen if they retaliated and he died. Unbeknownst to most of the people involved, this 'Elena' was actually Katherine, pretending to be her, all a part of a plan she was forming with one of the Salvatore brothers.

As the Gang began getting ready to carry out their plan, Klaus was alone yet again, suffering in his thoughts, staring into a glass. He wished his favorite biracial woman would turn up and be bold with him once again, hopelessly hoping she'd awaken on her own as he'd thought she would. The pleasure of his father's death would not be satisfactory if he didn't have the attention of her piercing green eyes as he basked in his glory.

"You have a visitor" One of his female hybrids informed him standing close to him.

"Well tell my visitor, I'm on my way to victory" He answered, referring to the game of beer pong he'd been mindlessly playing.

"He said his name was Mikael" She said, sobering her leader up immediately.

Klaus threw the ping pong ball into the cup, perfectly before looking towards the girl, "Then we mustn't keep him waiting"

With Evangeline and Anastasia

"Oh my god" Evangeline gasped, green eyes going wide as she stood between Niklaus and his father.

"They can't see you or sense your presence" Anastasia informed in her head, "but you can see them of course"

The curly haired hybrid stood against the door frame as Klaus walked up to his stepfather who was just outside the door and couldn't walk any further in. The middle Salvatore child's heartbeat was rapid as she looked between stepfather and son.

"Hello Niklaus" Mikael Mikaelson greeted looking at his stepson in a calm manor.

Klaus looked at him square in the eyes, "Hello Mikael, why don't you come in? Oh that's right, I forgot you can't"

"That was a little corny" Evangeline murmured to herself as she examined the men before her.

They were nearly the same height, both blonde haired but the stepfather had darker eyes and a deadlier look to him. Niklaus was devilishly handsome while Mikael was just plain devilish and nerve-wracking to be near. She could feel the hate radiating off the two and the strength of it was heart breaking.

"Or you could come outside if you want" Mikael offered, as though he wouldn't attack the younger man as soon as he got the chance.

"Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb" Klaus retorted sending shivers down Evangeline's spine.

The venom his voice drowned in made her blood run cold while the Original vampire father looked unamused.

"They can't kill me" He informed his stepson.

"True" Klaus murmured, barely moving his lips, "But it'll make hell of a party game"

The hybrid smirked at his stepfather after his remark, "All I have to do, is rub these two fingers together" He demonstrated, "And they'll pounce"

Evangeline glanced at the cluster of hybrids behind the Original father. They all looked like they had a craving for blood and violence though Mikael could most likely take a good lot of them before he was taken down.

"The Big Bad Wolf" Mikael taunted, stealing back Evangeline's attention, "You haven't changed, still hiding behind your playthings like a coward...and you forget, they may be sired by you but they're still part vampire and they can be compelled by me"

"No" Evan whispered, feeling the pure agony that rang through Klaus's chest at the sight of his hybrid at his father's side. The girl was pulling 'Elena' with her.

Something was off about her, Evangeline noticed it immediately. She wore too much makeup and there was an air of arrogance about her that told her immediately that it was actually Katherine. She wondered if Mikael knew that.

"Come out and face me Niklaus or she dies" Mikael informed, threatening to take away his stepson's cure for rogue hybrids.

'Elena' fidgeted around but didn't even look scared, "This bitch is a terrible actress" Evangeline commented to herself as Klaus spoke.

"Go ahead" Klaus hissed, "Kill her"

"N-no! Klaus...he'll do it" Katherine begged as she pretended to be Elena, it was better acting at least.

"If she dies" Mikael began, "This lot will be the last of your abominations"

'I take offense in that' Evangeline thought to herself as the suspension began to get to her. She wanted badly for Klaus to realize that it was Katherine his father was holding but she didn't feel the realization in him, he was fooled.

"I don't need them, I just need to be rid of you" Klaus snapped sassily.

"Yes" Evan exclaimed quietly at her mate's boldness.

She knew how much pain he was going through being in front of his 'father', she felt it herself. She could only imagine having to face Giuseppe again and him stopping at nothing to try to kill her.

"And what ends, Niklaus, so you can live forever, with no one at your side?" Mikael snapped, Evangeline felt the tears in her eyes before they showed up on the Original hybrid's, "Nobody cares about you anymore boy! Who do you have? Other than those disloyal to you falsely? No one" The tears were evident in Klaus's eyes but he fought against them while Evangeline was just a crying wreck, she couldn't even speak, though no one would hear her anyway.

"I'm calling your bluff, father" Klaus hissed, using the paternal word as an insult towards the old vampire, "Kill her"

"Come outside, and face me you little coward" Mikael hissed, speaking to the man like he was a stranger from the outside streets that had stolen from him, "And I won't have to".

"My whole life you've underestimated me, so go ahead, go on, kill her, come old man, kill her...KILL HER!" Klaus yelled on impulse feeling the tears piling up in his eyes.

Mikael just laughed evilly, "Your impulse has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great"

And with that, the older man stabbed 'Elena' in the back with a dagger, 'killing her' and astonishing the first hybrid. Mikael laughed as Damon sped up behind a surprised Niklaus and staked him in the gut with the white oak stake causing him to scream in pain.

The same agonizing pain shot through Evangeline as well, "NO! DAMON NO!" She screamed, crying harder then as Klaus bent at the waist in pain.

Not hearing his sister's scream, Damon flips Klaus over and pulls out the stake, about to shove it in his heart before he is tackled by Stefan. Dropping the stake, Damon looks at his brother in disbelief, "what are you doing?"

