Mr. CEO and the BET

By loverofvamps18

1.6K 13 0

My name is Axel Thorn. i'm the big CEO of a billion dollar company. I'm arrogant, a major player, and I can g... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11(edited)

chapter 6 (edited)

84 2 0
By loverofvamps18

I woke up this next morning feeling good. I rolled out of bed and got a quick shower. I on some shorts and cute shirt and my converses. I did my make up and straightened my hair. I walked back into the room and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie" Nancy says

"Morning" I say

"Did you sleep good pumpkin?" Jason asks

"Yes I did. After you rubbed my back I was out like a light." I tell him

He nods and hands me a cup of hot tea. I smile and take it and Austin walks in wearing a black suit and was trying to fasten his cuff links. I giggle and walk over and take them from him and fasten them for him.

"There all done" I mumble and walk back over to my tea

He grabs his things and heads out the door. I grab a banana and walk out to sit on the patio with my tea. I sat there for a while cause the next thing I know Nancy was asking what I wanted for lunch.

"Actually I'm going to grab something and take it to Austin he didn't eat breakfast this morning" I tell her

She nods and I grab my keys and purse and head to subway. I ordered us lunch and then headed to his office building. I walk in and take the elevator to the very top. There was a blonde woman at the desk outside his office and she stood up.

"Can I help you?" She sneers

"Yes is he busy?" I ask

"No he is not. But he doesn't want visitors" she says

I smirk and walk over pushing his door open and she runs in after me.

"Sorry Mr. Thorn she came in after I said no." The woman says

"Oh but I don't wait for anyone. Now Austin would you like to have lunch with me or would you rather starve?" I say sweetly

"Go away Maddy" he tells the woman

She huffs and walks out closing the door.

"Lost the attitude I was nice enough to bring you lunch cause you didnt eat breakfast this morning." I tell him

"I'm sorry its just there is a problem with one of my accounts and I can't seem to fix it." He says sighig

I smile and walk around behind the desk and push him back some and sit on his knee. I start typing away and he leans over my shoulder and looks at what I'm doing. After twenty minutes I fixed the problem. I stood up and handed him his lunch and drink.

"You made that look so easy"he says

"Cause it was that easy. Now eat!" I tell him

He nods and eats and then throws away his trash.

"Thank you I was so hungry" he says

"Your welcome. And if that girl gets a attitude with me again I will punch her in hee bad nose job" I tell him

"Oh I was letting her go today anyways cause you start next week and she is just all around bad she never gets anything done." He says sighing

"Do it now and I'll stay for a few hours to get everything caught up til I come in on Monday. But 

I'm not going to change clothes just to be here a few hours" I tell him
He nods and calls her in. She stands there glaring at me as he fires her and I smirk.

"OK what do you want me to do?" I ask

"Go down and copy all these for a meeting i have in twenty minutes. I need enough for 15 people." He says

I nod and run down and copy them. By time I make it back up the meeting was starting. I walked in handing out the pack lets and a man grabbed my ass. I turned around and grabbed his around twisting it hard. He grunts and I slam his head down on the table.

"Next time you want to put your hands on my ass I will break your fucking arm" I hiss at him

I release him and walk over to Austin who rubs my back and calms me down.

"Go lay down in my office. I'll be in as soon as I'm done here. And you gentlemen keeps your hands eyes to your selves." He says and kisses NY forehead

"Sorry about that boys" I say smiling

"No ma'am we understand." A man says

"Well enjoy your meeting. Oh and I read over that plan and you all need a woman's touch on that project so i added some of my ideas." I say taking a seat
They all start looking it over and then they all look at me at the same time.

"This is amazing!" One man says smiling

"I have to admit this is beyond amazing" Austin says

"Well then we will do it this way. This hotel will be awesome" Henry says stepping in

"How in the world did you know about this?" I ask

" I seen you adding your own ideas when I walked by earlier." He says shrugging

"So you like my ideas?" I ask

"Your ideas are amazing. From now on you will be going over all plans for the upcoming hotels." He tells me

"Really? That's awesome" I say grinning

"But please don't come in dressed like that anymore" Henry says

"Hey I come to feed you adult child cause he skipped breakfast like a dummy. I can't help that I got stuck in this meeting" I snap back

"Alright alright I get it down tiger" he says chuckling

"Well this adult child says this meeting is over" Austin says glaring at me

"Alright see you next time Mrs..." a man says

"Its Ms. Petrova" I tell him

He nods and leaves with the rest of the men.

