Pretty Woman (A Bruno Mars Fa...

By fangurl3

10.8K 508 321


The Bet
Kiss my ass
Home Alone
Sleepy head
Ending event
Real Shit
Let the games begin
No love
Grossed out
Truth or Dare?
The Call
Truth be told
Shopping (Part 1)
Shopping (Part 2)
Important Authors Note!!!!!!!

Payments and Events

400 27 19
By fangurl3

1 week later
Lauren's POV

I can't be doing this with him. I'm not falling in love with him. No! Just do your job and get the hell out of here.

"Baby you ok," Bruno asked.

"I'm not your baby," I said getting up,

"But yeah you are what do you mean your not what's wrong with you," he asked. I'm falling in love with you.

"Nothing," I say coldly.

"Awe are you on that womanly thing you get every month," he asked with a smirk.

"Bruno no I'm just home sick I'm going to go home," I said.

"No your not your not going anywhere," he said climbing on top of me.

"Please Bruno," I begged.

"No," he said sternly.

"I hate you," I said seriously.

"No you don't you love me," he said with a smile.

"Ooh I must be acting really good which I mean to ask when should I be getting my money," I asked. His face twitched up.

"After all the shit that I'm doing for
You," he yelled.

"Like what," I snark.

"I'm loving you giving you a place to stay I've got you off the corner but yet you wanna go back," he yelled.

"Well it's not like I asked for any of those things see I know the type of guy that you are," I said getting up.

"Oh really," he laughed.

"Yes really your an inconsiderate asshole you wouldn't be fucking doing this if it wasn't for the bet now would you," I said getting in his face. You could tell he wasn't expecting that because he had a sorry look on his face.

"Get off of me you asshole I knew you were a liar," I yelled storming to the back. I felt him following me.

"Look it was a bet at first," he said.

"At first. At first," I laughed.

"Yeah exactly," he said but I cut him off.

"Bruno it's still a bet it's the same damn thing and I can't trust you so let me keep this up because apparently everybody loves seeing us together," I laughed.

"You know your a stuck up bitch," he said and I turned to him.

"I'm a stuck up bitch is that right," I asked.

"Yeah it is," he nodded.

"Ok that was just for confirmation as long as I get my money you can call me all the names in the book as long as you pay me my money in Cash," I smiled.

"Yeah ok," he said. He then punched the wall not scaring me at all.

"Bruno look when you got with someone's heart-" he cut me off.

"Who said I wasn't in love with you," he yelled.

"Yeah your in love with what's in my pants not what's inside so go fuck yourself," I spit he then  . Pinned me against the walls.

"Is that what you think," he asked.

"Yep," I said popping the 'p'

"Look we got off on the wrong foot can you at least give me a chance," he asked looking me in my eye.

"We have an event to go to and I have to get dressed," I said crossing my arms.

"Look I'm sorry I made a mistake we all do," he said.

"I know," I said and he leaned in for a kiss.

"Baby girl I'm in love with you," he said kissing my lips so sweetly.

"Yeah get off of me," I said pushing him.

"Oh so I'm still getting the cold shoulder you know you like when I touch you and when I kiss you so stop trying to fight it," he said. I stopped turned around. I stormed towards him.

"Is that what you want ok well you got it," I said. I then kissed him full of passion and butterflies blew through my stomach.

"I like when you do that to me," he smiled.  I couldn't help but giggle maybe he is the one. You never think that standing on the corner selling your body for money that you would meet a man that wants you not for your body but for your heart and your love.

"Come on get dressed," Bruno said slapping my ass.

"Ooh," I said holding my butt and he chuckled. I walked into the closet and found my outfit.
(A/N Outfit at the top)

"Bruno how does this look," I asked doing a twirl.

"You look beautiful how does this look," he asked. I looked at him in his casual little outfit.

"You look handsome," I smiled. He grabbed my hand and I grabbed my purse.

"Let's go my lady," he said with a smile. We walked to the car and I got in he did too. He then started to drive.

"So what's going on at this event," I asked.

"Gambling," he shrugged.

"Do not tell me that you have a gambling problem," I laughed.

"Ok I do not have a gambling problem," he said just to satisfy me.

"Don't lie to me," I said and he smiled.

"Ok I like to gamble a lot but it's not a problem like I'm gonna go bankrupt," he said.

"What is this monopoly or some shit," I ask and he laughed.

"No not monopoly but very very difficult to understand," he said and I smiled. He drove us to this polo event.

"Bruno I don't wanna smell no stank in ass horses," I said.

"Then stay in the car," he said.

"No because I will be in here still smelling stankin ass horses," I said.

"Baby these horses cost more than my house so I'm pretty sure that there shit goes for at least a grand," he said.

"Yeah and you can take that shit all the way over there," I said pointing to the exit.

"Sorry Lauren I didn't bring my shovel," he said.

"Don't call me Lauren call me Natalie I don't want anyone knowing my name," I said and he laughed.

