What a Cute Little Kitten (Ne...

By The_Painted_Rose

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You were just a normal teenage girl, attending an anime convention with your friend. Your cosplay? A neko. Cl... More

Chapter Two: This is all a Dream...? Right?
Chapter Three: Meeting the Head of the Phantomhives...
Chapter Four: Picking out a Uniform
Chapter Five: An Unexpected Guest?
Chapter Six: Curiosity Killed the Cat
Chapter Seven: Confession Time
Chapter Eight: Morning Surprise
I Need Help!
Chapter Nine: Determination
Chapter Ten: Jealousy
Chapter Eleven: Explanation and Trust

Chapter One: Excitement!

13.5K 327 245
By The_Painted_Rose

(f/c): Favorite color
(f/n): Friend name
(h/c): Hair color

You giggled as you and your friend got ready to head to Houston, Texas. Why? The two of you were going to Anime Matsuri, a convention they were holding there.

You glanced over at the mirror, fixing the black cat ears upon you head. You wore a (f/c) dress which ended at the knees, with a black 'corset'. The corset was fake, which you were happy for. You did not want to go through the pain of wearing a real corset. You wore black boots and a silver necklace with a cat charm on it. You had a black colored 'tail' too, with a matching (f/c) bow around it.

You smiled as you grabbed your suitcase, seeing as you were staying at the Hilton Americas hotel near the convention center for the span of the convention. You jumped slightly though when you heard a knock at your door. "Come in." you called out, zipping your suitcase closed once you double checked that you had everything.

Your friend, (f/n) walked in, and you gasped at her cosplay. She hadn't told you what she was going as, so this truly surprised you. She a red gown and red boots, with a matching crimson coat. Her (h/c) hair was tucked underneath a short, straight red wig and she even had scarlet contacts. "Madame Red..." you smiled, as she pulled out a, yet again, red hat and placed upon her head.

"Really, now? How'd you guess?" she asked, a small laugh lacing her words. 

"Oh, I don't know, all of the red?" you replied, raising an eyebrow, but broke out in laughter as well. 

"C'mon, let's put the bags in the car." she suggested. 

"Alright, let me grab something first!" you called out as she walked out of your room.

You reached underneath your bed and pulled out a small box. What was in this box? A collection of mangas you hadn't read in a long time. Mostly, though, there was Black Butler. You grabbed the first book of the series and put it in your bag, along with your laptop, phone, their chargers, and a little bag of makeup.

You grabbed your suitcase and wheeled it out of your room. You walked out of the house, placing the suitcase in the back of the car. 

"Ready to go?" you asked (f/n), who was walking out of the house on her phone. 

"Sure, I'll drive." she smiled, getting in the drivers seat. You got in the passengers seat and pulled out the Black Butler manga, smiling as you re-read it.

The drive wasn't too long, since you and (f/n) lived fairly close to downtown Houston. As you drove, you and (f/n) chatted about random things. 

"I can't wait to see all the cosplays and panels! You think there will be a Black Butler panel?" (f/n) wondered, while you looked up from the book and smiled. 

"I'd be surprised if there wasn't." you laughed.

"What about you, what are you excited for?" she asked, while you furrowed you eyebrows a bit and thought. 

"Probably the same things as you." you smiled, "I also want to see if I can get any more photos with cosplayers." you continued. 

Then, (f/n) gasped loudly.

"What?" you asked, a bit thrown off by it. 

"You haven't taken a picture with a Sebastian cosplayer yet." she laughed. 

"Yeah, and?" you replied. 

"First off, he's your favorite anime character." she began, "And second, your'e a neko! If we meet a Sebastian at this con you know what's going to happen." she added. 

You rolled your eyes and looked back down at your book, "Yeah sure."

As you continued to read, you got to the part of the book where Sebastian had defeated all of those guards with forks and knifes, and was hanging from the chandelier. You smiled at his casualness with the situation, and remembered how much you used to love reading this and watching the anime.

"Hey, (name), we're here." (f/n) laughed, shaking your shoulder a bit. 

You closed your book and put it back in your bag, and looked noticing she had already parked near the hotel. 

While (f/n) walked in to the building to check in, you got the bags out of the car and brought them in. You looked around for (f/n), grinning when she walked to you, room key in hand.

"Got the room keys! Wanna go check out the room, we're on the fourth floor~" she chuckled, grabbing her bag which stood next to you. 

The two of you rode the elevator up to your room. As soon as you walked through the door, you flopped onto the soft bed, claiming it for yourself.

"You can get the couch, (f/n)!" you laughed, hugging the pillow close to yourself. 

"Fine. I'm going to get the passes, you coming?" she asked, dropping her bag and looking at you. 

"Nah, I'm gonna stay. I'm gonna have a quick cat nap." you answered, laughing a bit at your little pun.

"Alright, but you'll ruin your cosplay if you sleep in it." she sighed, shaking her head. 

"I'll be fine!" you called out, hearing her slam the door as she walked out.

You snuggled up against the blanket, not even bothering to take off the cat ears or tail as you drifted off to sleep. You still had your bag strapped on your arm too.

~Mini time skip~

You yawned slightly as you woke up, stretching your arms. You noticed it was much brighter then when you had first fallen asleep, and opened your eyes, looking around.

... You sat in the center of a field, with the sun shining brightly above you. "Where the hell am I?" you asked out.

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