Let it be

By eleanorwrites17

13.6K 190 31

Ellie Wardle (played by Chloe Moretz) and Will Smith (played by Logan Lerman) are two ordinary people, but on... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 4

606 12 1
By eleanorwrites17

   Monday came by as quick as a bullet and in her dreaded lesson of Geography, Ellie got her paper back from a test she did the week before.

     “What did you get?” Chloe asked curiously with an excited expression on her face,

     Ellie’s eyes widened as she picked up her paper, “I got a B!”

     “Well done, Ellie” Will smiled, clapping his hands silently.

     Ellie wrapped her arms around Will and hugged him tight, “Thank you so much, Will. I wouldn’t have done it without you.” She smiled back, “What did you get?”

     “I got a B too” Will answered, “Can’t wait to get home and talk to my Dad about how I could have done better.”

     Ellie raised her eyebrows and remained silent; he looked down at the floor and laughed a little. “I’m joking,” He said.

     “Oh, sorry.” Ellie blushed, “I thought you were being serious...”

     “No, no, no. I guess I get my sense of humour of my Dad himself.” Will laughed,

     “Maybe,” Ellie laughed back.

     “Hey, I was joking!” Will said as he began teasing Ellie,

     Ellie winked, “I think you better start coming up with better jokes then,”

     They sit there in hysterics, teasing and joking about things that don’t matter; acting like fools in love which were actually only friends who liked to have a laugh.

     “He so likes you,” Jasmine whispered to Ellie from across the table,

     “No, he doesn’t.” Ellie cheeks turned red.

     “Look at how cute he’s being with you. Trust me, he likes you.” Jasmine whispered again,

     Ellie just smiled and tried to reduce the redness from her cheeks with makeup.

     Will's father glared at Ellie, "Please can you put that foundation away, Miss Wardle?" 

“Sorry sir,” Ellie said slipping the circle container back into her blazer pocket,

     “Thank you,”

     At lunch, Ellie skipped eating and went to find Chloe. She found her with Will’s best friend, James outside behind the bike sheds; but Will was nowhere to be seen. Ellie shivered as the freezing cold bites her skin. God knows why they were stood out here in the frost.

     “Hey, um, Chloe…” Ellie started,

     “Oh hi, Ellie” Chloe replied.

     “James,” Ellie nodded at James,

     “Ellie,” James nodded back.

     “What do you want?” Chloe asked viciously,

     “Gosh, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” Ellie sighed, Chloe didn’t reply. “I was just wondering, where’s Will?”

     “Haven’t seen him since this morning, sorry Elle” James said,

     “Oh, thanks anyway”

    Where on Earth is he? She thought. Why do I even want to know where he is?

     Well he was in Geography this morning, so he should be in school. He was absolutely fine too, so he must not have gone home.

     Ellie kept searching for him; she just wanted to talk with him, about absolutely anything. She searched every building and every courtyard, every classroom and every inch of the schools premises.

     What’s wrong with me? She thought. Why am I so obsessed? Is this just a phase I will get past? I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. I’ve never even felt this way about Will before. What is wrong with me?

     The day passed by slowly, but when it finally ended, Ellie sighed with relief as she walked out of the heavy wooden doors. When she arrived home she was hot and sweaty, and she jumped into the shower and ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. She squirted some shampoo into her palm and massaged it into her scalp and through her locks. She showered for about thirty minutes before hoping out and climbing into some jogging bottoms and an oversized tee. And still, all she could think about was Will.

*                                            *                                         *

     The next day approached and still no sign of Will. Ellie began to feel cautious and worried.

     “Will,” Will’s Mum called up to him from the bottom of the stairs,

     “Yes, Mum?” Will replied as he lay in bed wide awake.

     She walked up to his room and her shoulders fell as she saw his face which looked absolutely fine. He wasn’t ill, nor was he depressed. He just looked tired, but who doesn’t at seven in the morning?

     “You know you can’t hide from school forever.” She told him,

     “I understand, but just for a couple more days. I promise I’ll be back by Monday.” Will said lying in bed with the covers pulled over his body. He felt pathetic, but the thought of not being Ellie’s other half broke his heart. He was love sick, and he couldn’t face to see her and realise that she isn’t his.

    Will’s Mum kissed him on his forehead, “Ok, son. I love you.”

     “I love you too, Mum. I’ll be okay” Will replied,

     “I know you’re okay, I mean you look absolutely fine. But would you like me to talk to this young lady’s mother? What’s her name again? Emily?”

