The Girl with the Emerald Eye...

By hamilace

138K 3.8K 2.1K

Lily Evans is in her 7th year at Hogwarts. For the first 6 years, she hated James Potter and his arrogant way... More

The Girl With The Emerald Eyes - Fanfiction
Chapter 1- Hogwarts Bound
Chapter 3- Potter, Again
Chapter 4- One Point for Potter
Chapter 5- Idiots
Chapter 6- Confessions
Chapter 7- Shocking News
Chapter 8- What if
Chapter 9- Prepared
Chapter 10- Still in Denial
Chapter 11- Hogsmeade Part One
Chapter 12- Hogsmeade Part Two
Chapter 13- IOU
Chapter 14- Busy
Chapter 15- Pranks and Parties
Chapter 16- Just Us
Chapter 17- A Not-So-Warm Welcome Back
Chapter 18- A Noble Rescue
Chapter 19- Step Into The Future

Chapter 2- The Sorting Ceremony

8.7K 221 197
By hamilace

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald,

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling,

With some interesting stuff,

For now they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot.

The Great Hall erupted into singing, since this was the "theme song" of Hogwarts. Lily grinned at the tune of the familiar anthem, for she could recall when she heard the song for the first time. Her enthusiasm waned when she heard James belting the lines out in an obnoxious tune. She shot him a glare, and he just grinned.

"Shut up. You're ruining the song." She growled at him.

"Oi Evans, you have hurt my heart." He laughed and gave her another lopsided grin that made Lily want to scream and smack his face.

"Will he ever grow up?" Lily murmured under her breath.

"Highly unlikely."

Lily turned away from James. She blushed a deep scarlet once she realized that the hall was silent and all the students were watching them argue. Quickly, she sat down and stared at her feet in embarrassment.

"Welcome to Hogwarts! We are pleased to see so many new faces! As our newly appointed Professor has told you, you will be sorted into one of the four houses. Ah, why am I rambling so, let the sorting begin!" Dumbledore called.

The Sorting Ceremony was a blur. Lily cheered when someone was sorted into Griffindor, eager to meet new members. Only once Dumbledore had called the last name, Lily snapped out of her trance. She listened to the voices behind her, sure that they were James and his best friend Sirius Black.

"10 galleons that this one is gonna be in Griffindor."

"I bet she's gonna be in Slytherin."

"You're on, Sirikins."

"Don't call me that, Jamsie."

Both boys waited anxiously for the Sorting Hat to announce which house she belonged to.

"Hufflepuff!" The Sorting Hat hollered.

Both boys uttered some curse words and both handed 10  galleons to Remus. Lily held back a laugh, but James already caught her eye. He rose and eyebrow, and she just rolled her eyes.

"-Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore called from the head of the hall, and waved his hand.

Oo's and ah's erupted from the First Years, and Lily's heart lept as she saw the food appear. She would never get used to the thrill that magic gave her.

She ate the perfectly cooked chicken, and caught up with her two best friends, Alice and Marlene. They groaned after hearing about Petunia and her new boyfriend, Vernon, but they had a way of cheering her up. After hearing about Alice's adventures in Italy and Marlene's meet and greet with the Chuddley Cannons, they all rambled about their dream jobs.

"I would want to be a professional Quidditch player! Can't you already see it? Marlene McKinnon!" Marlene moved her hands as if she was reading off a big sign.

"Psh, who would want to play Quidditch if you could join the," Alice lowered her voice, "Order of the Pheonix?"

"Order of the Pheonix? What's that?"

"Shh! Don't talk too loud. It's like a secret organization that combats You-know-who and his followers."

Lily's mouth dropped open. She didn't know who "You-know-who" was, but she was sure he was nothing but evil.

"Oh well, let's wait until after our N.E.W.T's exams to talk about this, if we are still alive." Marlene told her friends, and they burst into laughter.

After dessert, the girls parted in their paths, for Lily had to escort the Griffindor First Years to their new common room.

"Okay, so, welcome!" Lily bubbled to the crowd of 11 year olds. "I'm Lily!"

James had been lingering behind, unsure of how to deal with little kids.

"And he is James, the Head Boy." Lily's voice shook James out of his trance.

"Oh, yeah. Um, hi?" James awkwardly waved to them.

"Follow me to the common room!" Lily started up the stairs. "James, can you trail to make sure no one gets lost?"

James nodded and trudged after the long line of kids, who were oo-ing and ah-ing at the majesty of the castle. James could recall his first year here, feeling at home with the magic and mystery his wizarding parents taught him. He could only guess at the surprise Lily had felt, walking from a muggle world to here.

Day dreaming, James bumped into the rear end of the line, causing a disruption.

"James, next time watch where you're going." A small First year told him.

James blinked. Never had he been told off by someone so young.

"Okay, so this week's password is, Gillyweed." Lily told them.

"What if we can't remember it?"

"Um, well. You'll just have to ask another Griffindor who does." Lily tried to answer all the questions, but she was soon overwhelmed.

"Off to bed, all of you." She told them, "Boy's dormitory to your left, and girl's dormitory to your right. All your belongings should be already brought to your bed. Make sure to be in the common room by 10:00, unless you wish to serve detentions. Tomorrow, you will receive your schedules. Be sure to follow them. Anyways, good night!"

Once all the kids left, Lily turned to James.

"We should get going to our rooms." Lily glanced at him.

"Yeah." James rubbed his hair, not sure what else to say.

They both went into the special room designated for the "Head People".

Lily turned to the right as James turned to the left.

"Night, Evans."

"Good night, Potter."

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