Let it be

By eleanorwrites17

13.6K 190 31

Ellie Wardle (played by Chloe Moretz) and Will Smith (played by Logan Lerman) are two ordinary people, but on... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 10

426 7 0
By eleanorwrites17

Monday, the first day back after spring break; Ellie woke up bright and early at 7AM. She pressed down on her alarm clock and sighed. Bags under her eyes were formed and she was much too tired for school.

     Well here it goes. She thought to herself, sliding out of bed.

     In the Smiths’ house hold, Will was up two minutes later. Here we go. Will thought.

     Will strolled into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his greasy skin. He splashed the water in his face, and then looked up in the mirror at himself. His phone bleeped, he looked over at it on a towel on the floor. Ellie’s name popped up with a text message.

     ‘See you in Geography, jerk.’ It read, Will frowned and tried to ignore her upset remarks.

     “I thought she didn’t want to talk to me ever again,” Will said to himself.

     His Mum walked past, “What was that honey?” She asked,

     “Oh, nothing; morning Mum” Will half smiled up at her.

     “Morning,” She replied making her way downstairs with a coffee in her cold palms.


    Once Ellie was done with her makeup, the clock struck 7:30.

     “Jasmine,” Ellie called,

    “Yes Elle?” Jasmine replied.

     “You ready to leave?” Ellie asked,

    “Almost,” Jasmine answered fluttering her eyelashes as she coated them with mascara.

    When she was happy with the length, she picked up her school bag and followed Ellie downstairs. They grabbed a breakfast bar, money and drink before leaving for school.

     They jumped on a bus and headed to school.

     “Can’t believe how fast the holidays have gone,” Jasmine sighed,

     “Tell me about it.” Ellie replied looking round the bus.

     Jasmine raised an eyebrow and tried to work out where Ellie was looking. She finally gave up, “What are you looking for?”

     “N...Nothing,” Ellie stuttered,

     “Are you sure?”

     “Positive.” Ellie lied,

      “Okay,” Jasmine looked away from her sister curiously.


     Will got dropped off at school by his Dad. They parked up in the staff parking area, and Harry left his staff permit at the window before exiting the car with his son.

     “See you in first period, son.” Harry said messing up Will’s hair,

     Will tried to get it back in place, “Bye,” He replied.


    Ellie’s bus finally arrived at the big, cream coloured building. She picked up her bag from behind her head and slid it on to her back. She pushed a piece of hair behind her ear before climbing off the bus, and looking straight ahead, she breathed heavily.

     Breathe Ellie, breathe. She kept repeating to herself.

     She entered the building, and her heart was pumping vigorously; it felt like it was going to pop out of her chest any minute.

     “Hello, Ellie.” She heard a voice say from behind her, she turned around and was shocked because of who she saw.


     “Yeah,” She mumbled, “So you and that Geography teacher’s son?”

     “What about him?” Ellie questioned,

      “Well um, I hate to break this to you; but it’s never going to happen between you two...” Becky laughed with a crowded of followers behind her.

     “We’ve already happened.” Ellie said,

     “Look, Ellie.” Becky started, crossing her arms.


     “You’re so-called ‘best friend’, Chloe, told us everything. And um, you’re kind of a slut,” Becky giggled to herself,

     “Oh really?” Ellie cocked an eyebrow.

     “Yeah, really.” Becky smiled,

    “You’re making it sound like we had sex.” Ellie laughed to herself,

     “Don’t deny that you didn’t,” Becky replied, “Chloe told us you went all the way.”

     Ellie started walking away from Becky as she stood with a nasty smirk on her face, but her words stabbed her in the heart hearing what else Chloe had been lying about.

     Chloe told us everything.

     You’re so-called ‘best friend’.

     Her words ran through her brain over and over again. The day had only just started and the taunts where already happening...Because of Chloe as well.

     How could Chloe do this to me? Ellie questioned herself. Was I really that harsh to her?

     Meanwhile, in Will’s point of view, the day was starting off brilliant. Girls stood in corridors drooling over him; boys gave him handshakes and fist pounds. He felt like royalty. James walked over to him and gave him a man hug.