     “No. I mean, no thanks Mum,” Will answered without hesitation, “And her name is Ellie,”

     Will’s mum smiled, “What a pretty name.”

     “I agree,” Will nodded.


*                                            *                                         *

     Ellie sat in English messing with a pencil, ignoring the teacher’s explanation. She felt dead, no one could get to her. She was like a rock, motionless unless she was shaken by the person sitting next to her.

     “Ellie…” A voice called, she could hear it faintly but refused to reply. “Ellie…” The voice said again. Her lips remained closed and dry. “Ellie…” The voice repeated.

     “What?” She finally spoke, edgy and tired.

     “Do you understand what we are doing this lesson?” The teacher asked.

     “Sure, whatever” Ellie replied, “Shakespeare wrote scripts not novels, Charles Dickens wrote novels not scripts. It’s all very simple if you think about it.”

     “I will not be spoken to that way, Miss Wardle!” The teacher said in a shocked voice.

     Ellie looked up at the teacher, “Sorry, but I already did.”

     “Please stand outside, now.” The teacher demanded,

     “Alright, okay” Ellie stood up and left the room, she really couldn’t be bothered with anything at the moment. She was like a zombie; the last thing she wanted to worry about was her school work.

     She leant against the wall which felt cold and rock hard on her finger tips, and a few moments of silence ended as the teacher exited the classroom to speak to her.

     “What was all that about, Ellie?” The teacher questioned,

     “Can I go home now?” Ellie said holding her stomach, as if she was ill.

     The teacher huffs, “What is wrong with you?”

     “It doesn’t matter…” All of a sudden, Ellie broke down into tears.

     “I will phone home now, there is obviously something wrong.” the teacher said, “And if you aren’t going to tell me you are most definitely need to tell your parents. Will anyone be at home?”

     “Yes, my Mum.” Ellie gradually slid down the wall to fall on to her bottom, she sat there and cried a everlasting waterfall as she waited for her Mum to come and pick her up.

     I need to see Will. I just need too. I need to know he’s okay, this is killing me.

    Soon enough, Ellie was sent to the school reception where her Mum was stood waiting for her next to the tall desk where the receptionist is stood clicking away on the office computer. Ellie fell into her arms and cried even harder.

     “What’s wrong, sweetie-pie?” Her mum asked,

     “Take me home, I’ll explain when we get home.” Ellie mumbled.

*                                            *                                         *


     Ellie’s head burned, and when she arrived at home she lied down on to her bed and asked her Mother for a glass of water.

     “Do you want anything else, sweetie?”

     “No thanks,” Ellie replied closing her eyes. “I’ll survive.”

     “Okay,” Her Mum said before leaving the room to fetch her glass of water.

     Ellie lay there, her stomach felt like strong knots being pulled tighter and tighter together. Her head, burning like a camp fire on a hot summer’s night. What’s wrong with me? She asked herself. She asked it over and over again, still clueless of the answer.

     Meanwhile, in Will’s house; his Father came home early from teaching at school. He ran upstairs to Will’s bedroom and he knocked on the door.

     “Come in,” Will called, his Father stormed in and sat beside him on his bed. “What is it Dad?”

     “I am not happy with you missing so much of school,” His Father started,

     “Yes, and?” Will replied.

     “I don’t want you seeing that stupid girl!” His Father yelled,

     “Ellie is not stupid!” Will yelled back.

    “Oh, so she’s not stupid; yet you know who I was talking about?” His Father cocked an eyebrow,

    “A part from my loving Mother, Elle is the only important girl in my life; of course I know who you’re talking about when you call her stupid.” Will folded his arms.

     “Well, I am preventing you from seeing her! She’s nothing but bad to you!” His Father shouted,

     “You’re not stopping me from being with someone I love…are you?” Will said leaning upwards.

     “I’m sorry, William, but it’s for the best. Anyway, how can you be in love with a girl you’ve known for a week? You’re talking nonsense...”

      Will couldn’t stand his Father’s presence anymore; he pushed him away from him and ran down the stairs in anger. His Father followed him down.

     “Will, what are you doing?!” His Mother whined as he ran out of the door, closing it behind him. “What did you say to him?” She cried, “What did you say to him?!” She repeated pushing her husband away from her.

     But he didn’t reply, he just sat himself down on the sofa; running his fingers up and down his chin.

     “Phone the police,” He finally said in a serious tone.