"OK I'm going home and get ready for my run and date." I say standing

I walk over and kiss Henry's cheek and walk out heading to my car. I drive all the way home and run in and change into my workout clothes and head out for my run. I make it back with a hour and a half to get ready. I quickly shower and slip on a tight fitting red dress with black heels. I curl my hair and add a little make up and then the doorbell rings. I grab my clutch and walk down stairs. Jason opened the door for Nathan to come in and I walked over smiling at him. 

"These are for you" He says handing me yellow roses

"Thank you" I tell him smelling them

"I'll put those in a vase and in your room sweetie go have fun" Nancy says taking the roses

I nod and we head out. Nathan drives us to an Italian restaurant and we go in. We take our seats and our waiter comes over to us. I hear a gasp and turn to look at Manny. 

"Lexi baby what are you doing here?" He asks

" I'm on a date. Manny this is Nathan, Nathan this is Manny we grew up together. And Manny what in the world are you doing waiting tables tonight?" I ask

"We are short staffed tonight. Jacob took over being chef while I waited tables tonight. Now do you want your usual?" He asks

"Yea please." I tell him smiling

"Just bring me whatever she is having" Nathan says

Manny nods and walks away. A few minutes later arms wrap around my neck. I smile and lean over and kiss Jacob's cheek.

"I thought you were suppose to be cooking?" I said

"Manny is watching things right now. I wanted to come say hey." He says shrugging

"Well this is Nathan. Nathan this is my brother in law Jacob. He owns the restaurant." I tell him

"Is that why the hostess gave you the go to hell look?" He asks

"Yeah she doesn't like me" I say shrugging

Manny walks out with our food and refills my wine glass. 

"Alright you two enjoy your night and Lex i'll see you this weekend. Abby said we were coming to stay with you" He says

"Yeah I talked to her. I thought you two could use some beach time" I tell him

"Alright sweetpea i'll see you Friday." He says kissing the top of my head

I smile and he walks away.

"They love you" Nathan says

"Yeah. They are the only family besides my two best friend that I have left. My sister is pregnant with their first child" I say smiling

"That's awesome. Do you want kids?" He asks

"Of course. But I want them after I finish getting my degree. I'm going back to school to become a doctor." I tell him

"That's amazing." He says finishing his food

I nod and continue eating. I finish and we head out.

"I didn't know what you would like to do. So I thought we could just head back and go for a walk on the beach?" He says

"That sounds perfect" I tell him as we drive back

We make it back and I kick off my shoes on the back patio and we take off walking. I wrap my arm around his as we walk and talk. About a hour later we head back and he walks me to the door. 

"Goodnight Alexis" He says kissing my cheek

"Night Nate" I say smiling

I walk inside and lock the door and set the alarm. I tiptoe through the house and the living room light turns on. I gasp and jump out of my skin.

"Damn you Austin. You gave me a damn heart attack" I hiss at him

"Good night?" He asks

"Yes actually. I had a great time" I tell him walking to my room

He follows me and stands in my room as I walk into my closet. I walk out dumping my sleep shirt on the bed and put my phone on the charger. I pull my dress up and it gets stuck. I turn to Austin and pout, he sighs and comes over and I raise my arms. He pulls my dress off and picks up my t shirt and pulls it over my head. He pulls back the covers and I get in and he covers me up. I soon drifted off for a good nights rest. 

I was waken the next morning to a barking China. I crawled out of bed an slipped on my robe and headed down stairs. I sat down at the kitchen bar and groaned. Everyone looked at me and I closed my eyes.

"Hey baby girl are you ok?" Jason asks

I shake my head and open my eyes to see Austin place his hand on my forehead. 

"Alright missy back to bed for you. Your running a fever." He says picking me up

"Noo" I whine

"Yes." He says carrying me back to bed

I was back in bed and I groaned. 

"Hey love take these and drink this hot tea and you will feel better soon" Nancy says walking in

I nod and take them. Austin got up to leave and I grabbed his hand. He turned to look at me and sighed.