     “Hey man,” James greeted, “The girls love you, what have you done?”

     “Nothing that I know of, just gotten out of a relationship that I didn’t want to end?” Will replied,

      “Well, look at this Will; the girls love you, the boys look up to you, this or Ellie?” James asked.

     Will’s face was emotionless.

    This or Ellie?

     Even though Will wouldn’t admit it, he was still unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Ellie. Will looked down at the floor, then back up at James with a smile.

     “This,” He lied,

     “That’s my man,” James fist pounded him.

      A shooting pain ran through Will’s chest, he held his heart and let out a little moan.

    “You okay, Will?” James asked,

    “Yeah, I’m fine.” Will replied showing a smile. “Just weird, you know?”

     “All this attention for a shy guy like you?” James smirked with a chuckle in his tone, “Yeah, very weird.”

    Will wasn’t fine, even though the attention was amazing; all he wanted was that one person. The one person he felt he couldn’t have, he didn’t deserve. The one girl who he thought would hate him forever, but realistically can’t stand it without him. Ellie, he wanted Ellie.

*                                            *                                         *

     The bell rang for first period. Ellie had only been in school for half an hour and she was already ready for going home. Jasmine pushed her into Geography viciously, and made her sit down. She sat there awkwardly, and looked up at Will.

     “Hey,” Will said, looking right at Ellie as he spoke.

     Ellie looked around the room, and completely ignored his offer to start conversation. Jasmine nudged her.

     “Ouch!” Ellie rubbed her arm,

     “Are you alright?” Will asked worried.

     “Like you’d care, Mr. Don’t answer your ex girlfriends texts and calls.” Ellie said sharply,

      “I do care actually, and I have a reason I didn’t answer your texts and calls; I couldn’t.” Will replied.

     “Whatever,” Ellie glared at him angrily,

     “Whatever? Is that all you can say?” Will frowned.

     Ellie ignored him. He let out a grunt and sat back on his chair.

     “Ellie,” Will said sternly, “answer me. Look, I know why you’re angry.”

     “I bloody hope you do. When I asked you whether you meant everything you said when you were giving myself and my Mum that whole speech and you said yes I actually believed you.” Ellie ranted, trying not to raise her voice.

     “I was being honest though,” Will retaliated,

     “Yeah okay,” Ellie shook her head in despair, “that’s why we aren’t together anymore.”

     “We aren’t together anymore because we can’t be.”  Will replied with watery eyes.

     “And why not?” Ellie questioned with heart ache,

     “It’s complicated,” Will answered, looking down at the floor.

     “It’s complicated my arse,” Ellie laughed sarcastically, “you can’t even look at me when you are speaking to me.”

     Will’s watering eyes fixed up on to Ellie’s and his jaw locked closed.

     “It really hurt you know when I never got a text back...” Ellie choked, “well fuck you.”

     Will remained in silence, holding back the tears he couldn’t spill out in front of the class. Besides, everyone seemed to love him; and he couldn’t mess it all up now with relationship problems which no one really understood but Will and Ellie.

     The lesson seemed to last forever; Ellie kept looking up at the clock, waiting to pack up her stuff and leave. Suddenly it rang, and she was the first one to exit.

    Will and Jasmine made awkward contact with each other; Jasmine just shrugged her shoulders at him before standing up and leaving for second period.

     Lunch time finally arrived and Will sat with the popular crowd; while Ellie, she sat by herself. Chloe walked over to her, and sat beside her.

     “Hey, Ellie.” She said in a awkward tone,

     “Hi,” Ellie replied taking a bite from her sandwich.

     “What are you doing?” Chloe gritted her teeth tightly together,

     “Isn’t it obvious?” Ellie said.

     “Stupid question,” Chloe let out a little laugh.

     Ellie laughed back, “Yeah. So you’re good friends with Becky now?”

     “Sure, you could say that.” Chloe shrugged,

     “Well you trust her,” Ellie said.

     “I do?” Chloe replied,

     “Well you’ve told her all about me.” Ellie raised an eyebrow.

