Our Doubles (Teen Titans)

By Anime-Books_For_Days

13.9K 561 143

The Teen Titans stumble across some very familiar people when they were sent to an alternate dimension. Thems... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Sequel News!!

Chapter 9

878 42 6
By Anime-Books_For_Days

"So we both agree? It might be Slade who is going to fulfill Father's wishes?" Raven(2) asked Raven as they sat on the couch in the living room.

Raven looked down, but nodded, "It makes sense. We both saw him in our visions. It's the only logical explanation as well. No one other than him is twisted enough to make a deal with Trigon."

Raven(2) looked down as well, "What do we do? I can't deal with this. I don't want to."

"It's our prophecy, there's no escaping it."

"If anyone could stop it, it could be them."

"We shouldn't keep our hopes up. We know our father, he's a ruthless killer and an even bigger a$$hole. If we try to stop this, he'll make us do something bad, possibly make us kill our own friends." Raven said disagreeing with the idea and sending their friends to fight their war. This had nothing to do with them, and it should stay that way.

"So what? We're just gonna let him come here and take over Arella's beloved home? You should know how she feels about this place!" Raven(2) shouted at her.

"I do! But I don't want the Titans to die under the hands of my father! Why can't you understand that?" Raven retaliated.

Raven(2) looked at her with saddened eyes, finally realizing the danger she would put the Titans through if she did get them to fight. "I-I just thought, that if anyone could stop him, it would be them."

"I thought of that as well, but if we can't defeat our own father, there is no way the Titans can."

Raven(2) nodded, "Yeah, I get that now."

There was a knock on the door, and then it opened without invitation, "Rae, uh, other Raven, are you two okay?" Beast Boy(2) said as he saw the saddened look on both their faces.

They both avoided looking at him, but Raven(2) responded, "Yeah, we're just swell."

Beast Boy(2) raised his eyebrow in disbelief, "Hey, you can always talk to me, and I'm not just talking to you Rae, I'm also talking to you, the other Raven."

Raven(2) stood up and hugged him gratefully, "Thank you, Beast Boy, but right now is not the time. We'll talk about it someday, okay?"

Raven stared at the books lined up on the shelves, giving her counterpart and Beast Boy's counterpart the most privacy she could give while remaining in the room. It would be extremely sad to have to leave the Titans. But her birthday was coming up way too fast. In just two days, and she will be sixteen and the prophecy will be revealed.

By then, Raven would have already left the Titans, traveling on her own as she put some distance between herself and Jump City. Not that it made some difference, but at least they won't have to see how she destroys the world as they know it.

Today, at 7:00, they will be leaving to their own dimension, tomorrow will be Raven's last day as a Titan, and the day after that, she will be revealed as a traitor to humankind. And probably a week after her birthday, she will destroy the world.

The perfect agenda for a demon like herself.

Except she wasn't a full-fledged demon, she was also half-human. She was the daughter of Trigon, a demon lord that made Satan himself cringe, and of Arella, the 'angel messenger' of Azarath. She shouldn't think of herself that way, but it was a little obvious that her demon side dominated when it came to looks, but her heart was human-like. It pumped blood and kept her alive. Just like any other human, the only difference was the mixed blood that was black inside her veins, but came out red when it poured out.

"Are you okay?" Raven(2) asked as she took Raven out of her thoughts.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Raven answered immediately.

"Because, you're crying." Beast Boy(2) answered.

Raven blinked and felt the wetness on her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away and then stood, "Uh, I'm going to go up on the roof. Don't worry about me crying. And don't tell anyone."

And with that Raven left the counterparts behind as she teleported to the roof. She could still feel the wetness staining her cheeks, "Uh, why can't you stop crying?"

Raven sat on the edge of the tower and stared out to the sun, it was slowly going down, so slowly that you couldn't really tell it was moving.

The thoughts started to form in her mind once again, and it saddened her. And emotion she wasn't sure how to handle. It was new and it made her want to cry. Just louder. It made her want to just drop everything and just run away from all of this.

She looked at the bottom of the tower, I could just fall.... They would think it was an accident and that I didn't think of levitating to safety. They'll be safe at least. If I die now, it would solve everything.

Raven looked away from the ground, there's no escaping the future, "There's no escaping destiny."

"Why would you say that?" a voice behind her said.

Raven looked behind her and saw Robin. She looked away again, and said nothing.

Robin came up next to her and sat, "Is something bothering you, Raven? You can always tell me."

If I tell you, you'll hate me.... Raven sighed, "It's nothing, Robin. It's a personal problem. Nothing to concern yourself with."

"No, it's more than that. Raven, you've been crying. What's the matter, Raven? Tell me." Robin urged.

"I don't want to upset you, Robin. Please, just let it go." Raven said.

Robin surprised her by bringing her close and hugging her. It was a sisterly and brotherly hug. It wasn't intimate, it was just a hug for comfort. 

That's all it took to make Raven start to cry more. She was sobbing in his shoulder and he stayed silent, letting her cry. He knew that was what she needed. She just needed to let some emotion out, and he needed to be there to help her through it.

"It's going to be alright, Rae." Robin whispered.

