Would You Still Love Me If...

De SunkissingStyles

151K 2.1K 388

"POSTITIVE" one word. That's all it took to turn Lily's world upside down. She was pregnant. And the father... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 29

1.9K 38 5
De SunkissingStyles

COMMENT/VOTE/FOLLOW (Twitter: @Dennise_G)


Chapter 29

Harry's POV

It took about two weeks to prepare the party. I obviously didn’t' do it alone. Lily and the boys helped as well. I did a very long shopping trip. I bought everything that I might need. I also bought some alcohol. It’s no party if nobody gets wasted. I'm hoping I won't get too drunk, but I can't have a birthday party without having a single drink.

We invited everybody. And when I say everybody, I mean EVERYBODY: the boys of course, their girlfriends, their friends and their friend's friends. I also invited our band, and 5SOS. I even invited Grimmy. Everybody was there. This party was going to be packed.

At about 8:00pm people started rushing into the house and started to drink and dance right away. Random strangers started showing up so I had to call our security team so they could stand at the entrance so no strangers and paparazzi get inside.

I was kind of worried. I honestly didn't want Lily to be in an atmosphere where there would be hundreds of people, alcohol, and maybe even sex. I had to remember to wash my sheets after the party in case somebody snuck upstairs to do some inappropriate things on my bed.

Lily insisted on staying at the party because she says that she can't miss my birthday party.

By 9:00 the whole place was absolutely packed. About half of the guests were already drunk. Everywhere I went; other than people saying "Happy Birthday" there were girls with dresses that were too many sizes small for their figure. I would be walking around and random girls would pinch my bum and constantly hit on me. I ignored them because they were obviously wasted.

Lily usually just hung around in the kitchen often serving snacks or getting people what they needed. She wouldn't dare to go into the living room because she feels like she would be crushed like a sandwich since there were so many people there. And going upstairs was even worse. Who knows what would be going on up there?

Only about an hour and a half into the party, the whole place already looked like a dump. There were red cups everywhere. And I knew that I would have to spend hours cleaning up after.

All the boys showed up with their girlfriends, well except Niall. I haven't really seen him lately. He said 'he's been busy'. The boys and I think that he got a girlfriend, but we're not sure. Maybe he'll bring her to the party tonight. I'd love to meet her.

And sure enough, Niall showed up eventually while I was talking with Lily near the entrance. Niall had his hand wrapped around a small, pale, feminine hand that belonged to a girl with long red hair that was obviously straightened. Her eyes were outlined with dark makeup and her lips were painted in red to match her hair. Her black dress reached about two inches above her knee and was strapless.

She looked awfully familiar. But I couldn't but my finger on it. I squinted my eyes at the familiar looking girl that apparently seemed to be Niall's girlfriend.

Lily shook my shoulder with narrowed eyes. "What are you looking at?" She followed my eyes and her eyes landed on the girl with red hair. She tensed under my touch, her eyes locked on the girl standing next to Niall. They were saying hi to some of the guests. Lily looked surprised, but why?

Then it clicked. Of course, the girl that I met in the elevator the day I found Lily. She's the girl that Nick cheated on Lily with. What was her name again? Oh yeah, it was Veronica. Thanks to her, Lily fell into depression. Thanks to her Lily was heartbroken to the point that she just didn't want to live anymore.

I curled my fists in anger. I already hate her. Well not hate, that's a strong word. But I know she hasn't done good things to Lily, therefore I dislike her.

Why is Niall dating her?

"Who invited her?" Lily asked through her gritted teeth. She turned to me, taking her eyes off of Veronica for the first time since she showed up.

"Not me," I defended myself. "Why is Niall with her?" I whispered because Niall and Veronica were walking in our direction. I knew that Lily was wondering the same thing. This is when Niall introduces his new girlfriend to us.

"Happy birthday mate!" Niall greeted me with a one arm hug since his other had had Veronica's hand wrapped around his.