"I can't stay I have to go" He says kissing my head

I looked at him with teary eyes. I reached over and picked up my phone and dialed Jace.

"Hello?" He says

"Jacey" I croak and start crying

"Oh baby don't cry i'm on my way" He says and hangs up

Austin looks at me with confusion and just stands there watching me cry. Jace runs in ten minutes later kicking off his shoes.

"Why the hell are you just standing there? She has been crying for a good twenty minutes I know of. Lexi baby what's wrong?" Jace asks

"Sick" My bottom lip trembles

"Ok. I see you got your hot tea. I'll got get the ice cream and chicken soup for later. But for now let's turn on your favorite movie" He tells me kissing my forehead

"Ok" I whisper

"And you get out. She is already emotional enough and it triples that when she is sick. She is going to act like a baby til she feels better. Now out!" Jace yells at Austin

He nods and comes over to kiss my forehead and I turn away from him and he sighs. He leaves and I look at Jace and make grabby hands for him. He chuckles and comes over and lifts me up and carries me down stairs. 

"Why in the world are you carrying her like a baby?" Nancy asks

"She does this when she is sick. It's bad when shes sick but I deal with it. It's a comfort thing and it works for her after everything she has went through. So I suck it up and deal with this beautiful emotional girl for a few days." Jace tells her

"Nan can you make that chicken soup you made last time?" I whisper

"Sure baby. Go rest" She says 

Jace rubs my back as I start coughing and Markus walks through the front door.

"Aw is my baby sick?" He coos at me

I nod and snuggle into Jace more. Markus coos and pulls out my old bear my mom gave me. I made grabby hands for it and he chuckles and hands it to me. 

"You weren't kidding about the baby thing were you?" Jason asks

"No we weren't. She didn't have this as a child so we tend to baby her to much when she gets sick so it stuck and now it happens every time she gets sick. But it's ok. I love taking care of her" He says kissing my head

I look at Markus and reach for him and he smiles and grabs me and walks over to the rocking chair and wraps a blanket around me and rocks me for a while. Jace walks in with a glass of my favorite kool aid and I smile. I take a sip and start coughing. 

"Sick" I whimper

Jace gasps and grabs a trash can and I get really sick. After I finished throwing up Mark us rocked me to sleep. I then woke up some time later alone and walked down stairs in my fuzzy robe and slippers. Everyone was sitting around eating dinner when I walked in the dining room.

"Hey baby how you feeling?" Jace asks

"I'm OK." I cough out

I take a seat next to Nancy and lean my head on her shoulder. She smiles and kisses the top of my head. Jace sits a bowl of hot soup on front of me and I start eating. There was a knock on the door and Mark us ran over to open it. Axel was standing there looking like hell and I started coughing again. I stood up and walked around the table towards the door. Austin grabbed my arm when I swayed and I nodded at him.

"Jace" I whispered before I collapsed

Austin's (pov) 

I watched as Alexis walked around the table and towards the door. She called Jace's name before she hit the floor. I rushed over to her and lifted her up and laid her on the couch. I pushed her hair out of her face and dialed 911. They showed up ten minutes later and rushed her to the hospital. We all piled into our cars and took off to the hospital. 

"Alexis Petrova please?" I said

"She is being looked over the doctor will be with you soon" The nurse says smiling at me

I nod and walk over to see Jace panicking. I start pacing and the doctor finally walks out a hour later. 

"Alexis Petrova's family?" He said

We all step forward and he nods for us to sit. 

"Well she has the flu and is dehydrated. She needs plenty of rest but other than that she can go home." He says

I nod and take off to her room. I run in and she was laying in bed with her eyes closed. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open and I smiled at her. She smiles back and then her smile drops. 

"Hey it's ok. I can make him leave" I tell her

She nods and hugs the blankets closer to her. She looks at me with shy eyes and leans up kissing me. I groan and pull back and walk out. I jump in my car and head to see my therapist. I pull in a parking space and run in. 

