The Freshman

By Ajaay_skittles

567K 20.5K 4.9K


Alexis Goodman
Cry Baby
3 A.M
Shower Stalls
Stand up comedy
Janelle Miller
Make You Proud
Daily Routine
Getting to Know You
Her Date
A Long Night
Not a One-Time Thing
The Bahamas Compromise
If you think we can
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Mother Dearest
Back to Campus
A Family Thing
The Worst In Me
Unspoken Words.
Not A Freshman Anymore

Great Value

16.3K 744 85
By Ajaay_skittles



I turned around on my bed, now laying face to face with Johni. Unlike me she was sleeping.

I couldn't sleep. We got back to campus around 10 last night . after we ate, we walked around town window shopping and talking. We got ice cream and sat at the park for a while. When we got back to my dorm Aisha told me that coach was pissed at us and she had some shit in store for when we go to practice tomorrow.

Johni shrugged it off but it has been bothering me. I locked Johni in my room , while Aisha went to hers. Its around 2am and I was still up. Stairing at beauty.

As I examined every inch of Johni's face. I wondered if she knew how much I cared for her or how I felt about her. Even though I probably didn't show it. I'm one to catch feelings fast. I'll catch them bitches out of mid air.

That's mainly the reason why I get hurt so often. I wasn't trying to get hurt this time. I was not doing to express my feelings to Johni until she expressed hers to me.

"I wish you would get some rest" Johni mummbled , still half asleep. She threw her arm around me, pulling me closer to her. Her eyes where still closed.

"I'm not tired" I lied .

"Bullshit" she shut me now. "We got practice at 7 Alexis . I don't care how scared you are of coach you need to get some rest, no matter what she does to us, it can't be worst than death so chill out Ma. "

I didn't say anything. I just continued staring. Until her eyes fluttered open and she looked back at me , smiling .

For some reason I began to blush she kissed my forehead.

We stayed coudled up like that until we drifted off to sleep.


My legs were aching , and the salty sweat that ran down from my forehead into my eyes caused them to burn.

Johni and I where practicing..... Well not really, we were fulfilling our punishment.

When we walked into practice an half an hour ago, coach didn't say but 2 words to us which was "track team".
I didn't know what she ment. But Johni did , because she rolled her eyes and kissed her teeth when coach said those words.

She walked out of the gym with me trailing behind her , I followed her to the track where the track team was stretching.

Johni spoke to all of them as if she knew them well, she spoke to them for a minute while I stretched.

I guess she was telling them what happened why we were out here instead of in the gym with the rest of our team.

The track team was preparing for a race coming up in a week, and they had to stay in shape , so the jogged around campus together. And being that they where running the whole campus , we had to run it too.

As we ran Johni kept a conversation going between us. Taking my mind off how long we having been running, and how much longer we have to go.

"You said your dad was a lawyer right?" Johni said .

I nodded . "and...... He made a decent amount of money?" She added

"Yeah.. Enough to take care of 4 kids and put 2 through college" I breath out.

"So..... Why are you strugging here, if your dad makes........ Makes enough money to help you" Johni was breathing just as hard as I was . I guess she was growing tired also.

"How do you know I'm struggling .... What makes you think that?"

Johni smiled "i was a freshman once, here on scholarship just like you. I went through the roman noodles every night phase. Because I didn't have no one to loan me money, and student loans was not in my plan. Plus, I fucked your shoes up, and you haven't bought a new pair yet. By this they always have a new pair. " she explained .

I kisses my teeth. "You owe me another pair of sneakers forreal"

She chuckled " I gotchu"

"But I rather not ask my father for anything ,I went 18 and a half years spending his money. At that time it was his responsibility to fend for me. But now I'm 19 and he doesn't have to do shit for me. I feel like if I ask him for anything ,I would owe him........ Plus there is always an ultimatum with him and my mother" I huffed.

She nodded understanding.

We jogged for a few minutes in silents, she didn't say anything as if she was thinking about something. I didn't bother to ask.

"We can go take a shower after this and go to Walmart "

"Why would we go to Walmart?" I asked , confused

"Well I needa pick up some things for my dorm. And...... Stuff"

"Oh .. Okay" I nodded.

"Maybe I should get some stuff for you"

I slowed my jogging and stared at her. I didn't want Johni to take me up as her Charity case . Hell no! I'm not having that

"Nah I'm good" I turned down her offer .

"Um, I wasn't really asking " she made clear.

I rolled my else , "well I don't want you buying me some stuff I don't need , thanks but no thanks"

Johni frowned "shit that you don't need? Food- is something that you need . and I'm not talking about Ramon noodles and tuna food, that shit ain't heathy for you to be eating everyday. That's startch. Yu need some nutrition"

I rolled my eyes and kissed my teeth , I'm perfectly fine. I'm still living and running and shit. Why does she feel the need to be my nutritionist!?

"Alexis, it's not up for debate." She added.

"What ever yo"

The rest of the jogg was quiet.

After we finished , we were drentched in sweat. Johni persuaded me to go back to her dorm and take a shower with her.

I wasn't complaining once we got in there, because she couldn't keep her hands off me. She always gave me a lot of attention once I was naked. She did as I told her then. But as soon as a niggahs clothes on , shes the 'boss' of me.

After our shower , I borrowed some of johnis clothes, and we headed to Walmart.

"Your not buying me anything! " I tried to argu again, once we pulled up in walmarts parking lot.

"I'm buying you everything " she said sternly. "Great Value" she added. I giggled. "Cheap."
Shrugged , smiling and exited the car. I did the same and grabbed a cart.

~Hope y'all liked it!!

~next chapter coming soon sweaaaar! Right after Silent diaries 2




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