     Will’s Mother rushed over to where the phone was placed, and dialled 999.

     In Will’s point of view, he was still running down the street as fast as he could. He was scared his Father had followed him, in case he knew where he would end up. Will finally arrived at the park, his clock read 4:02PM and by now and the park was filled with little children playing. Swinging back and forth on the swings; screaming on their way down the slide. Will had sat down on the cold park bench, and had placed his face in his palms.

     What am I going to do? Will thought to himself, I can’t stay here, can I?

     Finally after almost an hour of lying on the park bench, the thought came to him. He stood up like an old man, stiffly and slowly. He walked down the path, and crossed a few roads, before he was there. He knocked on, and waited.

     “Will?” Ellie said in disbelief, “Will!” She repeated.

     “I love you, Ellie.” Will spoke, standing at her front door. “I don’t know how, and I don’t know when I realised it – but I am, and that’s pretty much all I’m sure about right now.”

     “I love you too, Will.” Ellie replied, hugging him closely.

    A tear rolled down his face as he hugged her tight.

     She looked at him closely, “What’s wrong?”

     “I have nowhere to go,” He panicked.

     “Come in Will, you must be freezing out here.” Ellie said, pointing him into the house.

     He walked into the house, and Ellie closed the door behind him.

     *                                            *                                         *

     Ellie led Will to her room where he sat on her bed with blood shot eyes, he had dark circles around them too; and bags had formed. Will was awfully tired and weak. Ellie stared at him; Will looked up at her and halved a smile.

     Ellie shook his arm, “What’s wrong?”

     “I can’t go home, I just can’t.” Will said,

     “Why?” Ellie asked as she raised an eyebrow.

     “I ran away, my Dad doesn’t want me to see you anymore.” Will frowned,

     “There are so many unanswered questions,” Ellie said, “but you look exhausted. I’ll ask my Mum if it is alright if you stay over tonight.”

     “Thank you,” Will smiled,

     Ellie smiled back as she stood up to walk out of the room. Her fingers were crossed and her hopes were high. Because who really lets a boy stay in a girls room when they have ran away from their parents? No one, exactly; so Ellie hoped for the best.

     Will laid back on the bed, his knees felt like giving in and his heart raced. Everything was crazy.

     How can I be so in love with someone I hardly know? Will asked himself, she’s so beautiful; so delicate. And now she’s doing all this for me? I’m thinking crazy right now. But one thing I know for sure, I’m in love with her; I’m in love with Ellie.

     “Mum,” Ellie shouted to her Mum as she sprinted down the stairs,

     “Yes, sweetie” Her Mum replied.

     “Can Will sleep over tonight?” Ellie asked,

     “The guy you like?” Her Mum cocked an eyebrow.

     “Yeah, he’s upstairs and he looks so exhausted. And he’s really upset too,” Ellie started,

     “Why is he upset?” Her Mum interrupted.

     “He’s run away from home, something about his Dad not wanting him to interact with me anymore.” Ellie explained,

     “We must take him home then, his parents must be worried. Don’t you understand, Ellie?” Her Mum said.

     “Yes, I understand. But please, Mum. Just for tonight? If you say yes he’s going to phone his Mum saying he’s at James’ house” Ellie lied,

     “Fine, but just for tonight; get the blow up bed from the bottom of your wardrobe and blow it up. I will bring some sheets and pillows up later. Will better phone his Mum though,”

     “He will, I promise!” Ellie said excitedly, “thank you so much, Mum!”

     “Like I said, only for tonight.”

     Ellie ran back up the stairs to Will, and told him the plan. After she finished explaining it, Will phoned his Mum about him staying at James’ for the night. His Mum agreed with the sleepover and called off the police search.

     “I’m dreading going back home tomorrow…” Will said helping Ellie blow up the blue soft material,

     “Don’t worry, Will. Just sleep on it.” Ellie replied with a smile.

     “Thank you for doing all this for me,” Will smiled,

     “Oh shut up, you.” Ellie laughed, and her words made Will laugh too.

     When the bed was blown up, Will lay on it and chatted to Ellie for hours. They had so much in common, they couldn’t believe it. The atmosphere was positive, and it was like a movie. Yes, the girl gets the guy 99% of the time. But what would the story be without an obvious part? This was only the beginning.

What did you think of this little chapter? Tell me in the comments below. :) And check out the gif of Ellie's twin sister, Jasmine, in the right side bar. Much loveX - Ellie :-)

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