My Little Vixen

By bricute3

186K 7.9K 1.1K

"You have a choice. The life of a human or of a wild fox...I chose the fox." ****** Derek Carters has recentl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

15.8K 639 38
By bricute3

Imagine her with curly, frizzy hair.

At the moment, the only word I could form was a breathy growl, "Mine."

Derek's P.O.V
The action seems to scare her, seeing as how she violently finches and begins looking for escape once again. When I see her about to shift once again, I begin to panic.

"No, don't!" But it's too late. I see ears and a tail form on her body, before she crouches, and 4 tiny feet appear. My mate bolts for a second exit, that I never noticed.

I crawl through the space and shift into my wolf, chasing after her.

I can't lose her.

I can't lose her.

I can't lose her.

The words reply in my mind as if some kind of chant.

I begin following the trail of her delicious scent, until it begins taking me in a zig zag pattern. It's a trick us wolves train our pups to learn if they're ever in danger of being chased or followed. It scatters their scent, and confuses the tracker.

Dammit! I howl in anger and frustration. I lost her.

Delilah's P.O.V
I slow down my steps, cautiously checking my surroundings. Then I hear a howl.

I think I lost him. God why! Why is my mate him? It's obvious he lives the life a human. Not only that but he's a werewolf! I'm not ready for that. W-Why couldn't you give me more time, why now? I think frustrated at, not even God, but apart of myself.

Why did you run from him?! Raine thinks frustratedly.

He scared me. Besides we're not ready to go back to living like that. I reply.

You mean YOU, Delilah. YOU'RE not ready. I've been preparing for this, and you just ran away. She clarifies sadly, making me feel a hint of guilt.

I slowly lower myself on the soft moss. I begin to rest my head on my paws to catch some breath, but keep my guard up. One thing I learned about living in the wild, is to never let your guard down.

Yet, you did with that man. My subconscious reminds me.

That was a mistake I won't make again. I think determinedly.

The bushes begin to rustle. My ears perk up and my eyes give all attention to the rustling bush. Just as I'm about to run off, I see the tall brown/grey ears of a rabbit.

Well... I am still a bit hungry. I think preditorily to myself. I subtly lick my fox mouth.

Another thing about the wild, take the chance to hunt whenever you see one, because for all you know, there may not be another.

I stand on all fours, staring at the brown/grey ears. It twitches, and I stand in a ready stance. Then it bolts, and the hunt begins.

The bark of trees zoom by me as all my attention is set on the fluffy white tail in my line of sight. Although everytime I'm about to bite it, it makes another turn.

It's so close. I want to just eat it already! I think frustratedly, but remember that I have to be focused and patient.

Just as I'm about to make the death blow, I run into a tree! It results me landing on my tail, making me whimper in slight pain. I gently paw my tail before looking towards the tree and growling lightly at it.

Ugh! I was so close to having my kill! I think angrily to myself.

That's when I realize that tree has fur and legs.

When I look up into the eyes of a wolf I begin to panic.

He does not look friendly! Just as I'm about to scurry off, I hear a vicious growl directed towards me. My hind leg gets bitten. The wound feels as if it barely scratched the bone, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt! Nothing is suppose to hit your bone!

I yip in pain, but at least try to limp off. Mr. Wolf is not having it though. I get thrown into a tree and yip again, the large brown wolf starts getting fuzzy as I begin seeing black dots. After this, I don't know what happens. I black out.

(AN: :O What just happened to Delilah?!?)

NEXT UPDATE: Thursday.

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