No Way This Is Happening: A N...

Od BrittanyAnneWilliams

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No Way This Is Happening: A Nathan Sykes Story
Is School Over Yet?!?!
Preparation Time
The Meet
Are You Done Yelling at Me?
Helllllllllllo Summer!
We're In London Bitchesss!!
You Forget To Tell Me Something?!?!
When IIII Talk To Youuuu On The Phone, Please Listen Clooooooose!
The Fair!!
Later that night
Brunch with Max
Well What Should We Do Now?
Wait, What?
Date Night
Helllllo White Girl Wasted.
Well This Sucks
I Would
Jay's Family
Max's Family
Sober Night
What You Don't Like My Man Sweat
It's a Peanut!!
Shit Hits The Fan
Can You Resist Me?
Didn't Know You Were Such a Sap.
Well isn't it my knight in shining armor.
title of your story
Sorry Not Gonna Cut It
FInally Happy... Or not?
FUCK! What The Hell Happened?!?
The Big Day!
What a Knock Out!
Its a...
Together Forever
I Do
Oh The Married Life
Stupid Nathan
I'm Never Drinking Again..
See planning a wedding can be fun.
Here Comes The Bride
Epilogue: The Missing Puzzle Piece

Let's Get Cooking!!

286 4 1
Od BrittanyAnneWilliams

Ashley’s POV

It’s been two days… two days since my world has been flipped upside down and the greatest little bundle of joy entered my life, my baby girl, no let me rephrase that Max and I’s baby girl. It’s crazy to think that I have a child with Max, the Max George. It was still crazy to think that I’m actually dating him let alone have a kid with him. I mean I know I got pregnant a little young but that didn’t change the fact that I am absolutely loving my life right now.

            Today was the day the we’re finally able to bring Marilyn home and I was really anxious because I hate hospital and I just couldn’t wait to start my life with her in it. I was waiting for Max to finish paperwork as Marilyn who was in my arms and I waited in the room we have been staying in. I put her in a little onesie that said Daddy’s Angel on it which I thought was already appropriate because seeing Max with her already I could tell. Max was going to spoil the crap out of her. I was lost in my thoughts as I stared at my daughter’s face not noticing Max had entered the room.

            “You ready sweetheart?” He asked. I shot my head up at him and smiled.

            “Yes we are.” I said and then I made my way over to wheelchair he had brought in. I sat down and he wheeled me out to a black range rover.

            “Max, where did you get this?” I asked because this was the first time I seeing it.

            “Oh I forgot to mention management got us this as like a congratulations present. Pretty sweet if I say so.” He said.

            “Yeah it is. Remind me to bake them some muffin or something as a thank you.” I said. He just chuckled then took Marilyn from my arms to put her in her car seat. Then he helped me up and got me into the back of the car. Then he hopped into the driver’s seat and buckled up.

            “My girls ready?” He said. I smiled as he said that, I loved that.

            “We are. Now bring us home!!” I said. With that he started to drive away towards home. As we continued our trip home I started to get a little paranoid.

            “Babe do you think it’s too cold in here? I don’t want her to freeze.” I said.

            “I’ll turn on the heat.” He said and instantly I could feel the car warming up. A couple minutes later…

            “Now I think it’s too hot for her. Can you turn it down a little?” I said.

            “Yep.” He said. Few minutes later…

            “How fast are you going? You seem to be cruising by everyone.” I said.

            “Sweetheart I’m going the speed limit.” He said.

            “Oh ok. Well could you just slow down a hair? Please?” I asked. And then I felt us go a little slower. Few minutes later… HONK! HONK! HONK!

            “Babe I think you need to pick up the paste. You’re getting honked at.” I said.

            “Ok I will… even though you told me to slow down.” He said sounding kind of annoyed.

            “I told you to slow down a little not drive like an old grandpa.” I said. He just shot his head back at me and gave me a glare.

            “Babe!! Eyes on the road mister!!” I said. He just huffed at me, don’t you huff at me.


            “Finally we’re home!” Max said. He parked the car and then helped me out of the car then Marilyn. Once we stepped inside our apartment we set everything down and I got her out of her car seat.

