By starwarsfanfic

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"Star Wars: Inner Core Adventures" is a story that follow eight characters who explore the inner core of of t... More

Meet the Droids

Meet the Characters

35 2 3
By starwarsfanfic

Thon Racto
     Thon spent most of his life on Jerrilek. He turned 16 a few days ago and decided he wanted to leave "this junk planet."  However, he had no way to get off, the spaceships that were for sale where either, way to expensive or just a piece of crap.
     Thon is a tall, thin kid with a lot of enthusiasm for almost anything.  He also has always had the hate for Stormtroopers, even though he never had any strong hate towards the Empire itself.  Thon is very intelligent, he knows that the education is all Imperial Propaganda and that the media is also heavily restricted on open-mindedness.
     But, Thon has learned to deal with the ignorance. It's odd how he knows that though. He was born after the Empire took control of the galaxy, and his parents never told him about the days before the Empire.  He knows someone, an Ithorian, he's been in hiding for several years. But, he's of no importance.
     The physical features of Thon are, what the girls call, hot.  As said before, he is tall and thin. He has the robust look to him, yet very ungainly, he can be a klutz and also just a spaz. His mother insists he's growing out of it though. Thon is 1 out of the 12 million humans on Jerrilek. He has golden hair, since he has lived in a jungle and the star has lightened his hair. His skin is white with a tan. His eyes are a hazel color, and he weighs 120 pounds.

Ro-Tahn Katana
      Ro-Tahn is a Cerean male who is fearless.  Although he has always loved his home planet, Cerea, he made the decision to leave.  He has been to many planets, some being very remote planets, like Ealor, Hoth and many others, and planets such as Coruscant.
     He had always been home sick, he missed his parents, siblings, and friends, but what he really missed were the pretty girls. Ro-Tahn only found Cerean women attractive, his peers would be weirded out if he'd ever dated a human. (Cereans have long pointed heads like Ki-Adi-Mundi).
      Being 18 years old, Ro-Tahn is very mature. He acts like a leader, even if he is the youngest in a group. If someone doesn't listen to directions, Ro-Tahn gets annoyed. He also barely tolerates people who interrupt him.
Ro-Tahn is 6.5 feet tall and has short black hair. He has dark brown eyes the always seem to twinkle when in light, as it happens to most Cereans. His skin is very pale pink, 1/3 of all Cereans are like that. He weighs in at 140 pounds.

Rylla Fenn
     Rylla is what Anakin would call an "angel."  She is a beautiful 16 year old girl.  She was born on Tatooine, she never liked it there.  She was always put to work.  She was no slave, but worked in a junk shop for a Toydarian.  But those are her only similarities to Anakin Skywalker.
     She would always be the girl that all
the guys would flock towards. Like said before she is an angel, beautiful. However, she is too shy to talk to any guy. Which made the guys upset, they thought that she didn't like them. She was always with her friends and they would try to make her talk to the guys that she found cute but she would dash.
Rylla is an athletic woman, she could do acrobatics and etc. If she was face to face with danger, she would be scared to death, but she didn't show it. Rylla was always interested in the Jedi. She's always wanted to meet/be one, even though she knew it wouldn't happen.
Rylla has an Arab skin tone (I know this isn't Earth, but that's what her skin looks like). She has long dark brown hair that is always soft and perfect. She also has beautiful brown eyes that seem to infatuate everyone, it makes them jealous. She weighs 95 pounds and is 5.7 feet tall.

Kira Grainer
Kira always has to have something to do. Sitting still is not an option. Yet, she always is quiet. Nur was the planet she grew up on. Nur is basically hell. It is a crime ridden planet with a harsh environment. She has killed a few people defending herself.
Kira has been going incognito from the Empire since she killed a few stormtroopers. She kept the suit of that trooper and has wore it since she was 11 years old. She is 16 now.
She met one of her closest friends named Carh'la (pronounced Kar-la). They met each other on Nur when Carh'la moved there. They've been friends since they were both 6 and 7.
Kira is 5.6 feet tall. She has gorgeous blonde hair to her shoulders that always is flowing. She has eyes as blue as the water on Naboo. She has very pale white skin that gets star blistered (sunburnt) fairly easy. She weighs in at around 90 pounds.

Carh'la Morituri
Carh'la (kar-la) was born on the rocky plains of Kuar.  She stayed there until she was 7 years old.  Then she moved to Nur and met Kira her best friend.
Carh'la has always hated the Empire with a passion. She will spite what the stormtroopers tell her to do, and tears down Imperial propaganda posters. But Carh'la hates Vader the most. Even though he didn't do anything to her parents or her.
Carh'la is a tall thin girl. She is 17 years old. She has black skin and has long smooth black hair that always seems to be brushed, even when it's been through the worst conditions for hair. She weighs about 80 pounds and can eat a feast, yet it seems that she looses weight afterwards.

Schwanzkranz Senreiko
     Schwanzkranz or Kranz is a little dumb.  He doesn't have much common sense and does stupid stuff quite a bit. His intelligence is low. He doesn't like academics.  However, he is not ignorant.  He, like Thon, knows what's propaganda and what isn't.  So in that sense he isn't so stupid.
     He was born on the toxic planet of Clak'dor VII.  So, being born in the Colu System, he is a Bith.  He has always had to wear a mask outside, since the atmosphere on Clak'dor VII is type 3 which is toxic. 
    Kranz is a musician and a marksman.  He was son of Kandori Senreiko, his mother, she was a talented musician who was famous throughout the Galaxy.  His father, Eskol Senreiko, was a great marksman who had worked for the Rebellion.  He was killed 2 years ago during the Battle of Yavin.
     Kranz is 18 years old.  He is only about 5 and a half feet tall and weighs 100 pounds.  Like most Bith he is bald and has dark black eyes.  But, he has green skin, which isn't too rare for Bith, but not super common.

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