Hotaru Uchiha

By Dark_N3ko

22.4K 744 129

Hotaru Uchiha is the middle child of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. When almost becoming as powerful as her brothe... More

Hotaru Uchiha 1
Hotaru Uchiha 2
Hotaru Uchiha 3
Hotaru Uchiha 4
Hotaru Uchiha 5
Hotaru Uchiha 6
Hotaru Uchiha 7
Hotaru Uchiha 8
Hotaru Uchiha 9
Hotaru Uchiha 10
Hotaru Uchiha 11
Hotaru Uchiha 12

Hotaru Uchiha 13

798 45 14
By Dark_N3ko

Holle my sugar coated marshmellows (=3=) !

I'm back with another chapter of Hotaru Uchiha! Aint you excited?! Of course you are! Well dont' listen to me blabbing around here, just read! Enjoy <3


Back to my room. It fealt so great. I streched out on my bed and took off my dirty Akatsuki cloak and replaced it with a new one. The only ones who knew I am back was Pein and Konan, so this will be a good oppertunity for....PRANK TIME. 

I laughed evilly for myself as I stepped out of bed, and knocked on my wall. I thinkthats Hidans room. Yes. I shall make a dramatic entrance, since he is a lazy ass to even asnwer my knock. Hah. Baka. 

I went out from my room and listened for any sounds in Hidans. No. I, slowly, opened the door and looked inside. Yucky. 

"Blood smell?" I said to myself in disguist. Well, its Hidan, the blood freak. I should not be so astonished by that. Then I hear something a few 50 metres away from me. It came from the other side of the Akatsuki base: 


My eyes went from: -.- to: o.- to: o.o to: o_e to: e___e' 

I quickly snuck inside the room and hid under the bed. Waiting from him to come. Please Hidan, come soon, or ill be tired of waiting. Soon the door opened and I heard swearing again. Though I have only been apart from hiim one week, I still miss him. 

Sudenly his voice died down and my eyes widened. Did I get discovered? No? yes.

"Come out, whoever you are." He hissed. I smirked evillishly. Well, well.... lets see what I can do. I didn't move, I waited for his reaction. 

Suddenly his scythe ripped apart the bed, and I screamed, then laughing my ass off. Wow. prank failed. 

His angry expression went from, well, angry, to a confused one. The bed fell apart all around me and a long silence occured. Suddenly he blinked (omg did he blink!?!? lol) and looked around himself, then back at me. He rubbed his eyes, and looked at me....again. When will he stop doing that?! 

"Uchiha...." He whispered, still not really believing I'm here. 

"Whatever-your-last-name-is...." I whispered back. 

"WHY IS SHE BACK?!" He shouted and I froze of the pain in my ears. 

"I CAME BACK....BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!" I screamed and stood up, all damatically. "I can't live without you! My heart is torn apart! How could you cheat on me like that?!" 

His eye twiched."DON'T JOKE AROUND LIKE THAT!" 

I laughed my ass of, literally slamming my head into the wall. Because I'm just like that. 

He took hold of my shoulders and shook me. Hard. "WAAAH. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" 

"WHat are YOU doing here?!" He hissed. "If Pein and Konan found out... Especially Pein.." 

"They already know. They took me back." I answered calmly. "Problem? Don't you want me here?" 




We calmed down after a lot of screaming, and then Kisame greeted me NICELY. Not like THAT bastard. Anyway... Breakfast time! 

"So..." Began Konan. "Tell us. What have you been up to?" 

"Oh well, thats not a long story, I can tell." I said, shrugging. 

"So this brat ran off from us-" Hidan began, I interruped him: 

"Hidan tried to kill me-" 

"Hotaru tried to kill me!" 

"HEY YOU." I hissed. 

"Guys! Hidan, let Hotaru tell, please. Behave older. You are older." Konan neko san sighed. 

"Well, neko-san." Konans left eyes twitched at the nickname. "After I, I mean WE, killed that guy we were supposed to kill, Hidan, me and Kakuzu went to the hotel which we were supposed to overnight in." I paused. "I went for a walk.." 

"Yeah. suuuuure. A WALK." Hidan said in the background. 

"Anyway." I coughed. "I went for a walk, and there he was, the leaf shinobi that was chasing me in Ame. He took me with him after I killed...Almost killed. Can Hidan be killed? Oh well. Well I sliced hidans head off."