            “I have a surprise for you.” Max said. He led me to the spare room which I was not allowed to go in for the last few weeks.

            “Alright you ready? I’m going to cover your eyes so hold on to my little girl.” He said.

            “No Max I’m going to just let her fall… and she’s mine little girl too.” I said.                                 

            “Smartass.” He said then put his hand over my eyes then guided me into the room.

            “Alright, one, two, three!!” He said taking his hand away from my face. When I opened my eyes I was completely shocked at the scene before me and instantly my eyes started to water. It front of me was a beautifully decorated nursery that was covered in pink from top to bottom with giraffe’s everywhere and tying in some other Safari look. By the window there was her dark brown crib, in the corner was a rocking chair, and on the other side of the room was a changing table and a dresser. Then I looked up above the crib to see a picture of Max and I at the photo shoot we had did about a month ago when we got back from the tour, his mother insisted and it was the cutest picture as Max had his arms around my waist on my stomach and my hands on top of his. I look at Max and the waterworks turned on.

            “This is perfect. Thank you.” I said then I leaned giving him a kiss.

            “How about we try her crib out?” He said. I nodded and carried her over to her crib and set her down in it. She looked precious and we just stood there watching as she fell back into a deep sleep. Life couldn’t get any more perfect.


I swear it felt like every five minutes Marilyn had to either be changed or feed. Don’t get me wrong I love her but this was getting ridiculous as she cried almost every waking hour. And then you have her sleeping schedule during the day she would sleep 2 hours then wake up crying then pass out an hour later, then repeat. This happened all the way through the nights as well which made it so Max and I barely got any sleep. We made a system where we would take turns so each other could more than 3 hours of sleep a night. It was now 9 o clock at night and Marilyn finally fell asleep which meant it was time for us to go to bed. Max was already in bed when I laid her down and when I entered the room I went straight to my side, sliding in and cuddle up to Max. I’m honestly surprise we weren’t at each other throats yet since we both get extremely crabby when were not tired and plus I haven’t cooked in like 3 days so we been pigging out on fast food and I was sick of it. It’s just too hard to cook and watch her, plus we were both too exhausted to do anything.

            “When do you have to go back to the studio?” I asked.

            “The end of this week, so like 4 days.” He said.

            “Awesome.” I said all sarcastically because that meant he was going to be gone all day then which meant no help for me during the day and then he’s going to come home late exhausted.

            “I’m sorry. I’ll try to make sure I get out at a reasonable time so you’re not all alone. I’ll talk to management to work something out.” He said. It was like he was reading my mind, I love this man.

            “Thank you.” I said then reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek and before we knew it we both drifted off into a deep sleep.


It only seemed like 10 minutes went by before we heard a wailing coming from the baby monitor. I rolled over and smack Max on the chest to wake up, it was his turn to get up.

            “Maxxxxxxx.” I whined.

            “Mom?” He said.

            “No Max. I’m not your mother. Go get you daughter, it’s your turn I laid her down.

            “But I’m so tired though.” He said rolling over so he was facing me and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck trying to suck up to me.

            “No you don’t. It’s your turn so go!” I said pushing him off of me.

            “Fine.” He said then got up going to the nursery. I started to fall sleep again but woke up when I felt something on me. Max was laying on top of me not even under the covers with his feet hanging off the bed.

            “What was it this time?” I asked.

            “Poopy diaper. She took forever to fall back asleep.” He said. I looked at the clock and noticed an hour had passed.

            “Oh dang. Well get up here, I’m cold.” I said trying to pull him up.

            “Ok I will.” He said but he didn’t move. I tried pulling him up again but soon gave up as my sleep deprivation took over.


The sound of my lovely baby that was there only 3 hours ago returned and I woke up. I nudged Max trying to wake him up so I could go check on her but then something came to my mind, hoping he was so tired and think it was his turn.

            “It’s your turn.” I said rubbing his stubbles on his head.

            “Already? I’m going.” He said standing up walking towards the entrance. Oh my god it actually worked…. HELLS YE-…. Maybe not.

            “Wait a minute. No it isn’t. You get your lazy arse up!” He said turning around and plopping back into the bed.

