The Second Wallflower

By Akai_Blue

24.8K 599 38

Rouge Faye was just a normal 8 yr girl with a loving family, but something has happen with her family. she go... More

Character info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Character info
Chapter 11
Author's note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's note

Chapter 4

1.6K 47 0
By Akai_Blue

Rouge Pov

We arrived to this haunted house that Sunako was supposed to have a photo shoot. Sunako was in deep bliss. "Sunako this is your type thing Huh?" as she looks in bliss nodding.  "I heard this house is haunted." "Really?!" she said with a dark aura. "I was kidding!" scaring the crap out of them. "A ghost?" "She daydreaming again." I sighed. "How did even end up in this magazine anyway." Kyohei said. "Maybe things are looking up for us." "Yeah I don't think so." I said. "Are you Sunako Nakahara?" "Yes I am." "Come this way please." "Thank you for the invitation." She walked inside.

"This end well." I said. "Why do you say?" Ranmaru asks. "Because she isn't going to through all the makeup, getting clothes, and worse even get her picture taken." I said. "Well maybe it's different." Takenaga said, "That's because you lied to her about the photo shoot." "Takenaga you are so sneaky." "Well watch your plan down fall in five seconds." "Huh?" then Sunako came running out of the house in a cream Victorian dress and bonnet screaming with people chasing her. "Kyohei and Rouge go after her." "Okay." We ran after Sunako.

We came back to see a crowd with the boys. "Where is my model?" "We got here." Sunako struggling under his grip, "Let me go, let me go, let me go. Rouge help me!" "She is fast runner. Without Rouge I wouldn't have caught her in time." People were looking at us weirdly. "What is it?" "It's fabulous. Look at their gorgeous faces. The boys has beautiful blonde hair and long legs. What don't you be a model for the famous photographer?" "Sir he left." Kyohei was gone. Sunako was tied up, trying to get out. "Sunako calm down. I'll help you but don't go wandering off okay." getting her out them.

Third Pov

They were taking pictures of her, "No, NO, NOO. These are all wrong. I did need the perfect girl for my image." "Hey Sunako do you need anything?" Rouge asks. "I want to go home but I like it here." "Don't worry it will end soon. Okay?" Yuki asks. "Who are they?" "YOU!" "Huh?" he grabs both Yuki and Rouge's hands. "Get them ready girls?" "Yes sir." The make-up and costume artist took me and Yuki hands to separate dressing room. "It's going to be interesting to see Rouge and Yuki in a photo?" "Especially after what happened between them."

"Let's get ready with this adorable costume." "Such pretty hair. Its shame to put a wig over it." They crowed him in corner. "B-but...I..." "YUKI YOU'RE SO CUTE." They attacked him. "Should we save him?" "Let's see what happens." "AHHHH!" "Yuki wait." He grabs his wrists to make him stop to see he is in a black and red Victorian dress with rose band. "WAAH!! Why did do I have to dress up like this." "It's not that bad. How people can say that a famous photographer picked them, right Takenaga?" "He's right Yuki, you look lovely." He made it worse making Yuki cry again. "Speaking of lovely where is Rouge?" "I'm right here." She came out with red corset dress with a train, black lace gloves, and white wig with a veil, roses and horns on side of her head. "Wow you look beautiful Rouge." Ranmaru said. "Yea really pretty." Takenaga said. "Thank you Ranmaru and Takenaga." She smiles at them. Yuki was staring at her with awe. "" Yuki tried to say. She leaves without acknowledging Yuki. He was staring at her as she left with sad look, "She didn't even look at me or notice I was here." "You must have really hurt her feelings." "I didn't mean too." "Try telling her that."  "She meant it when she said not ever going to talk to you anymore." "I know. It's been a week since she talked to me. I try to talk to her to apologize but she doesn't even look or talk to me. Can you guys talk to her." They sighed. "It's not our problem but yours. Just tell her the truth." "I'll try but it won't be easy." Yuki says as he looks at Rouge with her back turned from him while other photographers blushing as she walks by making his heart swell with jealousy and sadness.

The photo shoot goes to an end, Rouge went to find Sunako look to see her on the ground with a spider. "Hey Sunako." "Hey Rouge, how do the shoot go?" "Boring but now I can relax." Sit on the stairs next to her. A mouse comes to sit on Sunako's. "Do you want to come my house?" the mouse leaves when it hears something. "Hey Sunako, Rouge I brought you guys some cocoa." Sunako looks to see Yuki in front of us. "Thank you Yuki." Sunako said. "Um...Rouge... Do want yours?" he says handing her the cup but she gets up, "I'll talk to later Sunako." She leaves without a single word to him.

Sunako Pov

I watch Rouge walk away as Yuki looked really sad as she rejected his cocoa. 'What's wrong with her?' I thought. He sighed and sat on the stairs, "Being a model sucks and I have to dress up like this is embarrassing. At least I got my jeans back instead of those stockings." I smiled at him. "Hey do I look like a girl to you? Sometimes I wish I was Kyohei that say tough things but it's not me. And the others are having fun as well even Rouge is haven fun. I wish I can be more like them." "Sometimes I wish more like them too." "But you can say anything on your mind. That's cool. And I envy you for that. I can't even confess to the girl I really like and now she won't even talk to me." I see him staring where Rouge left. 'He likes Rouge?' "Well maybe if you tell her how you feel, she might feel the same way." He looks at me, "You're right. I'll tell her but how?" "When the moments right."