"The stitches are still here you little shit!" He said, showing off the stitches on his neck. I just snickered and continued. "AND THEY ITCH."

"He said that the Uchiha clan had been killed by my older brother, but I wouldn't believe him. I wont ever believe that. He said that if he wouldn't return to Konoha with me, the whole shinobi force will be searching for me. But I cant go there. I will have my abilities removed, and I have to prove for my clan that I am capable of controlling the Tatsu sharingan. So I thought that, if I was already in Ame, I could return to Konoha." 

"I see." konan sighed and looked down. "Hotaru I think that I have something to tell you-" 

"NOT NOW!" I said as my eyes began sparkle and I saw a familiar blondy head. "SEE YOU LATER!" 

I ran off to meet Deidara. 

"Deidara!!!!!" I yelled. 

"Hotaru! Hey!" He smiled. 

"Missed me?" He blinked in confusion. 

"Um well you got back from your mission, sure I have missed you but... Not really." 

I sweatdropped. He believes that nothing happened. Well, thats something good, I think. I don't know. Maybe. "Deidara. Can I ask you for a fovor? If you are not busy at the moment..." I blushed slightly. 

"Hm? No, I'm not busy.." He answered. I squealed again. Okay. I admit it. I had always a small crush on him, okay? He is a fuggin' terrorist bomber and I love it! 

"Please spar with me!" I grinned. He sweatdropped. 

"Why? I'll defeat you easily..." 

"EHEHEHEH." I sweatdropped. "Not so easy." 

Actually. Okay. Stop with what ever you were doing. Thats NOt what I wanted to say,  or, ASK, actually. aye you never knew my relation ship with  Deidara. To tell the story short: When I came to the akatsuki, a couple of months later, I could talk and mess with anyone. BESIDES deidara. I always blushed and became shy aroud him and I KNEW that I had a crush on him, I just didn't want to admit it. I'M TOO PROUD OKAY DONT JUDGE ME.

So what I WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY (ask) was if he could come with me too the village near by. It was known as the tourist village, since it had many attractions and cool stuff. But I just didnt have the courage to do so. So now I have to spar with him. Well, it is still better than nothing. Right? I will still be close to him, and thats what matters.

"Hotaru?" Deidara waved his hand infront of my face. I snapped out of y thoughts and blushed.

"Y-yeah? what is it?" I sounded harsh, but I hope he didn notice.

"I asked you, what time? I have to do some things before it, if you don't mind.." I shook my head. "And, are you really OK? You seem ill- your face is all red and your voice sounds weird.."  

I shook my head again, trying not to become tomato-red, but I failed. "I-I think that I cathed a...c-cold?" I mumbled. He raised an eyesbrow, but soon shook it off. 


So, I had sparring do deal with later. I think that me and Deidara agreed to meet in the Akatsuki yard-thing in about 6 hours, which made it 20:00. It would be kinda dark, but who cares? So, right now the times is 14:00, 2 o'clock. And  had 6 hours to meet everyone else. 

Lets see... Who haven't I met? I already met: Kisame, Deidara, Hidan, Pein, Konan... That leaves me with Sasori, Kakuzu, Orochimaru (aka snake creep. he still creeps me out), Plant guy. Who was it more? 

Suddenly I remembered the man in the ORANGE MASK. Who was he? I can't... It just buggs me to death. I know that I met him, I know it. I accidentally knocked him over... two times. But who the heck was he? he knew about my mangekyou, and could avoid it... and he was also in shock when i activated it, but then just laughued at me, saying I couldnät really defeat him. Something tells me he is really powerflu, but I am unsure, from Peins words, if I really saw him or not, maybe I just hit my head too hard, like Pein said... NO

Im beginning to think lije them! Tey are hiding something from me, I just know it. They want me to think that I imagines all this... But why? Why would they not tell me who he is? WHO IS HE? I'm going crazy!!! I have to find out! I will. But not now, I can't let them think I'm planning something 'evil' as I just came back, I have to build up some kind of trust between me and them again... Hmm... 

I'm off to meet plant guy. 


"Oh! Pein, Pein!" I yelled across the hallway as I saw his back. He turned around, and raised an eyebrow. 

"What?" He asked as I ran towards him and panthed. 

"Where is... P...Plant guy?" I gasped for breath as I was running really fast from a really long time. Don't even ask. I hate running but I still love it. Daymn! 