"Ok whatever," he said and we got out. We walked and started to watch the polo match it was quite interesting but I swear this joint is just too classy they don't got nothin greasy no chips and pop. Like come on. I took my shoes off and we had to kick all the grass back into the ditch.

Jessica's POV

I saw them as they played with each other racing to kick the grass into the little ditch. I'm gonna man him up once he gets with me.

"Jessica sis what are you watching," I heard my brother Jackson ask.

"Nothing umm go ahead and finish doing you," I said and he nodded and walked away.

"Wait," I yelled.

"What do you want," he groaned.

"I want you to talk to her and make him mad," I said pointing to Bruno and her.

"Oh you like him don't you," he asked. I nodded with a pout.

"Ok I got you," he said and I smiled. I am going to get him one way or the other.

Lauren's POV

"Bruno stop your so freaking goofy," I smiled as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I know right," he said and I smirked.

"Ok I'm going to get something to drink," I said. I started walked to the bar and I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry I'm such a clutz," I said and he chuckled.

"Umm yeah I'm sorry can I buy you a drink," he asked.

"Umm no thank you," I said.

"Please just to show that I'm sorry," he said.

"I have a boyfriend and I need to get back to him," I said trying to get away from him.

"Please it's just a friendly gesture," he begged.

"Ok," I smiled. We walked to the bar and order me some moonshine.

"So what do you do for a living," he asked.

"Umm I'm getting into modeling and stuff by the way I didn't get your name," I asked.

"My name is Jackson and you are," he asked.

"I am Lauren its nice to meet you Jackson so what do you do," I asked.

"Umm I'm actually a mechanic," he said.

"Not trying to be rude but if your a mechanic why the hell are you here," I asked.

"Because my dad booked my sister a gig here and he wanted me to watch over her," he said and I smiled.

"That's nice of you," I say with a smile. I the feel someone grab me.

"Why did you just leave me to be so lonely," I heard Bruno ask.

"I'm so sorry you big baby," I say in a baby voice.

"Anyways it was nice talking to you Jackson," I said with a smile and he smiled back.

"I think he likes me Bruno," I smiled.

"Well he can have you once I'm done," he laughed.

"You asshole," I whisper yelled. Didn't wanna scare the rich folk.

"I'm just kidding baby," he said kissing my cheek.

"I hate you and I can't wait till the week is up," I said crossing my arms and pouting.

"You better watch out you better not cry you better not pout I'm telling you why," he sang.

"Bruno your corny and it's not even Christmas," I scoffed.

"It's not Christmas it's Spam Day," he said and I giggled.

"I think it's time to go into rehab," I joke and he smiles.

Jackson's POV

I like her and I want her. He doesn't deserve her.

"So did he get mad," Jessica asked.

"No he just took her with him," I shrugged.

"Oh my god are they inseparable," she grumbles ordering herself a shot of tequila.

"I don't know but I want her and you want him so let's get them to separate," I said and she nodded.

"Ok that's cool with me," she laughed.

Later on that night~
Bruno's POV

"Bruno the hair is gorgeous," she laughed as she laid on the bed flipping through my old photo albums.

"I know right I don't even know why I cut it," he said and I smiled.

"Yeah whatever," she said as she kept flipping. I looked to see her in my t-shirt.

"Who is she," she asked. I climbed on top of her and she giggled. I then saw my prom date.

"Oh just my prom date," I shrugged.

"She's pretty and you were smiling so hard," she giggled.

"I mean thank god for puberty," I said.

"Umm Bruno you actually look the same I mean your cute," she said rolling over under me so that she could face me.

"I know I'm fine," I said and she grinned.

"Nope you look like the bottom of my shoe," she said.

"Then that's an expensive ass shoe," I said. She giggled and I kissed her. She kissed back and we were making out. The doorbell then rang.

"Dammit," she said and I chuckled.

"Well good thing the doorbell rang cause we both know where we were headed," I laughed.

"But your sex takes me to paradise," she said.

"I know because it shows," I said getting up and impersonating her walk.

"Shut up I don't do that at least I hope not," she said and I smiled. She got up and walked to the door.

"Bruno don't answer it maybe they'll go away," she said and I smiled.

"I have too," I said and she groaned. I answered and it was Jessica.

"What do you want," I asked maybe a little rude.

"Umm I just wanted to see if you guys wanted to do anything tonight like go out and party," she slurred.

"Your drunk go home," I said and she laughed.

"Fuck you well at least I want to," she said grabbing me.

"Bitch get the fuck off of him," Lauren yelled.

"No I want him he's mine," she slurred.

"No I'm hers sorry honey I'm taken," I said. Jessica then kissed me and all I tasted was liquor next thing I know is that Jessica  was pushed out the door.

"Don't let the door hit ya where the dog shoulda bit ya," she said slamming the door in her face.

"Damn baby," I smiled. She then walked over to me.

"How about you take me to paradise baby," she asked.

"Ooh ok," I said and she smiled. I then picked her up.

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