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Thon on his route to go to work after Empire Day.

     It was Nelona 24th, one day after the dreaded Empire Day. Thon went to work, as usual. He got there early, as usual. When he got to work, a droid greeted him. It was a protocol droid that was silver and was a female.
She asked Thon if he needed anything and Thon replied, "No." He chuckled. "I work here, I am a droid mechanic."
"Oh, yes sir, how silly of me, you are wearing your work uniform. I feel embarrassed."
     "It's okay, you shouldn't feel embarrassed, and what's your name?" Thon asked the droid.
     "It is TC-14 sir." She said
     "When and how did you get here?" Thon asked TC.
     "Your boss, Master Watop, had founded me on the planet Naboo. According Master Watop, my programming was not working. I was also once apart of The Trade Federation. Master Watop took me back here to Jerrilek and forgot about me for 6 years! Then just two nights ago he found me in his storage and got me working, now I am his assistant."
     "Oh, that's so amazing!  And, what is The Trade Federation?!" Thon asked in excitement.
     "It was a mega-corporation of a cartel.  It was what gave everyone goods throughout the Galactic Republic, but mostly in; Geonosis, Mustafar, Naboo, Druckenwell,
Maramere, Coruscant, Vulpter, Lok, Nod Kartha, Caarimon, Filordis, Cularin, and Rosha.  However, it was bought by the Order of the Sith Lords as its parent company.  That's when the blockade of Naboo occurred, and an evil Sith Assassian named Darth Maul, who was behind the blockade, was killed shortly after, by a brave Jedi named Obi-Wan-Kenobi."  TC explained.
Thon had really liked this droid. She interested him with all of her stories of when the Galactic Republic had still existed. That was in the year of 32 BBY.
"I've better get to work." Thon told TC. "We open in 30 minutes."
"Okay sir, I'll be on my way." TC said. She left the room to go see Mr. Mills.
     An hour passed, the first customer of the day came in. He came in about 10 minutes after the shop opened.  Thon repaired a few of his Buzz Droids.  Thon doesn't know much about Buzz Droids, all he knows is that they shut down ship controls. Thon had to wonder why the man had Buzz Droids.  However, Thon was kind of intimidated by the man. 
     It was Zhellday, the last day of the week before the weekend, Benduday.  So, Zhellday seemed to go by quickly, but not today.
     About 4 hours into Thon's day, those two girls that were there with their protocol C8-E2, that were here two days previous, were back. The dark skinned girl, Thon thought of her name in his head, 'Carh'la! That's her name.' With her friend Kira.
     "Hey how are you girls?"  Thon asked the two.
     "We are good! You?" Carh'la said "I am fine, thanks. How can I help you?" Thon said to the two.  "We aren't here to shop or for help.  I'm here to apologize, I felt bad for being rude the other day." Carh'la told Thon.
     Kira sat down and twirled with her hair.  Thon took a glance at her a smiled.
     Thon chuckled and said "That's alright, I approached you two way too fast, I probably would've had the same reaction."  That made Carh'la laugh, "you're pretty funny, but we should be friends."
Thon was happy that she said that. In reality, all of Thon's closest friends had either died or left the planet. And, these girls seemed to be really nice.
     "Come visit us sometime while we are here.  We reside at the Cal-Delmont on the 19th floor 2nd room."  Kira told him.
"That sounds like a plan." Thon told them. "My shift ends in an hour. Want to hang out after I'm done?" Thon asked the girls.
"Sure I guess so, we will stay here for the rest of your shift of you don't mind." Carh'la said. Thon was happy to know that he has made two new friends.
An hour passed, Thon, Carh'la and Kira talked the whole time. Thon learned that they were both around the same age as him. Kira also told Thon about her home planet, Nur, and what she had done there.
     Thon was intrigued by Kira's stories.  She had destroyed an Imperial Base on Nur. It was a cave within a small mountain. And, she blew it up. She had used radiation grenades, fire grenades, and many biotic grenades. She planted them, got the hell out of there, and detonated them and the mountain had a huge hole in it.
I told them about my life, and how boring it was. I've lived on Jerrilek all my life.  Carh'la was born on Kuar, which is closer to Jerrilek than where Kira is from.
After Thon's shift was up, he went to the Cal-Delmont with them. He had never been there before. People with lots of cred lived there. However, Carh'la and Kira were on the 19th floor. Everything below the 30th floor was a hotel.
     Thon, Kira, and Carh'la were going up to Kira and Carh'la's room when a Bith approached them.  He introduced himself as, a really long name. Thon asked him several times to say it slower. He never did, so he wrote his name down. It was spelled Schwanzkranz.
His name does sound like a Bith name. He didn't seem to intelligent. But, was very friendly. Carh'la told Schwanzkranz that he woke her up yesterday. He laughed and apologized.
Then Schwanzkranz told us what Thon thought he came to tell them. He asked if we were leaving the planet. Carh'la told him that they have no plans to at the time.
Schwanzkranz needed to the Tython System. He never said why though.
"We have a transport ship over at the station if you need a ride soon."  Kira told him quietly.
     That was the first time he shouted.  Carh'la told him what Kira said.  He was happy to hear that.  Carh'la and Kira weren't here to stay.  They only came to repair C8-E2.
It worked out for every one of them. Thon wanted to get off of Jerrilek, Carh'la and Kira weren't on Jerrilek for any other reason except for C8, and Schwanzkranz needed to get off of Jerrilek. Thon asked why Schwanzkranz needed to go to Tython. Thon got no answer.
As dusk hit Jerrilek, Thon went home. He told his mother about Carh'la, Kira, and Schwanzkranz. His mother was upset that he was leaving, but happy for him because it was his dream.
The next morning, Thon hugged and kissed his mother and shook his dad's hand and said goodbye. His dad was glad that he was leaving the planet, Thon's dad always wanted to leave Jerrilek too. So Thon's dad was sort of jealous.
     I went to the Cal-Delmont.  When I got there, I saw a Cerean guy. He came up to me and asked "Have you seen a Bith who is kind of short and is dumb?" He has a monotonous voice, like a commentator of some boring event.
"Is his name Schwanzkranz?" I asked.
"You know Kranz? How?" He questioned. He seemed too serious.
     "He asked if we were leaving Jerrilek soon in the hallway." Thon told him.  "We are leaving and we are going with him." Thon said.
     "Oh, fantastic.  Do you mind if I join you guys?"  The Cerean asked me.
     "Sure, I'm Thon Racto and I'm going with two girls named Carh'la and Kira." Thon told him.
     "Nice to meet you Thon, I am Ro-Tahn Katana. Are you from Jerrilek?" Ro-Tahn asked Thon.
"Yes I am. I've lived here all of my life and have never been anywhere else." Thon told Ro-Tahn.
     Thon and Ro-Tahn went upstairs. Thon knocked on Carh'la and Kira's door.  C8 answered the door and told Thon that they are ready and eating breakfast.   Thon walked in and said hello to the girls. 
     "Kira, Carh'la." Thon said.
     "Yeah what's up?"  Kira said.
     "I invited another person to our voyage."
     "Great! Who is it?"  Carh'la asked Thon.
     "He was with Schwanzkranz and I don't know why he didn't tell us that he was with someone else but he is a Cerean named Ro-Tahn." Thon told them.
They both nodded as if they didn't care.
"Oh and I guess we should refer to Schwanzkranz as Kranz." Thon said to the girls.

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