Love is not weakness (clexa)...

By Maywemeetagain100

117K 1.9K 492

When Clarke gets told she must go to the ground all she can think about is survival nothing else, that is unt... More

You can call me Lexa #1
Exploring #2
you can control your demons #3
I'm just a kid #4
acid fog #5
secret bunker and a pod #6
can you help me with something? #7
Jus Drein Jus Daun #8
Costia? Finn! #9
just another day on the ground #10
tell... Clarke... i love... her #11
I wont let you die #12
just like you... #13
love is not weakness #14

Don't blame yourself skai prisa #15

3.1K 97 50
By Maywemeetagain100

Clarke pov.

Tears start running down my face a nd my head wont stop spinning "what have I done?" I say to myself.

"Clarke, someone needs to clean Lexa's body and wrap it so it can be burned." Lincoln says coming up behind me and
Placing a hand on the shoulder. I remember he said before about when soemone dies they either burry them or wrap there body in animal skin then burn them over a fire.

"Shouldn't one of your people do it?" I ask sniffing back more tears that threaten to spill.

"Yes, but Lexas body need stitching up and only a healer can do that. Our only healer is out helping another clan because there healer got taken by mount weather he won't be back for a couple of days. Lexa's body will be taken to her tent you can do it when you're ready." Lincoln tells me, I nod and slowly walk over to her tent to wait for her body.

Before long two men drag her lifeless body in, it finally hits me what I've done. The two men drop her body on the floor with no respect and walk out. As soon as they leave I burst into tears crying over her body "i just killed someone" I say to myself.

"Lexa, I'm sorry I did this to you. It's all my fault I'm so sorry." I say, I dear to look up at her face when I do I think I see one of her eyes open. I shake my head mus the imagining it because when I look back its closed.

"Don't blame yourself skai prisa." I hear a voice say softly.

"I can still hear you now, ugh why is this happening to me? I didn't ask for this." I say standing up to get stuff to clean Lexa's wounds.

"Clarke! I'm alive look at me." I hear her voice again this time a bit louder. I look back to Lexa to see her slowly sitting up to lean on one arm.

"No please Lexa don't so this to me! You were dead again I killed you please don't do this to me. I can't take it anymore." I say to her still not believing what I see in front of me.

"We need to go I will explain everything soon but we really have to go if they find out I'm alive they will kill me this time." Lexa says going to get, as soon as I spot how much she is bleeding I make her sit back down.

"Lexa no! You're bleeding we are not going anywhere until I clean you up." I tell her.

"Listen Clarke I'm fine bring your heeling stuff and you can sort me out later but right now we need to leave. Lexa says standing up and grabbing my arm, pulling me after her.

"Where will we go?" I ask as we run out of the back of her tent and around the side of it.

"To the woods, but we need to leave now so we don't get caught if they see we are gone they will come looking for us so we have to keep moving." Lexa says not even looking back at the village once we leave, thankfully her tent was at the edge so no one saw us leave.

"Keep moving? Why don't you... Why don't you just come back with me to my camp?" I ask Lexa as she looks at me with a confused look on her face. "It will be safe there they ownt no you are there and we have food, water and shelter." I say and she just nods, we slowly walk back to the camp but we slowly come to a stop because Lexa keep insisting that she is ok but really she is still losing blood.

"We're here." I say. As I start walking paster when I see the camp coem into sight. As we get closer we spot a few people wandering around the first one to great us is Bellamy.

"Clarke um... Can I um, I... I'm sorry?" He says, I suddenly remembered what he did to Lexa and Costia.

"Shut it Bellamy, you killed Costia and almost killed Lexa but guess what? You didn't kill her and now? You're gonna pay for what you did." I tell him trying to hold myself back from killing him.

"Why is she here anyway?" He asks.

"That is for me to know and you to never find out." I say walking back over to Lexa who was standing a few feet behind me.

"No one will hurr you here and I will make sure of it, okay?" I tell Lexa, she looks a bit worried but nods anyway.

"Now let's gets that cleaned up." I say and tell her to follow me, into drop ship. We walk in and go to the top floor so we can have some peace as no one really goes up there.

As we walk in we see two people in the corner, as we get closer we see its Lincoln and "Octavia?" I say as they quickly look up to us in shock.

"Uh.. Clarke I... I was just um... Looking for you, you and Lexa body disappeared and Indra wants Lexa's body gone as soon as possible." Lincoln says as I move over so that Lexa can get up to. As soon as Lincoln spots Lexa his face turns into complete shock and he almost looks scared.

"Linkon? chit laik yu hir gon? yu beda be gon Ton DC." ( lincoln? what are you doing here? you should be at Ton DC) Lexa says in her language Octavia looms at me confused as she also doesn't understand there language.

Before Lincoln can reply I feel a slight pull on my sleave I watch a slexa slowly falls to the ground, I catch her and slowly lower her so that she can lay down.

"Lexa what's wrong?" I say as she slowly closes her eyes. Must have just been a very long day I think to myself, Lincoln decided to go back to his people and Octavia goes back to her tent to give us space. With everyone out I decide to lay down next to lexa moving her head to rest in my lap so she won't be uncomfortable.

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