The Adventures of Brook Song

By bespokepsychopathh

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1- Stolen at birth.
3- The library
4- The death of River Song
5- Meeting you again
6- Promises
7- Meeting the Ponds
8- Dreams
9- The proper false
10- Geronimo!!
11- Daleks want what they can't have
12- Daleks get what they cant have
13- The woman who ruled the universe
14- Brooks Birthday
15- The Diary
The Husbands of River Song - part 1
The Husbands of River Song - part 2
The Husbands of River Song - Part 3
The Husbands of River Song - Part 4
Twelve/Brook - Dad knows best
River/Eleven - My girls
Brook/Jack Jr. - We've only just met
Brook/Eleven- good to see you again
Brook/thirteen- where do i start?
Brook/Twelve- i still see your ghost
Brook/Jack Jr. - caught in the act
Bits and Bobs of Twelve and Brook
Brook/Thirteen- re-bonding
Brook/Twelve/Jack Jr.- one raging father
Twelve/River/Brook- you should really lock your door
Bits and bobs of Eleven and Brook
The Angels take Manhatten - a lesson i'll take to the grave
Bits and bobs of River and Brook
Retirement on Darillium- A girls night
Eleven/Brook/Brian- Dear Brian
Brook/Twelve- I Was There The Whole Time
Retirement on Darillium- Checkmate
Twelve/Brook- Time

2- Play the game.

292 8 4
By bespokepsychopathh

Dear diary,
Next week holds the day I've been born to carry out! The day I kill the Doctor! Also, it's my birthday the day before, I'm going to be fourteen! But my birthday doesn't really bother me though, no one really cares about my birthday. What psychopath cares about their birthday anyway? I was chose to kill the Doctor and so be it...
Brook x x x

She hid her diary away and stood up infront of her stained mirror. She sighed as she attempted to scrape up her blond curls into a ponytail.

Madame Kovarian hasn't shown Brook what the Doctor looks like because she doesn't want her to go out looking for him, also, Brook doesn't know she's their daughter, kovarian just told her that she was chosen to kill him.

Every week, Brook travels to Earth for a day, to study and to acknowledge humans- part of her education. And today is one of those days, and also the day that changes the rest of her life.


"Stupid earth," Brook muttered to herself over and over as she played with her gun which was hidden in her pocket. She sat down on a bench and started to write notes down in her book.

"Earth is still as it was last week," she sarcasticly read out loud as she wrote it down. "Would rather go somewhere else," she giggled to herself. She tucked a golden lock behind her ear and snapped the book shut and stood up. She turned to her left on her heel and then suddenly, a woman ran into her.

"Great! Now my books have gone everywhere. Stupid people," Brook muttered the last part as she bent down to pick all her books and papers up. She heard the lady gasp and stand up straight.

Brook stared into the eyes of a woman taller than her, extremely curly blonde hair not much different from her own, she had a navy green short sleeved shirt and black jeans on. She held a blue book in one hand and a gun in the other. This woman was her mother- Professor River Song. But Brook doesn't know this yet. River knows who this younger girl is though, as River came from her future.

"What you looking at?" Brook scoffed and sat back down on the bench to rearrange her notes in a more appropriate order.

"Is this yours?" River asked, handing her child a crumpled piece of paper. "Oh, yes, thankyou?" "River, and you are?" River asked almost imediantly. She knows full well who's sat infront of her, but she likes to play the game. Spoilers.

"Brook," she tried to be polite but this crazy haired woman wouldn't leave her alone and now sat besides her.

"Are you alright?" Brook tucked a curl behind her ear so she could see her. River just nodded her head and let her curls bounce everywhere. Brook admired her beauty for a moment before turning back to her notes. Although Brook finds this situation quite wierd, she likes this woman. She's the first woman to show an interest in her, to help her.

Brooks POV
I noticed the gun in her side pocket and how it's the same type of gun I have, but these guns belong to time travellers, there's no way a normal person could own one of those. Was she sent from demons run to spy on me?

"You're not from around here, are you, River?" I asked, maybe I could catch her out if she's spying on me, or maybe this is just an excuse to get to know her.

With a smug grin, she looked down and shook her head sideways, letting her curls bounce across her face. But the way she was shaking her head wasn't an answering shake, it was more of a 'I can't believe she knows' shake of a head.
"Spoilers!" She laughed. What? I thought I'd just forget that unhelpful answer and ask her something else, something that would probably get more of a successful answer out of her.

"Do you have a job?" I asked. Wow, that came out more sarcasticly than planned it would. She looked up at me with care in her eyes and a loving smile on her face and I began to think. I began to think who she truly were and why she hasn't left me yet and why she has a gun like that and why she seemed to care about me. But her sudden reply after a moment brought me back into reality.

"I'm an archaeologist... Actually, I was just on my way to an archaeology trip now, to a library. You could come with me if you want," she shrugged. I wanted to. God I wanted to get out of this dull city and explore. But this woman, I don't know her, would it be wrong? Madam Kovarian would be so mad with me.

"I would love to!" I beamed. Oh god. River also looked like she couldn't believe I wanted to! She stood up, put her gun away in her side pocket, her book in her bag and stretched out her arm. A vortex manipulator? She's defiantly not from around here, but that didn't shock me. I also stretched out my arm and showed her mine, but she just smiled like she already knew.

"If you're sure you want to join me, here are the coordinates," she showed me the coordinates and I instantly memorised them.

"See you in five minutes then?" I grinned back.
"Five minutes," River confirmed.

Rivers POV
I didn't speak much, I guess I'm lost for words. I knew the day would come where my own daughter didn't have a clue who I am. Brook has briefly told me before about the first day she met me, but not too much. She said how she was so confused and happy but she wouldn't tell me why, I guess this is why. She only told me about meeting her in the city, when I asked her what happened after, she wouldn't tell me. She always changed the subject or say 'spoilers'. Like mother like daughter! She's got so many adventures that await her. But this is her first.

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