Growing Pains [Finished]

Bởi ThaKid_Snapback

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"Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now..." Xem Thêm

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 13

3.5K 162 53
Bởi ThaKid_Snapback

Part 13

"Ahhhh." Beyoncé yelled.

"Come on girl!" Shawn said.

"Oh fuck you." Beyoncé mumbled.

"What you say?" Shawn asked.

"Nothing." She groaned.

"That's what I thought. Five, four, three, two, one." Shawn said. "Drop."

Beyoncé dropped to floor out of her planking pose.

"You are a demon from hell and I don't like you." She said as she laid face down in Shawn's gym.

Shawn laughed.

"You told me you wanted me to be your trainer." He said.

"So what? You supposed to be nice to me." She wined. "I'm your girlfriend."

Shawn shook his head. He was used to her dramatic ways in the gym by now.

"Come on, you done. We just gonna stretch and you done." He said.

"You're lying."

Shawn laughed.

"I'm not." He said sitting down. "Come on."

Beyoncé turned over and sat up. They stretched and Shawn gave her some water.

"You done with all your dramatics?" Shawn asked.

"Ha ha." She said. "I just don't like working out. It sweats out my hair."

"I like your hair." He said.

Beyoncé had her natural hair out. She wanted to give the weave a break for a few days.

"Thanks." She said. "How's Syd been doing?"

"Better." He said. "Haven't had to really get on her about nothing lately."

"Cool. I told her if she kept up with the good behavior I'd take her up to New York with me and the girls."

"Oh, take her. When do her bags need to be packed." He said laughing.

"You are such a ass but I want you to come with me too." She said.

"Babe, I would but I got some work to do about y'all album." He said.

"You can't do it in New York?" She asked crawling in front of him. "Please."

She was pouting now.

"Bruh, come on." He said laughing.

"Please." She said hugging him.

Shawn sighed giving in.

"Alright but if we do y'all need to give me one day in the studio." He said.

"Got it, got it." She said smiling and kissed him. "Thank you."

"Mmmmhmm." He said. "How's Messiah?"

Beyoncé shrugged.

"He's Messiah." She said. "He's still punished so he's being quiet."

"Where he at now?"

"My mama's." She said. "I'm hungry."

"Okay, let's go to Panera Bread." Shawn said getting up.

"Yay!" Beyoncé said as he helped her up.

"No bread."

"You jerk!"

Shawn laughed as they left out the room.

Messiah walked down the steps of his grandma's house. He went in the living room and Ms. Tina was sitting with Mr. Richard watching TV.

"Grandma, can I go outside?"

"What your mama say?" She asked.

"She not even here."

"Bye Messiah." She said.

Messiah left out the living room but went to the front door. He opened it and went on the porch. He sat and watched his friends play up and down the street.

"I thought you couldn't come out?" Amber said walking up to him.

He smiled.

"I can't. That's why I'm right here." He said.

"Where yo mama?"

"The gym." He said.

"You better get back in the house before your mama come back."

"Man, she ain't gonna do nothing. I'm not playing outside I'm just sitting here." He said.

"You off punishment?" Terrell asked walking up.

"Nah." He said dapping him up.

"You like staying in trouble." Terrell said laughing. "You ain't coming outside till school start."

"Man, never that." He said laughing.

Amber looked and saw a car pull up.

"Ain't that your mama?" Amber said.

They looked and Beyoncé and Shawn got out the car.

"That's your ass." Terrell said laughing.

"Bye Messiah." Amber said as they left.

Messiah stood up as Beyoncé and Shawn walked up. Beyoncé opened the door and Shawn went in. Messiah started walking in but Beyoncé stopped him.

"No, you can stay out here."


"Huh? You heard me. You wanted to be out here so damn bad stay here and you better stay on this porch." She said pushing him back.

"I don't have no shoes."

"Oh well." Beyoncé said walking in the house and closing the door.

Beyoncé went in the kitchen to eat her lunch.

"How long you gonna keep him out there?" Shawn asked.

Beyoncé shrugged.

"He hard headed. He gonna stay out there for awhile." She said sitting down.

