Not Set In Stone

By lover-of-fandoms

309K 7.7K 5.7K

Daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, that's who Ria Rider was known as. She was expected to be a perfect lit... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Descendants 2 Sequel
What If?

Chapter 1

49.1K 919 1.5K
By lover-of-fandoms

"Oh my god, they're on their way!" All different variations of this statement was said through the dorm hallways and most people's reactions were irritating me to a great extent.

Let me catch you up on a few things, first off, me? I'm Maria Fitzherbert, but if you call me that, I will punch your square in the face. I use my father's last name that he went by long ago before I was ever born, call me Ria Rider, daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider.

Yes, I'm the daughter of a princess with long blonde magical hair, or at least that's what she's been known for. I wasn't blessed with her magical hair, blonde though, but that's just basic genetics. Nope, nothing magical like about me, I'm just your boring old Ria.

Oh, it's not that I'm boring. No, not one bit, I'm actually a joy to be around if I do say so myself. It's just that life at Auradon is dull and I'm stuck living here. The school I go to is even worse. Auradon Prep is full of beautiful princes and princess, sure, but most of them are incredibly stuck up. I understand that we can't all live up to the wonders that our parents once were but seriously? Did their parents not teach them a thing about being humble? You'd think they teach their kids that just because they're royalty, doesn't mean anything.

The worst of them all if my roommate, Audrey, daughter of Aurora also known as Sleeping Beauty. She's the most pretentious out of everyone else that I've met at this school. She's dating Ben, son of Belle and the Beast. Ben could do way better in my opinion.

So I got to Auradon Prep you've already got that, daughter of Rapunzel check, what else should you know about little ol me? Oh that's right, my pet chameleon Delta. She's a cutie and I got her as a gift from my mother once hers passed away. She told me that she'd be one of my best friends that I'd never want to let go of and she was right. Little Delta is probably my best friend in this whole school, sad I know but it's the truth.

You see, I don't actually "fit in" with the other girls or even the guys for all that matter. They've all only got one mind set and that is to be one hundred percent good and if you're not good, you are not worthy. Now, I personally don't think this right, not at all. You can't force people to be good, that's not how it works. You also can't be one hundred percent good or one hundred percent evil, that's not how the way works.

There's people you love, that you treat with kindness and happiness and those that you don't like too well, that you treat with hatred and bitterness. Does that make you good or bad all the time? No sir it does not. Good, bad, what's the deal? Why can't we call live our lives without these labels?

What even makes me good? I was born from a princess. What makes the children of the Isle of the Lost bad? They had the unfortunate luck being born to a villainous parent. I wish it would all just stop.

Why am I talking about all this now? Well, I'll tell you. Prince Ben, soon to ascend to throne made it his first official proclamation that the children of villains from the Isle of the Lost, be invited to attend Auradon Prep as a chance of redemption for what their parents have done in the past. They gladly accepted and that is the "they" that are on their way to the school.

I feel like this could be incredibly interesting and I'm proud of Ben for giving the kids a chance at a decent life. I honestly think they shouldn't have even been banished in the first place but that was Ben's parents mistake and he's doing right by undoing that. I wish everyone could be more like Ben and less like Audrey.

She simply would not stop complaining that Maleficent's daughter was coming to Auradon Prep. I'd would just like to say, "talk about holding a grudge much and be extremely judgemental towards her daughter." I don't know what is but I don't fear them like the rest. It might be because my father was a thief and I love the thought of adventure, excitement and mischief. All I knew was that I was going to plan to meet them and maybe stir up a little excitement and mischief of my own.

I'm only joking of course. Mother would kill me if I got in trouble with the school, although I'm still going to meet them and see how "evil" people live. "Come on Delta, we're about to begin a new chapter in our lives," I said to her, picking Delta up putting her on my shoulder where she'd stay, sorta like a pirate's parrot.

I made my way downstairs from my dorm and I heard the band playing loudly outside and it suddenly stopped. They're here alright, I was in no hurry because I knew they would be greeted by Fairy Godmother and Prince Ben.

When I did eventually make my way out into the open, most everyone was going on about their day and Ben and Audrey were talking to the newbies. There were four faces looking completely unamused with Ben's speech and I just slowly approached them not interrupting their conversation.

