Just my Baby

By lovelystories0

713 32 0

This is book two to the series Baby Alone More

Catching up
sex and Turn Up
Beach Party
Back to Me
1 week later
3 months later
Still just Lyfe
Stress and mess and the end

Friends got yo back

22 1 0
By lovelystories0

Layla pov

The first person to comfort me was Kelvin he pulled me into a big hug. Then when he let go he kept a firm hold on my hand. Then Stacey and Tre, then Kelly.

" So what now?"

Stacey asked me. Kelvin squeezed my hand.

" Um I haven't seen Levi, so he's out of the picture as of right now, and I'm going to have a baby in 9 months "

" So you're going to give birth to a rape baby and be all happy and shit and proud and shit about it?"

I looked at Kelly like she was crazy. I stepped back and Kelvin stepped up and Tre stepped up closer to Kelly.

" I'm not proud of what happened. Yet I'm not going to kill it or give it away."

Just as Kelly was about to go off Tre dragged her away and Stacey asked,

" Are you still going to finish school? "

" I'm going to finish it online and get my GED."

" Well I'm proud of you, if you ever need anything mami I gots you ok?"

I shook my head yeah and she walked off in the direction of Tre and Kelly.

Kelvin brought me to the swings and he pushed it as I swung.

" She had an abortion 3 months ago that's why she's upset"

" I didn't know"

" No one did"

He stopped the swing and sat in the swing next to me.

" You know Layla I really was feeling you before Levi stupid ass came into the picture"

" Yes I knew somewhat"

" And I'm still feeling you now, more than ever"

He grabbed my hand and looked at gazed right into my eyes.

" I'm sorry I can't have you ruin your life with me. I just turned 16 I'm pregnant and right now I'm lost. You could do so much better than me Kelvin"

" No Lay I cant. I don't care if you're pregnant if anyone were to ask me that's my child. I'm in love with you. You say you're lost let me find you aight? I may not be a thug, I may not smoke or drink like that I can't offer you bands and shit like that, but if I got it you got it. You hungry I'll give you my last dollar to go to mc Donalds, you need clothes I'll take them off my own back, you sick I'll take care of you okay."

I really was at a loss for words. I shook my head yea and he sat me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me and said,

" And the same goes for my baby"

Everyone left because Kelly was tripping to much, but me Lyfe and Kelvin were there until the evening.

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