            “Damn.” Was all I said as I got up and walked into Marilyn’s nursery, this is going to be the longest week, no scratch that longest next couple months of my life.

Brittany’s POV

It’s been two days since my little peanut was born, don’t tell Ashley I call her my little peanut because then she be like she isn’t yours, she’s mine and then we go back and forth, typically Ashley and Brittany situation. I don’t know how they managed it but they got a week off from the studio since Max did which was amazing. I got to spend basically all my day with Nathan and Jenny as well. She was getting sick of all the PDA but my house so my rules, she shouldn’t be to shocked that I can’t keep my hands off that boy.

 It’s was only about 10 in the morning and when I went to wake up Jenny she was gone already she’s been doing that since Marilyn was born. Nathan was still asleep and I decided that I was going to make some food for Ashley and Max since they probably haven’t had time to cook and surprise them. I made a chocolate cake and was waiting for it to cool so I could frost it. The radio was on low but I heard a familiar voice on it so I turned it up and heard Will I Am and Justin Bieber’s new song “That Power.” I’ve only heard it a couple of times but this song was already my jam. I turned it up and started dancing to it as I made the frosting for the cake. Bieber started to sing and I belted his part since I only really knew his part, of course, that boy can sing. I didn’t really know the rest of the song by heart yet so I just bopped my hips to it, I was pulled out of my daze when I heard chuckling. I shot my head to the kitchen entrance when I saw Nathan standing there smiling.

            “How much did you see?” I said slightly embarrassed as I could my cheeks burn up a little.

            “Oh not much.” Then he started to do what he I did belting out Biebers part of the song doing the same moves I was. He sang it beautifully but his dancing well was not good.

            “Don’t be mean.” I pouted.

            “Oh babe. Its ok…” He said then wrapped me up into a hug.

            “Just keep to the cooking thing though.” He added.

            “Hey!” I said then elbowed him in his gut.

            “Oww. Jeez!” He said bending forward a little rubbing his now sore spot.

            “Suck it.” I said then went back to making my icing.

            “Oh be nice. What are you doing anyways?” He asked.

            “I’m making Ashley and Max some food for when we go visit them today.” I said.

            “We’re visiting them today?” He asked.

“Yep! Surprising them.” I said

“Going over unannounced is never good.” He said.

“That’s why I’m bringing food. Want to help?” I said.

“What do I get out of it?” He said.

“Being awesome for being such a nice band mate.” I said.

“Nope not good enough.” He said. I sat there thinking of what I could do and only one thing came to mind, what’s the one thing men can’t resist, sex.

“I’ll let you shower with me.” I said with a smirk. His eye got big and he gulp before he got a huge smile on his face.

“Let’s get cooking!!” He said getting right next to me.

“That’s what I thought.” I said bumping hips with his.

“What are we cooking?” He asked.

“Well I got to finish the frosting for the cake then we need to make spaghetti and meatballs for Ashley and then Curry for Max. I got t recipe from his mom since I have no idea how to make it.” I said.

“Cool! I want to make the spaghetti!” He said which I wasn’t shocked since Spaghetti Bol. is his favorite.

“And I’ll tackle this curry dish.” I said and we both went to work, I was actually shocked that Nathan knew how to cook, it was quite sexy. Finally after two hours we had everything cooked and packaged, it would have gotten done faster but we got distracted… with each other.

“Ok now we got to get ready so we can leave soon.” I said and I walked to the bathroom with Nathan practically on my heels.

“Someone’s a little eager.” I said then I felt a squeeze on my ass and a growl which made me squeal and run faster into the bathroom slamming the door behind us.


Once we were ready to go we headed over to Ashley’s and Max’s place in Manchester which was about 20-30 minutes away. Once we got there we grabbed everything and knocked on their door. All you here was running around and shuffling with a couple screams ever know again, Nathan and I just look at each other.

“Maybe we should have called…” Nathan said, I just nodded. Maybe we should have. Then the door whips opened to a very disheveled Max.

“Oh hey guys. What are you doing here? It’s a little crazy…” He said. He looked like he hasn’t slept in days.