"Jessie you have to help me" I tell her

"What happened?" She asks

"My girlfriend cheated on me with Axel who was dating Alexis. Well now there is this thing between Alexis and I and I can't shake it. I really like this girl. I may even love her. The fireworks are there and every time I see her I just want to be with her all the time. I can't fight this one. She ended up in the hospital today cause of the flu and she kissed me and I just pulled away and walked out on her and came here" I tell her 

"Austin if you like this woman then be with her fuck what other people think of you. Yes what you did was a bad thing but everyone makes mistakes. If Alexis trusts you enough to give herself to you then you should trust yourself as well. Austin you have been seeing me for years, learn to trust yourself with a woman again. Go be with this one. Make yourself happy again sweetie." She says smiling at me

I nod and hug her and she laughs and hugs me back. I jump in my car and drive back to the house knowing she will be back there by now. I run in and Nancy looks at me with wide eyes. 

"Where is she?" I ask

"Upstairs" She says smiling

I nod and run up the stairs two at a time. I throw the door open and see her laying there looking out the window. I close the door and walk over to her and kneel by the bed. She rolls over and looks at me with teary eyes. I sigh and lean down kissing her like my life depended on it. It took a minute but she finally kissed me back. I pulled back and smiled down at her. Her eyes closed and she sighed. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. I stood up and she grabbed my hand and looked at me. 

"Lay with me?" She asks

I nod and kick off my shoes and slide in bed with her. She snuggled into my chest and I smiled. There was a knock on the door and Nancy and Jason walked in with her some hot tea and her meds. 

"Lex sweetheart you have to take your meds then you can sleep." Jason says

She struggles and sits up and Jason hands her the tea and Nancy hands her the meds. She takes a sip of her tea and downs her meds. She finishes off her tea and leans back against the headboard. 

"Hand me my phone" She says pointing to her phone

Nancy hands it over and she pushes a few buttons and she puts the phone to her ear. 

"Hey Henry. Could you come by one day I want to talk to you about a few things on the house" She says

A few minutes pass with her talking and then she tells them she loves them and hangs up. She makes another call and smiles.

"Hi daddy. Yes and no. Just the flu. How about dinner tonight?" She asks

A few minutes later she hangs up and lays back again. 

"Nancy can you make dinner?" She asks

"Sure sweetie. What do you want?" Nancy asks

"um what about potato soup" She says

Nancy smiles and nods and walks back out the door with Jason following her. I smile at Lexi and she smiles back at me. I lean down to kiss her but I don't kiss her I wait for her to come to me. She leans in and then slams her lips to mine. I groan and she moans and I lean so I'm laying over her and she flips me over so i'm on my back and she is on top of me. There was a knock on the door and she rolled off me really quick and sat up against the headboard.

"Come in" She called

The door opened and my dad stepped in and raised a eyebrow at us.

"Don't look at us like that. He was just laying here talking with me since i'm not aloud out of this fucking bed" She snaps

Dad throws up his hands in surrender and takes a seat on the side of the bed.

Alexis' (pov)

"Ok what did you want to talk about?" Henry asks

"How much trouble would it cause to do a few add on and me keep this place permanently?" I ask

"Not to much trouble what were you thinking?" He asks

" I want to add a home gym, a spa room, and a few more bedrooms." I say

"Ok let me get in touch with my contractor and have him draw up some stuff and I'll get back to you tomorrow." He says

"Do you and Amy wanna stay for dinner?" I ask

"Not tonight baby girl. We have a charity event tonight" He says

"Aw I want to go" I whine

"Not this time you need to get better. But we leave Friday to go over to start building the new homes and hospital for the kids. If your better you can go. But you are not to leave this house for any reason if your going to get better before then" He says sternly

I pout but nod. Austin chuckles and kisses my head and stands up and I whine.

"Slow your roll I have to piss i'll be back and we can watch a movie" He says laughing

"What is going on with you two?" Henry asks concerned

"There is something there but we are taking it very slow. I care for him and the sparks are there. This could be it for me." I say smiling 

"I'm happy for you baby. Just be careful and call us if you ever need us" He says

"You know I will." I say winking at him

He got ready to speak again but stopped when Austin opened the bathroom door. Henry stood up and kissed my forehead and patter Austin's back and headed out closing the door.

"what was that about?" He asks

"Just us talking. He asked what was going on between us." I say shrugging

"What did you tell him?" He asks

"Just that we like each other and the sparks are there" I say honestly

Austin nods and slides into bed with me again. The movies plays for a while and I feel myself slowly falling asleep. When I wake the next time it was morning again and I felt alot better. I slid out of bed and threw on my robe and walk downstairs. 

