Uchiha Crib( Madara Uchiha x...

By Wryyyyyy

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Uchiha a legendary clan name. Accepting only those who are proven worthy to be cursed with their secret. What... More

Problem : First Meeting
Helping Hand
Beautiful Idiot
'Baby'Sitting (part1)
'Baby'Sitting (part 2)
'Baby'Sitting (part3)
'Baby'Sitting ( part 4): Nisan ! !
'Baby'Sitting (part 5 Final): Jealous Baby
Secret Revealed
ThE (sTuPiD) cLaNs
Fun Time
Who Am I (Special Chapter Part 1/2)
Who Am I (Special Chapter Part 2/2)
Oh sh!t
The Senju Saga ( part 1/?)
The Senju Saga ( part 2/?)
The Senju Saga ( part 3/?)
The Senju Saga (Part 4/?) #PimpDaddy
The Senju Saga ( part 5/?)
The Senju Saga (part 6/?)
The Senju Saga ( Part 7/?): Uchiha Bros To The Rescue ?
The Senju Saga ( part 8/?): The Senju Bros !
The Senju Saga ( part 9/?)
The Senju Saga (Part 10/10)
Day 0
New Friend
My Lady
The Uchiha
Creating Life ( Special Chapter )
Small Light
Father Stuff
It's Time
happy Family (End)


2K 81 16
By Wryyyyyy

_(n)_ was talking happily with her mother as she held her son. Kotara kept looking Madara desperately wanting to go to him.
Madara kept his gaze down sweating nervously. He looked to his right seeing his 'father' in laws gaze. He looked to the right seeing his dads glare. The man looked down twitching '.....FML!!' He looked strait seeing the kid looking at him '......' He smiled at him making the boy laugh happily, his smile slowly turned in to a dark scowl as he watched his 'mother' in law getting the kid.

"I'm never doing that again." Madara walked out the bathroom rubbing his hair on a towel "......" _(n)_ looked at him crossing her arms " it's your fualt." "How!!?" " how !!?? You literally tried killing my mom !! She was just holding kotara ! " " you don't know that!!! You haven't seen what I have !! She could had killed him!! I've seen those people murder millions of them before !!" Madara glared angrily at her. The woman blinked with wide eyes seeing his rage "........" The man sigh looking to the side '...............' He left the room to cool his head.
_(n)_ staid on the same spot "....I'm such an idiot at times..." She sigh sweat dropping standing up.

Madara looked up at the dark sky while a two year old sat on his crossed legs "....I won't let. No one lay a finger on you."  He looked down at his son protectively while his eyes glowed red. Kotara blinked laughing as he hugged the mans arm. Madara sigh smiling patting the boys fluffy black hair "Hmp..."  He looked straight at the sky as the wind blew slowly.
_(n)_ stepped down the stairs seeing "........." She blushed nervously As she made her way towards him.
The man blinked feeling arms around his shoulders "........" "Are you angry...?" "......" "Yeah your angry....." "......" *insert baby laughter*. "....." "....." Both parents blushed at the child's cuteness "......"
"........I'm sorry ..I didn't ...."

"It's fine...."


"....I keep forgetting your not from my era...and how I'm a bit dramatize by it.."
Madara looked at her smiling calmly. The woman blushed looking at him. She slowly smiled hugging the man close as they both closed their eyes happily.  They looked down seeing their child staring at them "hm...he still hasn't said a word..."  "...I know..." Madara stared at him. What kept getting his attention was how he resembled Izuna. A bit too much actually. "...." _(n)_ poked the kids cheek smiling making him glared closing one eye " he he seems he doesn't like me much..." " of course he does." "Hmp." The woman puffed her cheeks seeing kotara only hugging madaras arm.
Kotara blinked twice laying between two warm  bodies. He turned a bit placing his hands on two squishy balls trying to push them away "ughhoa!!"
_(n)_ twitched " he he..dara~~" she moved blushing. Madara smirked pervertedly on his sleep as he chucked snoring a bit.
The boy sweat dropped eyeing his parents "......." He moved to his fathers side accidentally making his breathing hit  his ear.
Madara twitched blushing a bit "hmm......"  Yet again the baby felt his eye twitched of irritation ".............." He sigh sweat dropping as he laid watching the ceiling fan move "...." He looked to his right and left then up at the ceiling


Madara snapped his eyes open. He slowly moved them down making eye contact with the boy" eh........" He twitched blushing. _(n)_ looked at him twitching "....." Madara and her mad eye contact for a brief second "......."

