Ice princess (vampire diaries...

By elenagilbert25

26.3K 464 33

Carly Salvatore has returned to Mystic falls to help her brothers protect Elena! Will anyone be able to see p... More

Ice princess (vampire diaries fanfic)
Character profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

2.3K 71 11
By elenagilbert25


Chapter 4

"OH NO NO NO NO! DAMN IT! I SHOULD NOT HAVE SAIT THAT!" I exclaimed once I have processed what question I had just answered.

I face palmed myself as I relised that the memory spell only worked once on a particular person. Also, he was an original vampire so there was no way to make Elijah forget what I had just revealed to him.

Elijah watched me amused, not once interrupting my rant at myself for being stupid enough to tell an original vampire that I was the most powerful witch in existance.

"So I take it you didn't want me to find that out." He remarked, clearly finding this whole thing amusing. It was more of a statement than a question but I answered it anyway.

"Of course. Why on earth would I want an original finding out that I'm more powerful than every Bennet witch that has existed in the last ten centuries put together." I gave him a 'no duh' look then relised what I just said. DAMN IT! AGAIN! I really needed to shut my mouth! Now He knows exactly how powerful I am. He chuckled at me as I cursed viciously underneath my breath. DAMN ME AND MY BIG MOUTH!

"Well lucky for you that just earned you your freedom. Your free to to." He told and I stared at him like he had grown another head. Who knows, maybe he had.

"Is this another trick or some sort of joke because it really isn't funny?" I questioned, looking at him in disbelief. I mean I just told him that I was the most powerful witch in existance, more powerful than every single bennet witch in the last a thousand years combined.

And now he's saying he's going to let me go!? AS IF! There was no way be was telling the truth! Elijah was a lier!

"Maybe, maybe not. It's your call. Leave and risk staying here forever if I'm lieing or I could be telling the truth and let you leave. Or you could stay and you'll never know the answer." He told me while a smirked placed itself on his face challengingly. I sighed, wishing I knew if he was being honest or lieing.






*Thanks for reading*

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