"Thanks." I said once he let go of me. "Who's this?" I asked trying to put my anger aside and replace it with gladness. I turned to the red headed girl that was giving me a look that I didn't like. It was that same look all those wasted girls were giving me. She was checking me out! I could tell by the way her lustful eyes were running from my head to my feet. Niall didn't seem to notice, but Lily did. Lily was giving Veronica a death glare, and I know that she was trying to control herself from ripping her hair out.

I gave Lily's hand a small, reassuring squeeze, mentally telling her that I can see the way Veronica was looking at me but it wasn't going to get to me.

Niall proudly turned to his girlfriend. "This is Veronica. We're dating now," he gave her a sweet smile and I can tell that he really likes Veronica. But does he know what she did to Lily?

"Congrats mate!" I gave him a pat on the back. My face turned from glad to confuse. "But how come you haven't mentioned her before?"

Niall glared at Veronica once again before turning to me. "Well Veronica wanted to keep it a secret for a while, but I think we're ready to let people know about us," he said proudly and all I can do is nod in response.

"Well I hope you enjoy the party!" I said, indirectly telling them to walk away from us before Lily breaks that pretty face of Veronica's.

Once they disappeared into the crowd of sweaty bodies, Lily turned to me with horror on her face. "Did you see the way she was looking at you? She was raping you with her eyes!"

"I know but don't get jealous," I said in a soothing voice trying to calm her down.

"I'm not jealous. Every girl in here looks at you like that. But she's dating Niall! How can he even-" she cut herself off. "I need to talk to him."

"No I'll talk to him. I can handle this better than you can." I grabbed my iPhone from my back pocket, as Lily rolled her eyes. "I'll just text him saying that he needs to meet me in the kitchen alone." I explained. I sent Niall the text, and he agreed, not questioning me as to why I wanted to talk to him alone.

She didn't reply, but nodded instead.

I went to the kitchen where there were only about four people talking and drinking beer. I started to drink an unopened beer that was simply laying on the island while I waited for Niall to show up. He didn't take long before walking in with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His smile wasn't as big as when he was with Veronica.

"What's up?" He said like he was somehow scared of what I'm going to say. He leant his elbow on the countertop.

"Nothing, it’s just that I thought you were going to tell us about you your little girlfriend." I said with an emotionless tone before sipping some more beer.

He crossed his arms. By the expression on his face, he seemed offended "What do you mean by 'Little girlfriend'?"

"Did you know that she's the one that Nick cheated on Lily with?" I said ignoring his previous question. I tried to put my anger aside but it was inevitable and I think you could tell in my voice.

Niall looked at me for a moment as if not believing what I was saying before he shook his head. "You're wrong. She would have told me."

I snorted. "I saw her leave Nick's apartment!" I snapped my arms flying around.

"When?!" He retorted back.

"The same day that Lily found Nick and Veronica is bed together!" I replied my voice rising not realizing how loud that was. I hope nobody heard that.

Niall looked at me in disbelief. "I thought you'd be happy for me. You know that I haven't had a girlfriend in a while, and now that I have one, you practically hate her?"

"Why would I like somebody who lies to my best friend? Didn't you see the way she was looking at me? She was checking me out!"

He shook his head. "No she didn't, Harry," Niall said tilting his head upwards slightly. "I honestly don't know why you're acting like this."

"She's no good for you, Niall," I said in a calmer tone. I was being honest. He was clearly blind by her looks.

"It's not like Lily is any good for you either," he spat. He doesn't know that by those words he made my heart sting with pain. It was kind of true I guess. She does kind of bring me unnecessary trouble but the difference between Lily and I and Niall and Veronica is that Lily doesn't check out other guys and loves me as much as I love her, I hope.

