The Bad Boys Roommate

By -lolwuht-

257K 5.9K 1.4K

"Can you hand me my water, sugar?" he asks with a huge stupid smile plastered across his face. I stutter out... More

-Goodbyes Are Tough-
-Some Crazy Mirage-
-Cute Underwear-
-You Just Ate My Lucky Charms-
-Stating Dress Codes-
-A Deer In Headlights-
-White Tablets-
-The Legal Beans-
-I Make Pictures Appear-
-Since When Did You Care About Anyone Else?-
-Why Are You On Dakotas Bed?-
-Flirtatious Fuck-
-You've Been Served-
Magnetic Pull
Do You Have a Cat?

-You Read My Diary?!-

14K 375 77
By -lolwuht-

"Yeah, well I need you to come pick me up, auntie." I say, pacing up and down the sidewalk outside. "I can't come and get you for another couple hours, honey." she says sympathetically. Great, now what am I going to do, stuck out in this fucking heat-

"Hey, Wonderland, watcha doin'." I hear this annoyingly familiar voice ask. Oh joy.

"Staying the hell away from my uncompliant roomate." I reply simply.

"Awh now wonderland you don't really mean that do you?" He pouts, like that's cute? I'm about to show him my version of cute. A punch in the face.

"I think I do actually." I say.

"So let's get this day on a roll, cupcake." He smiles proudly of his new found nickname.

"How about, we get this day on a roll, when I want to get this day on a roll." I mock his voice, gently tossing my phone in my hand.

"But we're gonna miss the showing if we don't get going right now. " he says. Wait wait wait, he planned this out?

I sigh. "What showing?"

"Duh, for Vengeance 4!"

"I'm not going to see that, especially not with you." Action movies are the worst, I hate them with a passion. Actually more than I hate dingbat over here.

"Okay, now, you may think i'm dumb, but wonderland, i'm actually quite smart," he says.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Yeah okay."

"No, no, I planned for this, knowing you would chicken out of seeing Vengeance 4, I thought you'd rather watch some Orange Is The New Black.." he trails off, leaving me wide mouthed, probably looking like a dead fish. How did he know that's my favorite show? I don't even think Acacia knows. The only person or place I've told is my..diary.

"You read my diary??" I send him a death glare, knowing what private shit is in that book.

"No, well, maybe a page or two." he grins, looking down at me from his tall stature. From here it looks as if he could completely be twice my size.

"That is not okay!" I shout, thinking about the last entry, my face turning a bright pink.

Tuesday, 9:11 pm

I met my new roommate, dreamy of coursseee, but a complete asshole, I watched him as he watched me, anything more than a bad impression here? I think not.

"I have to say, Alice, I'm quite flattered that you think of me..really its sweet of you." he throws his hand over his heart.

I dramatically sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "They don't play that at the theaters, its on Netflix." I inform him.

"I figured that one out, Alice." he says lightly. I smile lightly at the fact he's using my real name. For a split second, we stand there looking at each other but I'm quick to pull away from his gaze.

"So, when do we have to do this whole 'hang out' thing?"

"Leggo, princesss." he says, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the building. Yeah, there goes the pleasantness of my name.

After climbing the stairs to the dorm, he unlocks the door and pulls us into the dorm.

"Let's start this up." he says, letting go of my arm and scratching the side of his neck.

"Dakota, I can only stay for a couple hours and then I have to get my aunts car, okay?" I say.

"Call her, cancel until later." he says, expressionless.

"No, Im not going to cancel on my aunt, for a stupid marathon."

"Call," he breathes out, stepping forward towards me, "Cancel." he looks down at me, his eyes trained straight onto mine, I cannot tell how deep he is looking, but I hide the emotion in my face due to the closeness of his face.

I nod wearily. "Yeah, okay." I say, the words barely coming out of my mouth. I haven't seen this side of Dakota yet, is it strange that I like it?

"I'll get the popcorn." he says, stepping away a little, finally breaking the eye contact.

I grab my phone and walk over to the couch to call my aunt. It rings a few times and then she picks up. "Hi auntie."

"Hi sweetheart." she replies.

"Listen I'll let you know when to come get me, I have plans for today, so let me call you when im ready okay?"

"Okay, honey. Have fun." she says, hanging up. I sigh and lean back on the couch.

"You ready to get this party started?" Dakota asks, standing above me with a bowl of popcorn.


Sorry for the short chapter! Its been a while since Ive updated, and Its 3 in the morningg, I hope you enjoyed anyways. Please comment, tell me what you think.

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