With his last strength, Klaus realizes the stake is beside him and looks at his stepfather who was distracted by Katherine's escape hatefully before shooting up and jamming the stake into his heart, sending him to the ground. Mikael screamed in pain as he was caught on fire by the deadly weapon and Klaus rose to his feet, healing as his father died.

"What the hell did you do?" Damon asked his brother as Klaus walked back through the threshold with a face void of emotion.

"He's earned his freedom" The Original hybrid muttered causing Stefan to stand up and walk towards him.

Klaus began removing his compulsion, "Thank you my friend, you no longer have to do as I say, you're free"

Stefan felt a weight being lifted off of his shoulders as he turned and saw Damon was gone. He then looked back towards Klaus who gave him a wry smile and Evangeline looked between the two surprised before she was brought back to Anastasia.

"H-he...he survived" Evan murmured to her friend with tears in her eyes, "he's free from his father"

"I knew he would" Anastasia commented, "Klaus is smart"

"I know but I still can't believe it" Evangeline whispered with tears in her eyes, "The fact that Katherine and Stefan worked together because Klaus was going to have Damon killed and that I was never going to come back with him dead"

"Your brother loves the two of you more than anything in the world, Elena included" Anastasia reminded Evan, "And Katherine helped because she loves Stefan most and she knew he'd lose his humanity at the loss of both of you"

Evangeline rolled her eyes, "Of course, its always about her"

"Hey, she saved you" Anastasia said.

"She killed me too"

With Niklaus

Klaus hung up the phone with Stefan and yelled, throwing the mobile device, hundreds of meters away. He was finally free! He could finally be with his family again and Stefan had to come in and take that from him!

Now he was alone, just as his father said. Alone, alone, alone! No one cared! He was alone!

That was all he could hear over and over.

"I can't do this, I can't do this, I CAN'T DO THIS!" Klaus yelled, smashing his fist against the back of the empty truck and leaving a mighty dent as his tears of anger spilled over. He was alone he could survive being alone.

Just as she had the day before, Evangeline began plaguing his thoughts. He craved her embrace, her voice, her kindness, her. He needed her and he needed her right then, but how could he find her?

Falling to his knees and resting his head against the cold back of the storage truck, he sighed, "Where are you, love?"

A moment passed, and a strong feeling overcame the hybrid. It was a feeling of urgency to be somewhere, he had no idea where but he needed to get there as soon as possible. Therefore, he closed the back of the truck as calmly as he could and walked away, getting into his car and driving to where his body had been urging him to.

The hybrid began driving for miles nonstop, following the feeling in his gut and having no idea where he was going until he stopped. He had arrived at what looked like an endless field. There was nothing but grass for miles, no water or trees or wildlife, just fresh green grass. It was an amazing sight to see and the hybrid was surprised he hadn't seen it before.

Anyway, he felt the need to get out of his car and walk and that was what he did. Though it felt pointless, he walked anyway, through the grass for what felt for hours until he caught a glimpse of something. It was red and as he came closer, he saw it was dress, worn by a girl, a very familiar girl.

"Dear Angel" Klaus murmured, picking up his pace until he found himself running.

He ran to where the girl laid, no longer covered in blood as she had been and her jaw was still snapped back to place but he could smell the decay of her corpse. The scent sickened the hybrid with himself, he knew it was his fault she was rotting and he hadn't regret a death in a long while until he ended her.

If either of us inflicts pain on the other and it leaves a mark, it is permanent unless the one of us who inflicted the harm takes it back or heals it with blood or affection.

Her words spilled into his thoughts like a symphony as he examined her body. Immediately, he went to bite into his wrist as he had done many times for numerous people but he paused.

Affection...Affection was something he never had used to heal someone and probably never could until he met Evangeline. She was different for him and she deserved a different method of being saved than blood from his wrist. Making up his mind, Niklaus took off his jacket and rested it beside him before sitting down and pulling the dead girl into his lap and stroking her hair.

He ran his fingers through her soft curls and caressed her jaw, examining her beautiful face in a way he hadn't been able to before. From her long eyelashes to her button nose to her plump pink lips, he just stared. Astonishing him, her graying skin began to gain back its color, just with his heartfelt actions.

He began to speak to her softly, "Evan, love, I'm not quite sure what to do with or without you" He murmured rubbing her slowly warming bottom lip with his thumb, "You've snuck your way into my life with your boldness and your lack of fear and now I can't get rid of you. Now that your brother has betrayed me in such a drastic way, I need you, love. I know he's your family and I'm not asking you to hate him, I just need you back. I need your spunk...your fire...your presence. Dear Angel, I apologize and I need you back, I have no one, they don't care for me and I'm alone" Tears trickled down the blonde man's tanned cheeks as he looked down at the girl, "I don't care if you hate me and you don't care either, I want you here and yelling at me or trying to best me knowing you'll get bested yourself because you believe in yourself and you're strong Dear Angel. I need your strength, love"

For good measure, Klaus bit his lip hard enough for it to bleed before he leaned down and softly placed his lips atop of Evangeline's. She began to heal, much faster.


Soooo....I definitely said it wouldn't be a week and it was...exactly a week, sorry! I honestly didn't expect to be so busy. My nephew's now five days old guys omg and he is just the cutest thing EVER!

Anyway, how did you guys like the chapter?

I had to rewatch the episode while writing it and all the feels just swarmed back like no, I wanted to cuddle Klaus! I will have to edit tomorrow because I have to finish my summer reading.


School starts in like four days for me so the next chapter's date has not been determined yet but we shall see.



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