Before I could say anything, Niall stomped out of the room leaving me vulnerable. I looked at the ground for a few seconds. He was choosing his girlfriend over me. I know that one does not simply choose between the one they love and their best mate, but still, he chose her; somebody who he barely even knows. He thinks he knows her when he really doesn't. She's a player. To me that is crystal clear. But to Niall, she is the love of his life. He doesn't know what he got himself to, and I'm not going to let him fall into that trap.

After standing there for a while finishing my beer, I sighed deeply before I went back to the living room filled with sweaty, drunk people dancing to the music that would be able to be heard from a block away.

Lily wasn't where I'd seen her last. She probably didn't want to be alone in this crowd so she went somewhere quieter so I shrugged it off and continued talking to some of the guests trying to enjoy my birthday party.


Lily's POV

Why did she come back? Hadn't she done enough already? And to top it all of, she's dating Niall! Innocent, sweet-hearted Niall, he doesn’t deserve somebody like that. Somebody who looks hungrily at my boyfriend, somebody who slept with Nick while we were together and dares to smile at me like nothing happened. He's obviously blinded by her lookd. I'm pretty sure she would look better if she didn't use such dark makeup.

I really wanted to talk to Niall and maybe talk some sense into that boy. But I guess Harry was right that he could handle things better than I can. I mean, Harry knows Niall better which means he can understand Niall, but I can't seem to understand Niall. How can he date somebody like Veronica?

Harry left me alone and I awkwardly stood there not really knowing where to go. There were too many were people everywhere and I didn’t want to be around them. I could have talked to somebody I knew but they were all dancing and drinking, and I didn't want to join them. So I just awkwardly walked around pretending like I knew what I was doing when I was just wasting time, waiting for Harry to come back.

My heart nearly left my chest when an unknown, strong hand grabbed my thin wrist, pulling my entire body into a nearby closed under my will.

I knew which closet this was. It was a closet where Harry would keep all of the food that wouldn't fit in the kitchen. Considering that only Harry and I lived here, we had enough food to feed a hundred people. There was a huge shelf filled with countless canned foods.

Of course, I couldn't see these things because whoever dragged me in here didn’t turn on the light and it was pitch black dark. The only light was coming from the creaks between the door and the door frame but it wasn't enough light to see the guy that forced me into this closet. I obviously knew that it was a guy; a girl wouldn't have that kind of strength.

My heart was pounding hard against my ribcage. When this guy pulled me inside, he automatically closed the door. My first instinct was to try to open it but he stood in the way, leaving me without any access to the doorknob. In panic, my hand flew to the wall and quickly looked for the light switch. Once I succeeded, I had to blink a couple of time to get my eyes get used to the suddenly bright light.

Once my eyes adjusted, they went wide. "What... What are you doing here?!" I yelled at Nick with horror clear in my voice. I quickly took a step back when I realized how close we were.

He pointed a finger at me. "You're not leaving this room until you talk to me," he said with gritted teeth. He seemed really mad. "I'm tired of you ignoring me."

Is he serious? What makes him think that he can just show up at my house, drag me into a closet against my will and expect me to talk to him? "Who invited you?" I asked with anger clear in my voice.

"Veronica did." He stood up straight and said it as if it was the most normal thing to say in the world.

I made a disgusted face. "Well I live here and I say that you have to leave or I'm calling the cops," I said in a dead serious voice.

I tried to push past him. He moved slightly giving me enough access to the door knob. I didn't hesitate before opening the door, but within a second, Nick's hand slams on the door closing it again. I turned to him with anger showing on my features as he placed a stupid smirk on his face, which made me angrier.

"How do you plan to do that if you're in here?" He asked, acting like a smart ass as he still had his hand on the door in case I wanted to leave again. He was close to me and I didn't like it, it made me uncomfortable. But I couldn't move, he practically had me trapped.

I hated myself at that moment for not having my phone with me. But how did he know that I didn't have my phone? I wanted to ask him but I knew he would just answer with a stupid remark, so I didn’t bother.