     “I’m so sorry...” Chloe’s face expression changed immediately, to sad.

     “There’s no need, Chloe. Go sit with her and her popular friends’, just like Will is” Ellie rolled her eyes, “And don’t forget to tell her some more bull crap.”

     “No,” Chloe said stubbornly.

     “What?” Ellie sat in shock with Chloe’s reply.

     “You’re my best friend, Ellie.” Chloe stated,

     “Of course,” Ellie replied sarcastically.

     “I’m being honest...”

      “Just get lost,”

      Chloe’s mouth formed an ‘O’, she slowly stood up and backed off towards where Will was sat.

     “I knew it.” Ellie said to herself, shaking her head.

     Without realising, Ellie was slowly pushing everyone away. She wanted to be on her own all the time, but at the same time wanted someone who she could talk to and tell all her worries; but she could trust no one.

     In Will’s point of view, he was sat in the lime light of the popular table. Once or twice every couple of minutes, he’d look over at the lonely, depressed-looking teenager biting into a never ending sandwich. He felt like he was slowly drifting away from something that was once and still feels like his everything to him. She picked herself up and threw the last of her sandwich into the bin, before heading to the exit of the canteen. Will went to stand up off his plastic red seat, but James pushed him down and shook his head as if to say, ‘No Will, let her go; you are a popular now. Remember when you were a no one? We don’t want that again, do we?’ Will just sat there, watching Ellie walk out of his sight. Once she did, he turned to his new friends and faked a smile. How long is this going to go on for? He asked himself, knowing he can’t wait forever. She will move on. He will still be in love with her.

Like the famous band, The Script wrote – When a heart breaks, no it don’t breakeven.

*                                            *                                         *

The day went by extremely slow. When Ellie got home she slumped on her bed and cuddled her pillow. Her Mother knocked on the door,

     “Come in,” Ellie called.

     Caroline entered and sat on the bed, “Jasmine told me everything,” She said.

     “Huh?” Ellie pulled a confused face as she looked up at her Mum,

     “About your day, sweetie; she told me it didn’t go well.” Caroline said.

     “Ha-ha, you can say that again.” Ellie mumbled,

     “There’s only eight weeks left until the summer, Elle. And then high school is done with and you can start a fresh.” Caroline smiled,

     “Yeah,” Ellie smiled back, “Can’t wait.”

     “Jas told me it was Will and Chloe who ruined your day. Is that true?”

     “Unfortunately, yes.” Ellie frowned,

     “That boy told me he’d love you forever...” Caroline started.

     “I feel pretty stupid myself for believing that shit.” Ellie said,

     “Hey you,” Caroline shook her head, “Less of the language.”

     “Sorry,” Ellie snuggled her head back into the pillow on her bed.

     Caroline ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair and let out a big heavy breath. “I’ll see you later, sweetie.”

     She stood up from the cosy, warm sheets and strolled out of the room before making her way down the stairs. Ellie lay there, she closed her eyelids shut and soon fell to sleep.


     “Mum, I’m going out” Jasmine said walking over to Caroline, before kissing her forehead.

     “Ok, sweetie; be back before six for dinner” Caroline replied with a smile,

     “Will be, don’t you worry.” Jasmine smiled back, walking from her view.

     Jasmine exited the house and closed the door behind her. She walked down the street towards Will’s house. When she arrived, she knocked on the door and stood nervously. Will’s Mother, Zoey, opened the door.

     “Hello, is Will here?” Jasmine smiled,

     “Yes, he is.” Zoey replied.

     “Please can I see him?” Jasmine asked,

     “Of course,” Zoey said before shouting up to Will.

     “Let her up!” Will shouted back down to Zoey,

     “Go on, honey.” Zoey smiled.

     “Thank you,” Jasmine said, passing Zoey into the house.

     She ran upstairs and walked casually into Will’s room.

     “Oh, hi Jasmine; I thought you were Chloe,” Will said,

     “No, I’m pretty sure I have blonde hair.” Jasmine laughed.

     “What’s up?” Will asked, patting down on the side of the bed.

