The Thief (Descendants/Jay Fa...

By MarenaxoxoLOL

287K 6.3K 1.6K


Don't Look Back At The Past Because You'll Be Missing The Future
The Meet & Greet
The Prince and Me
Cupid For a Day
(Almost) Midnight Cravings 101
I'm Done
The Musical Game
Family Day a.k.a. Goodbye Day: Part 1
Family Day a.k.a. Goodbye Day: Part 2
The Start of Something New
Everyones Confessions
Welcome Home
If Only
The Playlist!
Coronation Day
My Choice
Which Cover?
Breakaway: Part 1
Breakaway: Part 2
Breakaway: Part 3
The Emergency
Q & A???
The Coronation
BONUS CHAPTER: On This Cold December Night
Q & A #1
The After Party: Part 1
Surprises are just popping out of nowhere
The After Party: Part 2
Long time, no see
Back to the Rotten Roots (Sequel)


7.5K 210 73
By MarenaxoxoLOL

Mal's POV

"Okay, so we all know what this looks like. So it'll be up on the dais under the beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. I will be in the front while you guys will be up on the balcony.", I explained.

We were talking about our plan for getting the wand at the coronation tomorrow. It was very deliberate if I do say so myself, but that's only because we need to make sure it's perfect with no mistakes. Because all of us know that if we don't pull this off, we are definitely goners.

"Okay.", Evie muttered, looking down at the charts and diagrams I prepared.

"Carlos?" I looked at him so he could continue his side of the plan.

"Okay, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier and get back on the island with the wand."

I nodded. "Perfect." I turned towards Evie, holding the blue bottle that had the magic sleeping potion I made the night before. "Evie, just like how you used this for Chad today, you will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays of this and he'll be out like a light."

I placed the bottle gently in her hands.

"Okay.", she said.

We all looked at each other making sure we all had the plan memorized before separating. I could tell they had a look of uncertainty and hesitation in their eyes, but it's already too late. We had the plan mapped out and ready to go. We'll get the villains off the island and take over Auradon. It's what we want-well what our parents want. At this point none of us know what we want.

I've decided to get all the feelings I had inside of me about Ben erased. It was just a moment of weakness, I think. We are going to do this and make our parents proud. It's the real reason why we're here, right? 

I looked down at the spellbook and saw the page with the love spell opened. Ben is still under this love spell. He's still sure he loves me, but once we take over Auradon, then what? He will still be under the spell even after that. It just doesn't seem right to make him still love me when it happens, so why not just erase it.

I sat down and started flipping pages through the book and found the page where it says 'How to Break a Love Spell' in fancy writing. Sometimes I'm surprised at the kinds of spells I find in this book. Once I found a spell to put warts on a person's foot. Who would want that? Scratch that-who would need that?!

I started reading the ingredients silently to myself. 

"This heart I know with my dark spell, set it free and make it well...", I muttered under my breath.

I heard footsteps behind me but didn't bother to look up knowing that it was probably Jay trying to steal my gold necklace.... again.

"M?" I looked up to find out it was actually Evie. "You want to break Ben's love spell?"

I opened my mouth but no words came out, so I just started making my eyes wander anywhere else.

"Yeah,", I said, more confidently. "You know, for after."

"I don't...", Evie said, a little confused on what I meant.

I sighed. "I've just been thinking. You know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra...." I bit my lip still trying to find the right word. "cruel."

Evie looked at me in astonishment and sympathy, but I didn't want to have to be looked at like that ever. So I slammed the spellbook and headed off to the kitchen to start making the spell.

"M?", I heard Evie say once I walked out the door.

I didn't want to talk to anyone after that. I just wanted to make the spell and get it over with. Just get the whole trip over with. Tomorrow we are officially done with our mission and everything will go swell without me having to deal with Ellie's absence or my abrupt feelings towards Ben. It all doesn't matter because tomorrow everything will change. I just don't know for good or bad.


I was cleaning the dishes like my mom asked me to do before I went to bed and it was for a short time period since we didn't really have many dishes to clean. After I was done putting every single one of them on the rack I headed upstairs to my bed. It's been a long day, and I didn't really do anything. I guess I'm just tired for no reason.

Once I was upstairs in my bedroom I quickly got into bed getting ready for school tomorrow. Jay introduced me to his new stealing buddy today. Her name is Mal and she seemed alright, I guess. I mean as far as stealing goes she seems to be Jay's type of friend. She doesn't seem too fond of me though, but we'll get used to each other eventually.

I've also made a new friend, Evie. She's very pretty that I sometimes get insecure when I'm around her. But she's also very nice and generous. She taught me lots of things in only two days. Like I can't smile too much or else I'll get frown lines. And that you only apply blush with upward strokes so that you don't look like a clown. I mean, none of this has to do with 2nd grade learning skills, but I guess I am learning some new stuff that I didn't know before.