A silence formed around us for a few seconds. "Plant guy...?" 

"Well! you know.. Um, the one who always want to eat everyone? You know him, right?!" I raged a litle bit. How could anyone NOT know plant guy?! HE IS FUGGIN PLANT GUY AAAAGH. ok im doen with this shit. 

"Oh, you must mean Zetsu!" Konan neko sans voice was heard behind me. I turned around as sweatdropped. 

"Yes! Plant guy = Zetsu, Zetsu = Plant guy!" I smiled, wanting a highfive from her, but she wouldn't do it. Aw. "So where is he?!" 

"On a mission, he is not here." Pain sighed. 

"When will he come back?" I wondered, observing Pein as I kept think about the man in the orange pumkin mask. Hah. He was funny... 

"In about two week... Ain't I'm right?" Konan asked and Pein nodded. "Why do you ask...?" 

I shook my head. "N..nothing I thought I could step by and say hi, you know!" I smiled, and they walked away. I walked to the kitchen, where Hidan sat and ate his bloody sandwich. It wasnt really bloody. Well, maybe for me it was. But not really. It was just Hidans sandwich, you know. 

"Yo bastard." I waved boredly and sat infront of him.

"Yo Uchiha brat." He shot right back at me.

"Do you know where Kakuzu is?" Hidan shook his head. 

Or, why would I want to greet him, I just saw him about five days ago. Who cares. 

I have still FIVE whole hours to waste! What is this shit place? This is so boring!!! Akatsuki is borning!  If you ever, my dear reader, wish to be here... YOU ARE STUPID. Its so boring, ok? Now go out and make some friends. Joking this is fun. Bored in Akatsuki = FUN TIME.

But no, really I'm bored. SO bored. And I just wasted a half on hour on nothing. On boredness! I'll just go and take a shower... 


I'm so bored. I took a shower, I went to the kitchen and ate. AND NOTHING! AKATSUKI SUCKS.

I wonder what would have happened if I followed Kakashi instead. I would have been in Konoha a long time ago... seeing Sasuke and Itachi. Though I would also see father. Grr, I want to tear his throat out. Sasuke and Itachi are so dear to me... 

I went to Pein, who sat in his office with Konan waking in circles and reading through a bunch of papers.

"Konan." I said. No answer. "Neko-san. Konan neko-san."

Konan didn't even look at me.

"Anyways, I want to go out. Is that ok? I'm almost 80 % sure that you took off that barrier.. And I wont run away, I swear. Gosh. I have nowhere to go, ok?" I noticed that nobody really listened to me, so I shrugged and closed the door, grabbing my Akatsuki cloak and exiting that...BORING place.

It fealt so nice to be outside! Finally... I had two more hours to waste, but I think that I can train of not being afraid of heights by climbing in trees a little bit. Sure, I climbed one of the highest towers in Amegakure, but I was more scared of Kakashi-baka ANBU san to catch me than to have the feeling of falling.  

I climbed up in a tree about three kilometres from the base (I'm sorry America and the three other countries that don't use the metric system) and closed my eyes, afraid of falling. I don't really know, but I THINK that I fell asleep, because I was woken up by a sound- like footsteps below me... 

I looked down in shock (forgetting that I was in a tree) and gripped into the tree when I almost fell. My (short) nail digged (somehow) into it. 

"Please don't slide down and fall..." I begged my body and mind as I fealt myself slowly moving to on side. I stopped breathing as I heard someone walking. So it IS someone... 

I didn't even dare to say something like: "Hello?" or "Who's there?" because thats just plain stupid. I mean, they took the barrier off, so anyone could walk these grounds. 

My eyes widened at what I saw, no, who i saw walking beheath me. 

"W-what... So it wasn't at all a hallucianiton?!" I gasped for myself, and just in that second, I fell. Yes, I fucking fell from the tree. Guess on who? The orange mask.

I groaned as I hurt my head. The man who I landed on did too, and I realized that I was still lying on him for about ten seconds. Awkward. 

I wanted to stand up, but I didn't really have to power too. I was n quite a weird position, so yeah. Suddenly I fealt that he dissapeared undered, and my back crashed into the ground. I let out a little squeak since it hurt really badly, but the remembered who I just saw. 

 The man in the orange mask. 


^_^Did you enjoy it? Did you? Did you? 


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