"Who's that?" I heard one the boy with the white hair and chocolate covered all over his face ask. Just one look at his innocent face covered in sweets and I could tell that he at least was nothing like his parents. He had to be Cruella De Vil's son since he resemble nothing like Jafar's son. I could also tell due to his clothing the same colors and fur on the one shoulder, yes definitely a De Vil.

"Oh that's Ria Rider, daughter of Rapunzel," Ben said as he turned around to see me standing near his father's statue. "Well, Ria come over here and meet them all, she's been excited for have some new people attend this school," he explained to them which wasn't wrong but it wasn't entirely true. I was waiting for some interesting people to come to this school and as I was looking at the other three more closely, I could tell there was something special about them.

"I wouldn't mess with her if I were you, she's rude to people she doesn't know or like, like super mean," Audrey whispered to them but it I'm almost positive she meant for me to hear. I just bit my tongue doing what princesses do best and be the bigger person.

"So like a villain?" Cruella's son asked his eyes lighting up. As I stood on the other side of Ben looking at the new comers. Evil Queen's daughter was beauty and so was her mother many years ago. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, in this case a poison apple.

I'm so sorry. That was another horrible pun brought to you by Ria Rider. I'll be here all week.

Anywho, the other girl was definitely the daughter of the great and wicked Maleficent. She's probably one of the worst villains that I've ever heard about. Although Gothel was a pretty close second, I mean really? Who strip a child's life away, so they could live forever? Now that's wicked.

The last one was Jafar's son and just let me say, my mother married a thief so I don't think she'd be too disappointed in me if I brought him home with me. He was literally the most attractive villain I'd ever seen and those arms don't even get me started.

"No, she's still got a sweet heart," Ben said putting his arm around me with a smile on his face. "She and Audrey don't get along that well, that's all. Ria, this is Jay, Mal, Evie, and Carlos," he introduced me to them and I managed to get a smile out all of them but Mal.

"What is that thing on your shoulder?" Carlos asked me noticing Delta as I heard Audrey sighing and I could tell she didn't like me being the center of attention.

"It's Delta. She's my pet chameleon. My mother had one just like her, Pascal though. Delta's just a little cutie, isn't she?" I asked taking her off my shoulder and placing her in my hands. As I got strange looks from the four of them. "What? Have you never seen a chameleon?" I asked with true curiosity and I could tell Ben was wondering the same thing as I looked to him. They all shook their heads no.

"We don't have many animals on our island," Jay told. "Not even dogs, which is good for Carlos over there. He's completely terrified of them. May I hold her?" He asked and I looked to Ben who didn't react and Audrey looked very hesitant. Knowing my little Delta, she'd run back to me if she didn't feel right with Jay.

"Sure, just don't struggle to hold on to her if she squirms. She's very picky about who she likes, something we both have in common," I stated as Ben tapped me on the shoulder after I handed off Delta to Jay.

"I'm on a tight schedule Ria, you seem to not mind being around them, would you give them a tour when you're done?" Ben asked me as I nodded. Delta was scurrying up Jay's arm, see she knows what she likes.

"Will do, I'll have Doug help me with rooms for them. You go attend to your princely duties," I told him as Ben and Audrey both walked off and I was left with the four children from the most villainous parents. Sweet, this is actually pretty cool.

"Whoa, it changed neon green. This animal is so cool," Jay said shocked at what he was witnessing as the others gathered around taking in the sight. I couldn't help but laughing due to Delta's color change.

"Why is she laughing?" Mal asked and I just shook my head.

"Sorry, its just that. Delta turns really bright, almost neon green when she's essentially mating. You managed to turn on a chameleon, that's amazing," I told him as the others started laughing and he got all red as he handed me Delta back to me and she changed to her darker greenier self. "You naughty little girl. It's not even the first date," I teased.

"Well, I've managed to do well with one picky girl, have a manage to steal the other's heart?" He asked me and I couldn't believe he was hitting me.

"I don't know are my cheeks neon green, you tell me?" I joked as I noticed the girls were standing there unamused with Jay.

"Are you going to show us a tour or are we just going to sit around and wait for the the two of you to make out?" Mal asked agitated and I felt like she was probably the only wicked seeming one in the group. I'll get her to like me though.

"Why don't I show you guys to your dorms first and then whoever wants a tour can come, sound fair?" I asked and I got all agreeing responses.