I try to make sure me and Jay's friendship doesn't have a big gap in the middle because as we get older we slowly start to separate which would be the last thing I would want to he happen. He's my best friend for life and nothing is ever gonna change that. Not even meeting new people. I mean everybody needs friends, right?

I was about to go to sleep until I heard knocking on my window. My eyes shot open and I looked towards the window frightened. I saw Jay standing on the pipe that leads up to my window trying not to fall. Well, at least he decides to knock this time.

I quickly got up not making him wait too long and opened the window being welcomed to him falling on me. We landed with a big thump on the floor and him laughing.

"Ow.", I muttered.

He looked down at my face to see me sprawled out on the ground in slight pain.

"Well, hello to you to.", he said getting off of me with his hand out. "Thanks for breaking my fall."

I took his hand slowly getting up making sure I had no broken bones.

"Yeah, next time I'll be saving your face with my fist.", I muttered quietly.

"Heard that.", he said, before going to sit on my bed.

I put an innocent smile on my face trying to cover up what I said.

"Have I ever told you that you're my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt you?", I asked, trying to make what I said before erase his memory.

He mocked the smile I had on my face.

"Yeah, and I still believe you.", he said. "Sort of."

I laughed and sat next to him on my bed. I rubbed my eyes trying to keep myself awake.

"So," I yawned during my dialogue. "what did you come here for? Not that I don't like being welcomed with pain in my shoulder by one of my best friends, but I'm tired and want to sleep.", I said, truthfully.

When I'm sleepy I have no filter. All of the stuff I'm thinking just comes out.

"I just wanted to see you.", he said, simply.

I raised my eyebrows not really understanding what he meant.

"You wanted to see me because...." He put his arm around me and I shrugged it off starting to get a little suspicious. "Are you gonna tell me or should I just go back to sleep acting like you're not here?"

He looked everywhere else but at me. "Someone's cranky."

I rolled my eyes and slowly started laying down on my bed.

"Ah, well look at that. Slowly falling asleep, getting really bored."

I fake yawned this time and my back was about to hit the covers until he started talking.

"I just wanted to see you.", he said again."I feel like we barely talk at school and barely hang out at my dad's shop anymore."

I sat up and looked at him questioningly. He wasn't the one to usually let out his feelings about something directly. I have to get it out of him sometimes, like I did a minute ago.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "School is reckon to deal with. We're making new friends and meeting new people and having tons of homework. And we're only in 2nd grade."

He laughed. "I get that, but we're like the dynamic duo. I'm Hansel, you're Gretel. I'm the tea, you're the pot. I'm Batman, you're Robin. I-"

"Hey, why do I have to be Robin? Why can't you be Robin?", I asked.

He smiled to himself and said, "Because I'm too cool to be Robin. I thought it was obvious."

My jaw dropped and I grabbed one of my pillows and hit him on the head repeatedly.

"That's not fair.", I said, continuing to hit him.

He kept trying to dodge the pillow, but it was no use. 

"Okay! Okay! You're Batman, geez."

I put the pillow down and smiled at him.

"Thank you, and will you keep it down. I don't want you to wake my mom up."

He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Like it would be my fault if your mom wakes up. You're the one hitting me with a pillow."

I rolled my eyes again. "Stop being a baby." It took me awhile to remember what we were talking about before, but I got it back in my mind a second later. "And about this whole separation thing, we can work with this. I'll talk to you during lunch and then after school we can meet up with each to do homework and hang out. Sound good?"

He didn't say anything for a minute which made me continue. 

"Dude, stop with the pouting. I'm the pouter in this relationship.", I said, trying to make him feel better.

He still didn't talk.

"Maybe if I get to know Mal a little better and you guys get to know Evie, then we can be the dynamic trio.", I said. "Just know that nothing can keep us apart, remember? Isn't that why you gave me this string?"

I pulled out my wrist with the red string on it and put it all in his face.

"See! See! SEE! The string has the power of our friendship!", I exclaimed, trying to prove my point. "You can't deny the string, Jay!"

He started laughing and so did I.

"String power!" Jay put his wrist up in the air showing the blue string.

I looked at it and then did the same thing. "String power!"

We had a fit of laughter until we both did a series of yawns proving that we were tired.

"So, are we good?", I asked.

He looked at me and had a sneaky smile on his face. Next thing I know he starts tickling me in the stomach and I bust out laughing. To be honest I hate being tickled. It gets me all exhausted, not that I wasn't already, and red, and sweaty, and Jay knows that.

"J-JAY ST-STOP! M-MY MOM COULD W-WAKE U-UP!", I tried to say through a fit of giggles.

He immediately stopped and started smiling at me. I was out of breath and smacked him upside the head.

"Ok, OW!", he exclaimed.

"That's what you get.", I said, before laying down. 

He just looked at me slowly drift off to sleep and I didn't like the feeling because it was creepy.

"Well, are you gonna lay down or what?", I asked, with my eyes still closed.

"Your mom is gonna lay me sleepover on a school night?", he asked, unsure.

"My mom doesn't know, Doofus."

I could feel a smirk on his face even if I was falling asleep.

