Let it be

By eleanorwrites17

13.6K 190 31

Ellie Wardle (played by Chloe Moretz) and Will Smith (played by Logan Lerman) are two ordinary people, but on... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 1

4.1K 29 6
By eleanorwrites17

Part one guys!! This chapter is dedicated to my inspiration to writing, my Dad. Look his book up: Sam And The Sea Witch by M.P.Ward! It is also dedicated to @IAmChasingMavericks who is an amazing WattPadder who created the awesome trailer in the sidebar! Go check it out & follow her, you won't regret it! Much love x

-Ellie :)

Ellie Wardle, a sixteen year old, from a little town in England, has always been unlucky in love. Maybe it was because she has only really ever liked two boys in her young life.

The first one was when she was five years old and she didn't know the meaning of love, or even why people fell into relationships like love. She just knew she liked this boy and he didn't like her back. He had slick black hair and chocolate brown eyes; she liked him for a couple of weeks before giving up. His name was Josh.

When she tried to hold his hand, he pushed her away. When she tried to give him hugs, he pushed her away. Back in primary school when she knew him, it was lunch time and she was standing by herself. It was a cold day, and her long blonde hair was in cute, long pig tails, blowing in the wind. Ellie walked over to Josh slowly, and slipped her hands into her skirt pockets.

"Hi J-Josh," She said quietly,

"Hey Ellie," Josh replied kicking a football back and to with his best friend.

"D you want to hang out with me?" She asked, pulling a weak smile.

Josh rolled his eyes, "Sorry Ellie, I'm playing football."

"Ok," Ellie sighed, before kicking her feet about and feeling stupid and angry about it. "Can I at least have a hug?"

"No," Josh shook his head in disgust, "You're a girl, and I don't want to hug you!"

Ellie walked away with a shrug as she was only five, and things like that didn’t matter.

But as I said, Ellie was a hopeless romantic – the thought of being in love completely struck her in the heart, and made her feel all happy and warm inside.

She is in her last year of high school now, which is called year eleven where Ellie lives in England. She has liked one guy since year seven, but again, he never seemed to like her back. He was sort of shy, but had a face like an angel; mousey brown hair and a beautiful smile. His name was Will Smith.

     “Hey, Ellie” Ellie’s twin sister Jasmine said flipping through a magazine as she sat on the carpet besides Ellie’s bed.

     “Yes Jasmine?” Ellie replied kicking her feet up and down as she lay on her stomach on her wooden old bed.

     “Do you still like that Will guy?” Jasmine asked nosily, still staring down at her magazine.

    Honestly, all that than ran through her brain was Will. Ellie had mentioned Will to her family many of times, her parents Caroline and Joe knew all along that she had fallen for him. It was a young love, one only a few find; and the sparkling look in her deep blue eyes told obvious thoughts of hers about Will; such as how she admired listening to his voice for hours on end, because it just made her happy. It sounded creepy, but to her it was cheesy, old-fashioned love, and she was besotted with it – with him. Ellie shrugged her shoulders to Jasmine's question.

     “Yes you do, don’t lie.” Jasmine laughed, throwing her magazine on to the floor beside her.

     “How do you know?” Ellie questioned in an aggressive tone.

     “Whoa, calm down Elle. I can see it in your eyes.” Jasmine answered with a giggle,

     “Oh,” Ellie looked down at the carpeted floor where Jasmine sat, and rolled her eyes.

      Little did Ellie know Will never had an easy home life, and never really talked to his family about things; but he seemed perfect to her. When he did talk to his family, it was usually about his grades in Geography, as his father was a strict, experienced and intelligent Geography teacher. His voice was quite boring but his knowledge about the subject of Geography was incredible. But because of his boring voice no one wanted to listen to, he had to work hard to get students to understand, listen and pass.

     Will kept a diary for when he was having a hard time. One of them that he's re-written over and over again was when he became ‘Goth’ or whatever people stereotype dark clothes these days. He never harmed himself or tried to commit any form of suicide, but when he was fourteen he was diagnosed with depression which Ellie knew nothing about.

    "You have the early case of depression, William." The doctor said as Will sat with his Mother, Zoey in silence.

     "Is that true?" Zoey gasped,

     The doctor pursed her bottom lip, "Unfortunately, yes."

     "Why didn't you say anything Will?" Zoey question him in a scared tone,

     "I didn't want to worry you," He replied staring at the blank white walls.

     "We can help you get out of depression and give you counselling, Will?" The doctor suggested,

     "That would be amazing," Zoey nodded, "Thank you."

     Will went to a therapist just a couple of miles away from his home, but even after he became more sane and happy, Zoey and her husband Harry knew Will would always have problems with his emotions. He was only 12 years old when this started, and fortunately when he was 15 years old he recovered and escaped the dark hole he had been living in for three years.

     Back to the present day, he had been doing better – but still he visited his therapist every once in a while to see how he was getting on.

     “Will, get in here” His father, Harry, called upstairs to him,

     Will jogged down the stairs to his father, “Yes, Dad?”

     “I need you to help someone out in your class, she’s failing Geography” His father said,

     “I’ll try my best” Will replied.

     “Trying isn’t good enough; you need to help this girl!” His father yelled,

     “Who even is it?” Will asked, raising an eyebrow.

     “Ellie Wardle, do you know her?” His father answered,

      “Yeah she sits opposite me” Will smiled, leaning on the banister rail.

     “Help her son, please?” Harry demanded,

      Will started making his way back up the stairs, “I will, trust me?”

      Harry nodded and patted Will on the back, "I know you're a good person, Will. Always have been, always will be."

     Will nodded, and let a smile grow on his face. He ran back upstairs to his room. He did that for at least two hours before lying down on his comfortable, warm sheets on his bed. The reason why Will was so happy? Will was in love, but never was to tell anyone. All his crushes and girlfriends were kept to himself, he didn't believe in bragging on what you have got or making the relationship include more than two people; the boy and the girl. Plus, Will had always been very shy and had only had one friend he actually trusted. His name was James, and he had brown curly hair and was quite confident and extremely tall. They had been best friends since Pre-School, and still James didn't even know what girl Will liked.

     Crazily enough, that girl was Ellie.

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