Captive ( a Fairy Tail [Natsu...

By BlazingScarlet

274K 6.7K 2.7K

Lucy Heartfilia had the perfect life, being the daughter of a rich man and growing up into a beauty. Little d... More

Captive ( a Fairy Tail [Natsu x Lucy] fanfiction ) [AU]


27.4K 544 249
By BlazingScarlet

It is a beautiful morning, with the sun casting it's bright rays on the earth and the flowers are blooming. The morning dew of the leaves sparkles in the sun, and the birds on the trees chirp ever so cheerfully. Lucy sits at her window seat, writing her novel. It seems to be a perfect day, but why is there a naggy feeling of worry deep in her stomach ? 




Natsu awakens to the sound of someone crying. Is another slave being beaten up again ? Honestly, he should have requested for a room further away from the slaves' quarters. Natsu glances at the clock and sighs, now that he's been awoken, there's no point going back to sleep again since it's already morning. He gets out from his bed and dresses, thinking that it would probably be the best if he arrives early for breakfast. 




Lucy figures that something is wrong. A long, dark limosine pulls up outside the driveway, and tall burly men in shades and suits walk out, looking very scary and imposing. Something... is going to happen, and it surely ain't going to be good. They must have come for her father. She quickly gets off her window seat, slips on a pair of shoes, and quietly tip-toe her way downstairs. That naggy feeling of worry gets stronger as she inches her way downstairs. Lucy stops in her tracks halfway and stays still to listen.

"Mr. Jude Heartfilia." one of the men says, a deep frown on his scarred face. Lucy bites her tongue in order not to scream at the sight of his heavily scarred and ugly face. It once should have been handsome, but the scars ruined the face.

"Get to the point, Mr. Rick." Jude says.

"Alright, if you insist so. Your debts are still unpaid. Interest is piling up, and the boss is unpleased with you." the man, referred to as Mr Rick says calmly.

"I don't have the money." Jude answers, straight to the point.

"So you take us as fools huh ! ? You think we're just going to let you off simply because you don't have any money ! ? You can fucking dream on, Mr. Jude Heartfilia ! It's been 3 years, you fool ! We have been giving you face by letting the debt pile up already ! 100 million is not a small sum ! " Rick says, grabbing Jude by the shirt, spitting in his face. Lucy lets out a small gasp at this. 100 million ? ! He can't be serious ? ! 

Jude roughly pushes Rick off him, a scowl on his face. 

"What are you going to do then, Mr Rick ? ! I don't have the money ! What can you do ! ? My life is worth nothing, am I right ? !" Jude counters, a vein popping out of his forehead.

"Of course, you life is worthless, but you have a daughter, don't you ? Sources say she's quite the pretty angel. She'll make big bucks for us. A fair trade, ain't it ?"  Rick sneers, a snide expression on his face. 

"No ! Anything but Lucy, anything but her ! Take my life ! Just don't take Lucy ! She can't be implicated in this ! " Jude pleads, all traces of his previous bravery gone at the slight mention of his daughter.

"Oh, we'll take your life... and your daughter." Rick replies with a smirk, and swiftly, he pulls out a gun. 

"Noo-" before that sentence was finished, Rick pulls the trigger.

Jude falls to the ground, a glassy empty look in his eyes, his last sentence died on his lips. Blood gushes out of his head wound, and a sneer appears on Rick's ugly face.

"Get the girl ! She has to be upstairs ! " 

No ! No ! No ! Lucy scrambles to her feet, rushing up the stairs. There is no way out downstairs, she only had to try her luck upstairs. She has to escape from them, she has to ! 

A rough wrinkly hand grabs her shoulder, and pulls her down. Lucy lets out a ear-piercing scream that would have shattered glass. 

"Little girl, where do you think you're going ?" 




Natsu strolls into breakfast hall, giving off an air of nonchalance. A uncaring look is plastered on his face. Uncaring ? Of course he cares, he just can't show it. He learnt the hard way, after being beaten up by his ' father ' for showing concern about a mere slave. 

"Good morning, Master Natsu," a slave greets fearfully and politely, bowing her head down.

He wants to greet her back, to say a ' good morning, how are you ? ' to her, like any normal being, but of course, he couldn't. He chooses to simply ignore her greeting, and sits down at his seat. He had once greeted a slave back, but his ' father ' simply yelled at him, " It's a slave ! It's supposed to greet you ! You don't go greeting it back, you stupid fool ! " It. Not a ' she ' or a ' he ', but simply ' it '. The level of respect is low for slaves.

Natsu, deep down, loathes his current life. Son of a mafia boss. Sounds incredibly cool doesn't it ? Only it isn't. Forced to act nonchalant, to act cruel, to act big. Acts of kindness are forbidden, you cannot be happy, cannot be carefree. Being the son of a mafia boss... it kills off who Natsu really was. 

"You are early." comes a voice, and Natsu looks up, only to see that it is Gray. 

"Indeed I am," Natsu replies, smiling. Gray is the only one he can smile around, the only person that allows him to be who he truly is. Not some big-shot son, but Natsu.

"Tch. I was confident I would be the earliest," Gray teases, a smile on his handsome face.

"You were confident wrong then." Natsu says cheekily.

Gray was about to respond when Natsu averts his gaze. Father has arrived.

"Good morning, Father." they both greet in unison to the tall, dark, imposing man.

Riley. That name would send shivers down the spine of many. Why ? Infamous for being the cruelest and most powerful mafia boss in town, one wrong move, you would find youself on the other end of his gun. No one ever knew his real name, he has always been referred to as ' Riley '. Despite being owner to many huge underground illegal companies and drug deals, he is most famous for his business of slavery. Taking charge of slaves, selling them, giving them away like toys, that is what he does best.

Riley doesn't greet in return. He simply sits down.

"Slave ! Breakfast can be served."




NOTE:  HEY EVERYONE ! So here's chapter one :3 Yeahh, it's an AU fic ! okay, I'll admit, it's a tad darker than those fluffy romances I write, but I hope it's good and you all enjoy it. :D Some profanities will be used in this story, so if you don't like it, I'm terribly sorry, you can just ignore the profanities then. Anyway ! This story is of course, a nalu one again :D If you think Natsu seems out of character, don't worry, he has to be this ' cold and cruel ' for now, but deep down inside, he still has his own carefree, fun personality ! :D Oh, I'll try to update this once a week ? Once every two weeks ? I'm not sure ehehe. Do review/comment and tell me what you think ! (: Remember to vote and share if you like this story ! Thanks a lot, will be seeing you next time ! 

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