Breathe Me

By eternalxrry

465K 15K 5.7K

Omega Louis thinks he's worthless, after being told thousands of times a day, he finally starts to believe th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 19

11.9K 395 87
By eternalxrry

Hello my lovelies, I know this is shorter than usual but its my  birthday so i decided to update early!

Anyways hope you guys like the new chapter. Enjoy! :) X

PS. Who wants smut in the next chapter?


Louis POV:

"Harry." I croak out quietly, wincing as the light momentarily blinds me. I look around quickly and take in my surroundings. Fuck, I'm in hospital. "Harry." I speak out again, heart racing as I don't see him in the room. I hear the heart monitor begin to pick up and suddenly loud alarms start to go off in the room. But I ignore it, as I try to pull the wires out of my arms, causing me to cry out as I realise one of them is a feeding tube. Multiple nurses and doctors come rushing into the room, trying to pin my arms down to the bed.

"LET ME GO." I shout, breath picking up as I thrash against them. "HARRY!" I scream, tears steadily flowing down my cheeks as they successfully put the iv tube back in.

"Mr Tomlinson we need you to calm down." A blonde headed nurse says softly.

"I WANT HARRY." I cry out, bottom lip wobbling.

"His inner omega is under distress, someone go and find his alpha." The doctor orders at a nurse, she quickly nods her head and scurries out the room. Moments after the door bangs open against the wall and in comes a panicked looking Harry.

"Harry." I cry out once I see him, trying to get up again only to be stopped by more hands pressing me down. He walks over to me and quickly takes over another nurses position. He runs his hands gently through my hair and leaves small pecks on my forehead, whispering sweet nothings in my ear, to help calm me.

"Shh princess, it's okay your alpha is here for you darling. It's okay I'm never going to let you out of my sight again lovely. You're okay, you're safe now. So glad you're back in my arms, I've missed you so much." He coos down at me, nosing against the bond spot.

"You don't hate me." I whimper out pathetically, whining as he presses a kiss to the bond spot.

"Of course not baby, how could I ever hate you? You're so perfect, always so good for me. I'm not angry darling. I understand what you did baby boy. You tried to protect me and the ones you love, you're so brave darling, I love you so much." He says softly, his words soothing me. I stop struggling against the doctors and focus instead on the soft touches from my Harry. My alpha.

"Mr Styles, we advise for you to stay in the room with him. His inner omega has already been in distress from the trauma he's gone through, without him having his alpha around constantly, his psychological state will only worsen." I hear the doctor say to Harry, Harry responds but I don't focus on what they're saying, instead focusing on the delicious musky scent that is Harry.

I feel the bed dip beside me and I'm suddenly engulfed by two strong arms, pulling me back against a hard chest. My eyes flutter open, head resting on Harry's chest as I stare sleepily at him.

"Hey baby." He mutters softly, pecking me on the lips.

"I'm so sorry H." Tears forming in my eyes as I watch him frown.

"Hey none of that darling. Yes you should of come to us as soon as someone threatened you. Actually baby, who did threaten you?" He asks softly intwining our fingers.

"My dad." I whisper. I hear his sharp intake of breathe but continue. "He um, came into school one lunch time, he was wearing a janitors clothing and he threatened me that it was only the beginning and he'll hurt everyone I love. He even mentioned my sisters." His arms tighten around me, causing me to wince as he puts pressure on one of my bruises. 

"Baby you should've come to me." He mutters sadly, swooping down and planting a hard kiss on my lips.

"I'm so sorry I was scared. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of pathetic old me."

"Hey stop it Lou, stop being so self depreciating. For starters you are not pathetic and for the rest of our life together, I'm going to remind you everyday of how beautiful you are. Secondly, stop apologising okay? I can see why you kept it a secret princess. I just wish you'd told me, so I could of prevented you ending up here." He mutters sadly.

"I love you Harry." I say softly, blinking up at him sleepily, causing his eyes to soften.

"And I love you princess, now go to sleep lovely you look tired, I'm not going anywhere." He says quietly, leaving a planting a lingering kiss on my lips, before tucking my head further into his neck.


"Good morning beautiful." Harry says, grinning down at me as I pucker my lips up for a kiss.

"Good morning Harry." I murmur back dreamily.

"I can't wait for the day I finally get to make you mine. My omega." He says, a growl ripping it's way out of his chest as he holds me more possessively.

"Yes yours." I whimper baring my neck for him. "My alpha." I whine as he bites softly on my neck before sucking gently, causing a soft moan to slip from my parted lips. "Harry." I say breathlessly, fingers making there way into his unruly hair, pulling him closer as he continues to leave a mark on my neck.

The door slams open, causing both of us to separate. I flush bright red as Niall takes in our flustered states, a smirk making it's way onto his face.

"My bad was I interrupting something?" He grins widely, as my blush deepens and Harry groans loudly.