"You're becoming more and more evil everyday, you know that right?"

I smiled and opened my eyes. "I wouldn't call it evil, everyone has a bad side Jay."

"And this is yours?"

I sighed and started closing my eyes again. "Sure, why not?"

I drifted off to sleep right after that but then felt the bed sink in. I started smiling.

"Goodnight, Doofus.", I muttered.

"'Night, Ellie."

I felt a wrist touch mine and saw our wrist only millimeters apart from each other.

"String power.", I whispered, before completely dozing off into a good night's rest.

My eyes shot open and for a second I couldn't breath. I really need to stop having these dreams or else I'm might get a panic attack. It's like every dream I have of Jay and I gets me in a weird place. It's even weirder considering we're not that close anymore.

I looked down at my wrist and felt no red cotton string around it. The string power is gone. It's officially gone. Jay and I are something, but not the something that I want us to be. My mind is still not sure if my heart is right, and I just can't choose. Me and Jay have had the best memories of being together on the island and having fun, and everytime I think about those memories I feel like breaking down.

I got out my phone and turned it on to see it was 1 o'clock in the morning. The day of Ben's coronation. I'm going whether my mom likes it or not. I don't care at this point. I need to say goodbye. I mean, it's the least I can do if I'm not going back to Auradon Prep. And Ben STILL doesn't know I might not be there. He still thinks this is a one night sort of thing.

I put some music on to try and get me to fall back asleep. This time without having heart palpitations.


"Come on, Ellie!", I yelled.

"I'm sorry, Jay, but you're good at this whole parkour thing, not me!", she said, a little out of breath.

"We're just taking a little run to school.", I stated.

Her eyes widened making her look at me like I was insane.

"You call jumping over roofs and hurdling under the sewers a 'little run'?" I nodded and just started walking. "Jay, remind me to never come with you to school again."

"We're walking now, calm down.", I said.

She sighed and just followed me. 

"Whatever.", she muttered.

"If it helps the sweat on your face makes it look like glitter.", I said, trying to ease the tension.

She stopped in her tracks and glared at me.

"That does not help at all. Glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts.", she said, catching up to me.

I laughed and just shook my head. This is mainly why I liked Ellie. She's not girly, but at the same time she can just be a girl. You understand?

"Didn't I see you with a sparkly shirt on a couple ago?", I questioned.

Her eyebrows were raised. "Oh, you mean the one Evie made me where. Yeah, I didn't like that at all, but she can't help herself. She's always looking for someone to doll up."

I smiled and looked in front of us to see the school building.

"See? That wasn't that far of a run now was it?", I asked

She glared at me, but then had that innocent smile on her face. She can't be evil for a couple seconds without looking like a fragile lightweight. It's actually kind of adorable.

"Jay, this is our first day of 6th grade. Middle school! The six class thing! Actual lockers! I'm not sure I'm ready.", she panicked.

I turned towards her which made her stop walking.

"I got your back. And remember, we will stick together." I put out my wrist with the blue string on it. "String power?"

She looked down at the string and soon her wrist out as well. "String power."

We fist bumped and I put my arm around her.

"And Evie, Carlos, and Mal has your back too.", I added.

"Mal?", she questioned.

Have I mentioned that Mal isn't always too fond of El. I don't know why, but she just has small little bickerings about her. I try not to pay too much attention to it.

"Yes, Mal. I bet everyone is as nervous as you.", I said.

"Even you?"

I smirked and said, "I'm too cool to be nervous."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Or you're too much of an idiot to realize you've wet your pants."

I looked down and she put my chin up if with her finger.

"Made you look.", she said, running away.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that!", I yelled, chasing after her.

Once I was behind her I tickled her stomach, her ultimate weakness.

"DUDE, STOP!", she yelled.

"Nope, not until you say sorry.", I said.

"Nah ah, N-NEVER!", she yelled.

I continued to tickle her as we got closer to the school's front doors.

"J-jay, STOP! Y-You're g-g-going to embarrass m-me on the f-first d-d-day!", she yelled.

"Then say you're sorry."

"In order to d-do th-that I n-need t-t-to breathe!", she exclaimed.

I stopped tickling her and stood by her waiting for an apology.

She opened her mouth to say something until we heard the bell ring inside the school indicating we have only five minutes to get to class.

"Well, look at that. I have to get to class."

She walked inside the school running to her first period. I knew she was gonna do that

I woke jolted up sweating like crazy. I keep having these dreams and I don't know whether I like it or hate it. I guess they're some sort of way to make me relive moments with Ellie. The good days, basically. When I wasn't head over heels for her.

Did I just say head over heels?

I guess I really do love Ellie, and I hope she comes to the coronation tomorrow. I'm not sure if she's staying, but it's better than nothing. At least I'd get my last chance to tell her.....

~~~~Jay & Ellie's POV~~~~

"I'm sorry."


The song recommended for this is Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer which is one of the songs on the playlist. Anyways, bye lovely readers!

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