Change Your Life (Jam Fanfic)

By ThirlzJauregui

65.2K 1.1K 180

Jade has had trouble with trusting guys in the past, but what happens when Sam Craske drops into her life une... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

1.8K 30 7
By ThirlzJauregui

It was coming to the end of our signing which I was both sad and happy about, sad because we couldn't talk to any more fans, but happy cause I could get back to Sam I just wanted to spend a night with him just me and him and no one else.

"Oh my gosh that's amazing" Perrie broke my thoughts as a fan handed her a fan book.

"Wow that's seriously so beautiful" Jesy added I turned and looked at it, it really was amazing

"Thank you, this is amazing" I smiled

"I'm glad you girls like it, it took me ages to make it had to be perfect for you girls" the fan smiled she was so proud of herself.

"We will cherish this forever" Leigh stood up and embraced her in a hug

"Thank you very much for this" Perrie finally said before standing up and giving her a hug before they all pulled back

"Have a lovely day beautiful" Jesy smiled as we finished signing her cd as she was the last mixer of the day.

"Alrighty girls time to go, you have an interview in twenty minutes" I looked around confused we were only meant to have a signing today

"What?" I asked confused

"We have an interview now get your things jade we don't have time" my manger grew angry with me

"But we were only meant to have this signing"

"Things change now come on" I grabbed my bag and things and grabbed onto Jesy's arm as we made our way out

"Jesy what about sam?" I asked her concerned

"You'll have to message him, seriously I didn't know this was on either" she looked at me with sadness in her eyes

"Jesy what's wrong?" She never acted like this, she didn't seem sad that we had this interview or that I had to leave sam for longer this was different

"Nothing I'm fine Jadey" I could see she forced a smile as we made it to our bus, I ignored her being weird till I made it safly back on to the bus.

I made my way to my bunk and put every thing down before I turned to see Jesy just laying in her bunk.

"Jesminda this isn't like you" I giggled trying to make her smile

"Jade don't seriously" I could see the tears forming in her eyes

"Aw Jesy move over" I slowly laid down beside her closing the curtain so we could talk "talk to me I don't like seeing you like this" I felt my eyes begin to glass over

"It's Jordan" she said with one breath before the tears rolled down her perfect cheeks

"What's happened?"

"Things haven't been good Jade, and I don't know if we can fix it" she turned to face me "I don't know if I can lose him, he makes me feel special and like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world" I slowed wiped her eyes as I tried to help her

"Jesy it will be okay we can get through this together. Why don't you call and talk to him about everything?"

"It's not that easy he is mad you should of heard him when we talked last."

"What have you said or done?" I asked concerned why would they fight

"Okay well you know how I left you and Sam at the club" I nodded in response "well, while I was with Leigh, Jordan and Perrie I got a call from my Jordan so I found some where quite to take it but he heard I was at a club and he is really protective and doesn't like me going to them with out him"

"Why is that?" I asked puzzled it was odd Jordan was like that

"He is afraid with all my so call fame" she rolled her eyes "that guys will hit on me and I'll want them and not him which is crazy and stupid" she looked into my eyes

"Why don't you call him and talk to him about it because if you don't have trust then what have you got?"

"Look it's just a big mess at the moment and I really don't want to talk to him about it right now I'm sorry Jadey" she said as the tears fell freely from her eyes

"I've got you" I wrapped my arms tight around her and just let her cry into my shoulder nothing was going to stop me from being with Jesy I needed to make sure she was okay screw the stupid interview we had this was way more important.


Sam's POV

I slowly awoke and looked around the room which was cold and empty I rolled over and checked my phone no messages which was good but then I noticed the time.

Jade left hours ago she should be back by now. I sat up and scratched the back of my head. I couldn't believe I had slept the whole day away it was nearly six o'clock

Why would she be gone for so long it was just a signing wasn't it? I scrolled through my phone until I saw her name in my phone which made me smile, it always did.

I let it ring a few times before it finally rung out.

"Hi you've called me, sorry I can't take your call right now but leave me a message and ill get back to you" her voice mail sent shivers down my spine god I loved her Geordie accent.

"Hey beautiful it's me, I was wondering where you were because I thought you just had a signing I guess I'll just wait till you call me back I love you Jadey" I left my message before locking my phone and throwing it on the bed.

I slowly got up and made my way over to my bags searching through for a change of clothes so I could have a shower before Jade got back.

I just grabbed a random shirt and my sweat pants and everything else I needed before making my way into the bathroom.

I threw all my clothes from last night on the ground I didn't really care before hopping into the shower. I turned the hot water and adjusted it as it ran down my skin.

It wasn't before long I heard the door of the room go.

"Jade is that you?" I shouted out peaking my head out of the shower and listening for a response. I turned off the water "Hello, Jade?" I shouted once again and same again no response I saw the door handle slowly turn before the door opened slightly and stopped. "Who's there?" I grew annoyed by this point

"It's me" a familiar Geordie accent filled the room sending goosebumps up and down my body.

"I missed you beautiful where have you been?" I reached out and grabbed a towel wrapping it around my lower half before making my way to the door opening it all the way.

"Sorry I was-" she stopped suddenly as her eyes focused on my stomach

"What is it" I asked

"I just forgot how much I missed you and umm" she looked away I could see she was getting flustered

"Oh Jadey come here" I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me before holding her tight.


Jades POV

Sam held me tight in his arms I don't know what came over me seeing him half naked brought back memories of our first night together and when he made me breakfast right before he left for tour.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to get back management planned a TV interview and also Jesy needed me" I explained as he slowly let me go

"Aww does Jesy still need you I'd rather you help her, I can't be selfish and keep you all to myself" he gave his cheeky little smile

"She is okay now ill check on her tomorrow she is with Leigh" I smiled back at him "now hurry up and finish your shower I want one" I stuck out my tongue at him

"Let's just save water" He said before laughing

"Suits me" I pushed past him and into the bathroom

"Are you sure? I don't want you to do anything you feel uncomfortable about?" He asked concerned rubbing the back of his neck

"Baby, I've never been more sure" I stepped closer to him before kissing his cheek and slowly taking off my jacket, I slowly ran my hand down his tattoo on his right side that I loved "I missed this" I said running my hand back up his side as he cupped my face

"And I missed this" he said placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer so he could kiss me. I felt his hand slowly pull my shirt up over my head throwing it to the floor keeping eye contact with me the whole time. I bit my lip as I watched him so carefully focus on me, on my every move. I slipped off my jeans and everything else before intwining my fingers in his. I gave him a soft sweet kiss before turning and making my way into the shower. I turned it on and let the warm water fall on my body. It wasn't long before Sam finally joined me, he left a soft kiss on my shoulder before the back of my neck before I turned to face him

"I'm really sorry about today and not calling" I said softly

"It's okay Jesy needed you and i understand that" He replied kissing my forehead

"I know but I should have called" he shook his head at me

"Nope its fine, i love you and i understand Jesy needed you okay don't worry about it" I felt his hands on my waist as he kissed my nose, seriously nothing was more perfect then being with him especially in this moment, he was always so understanding and that's what I loved most!

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