No, it's not, Robin.....

No, it's not.


"Raven? Crying? You've got to be joking! Rae never cries. Or laughs, or anything that shows emotion." Beast Boy said incredulously as Raven(2) and Beast Boy(2) explained what just happened.

"I'm telling you, she really was crying. She was fine at first, but then she cried." Beast Boy(2) said seriously.

"Someone should go check on her. If what you're saying is true, something is bothering her a lot." Cyborg suggested.

Beast Boy opened his mouth, but Robin cut him off, "I'll go check on her. I understand her more than anyone."

And with that, Robin was gone.

Always being Raven's hero.... Beast Boy thought bitterly. "He says that, but he isn't some kind of hybrid like she is."

"Whoa, dude. You know Robin is the only one that can get her to open up." Cyborg said defending Robin.

"Yeah, but it's not fair."

"Maybe Robin and friend Raven are the dating...."Starfire added sadly.

Everyone looked at Starfire, surprised for the most part, but also thoughtfully.

"Your dimension's Robin and Raven do spend a lot of time together." Cyborg(2) said mindlessly.

"And they do train together, and they always talk, and they give each other knowing looks." Cyborg added.

"Th-That doesn't mean they're dating! Why would you suggest that, Starfire?" Beast Boy exclaimed.

"I am the sorry, friend. I did not mean to upset you." Starfire said.

"It was a simple misunderstanding, Beast Boy from another dimension." Starfire(2) said defending her counterpart.

"It's just weird to think of Raven and Robin dating. It seems unnatural." Beast Boy said in an apologizing voice. "No offense," he said to Robin(2) who was just staring at the scene.

"None taken. And I don't really think they are dating. To me, it seems like sisterly and brotherly love. There's no harm in loving your friend as if they were your own blood." Robin(2) said.

"How about we go check on them?" Beast Boy(2) suggested, wanting to get off the topic of the possibility of Raven and Robin dating.

"Yeah, let's go!" Beast Boy said.

Leading the way there, Beast Boy made sure they all stayed quiet so they wouldn't alert Robin and Raven.

When they reached the door to the roof, he opened it slowly, trying to not make a sound. Successfully, he took a peek at the two and the scene made his heart scream.

They seemed to be hugging very intimately and Robin was smoothing her hair while she seemed to be crying in his shoulder.

He looked away quickly and then the others peeked as well, and then when they all saw the scene, they retreated back downstairs, thinking that Starfire's guess had been confirmed.

"I cannot believe they would not tell us!" Starfire yelled outraged.

"Maybe it was for the best. They didn't want anyone to know. Raven and Beast Boy kept their relationship away from us for a while." Robin(2) said.

"They could've told us." Beast Boy said venomously. 

They stayed in silence for a while, before it was broken by the sound of the doors opening automatically, telling them that they were coming down.

Raven saw the looks of her friends, and she became confused, "What?"

"Why did you not tell us? Are we not the best of friends?" Starfire asked a bit hurt.

Raven's eyes narrowed, "What? What are you talking about, Starfire?"

"About the obvious fact that you and Robin are dating!" Beast Boy yelled at her.

Raven's eyes widened a bit and she backed away from Beast Boy, "What are you talking about, you dimwit?"

Suddenly Robin came through the door, and saw the situation. He instantly went to Raven's side and asked what was going on.

"Why did you not tell us about you and friend Raven dating?"

Robin and Raven shared a look of puzzlement. Then they looked at the others again. "What?" They said in union.

"You two are dating!" Cyborg shouted, "And didn't tell us a thing!"

"This is news to me. Since when are we dating?" Raven asked Robin.

"I don't know. I wasn't aware of it myself." Robin answered.

"Don't play dumb with us." Beast Boy said.

"We aren't, you idiot. Where did you get the ridiculous idea that Robin and I were dating?"

"Uh, well. I-uh, I hear- I mean... I don't know! Starfire brought it up!" Beast Boy said pointing his finger at said person.

"Star? Where would you get that idea?" Robin asked her.

Starfire gulped nervously, and shrugged, "You and friend Raven spend a lot of time together."

"That's because we're bonded. She went into my mind, it makes us wary of each other feelings and emotions." Robin explained.

"Well, now that's that. It's almost seven. We should start to get ready, other me." Raven(2) said, wanting to forget this incident as soon as possible.

"Right, let's go." Raven nodded and they both started towards Raven(2)'s room to gather ingredients and whatnot.

"Sorry, about that, Rob." Beast Boy apologized weakly.

"It's alright. Just don't make assumptions like that. Any of you. And don't get in Raven's face like that. It reminds me of the time you became him."

Beast Boy knew he was referring to his Beast. He nodded in acknowledgment, and then he sat on the couch. Waiting for the Ravens to come back so they can get back home.

That's where he'll finally confess....


I know it's been forever since I updated this story. I wasn't getting any ideas, until now, so I'm soooooooooooo sorry about not updating. This was going to be a very short story, and there will be no sequel. It's already coming to an end, too. So once again, I'm apologize for not updating. It's been stressful for me these past few months. And I also kind of forgot about this particular story. anyways, sorry again, but till next time, guys!


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