Messiah sat down on the porch watching people play outside. He paced back and forth on the porch mad he had to stay out there. He watched Mr. Richard leave which was past when the street lights came on and then Shawn left. Messiah didn't know what time it was because he didn't have a watch.

He heard the door open and he looked back. Beyoncé walked out and dropped his shoes. She then closed the door.

"Get in the car." Beyoncé said walking pass him.

Messiah put on his shoes and then went to get in the car. Beyoncé drove to their house. She turned off the car and looked at Messiah.

"Why do you not listen?" Beyoncé asked.

"I did."

"Where were you when I got to the house?"


"What did I tell you to do?"

"Not to play outside. I was just sitting on the porch."

"It doesn't matter. I said do not go outside and you did what you wanted to do anyway."

He just sat there.

"You don't have nothing to say?"

"Would you believe me if I said I'm sorry?" He asked.

"No, get out the car." She said.

They got out the car and went in the house. Beyoncé went to her room and Messiah went to his. She didn't know what to do with that him. She couldn't trust him to do what she told him anymore and that was sad.


They finally arrived in New York. It was late afternoon and they have a meeting with the label in the morning. Nicki got them a sprinter bus so they all got in.

They arrived at the hotel and they all went to their separate hotel rooms. Shawn and Beyonce decided to get a suit together. Syd and Messiah shared a room with double beds.

"So, where we going for dinner?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know. Nicki set something up." Beyoncé said laying down.

"Have you talked to Messiah since that night in the car?" Shawn asked.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes.

"Yes Shawn." She said.

Shawn looked at her.


"I'm talking about really talk to him." Shawn said.

"What am I supposed to say to him?" Beyoncé said sitting up. "He wants to be grown and do what he wants so he can have fun with that."

"Beyoncé," Shawn said sitting down. "I'm not telling you how to raise your son but not talking to him will not make it better."

"I know that but if he doesn't listen to me what am I supposed to do?"

"Make him. You're his mother."

Beyoncé nodded and stood up. She took a deep breath.

"Thanks." Beyoncé said before leaving out the room. "Messiah!"

I went to sit in the living and Messiah and Sydney came out the room. She tucked one leg under her butt.

"What up Bey?" Sydney said sitting down.

"Uhm, I called Messiah." I said.

Syd just looked at her.


"I'm just joking." She said laughing getting up.

Messiah came over and sat down.

"You talking to me now?" Messiah asked.

Beyoncé sighed.

"What am I supposed to say to you? You wanna do what you want right?"

"No." He said lowly.

"Then why do you do it?" She asked. "Why do you not listen to me?"

"I do."

"You know your logic is really twisted. If I tell you to not go outside why do you think hanging on the porch and talking to your friends is okay? I said don't go outside and that's what I meant." She said.

"I'm sorry." He said.


"Because I don't know how to listen and follow instructions."

"So you're admitting that?" She asked.

"Yes." He said.

Beyoncé nodded.

"Look, we gonna have to work on that and I'm gonna work on being a better mom. I shouldn't have handled the problem by not talking to you."

"I forgive you." He said.

"Now we're not in Houston anymore. There's paparazzi like last time and fans and I need to trust that you will listen to me while we're out and do what I tell you." She said.

"I will."

"You sure?"

"Yes." He said.

"Alright, come here." Beyoncé said.

Messiah went over and hugged her and laid on her.

"When are we going to dinner?" He asked.

"Seven." Beyoncé said kissing his head.

"I'm hungry now." He said.

"It's an hour."

"Finally, y'all made up." Shawn said coming in the room.

He sat on the opposite couch.

"Ma, look." Messiah said.

He had his phone out.

"No." Beyoncé said.

Messiah snapped the picture anyway. He looked at it.

"It's a good one." He said and showed her.

Beyoncé looked at it and nodded. Messiah posted it on his Instagram. Sydney came in and sat on the couch with Shawn.

"Y'all just gonna lay like that?" Syd asked looking at Messiah still hugged on his mother.

"Yep." Messiah said.

They heard the door and Shawn went to answer it. It was Kelly, Michelle and Nicki.

"Why y'all laying like that?" Michelle asked.

"You see they hating on our love." Beyoncé said to Messiah.

"Yeah, I see it and hear it." He said.

"Where we supposed to sit?" Nicki asked.