"Princess Ria, will you be given the tour?" Carlos questioned as we were walking inside the school. He came walking right next to me all jumpy and joyfully still with chocolate all over his face.

"Aren't you like a little puppy with that energy and joy? No need to call me princess and yes I'm doing the tour," I told him bopping him on the nose with my index finger and I saw him looking back at Jay.

"Hey poor word choice there, you've got Carlos completely confused," Evie told me and then I realized a person that's afraid of dogs probably wouldn't like a cute little puppy. "She thinks you're adorable so don't have a stroke alright?" She told Carlos as we walked into the school and they took in the beauty of the main entrance.

"Doug, where are their dorms? Guys, this is Doug son of Dopey. Doug meet Evie, Jay, Mal, and Carlos," I said as they all exchange awkward greetings and Doug told me it was to the right and their doors were opened.

We walked down to the dorms where we passed the boy's dorms first. I told them I'd come back around for the tour after I showed the girls to their dorm. As I was walking I noticed that Mal and Evie were both looking at me with curiosity.

"I don't understand, why are you being friendly with us? You're Rapunzel's daughter. That doesn't make any sense. You're the only one that I've look at and seen actual kindness in your eyes when speaking to us," Evie told me and that was actually sad. They've been here all but twenty minutes and already knew people were looking at them differently.

"Because you're not evil. You parents are evil. I'm not this good hearted princess either. I'm not evil either, we all kind of fall in the middle between good and evil some are more one thing than other but still in the middle, it's what makes us human. I feel like you guys do offer some excitement being from a place that is full of evil though but I'm not going to treat you any differently than I would anyone else," I told them with a genuine smile as we reached their room and Evie returned the smile.

"Thank you, Ria. I'm glad not everyone sees us as our parents," Evie said to me and it brought me joy that a simple comment like that made her day.

"It's not a problem, although I do have one question? You two and Jay look how people perceive you as villains, like it's possible to see you doing something bad if you chose to do it, but Carlos? I seriously can't see how he's even grouped with you three," I tried to explain my confusement as Mal cringed at her new room.

"Could this get frillier?" She asked closing the blinds as I noticed Evie was loving how cute the room was.

"Oh Carlos, he's more of a technical guy, not you're stealing or manipulating kind of person," Evie said as I took notice in the roles they played in the group. Brains Carlos, Brawn Jay, Beauty Evie, and Leader Mal, at least that's they way they came off. Something about them told me that they weren't as one side as they appeared.

"Yes, thank you for prying into our lives. I hope you've had a swell time but Evie and I have decided to opt out of the tour. So goodbye," Mal stated pushing me out of the doorway and slamming the door in my face.

Well then, I can see that I'm clearly not welcomed by Mal. I appreciated that Evie seems to like me, she seems very sweet actually. I'm not too sure what I think about the boys, I know Delta really loves Jay though. Can we blame her though? She's a girl that knows what she wants and goes after it.

Unfortunately, I didn't want to have to worry about her on my shoulder the whole tour, so I decided to place her back in my room where she would be safe. After doing that, I made my way to Jay and Carlos's room to see if they'd actually want a tour. Once I reached their door I heard yelling and a loud thump. That can't be good.

"No, I saw her first. You have to follow the bro code," I heard Carlos shout as he made a noise that he was in pain shortly after.

"Well I've actually formed a connection with her, so she's mine," Jay yelled back as I opened the door and saw them wrestling on the ground, they must have fallen of the bed or something, that's why there was a loud thump. Once the door was fully opened, I just stood there waiting for them to stop fighting.

It was Jay on top of Carlos as Carlos was fighting to break free. The fact that they were fighting over me was pathetic as well. This went on for about a minute before I had enough. "Ehem." I cleared my throat as the both looked at me Carlos in total embarrassment and Jay just played it off as it was nothing.

"Well then, are you boys ready for a tour?" I asked with my arms crossed as they got off each other and off the ground, Carlos straightening himself out.

"Yes," they both responded at the same time and they gave each other looks.

"Oh and for your information, it doesn't matter who saw me first, who made a connection with me, or any other little thing you say to each other to claim me, I get to choose and so far, you both just lowered the bar really far. Don't worry Jay, you always have Delta that will love you."

"She's ruthless. I love it," I heard Carlos mumbled causing me to smile a bit as I guided them on their tour. Carlos was a little cutie and there was no denying that.

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