“We decided to surprise you guys… we brought food!! Homemade food… and a cake!” I said.

“Well come on in!” He said, we walked in setting the food down into the kitchen. I walked into the living room and saw Ashley with Marilyn in her arms.

“Hey!” I said sitting down next to her.

“How are you?” I asked.

“Tired and hungry.” She said.

“Well I can fix the hungry part for you. I made you—“ I said but was cut off by Nathan.

“WE!!”He screamed from the kitchen.

“Sorry WE made you guys food.” I said.

“Really like what?” She asked.

“Go in and found out. I’ll hold the peanut for you.” I said with a smile. She looked at me then down at the baby then back up at me.

“Ok be careful.” She said then gently out Marilyn in my arms. I almost melted, she was the cutest baby ever. She had Max’s nose and eyes, and she had Ashley’s cheeks and lips, the perfect combo… or it is until I have a kid. I was dazing off into her cute face when I hear a scream.


“Curry?” Max said kind of shocked.

“It’s your mom’s recipe.” I said back.

“YES!!!!!” He yelled. A few minutes later they both come in with their plates full and then I saw Nathan with a plate too.

“Nathan. That’s not for you!” I said.

“What? I worked up an appetite.” He said then winked at me which made me blush.

            “Gross.” Ashley said obviously knowing what he was talking about, I just busted out laughing.

            “This is really good. Thank you so much guys.” Max said.

            “Yeah this is amazing.” She agreed.

            “Glad you like it I made like 3 batches of it so you don’t have to cook for the next couple of days.”

            “AWESOME!” Ashley yelled. They both finish, actually all 3 finished their plates and then Ashley got up to change Marilyn’s diaper and then to feed her. Once she was finished she came back out and sat down on the couch.

            “Is she good?” I asked.

            “Yeah she should be fine for the next couple hours.” She said.

            “Why don’t you two go get some rest and we can watch her until you wake up from your naps.” I suggested.

            “No it’s fine.” She said.

            “Ashley it’s only for like 3 hours. You two look absolutely exhausted. Please?” I said. I really just wanted to hold my peanut.

            “I don’t know…” She said.

            “Sweetheart, let her. We’re both tired and need sleep. We’re only a room away.” Max said.

            “Yeah and if any happens and NOTHING will I’ll get you. Pleeeeeease?” I literally begged. She sat there contemplating before she nodded her head.

            “Ok I guess.” She said then got up handing her over to me. She sat there giving kisses over and over before I had to top her.

            “You’re going to kill her with kisses. She’ll be fine.” I said and Ashley just gave me her stank face.

            “Go guys! We got her.” Nathan said and they got up to go to their room. We just sat there in silence for a while and I looked up at Nathan who was rubbing his hand over her soft hair.

            “You want to hold her?” I asked. He nodded eagerly and I hand her over, she stirred a little but was still completely out. I got up to grab a glass of water and walked back in to find Nathan humming a song, Stevie Wonders “Isn’t She Lovely.” I stood there leaning against the wall admiring him, Nathan noticed I was there eventually.

            “What?” He said.

            “Have I told you lately how much I love you.” I said.

            “No I don’t think you have.” He said. I walked over and sat down next to him.

            “Well I do very much.” I said then leaned in for a kiss. He met me half way and we both smiled into the kiss.

            “I love you too.” He said. I leaned into him as he leaned back onto the couch where sat and watched TV until Ashley and Max woke up from their Nap.

            “Hey there sleepy heads!” I said

            “That was awesome. Thank you so much.” Ashley said.

            “No problem. I’ll watch her anytime.” I said.

            “I’m holding you up to that.” She said back and then all a sudden Marilyn woke up screaming like a banshee.

            “That is our cue to leave.” I said as I handed her over back to Ashley.

            “Thank again guys for everything.” She said. We gave them each a hug.

            “I’ll call ya so we can get together just us three.” I said.

            “Sound’s good to me.” Ashley said.

            “I’ll see you in a few days when its studio time again.” Nathan said to Max.

            “See you soon mate.” Max said and we left there house heading back to ours now exhausted.


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"i love you, i always will, but love isn't pain," -