"Well good morning love" Jason says

" Morning" I say 

"Are you feeling better?" Nancy asks

"I feel alot better but I still have a slight fever and a cough" I tell them

She nods and hands me my hot tea and then turns back to cooking. I sat there with my head in my hands for a long time until I felt someone kiss the side of my head. I looked up to see Austin walking over to the fridge to get some orange juice. I smiled and Nancy sat some pancakes in front of me. 

"Thank you" I tell her

She nods and Austin comes over sitting a small glass of juice in front of me. 

"Thanks babe but I don't drink orange juice only apple" I tell him

"But you should drink it" He says sliding it back over to me

"No much acid. I only drink apple. I hate orange juice." I say again

He sighs and Jason sits a glass of apple juice in front of me and I smile and drink it down and he fills it again. Austin shakes his head and I lean over and kiss his cheek before I go back to eating. I finish off one pancake and push my plate away.

"Are you sure sweetie you only had one" Nancy says

"I'll have a small snack later i'm just full." I tell her standing up with my cup of tea

I head to the back patio and take a seat closing my eyes. 

"Your suppose to stay in bed" Austin says

"No I'm not suppose to leave the house. I'm enjoying my view and my hot tea." I tell him winking

He groans and kisses the top of my head and I lean back into him as he rubs my shoulders. I take a sip of my tea and all of a sudden my food starts coming back up. I run over to the side of the porch and everything comes out. Austin is standing there holding my hair and rubbing my back.

'Let it out baby" He says soothing me

I groan when I finish and Austin sweeps me off my feet and carries me back to bed. 

"Stay there and do not get out of that bed" Austin says sternly

I nod weakly and he goes to bring me some juice. He came back with my meds and juice and I took them quickly and laid back down. 

Time skip a week later

After getting over the flu and finally be able to get out of bed I felt amazing. I was packing to go over seas to start building the kids a hospital, school, and some new homes. I was beyond excited to have Austin going with me for this one. We had gotten a lot closer and even went on a date. He said he had a surprise for me but would give it to me once we landed. I smiled and carried my luggage down stairs where everyone was waiting on me. I kissed the top of china's head and headed to the car. My luggage was placed in the trunk and I slid into the limo. Austin slid in next to me and his parents sat across from us. Austin reached over and grabbed my hand and I leaned into his side. Amy looked at me shocked and I smiled at her. She smiled back and nodded approving. Henry winked at me and I smiled at him and closed my eyes. 

"Is here going to be there?" I ask 

"Yes he is. But we are taking body guards and you will not go anywhere without one unless it's to the bathroom of course but one will be waiting outside the door for you." Amy says

I nod and close my eyes and Austin kisses my forehead. We arrive at the airport and we get out and head to our private jet. I step onto the plane and spot Axel right away. Austin walks up behind me wrapping a arm around my shoulders and guides me towards our seats. We took them and Austin held my hand and I could see Axel tense. I sighed and leaned into Austin's sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Baby let them bring you a pillow or do you want yours. I grabbed it thinking you would want it?" He says

"Mine please." I mumble

He nods and stands and gets it and hands it to me. I snuggle into it and he lays a blanket over me and sits back down kissing my forehead in the process. 

"Your rubbing it in" I whisper

"He needs to know. He would have found out anyways" Austins says back

I nod and snuggle into him and drift off. We hit turbulence a few hours later and I shot up panicking. I was hyperventilating and Amy pulled out my inhaler and handed in to me. I puffed it twice and calmed down majorly. 

"Are you ok love?" Austin asks

I nod and sigh and bury my face in his chest.  

"You want some hot tea love?" He asks

I nod and he calls for someone to make me some. A few minutes later a woman came back with my tea and some pretzels. I thanked her and drank my tea. I finished it off and leaned back closing my eyes again. I felt Austin playing with my fingers on my left hand. I smiled and looked over at him and he grinned at me and leaned over kissing me. I kissed him back and I heard Henry whistle at us. I flipped him off and he chuckled. 