     “Um, I have something to tell you...” Jasmine started,

     “What is it?” Will cocked an eyebrow,



     “I like you.” Jasmine gulped, and felt like a ripe tomato.

     “You do?” Will replied,

     “Um y...yeah” Jasmine stuttered.

     Without hesitation, Will caressed her cheek before kissing her.

     He let go and stepped back, “Wait.”

     “What?” Jasmine asked,

     “This doesn’t feel right,” Will replied. “You’re like a clone of Ellie.”

     “Oh,” Jasmine scratched the back of her neck embarrassed, “Well I am her identical twin...” 

     “Kiss me again,” Will said.

     Jasmine lent in again, and kissed his lips.

     “I can do this,” Will said positively, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

     “Yes! But Ellie can’t find out,” Jasmine grinned deviously,

     “Okay,” Will nodded. “But she probably will.”

     “I know, I know.” Jasmine bit her bottom lip anxiously.

     The clock struck five to six, and Jasmine decided to leave for home.

     I’m going out with Will Smith! She thought to herself excitedly.  But if Ellie finds out, she’ll hate me forever...

     Jasmine walked through her house door, and smelt amazing smells drifting to the lounge from the kitchen.

     “Just in time,” Joe said happily, “Dinners ready!”

     She sat down at the table, “Where’s Ellie?”

     “I’m here,” Ellie replied walking into the dining room, wiping her tired eyes. “This smells amazing,”

     She sat down wearing a pink fluffy dressing gown before slipping her bed sock covered feet underneath the table.

     “Tuck in girls,” Caroline smiled sitting down at the table beside her husband.

     Ellie took a big gulp of meat, before asking, “Where have you been Jas? You look nice,”

     “Thanks, Elle. I’ve just been to a friend’s,” Jasmine lied,

     “Have you been to Bella’s?” Ellie guessed.

     “Yeah,” Jasmine lied again, swallowing down a chip.

     Ellie can’t find out. She thought, slicing her meat into smaller chunks. She felt nervous and her hands started sweating.

     “Are you okay, Jas?” Mike asked,

     “Y...yeah,” She stuttered.

     “Are you sure?” He raised an eyebrow,

     “Positive.” Jasmine replied in an awkward tone.

     Her Father nodded and carried on chomping on his meal. 

*                                            *                                         *

     It was finally Friday, the week passed pretty fast. Monday was the only day Ellie got taunts and rude names called at her, the rest of the week flowed pretty smoothly. And luckily for Jasmine, Ellie still had no idea about her twin sister and her ex boyfriend dating each other. It was period four and only fifty minutes until lunch time. Ellie was sat on a table with three other faces. All three boys sat laughing and joking, Ellie sat in silence until one called her name.

     “Hey, Ellie.” He said,

     “Yes, Tom?” She replied.

     “Why so quiet?” He asked,

     She shrugged, “I have nothing to say,”

     “Do I have to slap a smile on to that face?” Another laughed, his name was Jake.

     Ellie let out a big laugh, “No thank you,”

     “Then smile,” Jake demanded, Ellie then pulled a big toothy smile meters away from his face.

     “Oh, what a beautiful smile you have, Ellie.” Tom grinned,

     “I know,” Ellie giggled.

     “Want to hang out with us at lunch?” The third one asked, nodding at the two other boys.

     “Ooh la-la, Max” Jake laughed; Max slightly punched him in the arm.

     “Ha-ha,” Max said in a sarcastic tone,

     “I think you should hang out with us too, Elle. It will be fun,” Tom smiled.

     “Thanks for the offer guys but...” Ellie started,

     “We’re not taking no for an answer,” Jake said, they all gave Ellie an awkward look until she gave in.

     “Okay, okay. I’ll hang out with you,” Ellie laughed, they all smiled.

     “You know, you are one pretty cool girl, Ellie.” Tom said,

     “Why thank you, Thomas.” Ellie winked her left eye at him.

     “I don’t understand why Will broke up with you, you’re great!” Jake added,

     “Well he didn’t actually...” Ellie got cut off by the ring of the bell, so they all packed up and left the classroom together; in one small group.

     In the canteen, they sat beside the popular table; where Will, James, Chloe and Jasmine sat.