Rouge Pov

I walk around to avoid the photo shot and Yuki. "I can't believe he is going act like nothing wrong. First he says you he doesn't like me, then her offers my cocoa. Give me a break.' I walk around then overhear a conversation. "Thank you for saving us. You and that other girl helped us out the most with such an ugly disappoint. She sure is ugly model." A WHAT?!  I getting ready to punch then, "You were the one that asks to do it without her meeting her. You have no right to talk her like that." "But she is. The photos fooled me. Ha-ha. I still cant believe that that other girl is her cousin, no resembles at all."  "That don't matter now with you and other girl we can take off your own career. Wait what are you doing?" Yuki takes off his outfit wearing only his jeans and shoes. "I quit." I walk in and tap on the photographer's shoulder. "Oh it's you. I was just trying to.." before he finishes, I punch him the face. "Rouge?" "I quit too. No one talks about my family like that. Let's go." I grab Yuki's hand to the exit. "Wait a minute. Come back."

I walk in the room when Sunako, Takenaga, and Ranmaru. "Hey Yuki you won't believe what he...huh?" he bent down to Sunako, "Hey I heard this places isn't haunted now let's go home." "Really?" "He is right. It's not haunted." I said right behind them. "Rouge?" Yuki looks at me. "Wait I demand an answer why you two quit? Is because I trashed talked that Goth girl? That's ridiculous." I tightened my fist while Yuki glared at him. "Fine, you a boy that looks like a doll and not very lady like. What are you some half- girly boy." I snapped. Sunako walked past them and knocked over is camera. "You broke my camera, you horrible little thing." "Like I give a crap! Don't talk about Yuki or Sunako like that or else." I getting ready to punch him again but Ranmaru and Takenaga holding me back. There was thump  heard from upstairs. "A ghost!" Sunako ran up the stairs with glee. "Sunako wait!" I ran after her. "Rouge. Sunako wait. It could be dangerous." Yuki yelled.

We came to Kyohei covered in blood and scratches.  "Kyohei did you bail on us? You will pay for that." "I'm not paying it..." he fainted. "No ghost. That's sucks." "Come on lets go." "Do have any idea what you are doing? I can make you famous for the world to see." He said. "We are not interested." Sunako said as I ripped the curtain and threw at them. "Let's get out of here." Sunako carried Kyohei and we ran home.

The next few days

"I can't believe all of that happen. I would kicked that photographer's butt." Kyohei said. "I'm glad you got hurt." "Thanks and why are you so cool about?" "I was angry but Sunako and Rouge got mad for both us." "Where is rouge anyway?" "She said she something to go today."  "Hey guys we got the money from the shoot." "Really I love your girly-butt Yuki." "Eww get off me!" "We got an invitation. Should we go?" "No way, I hate that guy." "We have to go. Its rude not to."

There are a lot of people here." Then a crowd formed around them. "Are you the guys from the photo? All four you look so cool." "All four us?" they see a photo of them running from the house. "When did he take that?" "Why am I dinner?! I didn't sign anything for that sneaky S.O.B!" "At least we got the money we earned." "Good for you." Aunty came and took money, "I got an invitation so I drooped to see his greatest work and my niece's photo." "Wait I need to pay medical bills." "You are low on rent. Sayonara sucker." "Bye money." "Great it is even. Tell Rouge I said bye and make sure Sunako is still a lady. Tatata. "she left. She's a Demon.

"Darlings you made it. Without this wouldn't have been a success." The photographer walks up to them but notice he has a red mark on his from where Rouge punched him. "Rouge did leave a punch didn't she?" Takenaga said. "I know right." Where is those darling girls? These people want to interview them." "Didn't we take Sunako with us so..." "Ahhh! Sunako isn't here. She is sick." They huddle together for people not to see Sunako staring at a picture of red skulls.

"Wait Rouge is here, but where?" They see a crowd of people surrounding something. "What's going on over there?" "Hey guys. I see you were invited." "Why are you here?" "I was invited here too." She looks at Yuki with a slight smile and leaves to go look around. "Yuki did you that?" Ranmaru said, "maybe there is hope for her to forgive you." "I hope you are."

At home

Yuki Pov

'Okay you can do this." I walk to living room to the living room to find rouge on sitting on the couch. I go straight up to her, getting nervous with every step I take. "Hey...Rouge?" she doesn't look up. "Rouge?" still no response. "Rouge!" I shout making her jump and take out her headphones. 'She had her music in? I feel stupid.' "Hey can we talk?" she looks up at me with no emotion in her eyes but she nods.  I sit on the couch, "Listen I know you probably hate me for saying I don't like you, but it's not the truth." She looks at me not even blinking. "The truth is that I do like, I really like you. I wondering If you will be my girlfriend?" I blush but stand my ground.

She remain silent the whole time. I was about give up but, "I still have two questions?" she says. 'She are talking to me?' "What is it?" I ask.  "Why did you say don't you like me?" she looked down sadly. "Ranmaru and Takenaga was teasing me for liking as more than a friend and I got embarrassed and it came out wrong. I'm sorry."  "You really like me?" he blushed realizing what he just said, "W-well...I-I...!" she kissed me on lips to stop my babbling. "I really like you too Yuki and I would love to be your girlfriend." "Really?" she nodded. We look at each other with a few seconds. I am about lean into her and she does the same but hear snickering in behind us. "Rouge and Yuki sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G." the guys tease us making me blush, "Shut up!" Rouge laughs as she kisses my cheek then rest her head on my shoulder. I look down embarrassed but keep holding her hand as she leans on my shoulder.


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