"Oh fuck off." I snap at him grinning

Amy laughed at us and I winked at her. I stood up and stretched and walked to the bathroom. I finished my business and washed my hands. I opened the door and walked out and turbulence hit again and I stumbled and I felt a hand on my arm catching me. I looked up to see Axel holding my arm. 

"Thanks" I mumble and I walk back to my seat

He nods and goes to the bathroom. 

"You ok?" Austin asks

"I'm fine. He just stopped me from falling on my face" I tell him

He nods and I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Soon enough I'm being woke up. I stand and stretch and yawn. 

"Come on let's get to the hotel and then we start fresh tomorrow" Austin says

I nod and wrap my arm around his walking to the limo. We all climbed in and I slid in next to Austin and Henry sat next to me. I leaned into Henry's side and closed my eyes.

"Tired baby girl?" He asks

"Very. I feel like I haven't slept in weeks. Me getting the flu took a lot out of me." I say yawning

He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. A few minutes later we pulled up to the hotel and everyone stepped out. Austin wrapped a arm around me and I leaned into him. WE checked in and got to our rooms. I stripped down and threw on my jersey and got into bed. I closed my eyes and was out like a light ten minutes later. I woke the next morning to the smell of bacon. I smiled and got out of bed and headed to the dining room. Everyone was in there already eating when I sat down.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty" Henry says

"Morning" I groan

"Still tired baby?" Amy asks

I nod and lay my head on the table. 

"Come on drink your tea and eat something and then we are heading out" Austin says

I nod and pick up my tea and take a sip. I look down as he sits my plate in front of me and it also had my meds on it.

"Do I have to?" I ask pouting

"Afraid so baby. The doc told you to take them all." He says kissing the top of my head

I pout but take them anyways. I eat my breakfast and run to throw on some shorts and a t shirt and head back to the living room. I take a seat and Axel walks in and I tense. 

"Morning" He says

"Morning" I say and sit back closing my eyes

"Everyone ready to go?" Henry asks

We all nod and head to the job site. The hospital was almost done so we started on painting. I heard Hunter's voice and tensed. I seen him walking towards me and I dropped what I was doing and took off in the opposite direction. I bumped into Axel and gripped the front of his shirt and buried my face in his chest and sucked in a breathe. 

"What happened?" He asked

"Hunter" I whisper

He hugged me and rubbed my back and then all of a sudden stopped. I turned to see Austin standing there looking pissed.

"Babe" I say

"What?" He snaps

"Don't get pissy with me mister. I bumped into him when my physco ex was walking towards me." i snap back

Tears rolls down my face and Amy runs over hugging me. 

"Are you ok?" She asks

"I'm fine. I walked away and bumped into Axel before he could get to me" I say sniffling

"Are you sure your ok?" Axel asks

"I'm fine. Thanks" I tell him

He nods and walks away. Austin walks over and goes to touch me and I step back glaring at him.

"Do not come near me right now" I say and walk away

I walk over taking a seat near some other women working. I sigh looking around when Axel sits down by me.

"You ok?" He asks

"I'm fine just tired. Being sick took a lot out of me. All I want to do is sleep for a while" I say sighing

"Why don't you go back to the hotel and get some sleep and then start again tomorrow. Lex you look dead on your feet" He says

"Nah it's ok. I wanted to be here I just want that asshole to stay away from me" I tell him standing up

He nods and stands and goes back to doing what he was doing. I stand there for a while just looking at everything when I all of a sudden get light headed. 

"Lex baby sit down before you fall" Amy says

I nod and sit with my back against a wall and close my eyes. 

"Here baby drink this" Austin says

I take the cup from him and down the water in a few seconds.

"Aus babe I really don't feel good." I say closing my eyes

"Mom i'm taking her back to the hotel. She can't stay out here in this heat like this." He tells her

"Get some rest baby girl we will come check on you later" Henry says

I nod and see Axel standing there looking worried. I reach out squeezing his arm as we pass him and nod at him. He offers a small smile and nods. 

"Everything ok with you and him?" Austin asks

"No but he understands." I say sadly

Austin nods and I lean into him more. We finally arrive back to the hotel room and as soon as Austin sits me on my feet I feel myself fall. 

Not a very long chapter this time but I've had alot going on lately. I just started a new semester so things have been crazy and I moved again. So be patient please. Will try to update again this week sometime. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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