     Wait... Jasmine? Ellie thought, cocking an eyebrow. My own sister wouldn’t hurt me, would she?

     “Hey, Max.” Ellie started leaning over to her new friend,

     “Yes,” Max replied.

     “Why is Jasmine sat on the popular table? She’s never been popular,” Ellie questioned,

     “Your twin is dating your ex, making her equally as popular as him.” Max answered.

     Ellie’s eyes started to water, “No way,” She mumbled, “No-fucking-way”

     Ellie stood up angrily, and stormed over to her sister.

     “Ellie, wait!” Max shouted over to her, but she ignored him.

     “Dude, what did you say?” Tom asked,

     “I answered her question...” Max shrugged.

     Jasmine looked up at Ellie, and her eyes widened in shock.

     “I can explain,” Jasmine panicked,

     “I don’t need an explanation, Jas. I think I just saw and heard everything with my eyes and ears, I’m not a retard!” Ellie lashed out.

     “Ellie, calm down...” Will said in a calm voice,

     “Calm down? Seriously, Will. Calm down?” Ellie started to cry hysterically, “My life is falling apart, Will. And all you can say is ‘calm down’?”

     “Leave Will alone Ellie,” Jasmine said,

     Ellie wiped a tear from her cheek, “I can’t believe you, my own sister.”

     “I’m sorry...” Jasmine said in a low tone, Ellie walked away from her quickly. Her eyes were red and sore, and her nose was filling up with snot. Everything was going so well.

     Jasmine decided to follow her, but Will tugged her arm pulling her back.

     “Let go, Will.” Jasmine demanded, “We’re over.”

      “But babe,” Will replied, “You came on to me?”

      “Biggest mistake of my life. She’s my sister, jerk.” Jasmine slapped him and chased after her emotional twin.

      Ellie had locked herself in a toilet in the girls’ restroom.

      “Ellie,” Jasmine started, “Please unlock the door,”

      “Nah, you’re alright.” Ellie replied,

      “Please,” Jasmine begged.

     As much as Ellie tried to ignore Jasmine, she was her family, and she had to confront her anyway. She unlocked the door and let her in.

     “You don’t even know how sorry I am,” Jasmine told,

     “Then why did you do it?” Ellie asked.

     “I was being selfish, only thinking of what I wanted. But were over, I broke up with him a couple of minutes ago; before I came to find you.” Jasmine explained,

    Ellie placed her head in her hands and rubbed her eyes continuously. Her mascara was now on her cheeks and eyelids, Jasmine laughed at her once she saw her dirty face. “Well that didn’t last long.”

     “Come on Elle; let’s get all this makeup off of your face” Jasmine pulled her up from the toilet seat, and opened the toilet door. They stood in front of the mirror, and Jasmine reached into her bag for a makeup wipe. “Here you go,” She smiled, passing it to Ellie.

     “Thanks,” Ellie smiled, wiping the black makeup that was placed on her cheeks and eyelids. “I wonder where Tom, Jake and Max are,”

     “Who are they?” Jasmine asked,

     “My new friends,” Ellie replied.

     “You’re going to have to introduce them to me,” Jasmine smiled,

     “Just so you can steal them from me, aye?” Ellie laughed.

     “No, well maybe one.” Jasmine winked at her sister,

     “Ha-ha, I don’t mind that. As long as they get to hang out with both of us as normal,” Ellie smiled.

    “Deal,” Jasmine smiled back.

     Ellie forgave Jasmine for her stupid mistake, and introduced her to the blonde haired, blue eyed boy on the football team; of course she introduced Jasmine to Jake, the hottest of the three. No offence. Ellie thought, laughing to herself,

     “Is something funny, Elle?” Jasmine asked.

     “Oh, it’s nothing.” Ellie replied,

     “Okay,” Jasmine smiled, before turning to Jake.

     All five stuck together that lunch, and Ellie didn’t think of Will once. Maybe she was slowly getting over him... And Will was running out of time.

Check out the gif at the right side bar of Will's best friend, James. 

Much loveX - Ellie:-)

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