Beyoncé and Messiah looked at her and eyed the floor then back up at her.

"Oh hell no." Nicki said and moved their feet.

Messiah and Beyoncé laughed and he got up and let them sit down.

"Y'all ready for y'all meeting tomorrow?" Syd asked.

The girls nodded.

"I'm very confident in our music." Kelly said.

"I am too." Beyoncé said.

"Can we go to dinner now? I'm hungry." Messiah said.

"We can." Nicki said.

Beyoncé got up to go to the room and get her shoes. After she got up, grabbed her purse and they all was ready to go to dinner.

The Next Day

"Messiah, come on get up." Beyoncé said shaking him.

She went to the next bed.

"Sydney, you get up too."

Both kids barely moved an inch besides turning over. Beyoncé groaned.

"Messiah, get up!" Beyoncé yelled.

He groaned.


"I'm up."

"Then get up and get in the shower!"

Messiah finally got up and sat on the side of the bed.


"You don't gotta yell at me." Syd said getting up.

Beyoncé left out the room and went back to here's. She was waiting for Shawn to get out the shower so she could get in. Shawn finally got out and it was Bey's turn.

Soon everyone met in the living room.

"Did you brush your hair?" Beyoncé asked looked at Messiah's head.

"Uh, I didn't bring one."

Beyoncé smacked her teeth and told him to follow her.

"I didn't want to say anything about his head at first but I was worried." Sydney said laughing.

Shawn shook his head. Beyoncé and Messiah came out and then they went to meet Nicki, Kelly and Michelle in the lobby.

They then got in the sprinter and went to their meeting at Columbia.

After The Meeting

They all sat down at lunch.

"So, what's next?" Messiah said.

"With what?" Beyoncé asked.

"Y'all about to do promo's? Interviews? Video's? What?" He asked.

"Yeah, y'all left us in the lobby so we don't know nothing." Syd said.

"Well," Nicki said. "We'll release a single and see how that goes after we choose one and then a video. Small promo but the real work will come when the album comes out."

Messiah and Syd nodded.

"I think y'all should release Emotions." Syd said as she continued eating.

"Why you say that?" Kelly asked.

"Well I love that song. You all sound great and when you sing it live people will know you all can really sing." She said.

The girls nodded.

"Well tomorrow y'all owe me a day in the studio and I got the perfect beat." Shawn said.

"What beat?" The girls said.

The Next Day In The Studio

(Solider Instrumental)

They all sat around the studio as Shawn played the track. The girls were feeling it and so was Syd.

"Aye, you can Milly Rock to this." She said and they laughed.

"So what y'all thinking?" Shawn asked. "Can y'all come up with something?"

"Yeah, we can." Beyoncé said.

"Alright, we'll leave y'all to it." Shawn said standing. "I'm gonna take Syd to see her mom's real quick."

"Aight." Beyoncé said then looked at Messiah. "Behave."

"I will." He said and they left out.

"Nicki, can you play the track again." Michelle asked.

Nicki pressed the button and the girls got to work on the song.

3 1/2 Hours Later

Messiah walked through the studio siping from his soda holding bags of food with Shawn and Syd behind him.

They walked in and Nicki was at the boards and the mics were set up outside of the booth.

"Uhm, this is different." Shawn said laughing.

"Yeah." Kelly said. "We didn't want to be in the booth."

Messiah shrugged.

"We brought lunch." Syd said.

"We can take a break." Beyoncé said grabbing the bags.

"So how far did y'all get?" Shawn asked as everyone got there food.

"Almost done." Michelle said.

"But it's missing something." Beyoncé said.

"Can I hear it?" Shawn asked.

Beyoncé nodded.

Shawn got up and went to play it. He was nodding. He turned to look at Beyoncé and smirked at a certain part and kept nodding his head and turned it off.

"You need a rapper." He said. "I'll make some calls but nobody from up here. You need somebody from the south."

"You say that cause we from Houston?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah." He said laughing and sat down. "Y'all gonna blow, I'm telling you. I feel it."

They nodded.

"We feel it too." The girls said and smiled.

Comment & Vote!

Did you feel Messiah deserved to stand outside?

Are you ready for the girl's music coming?

What could you see happening next?

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