I rolled my eyes as I gave in "Fine. What do you want?" I wanted to push him away from me but I know he wouldn't budge but I couldn't help but be uncomfortable.

"I want you to tell if that baby is mine or not. And tell me the truth this time," he ordered. He looked at me in the eye and it made me feel awkward, so I simply avoided his gaze.

I sighed deeply before looking up to meet his eyes to make my lie believable. "I honestly don't know," I said shaking my head. "I kind of slept with you and Harry around the same time. so I have no clue." My cheeks flushed in red as I made myself look like a complete prostitute, but I don't have many options.

"What if it's mine?" He asked.

"I highly doubt it." I cross my arms over my chest. 

 He creased his eyebrows. "How do you know that?"

"Woman's instinct," I lied. He didn't reply at all so I just asked what had been on my mind ever since the last time I called him.

"Did you mean what you said when we talked over the phone?" I asked almost afraid of his answer.

Somehow his features softened. "Of course I did. I haven't stopped lov─"

I shook my head as I cut him off before he got all cheesy. "Then why would you sleep with Veronica?" I asked with a calmer voice. I wanted to see what excuse he came up with.

He sighed. "It was a mistake okay? Veronica has always been a friend of mine, and one day she just came over, we got drunk and it just happened. It was a one time thing. I'm sorry. You know I always; and still, care about you and that I've always been there for you."

I snorted. "You were always there for me?! Then how come you weren't there when I found out I was pregnant? I wanted you to be the dad. I wanted us to be a family. I cared about you, I really did. So how do you think I felt when I found you sleeping with that... slut?!"

I laughed humourlessly. "And you think I'm going to get back with you as soon as you say you 'love me'? That's bullshit. I'm over you," I spat in his face. I could see hurt run across his face but I didn't care. He made me feel worse. He needs to understand that I don't want anything to do with him.

He stared at me at what seemed to be forever before speaking with a dead tone. "If that's how you feel, that's fine." He cocked his head to the side as he pointed a finger at me. "But remember, if I ever find out that that kid is mine and that you're hiding him from me. I will take you to court and take the kid away from you if I have to," he threatened. He honestly scared me because I've know him long enough to know that he can take me to court if he wants to; something I've been scared of all of this time.

"What makes you think that you would get full custody?" I ask in a mocking way.

"Well I have a house and a job. What do you have?" He smirked.

"I have Harry,'' I remind him.

He bursts out laughing like I just said the funniest thing on Earth. "You think he'll stay with you forever?" He asks as if I was dumb. I creased my eyebrows in confusion. "He obviously feels sorry for you. Anybody would. Who wouldn’t feel bad for a troubled pregnant teen that’s practically homeless? He's a celebrity, Lily. He socialized with rich and famous people, not with people like you and me. Just watch, Lily, he'll get you wrapped around his little finger, then throw you away just like that." He snapped his fingers when he said 'that' right in front of my face.

His words stabbed me and they hurt. But I wasn’t going to let them get to me. He’s just saying that because he doesn’t like the idea of me being with Harry.

I didn't believe a single word he said. "You're talking bullshit!" Anger filled my every word. "I want you out of my house; out of my life. Why can't you understand that?! If you really ‘loved me’, you'd let me be happy. And seeing your face doesn't make me happy, it makes me disgusted," I spat and I knew my words hurt him but I didn't care.

He looked mad as well, but managed to talk calmly. "You know I can't leave. I'll stick around, so that when Harry leaves you, I can be there for you. You'll come around. I'm sure of it." He smirked. He lifted his hand up to my face and ran his thumb across my cheek, while all I could do was stand there, completely frozen, staring at him. He smiled sweetly before leaning in, and when I thought he was going to steal a kiss from me, he missed my lips and kissed me cheek instead. He walked past me and left the closet just like that. Leaving me confused.

What the hell just happened?


(A/N) Ohhh what do you think about Veronica coming back? Thanks for reading by the way it means a lot (: love you all xx


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