What a Cute Little Kitten (Ne...

By The_Painted_Rose

95.7K 2.9K 1.9K

You were just a normal teenage girl, attending an anime convention with your friend. Your cosplay? A neko. Cl... More

Chapter One: Excitement!
Chapter Three: Meeting the Head of the Phantomhives...
Chapter Four: Picking out a Uniform
Chapter Five: An Unexpected Guest?
Chapter Six: Curiosity Killed the Cat
Chapter Seven: Confession Time
Chapter Eight: Morning Surprise
I Need Help!
Chapter Nine: Determination
Chapter Ten: Jealousy
Chapter Eleven: Explanation and Trust

Chapter Two: This is all a Dream...? Right?

9.7K 310 171
By The_Painted_Rose

You sat there confused for a moment, just looking around. You looked down and noticed you still had your bag with you, surprisingly, and your stuff was still in it.
"Huh, well that's lucky. I still don't know where I am though... It's probably just a dream..." you mumbled, scratching the top of your head. You realized you still had the cat ears and tried to pull them off, but winced when you felt a slight pain.

You couldn't get the ears off.

"Did I super glue these to my head or something? I can't even feel the headband anymore." you grumbled, messing with the ears to get them off. You also noticed the fact that, the ears felt like real fur, and not just some felt you bought from the craft store. You turned and looked down at your tail, realizing that was real too.

You frowned and pulled out your phone, using the camera as a makeshift mirror. You stared wide eyed at the screen once your suspicions were confirmed.

You had legitimate cat ears and a tail. The fur on both of them now (h/c) instead of black felt.

"Yup, it's official, this is just a dream. Now, I can just pinch myself and I'll wake up." you decided, shutting your eyes. You gingerly pinched the skin of your forearm, but had no reaction. 

"Why am I not waking up if this is a dream?!" you nearly yelled out, running your hands through your (h/c) locks.

You shake your head and stand up straight, grabbing your bag as well. You brush off your dress, then, you walked aimlessly around, having no idea of where you were going. Then, you notice more trees, and also a maze of trimmed hedges. 

"This place looks so familiar for some reason..." you mumbled, walking toward the hedges.

Suddenly, you heard barking. You turn your head, and yelp as you were pushed down by a large, wolf like, white dog with red eyes. (A/N: I had to put Pluto in this, I couldn't help it XD) He growled at you slightly, and you tilted your head, ignoring how he seemed mad at you.

"Pluto?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows slightly. The dog stopped growling and stared at you for a moment, in fact, he seemed just as confused as you since you knew his name.

"Pluto! What are you doing over there?" a voice called out. You tilted your head back and looked behind you, smiling a bit when you saw an all too familiar blonde walk around one of the rose bushes. He wore his beige shirt and orange pants with red stripes, with black boots. He even had his iconic straw hat tied around his neck. Though, his green eyes widened when he saw Pluto.

"Pluto, get off of her!" he exclaimed, running over to the dog. Once the blonde, who you knew was Finnian the gardener from Black Butler, had successfully pulled Pluto off of you, you stood up and brushed yourself off once more. 

"I'm so sorry about that, Miss, I don't know what got into him- ..." he began, but trailed off once he noticed your cat ears and your tail.

"Oh, that." you nervously laughed, trying to act casual. "Those are fake." you lied, trying not to seem too odd. Finny was still slightly confused, but nodded. 

"Well, Miss, if I may ask, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh I-" you paused, trying to think of an answer. "Actually, I woke up in those fields back there. I've got absolutely no idea how I got there... Do you mind telling me where I am, though?" you asked, trying to sound proper enough. You didn't want to sound like you didn't belong, after all.

"Oh, well this is the Phantomhive estate, and we're currently in the gardens." he replied, turning to point at the manor which stood proudly at the entrance of the garden. 

'How did I not see that before...?' you wondered, before turning back to Finny. 

"Oh, but my apologies Miss. Let me introduce my self. I'm Finnian, and I'm the gardener." he smiled, introducing himself, "And this is Pluto." he continued, looking down at the canine.

You opened your mouth to speak, but stopped yourself before you said something stupid like 'oh, I knew that'. You simply nodded and smiled, "Oh, well I'm (Name) (Last Name). It's a pleasure to meet you."

Before either of you could continue speaking, you heard a voice come from the other side of the bushes. "Finnian? Who are you talking to? Have you finished trimming the hedges?" they asked.

You looked over at Finny, a slightly confused look on your face. 'That voice is too familiar... It couldn't be...' you thoughts trailed off, though, once a tall man came into your line of vision.

He had raven black hair and crimson eyes, and wore a black suit as well. He glanced at you for a moment, before turning as the blonde began to speak again. 

"Oh, Sebastian! I was in the middle of that, but then Miss (Name) showed up." Finny explained, smiling nervously.

Sebastian turned back to you, and you felt your cheeks tint pink slight as he looked you over. "I'm guessing you're the 'Miss (Name)' Finnian was speaking of, yes?" he asked, while you just nodded in response. 

"Alright then. Now, if you don't mind me taking you inside to speak with my master, since, I'm sure he'll have some questions to ask on why you're on his property." he explained, ushering you to follow him inside.

You gulped nervously and turned to wave goodbye at Finny, then followed the raven haired butler inside.

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