"Shut up Neil." Harry says gruffly, throwing a water bottle at the blonde boy, narrowly missing the boys head.

"Hey none of that, there's no need to get your panties in a twist." He chuckles as a squeak escapes my lips, causing Harry to smirk down at me, placing a kiss on the now tender skin. Causing me to bury my head in his shoulder, to stop the moan from coming out at the pleasurable pain feeling.

"Oh hush Harold, I came here to see my friend not you." He says sassily, causing Harry to let out a bark of laughter and me to giggle. As soon as he walks over and sits down in the chair a nurse comes in, carrying a tray of food for the both of us and orders him out as I have to be checked over.

"Okay Mr Tomlinson, even though you have a feeding tube, it is still required for you to have some sort of solid food. Due to Mr Styles request, for breakfast you have a selection of fruits and yogurt. Please make sure he eats a good amount." She stares at Harry as she talks, before checking my vitals. She writes stuff down on a clipboard and swiftly makes her way out of the room without another word.

"I want to go home." I whisper staring at the arrangement of fruits on the small table she pulled over to the bed.

"I know princess. I'll ask when you can be released when she comes back into the room. I don't want you staying in here for long. I want you to recover in the comfort of our own home." He says back, staring at the closed door before giving me a soft smile. "Now eat." He says sternly, making me roll my eyes at him fondly.

After we finish our breakfast the same nurse comes in and gives me a drink of water with three pills in the palm of her hand.

"If you feel any pain, then please let me or another nurse know." She says watching me take them.

"When will he be released from hospital?" Harry asks, our hands entwined on top of the bedsheets.

"It all depends on how well his recovery is sir. So far, it's looking like he'll be out in the next day or two. But you'll have to check with the doctor to be sure." She says smiling softly.

"Thank you." He replies giving me a large grin. "Is it okay if I get Niall in here? While I go and find the doctor to see if you can get released earlier?" He asks softly, pecking me on the lips. I nod my head at him, he moves me off him and gets up off the bed. He gives me one more beaming smile before leaving the room. Niall coming in quickly after.

"LOU!" He shrieks loudly, giving me an awkward hug, trying to avoid putting pressure on my body.

"Hi Niall." I smile shyly at him as he pulls away.

"You have no idea how worried I've been about you." He pulls the chair closer to the bed and sits down, crossing his legs as he stares at me.
I shuffle around on the bed self consciously under his stare. I knot my fingers in my lap and stare down at them. "Hey Lou, it's only me you don't have to be shy." He says softly.

"Sorry." I whisper quietly. "It's just cause of recent events you know. It's making me nervous again." I murmur finally looking up at him.

"S'alright Lou. Anyways I'll update you on what you've missed in the last week." He begins.

Thirty minutes later Harry walks in with a large grin on his face.

"I've got good news baby." He says happily walking over to me and planting a loud kiss on my lips, making me blush as Niall cackles. "The doctor is coming in to check your vitals one more time and then your allowed to come home, as long as you let the pack doctor give you a check up every now and again." I grin up at him, happy to finally go home.

"Hello Mr Tomlinson, I'm sure you're aware you'll be going home today." Dr Willow says checking me over, she writes a few things on the clipboard before looking back up at me. "Excellent news Louis you are recovering extremely well. Now I know your alpha has your prescription so once I'm done here, you're free to go just make sure you sign out when you leave." She gives me a smile and nods to Harry before she leaves the room.

"Niall can you go do me a favour and fill in the form for Louis. I've already signed it giving my consent. I'm gunna help my baby change." Niall gives a swift nod and is out the door in a flash. "C'mon baby, let me help you change." He says softly, pecking me on the lips as he pulls open a bag laying on the floor next to my bed. He gets out a big white knitted jumper and I immediately know it's his. I blush as Harry makes me raise my arms above my head like a child. He pecks me on top of my head as he slides of the hospital gown, I don't look him in the eye as he looks at my bruises.

"Oh Lou." He whispers sadly, I look down at the floor ashamed, why am I so ugly? I think bitterly to myself. "Hey stop none of that. "He says sternly, lifting my chin up. "I love you okay?"

"I love you too Harry." I give him my famous shy smile and he beams at me, both dimples coming out.

"C'mon lets get you home." He says softly, pulling the jumper over my head and sliding on the jogging bottoms. He surprises me as instead of helping me to stand, he scoops me up in his arms and carries me bridal style out the hospital room. I blush furiously as Niall winks at us, as we make our way through the hospital doors. He unlocks his car and slides me in to the passenger seat. He walks quickly over to his side of the car and starts the engine, Niall climbing into the backseat.

I curl up in a small ball on the chair, head resting against the cool glass of the window as Harry takes ahold of my hand, entwining our fingers together against the console. I fall asleep to the pressure of his lips against my hand.

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