Kotara glared at them with puffed cheeks "..........." His dad slowly smiled happily processing what he just heard " hehhe!!" _(n)_ blinked twice she looked at the ' aw....' Kotara opened his mouth again making the woman stare at him ' is he really !!?' She smiled .


She froze while a shadow covered her eyes "...." Madara blinked twice "..... He he he ha ha ha HA HA HA HA!!!!! " he held his stomach laughing loudly along with his son.


Madara and kotara hugged each other glaring at her while both had a large bump on their heads ".........." _(n)_ anime cried depressively ' why does he hate me !!!???' She glared at Madara " did you teach him that!?" "...no...." He rubbed his head with one eye close along with kotara "Hmp." She puffed her cheeks.

" come on! Say mama!" _(n)_ sweat dropped looking at the boy "...." Kotara blinked staring at her calmly while he looked down at his food"......." The woman puffed her cheeks " seriously ...your sassy like your dad!"

"Hey!" Madara turned to her while he had a bowl on his arms " you know it's true !" "Hmp." The man turned putting the thing on the counter crossing his arms as he watched them "...."

_(n)_ kept staring at the boy depressively. Kotara looked at her having his dad's conceded stare "......." The woman smiled more gloomily matching Hashirama " maybe I should kill my self ." She got a knife ." OY!!!!!!" Madara stopped her glaring nervously " stop being so depress already!!.. seriously your just like Hashirama ." He sweat dropped making her have twice the gloominess. "......" She blinked hearing laughter "Hu...." She looked at her son along with Madara. Kotara kept laughing as he watched them.
The woman blinked smiling at him 'he...he....' She looked down"....." Madara looked at her "......" ' this woman...' He placed the knife on the drawer locking it ' just in case....' He turned to her sighing walking in back of her placing his hands on her cheeks " eh!?" "Smile around him." He pulled them up making her close one eye in pain 'aww!!!!'
Kotara laughed more clapping his hands at her funny face expression. Madara smirked seeing ' Hmp.' The woman blinked blushing darkly "......"

_(n)_ blinked staring at the kid nervously "...." Kotara was looking at her calmly but for her it was a judgement stare "uhm....." She looked around the quiet place. Madara left to the store a few minutes ago leaving the terrified mother alone with the sassy child.

"....how come you don't like me..."



She sweat dropped smiling nervously "....he he I can see why your so attach to your dad.. I'm usually never here.." She looked at kotara smiling making him blink twice as he touched her hair. she blinked calmly getting him "hm....I wonder..." She thought for a while  making kotara look at her confuse "..." He looked towards the place she was staring paling slowly seeing the sharp object "......" He moved his black eyes towards her sweating nervously "....." _(n)_ blinked  looking at him.
Both made eye contact for 10 minutes with out blinking "......"  She placed the boy on his chair as she stood up walking.
Kotara froze watching '........'
_(n)_ got the sharp meat holder making the sharp end face her stomach. The boys skin tone went from its normal pale color to a white sheet of paper "MAAA!!"  The woman blinked twice turning to him when she placed the thing away "eh!!?"
Kotara froze with a shadow covering his eyes "...................." _(n)_ smiled happily yet evilly" hehhe I got you you little devil."  The boy twitched having a dark aura around him.

Madara walked in calmly but twitched seeing "......."
_(n)_ was laughing evilly with a victorious expression while kotara looked down glaring with pink cheeks "....."
The man blinked but smiled seeing ' he he I see she got him then..' He closed the door heading towards them.

Kotara is a tsunder child ! ! (유∀유|||)... Also he got madara's sassiness along with his conceded attitude ! Pretty much the Uchiha attitude !

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