Second Chances - BxB

By Floor_Ninja

165K 5.4K 910

Kenji loves horses. He has since he was a little kid, he grew up on a horse farm and would spend every day ou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 •Final•
End Of Book Note

Chapter 12

7.3K 281 29
By Floor_Ninja

- Kenji's POV -

I pulled into the drive way of my house and saw Mathew waiting for me on the deck, I just got off work about twenty minuets ago and as far as I knew he still wanted to be my tag along while I ran a couple errands.

He got in the car and I sped off down the drive way before my mom came out, knowing her she keep us waiting while she blabbers on asking how my day at work went or what we were doing.

Gotta love moms.


I was popping in from place to place, Matt kept trying to make small talk in the car but I was still giving him a run for his money, only replying with one word answers, I don't know what his intentions are, he could be just wanting to get to know one other like he said but he did call it a date the day before. With him I never know, he can be calm and dare I say Human one minuet and docile and the understatement of confusing the next.

Boys can be difficult too.

After buying a new leather halter for Shaymin and getting his name engraved on a metal plating on the nose band me and Matt finally stopped at a Tim Hortons for a drink, which was our essential deal.

"I though you said you didn't drink coffee." Matt said to me when we sat down at a table.

"Its an Iced Capp its different." I smiled and took a sip from my cold drink.

"Its still coffee, just frozen." He laughed.

"Still tastes better then that." I said and pointed to the coffee in his hands.

"Anyways enough about coffee and your so called dislike to it, tell me about your self."

"Where should I start?" I asked and played with my straw.

"Well, what got you into horses?"

"I've always loved horses I grew up with them. My mom used to do A circuit, it showed every weekend and when I was younger I used to go with her to a couple of shows. She taught me and my sister how to ride and well I fell in love with it."

"You know, taking one look at you I couldn't of seen you as a horse person." I looked up at him as he took a sip from his disgusting coffee.

"Yeah a lot of people tell me that." I partly laughed. But I mean it is true, I don't look like your average horse lover, well that is until you see my room of course.

"Cant really blame them." He smirked at me, I gave him a half smile and casually took another sip from my drink. "So where do you work?"

"I work at Sears in the mall."

He chuckled. "Never pictured you as a guy to work at Sears."

"It gets me money so its good enough for me." I took another sip from my drink and awkwardly looked around, avoiding eye contact with Matt. For some reason I felt really weird sitting here with him considering not so long ago he hated my guts and I hated him.

But maybe I didn't hate him.

I don't.

Everything was just so confusing.

The kiss, being out with him, it just doesn't make sense how he could go from treating me like literal horse shit to kissing me.

All this thinking was making me feel sick.

I guess Matt could see it too.

"You okay?" He asked and gave me a weird look.

"I uh ... I think we should get going." I got up and left my half finished drink on the table and quickly walked out, not even looking back to see if he was following behind me.

"Kenji wait." I heard him call after me but I just kept walking to my car.

"Lets just go home okay."

"Kenji." He grabbed my arm and stopped me from getting into the car. "Why did you just walk out like that?"

"Lets just go alright." I snapped at him.

"Hey!" His grip on my arm tightened which caused me to look at him. "I don't like when people walk out on me."

"Deal with it." I tried to get out of his grip but instead he grabbed my other wrist and it kind of scared me. "Let me go!"

"No." Instead of letting me go he placed a hand on the side of my face and brought his lips to mine.

His lips were perfect.

The kiss was perfect.

But ... Why is he doing this?

When he pulled away I longed for the taste of his lips back on mine even if the taste of coffee still lingered on them.

As much as he drove me crazy and even though my emotions where all over the place, the one thing I did know, was I loved the feeling of kissing his lips.

"What did you do that for?" I questioned him. His hand still softly resting on my cheek.

"Just dealing with it I guess."

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