Scruff [zm] [au]

By timidbones

148K 5.2K 1.8K

"Your scruff, it itches." "Maybe it does, but you love it, especially in between your thighs." Or when a man... More

Scruff [zm] [au]
Eleven [part one]
Eleven [part two]
A farewell.


6.5K 236 59
By timidbones


Unfortunately, my mom came home twenty minutes after walking out of the man's house. I should've asked for his name, too. I fought the urge to stand in front of his door and knock. I wanted to see his face again, it was nothing I've ever seen before in my school. He's a man.

I couldn't help and wonder what he meant when he said he was bad influence. Did he mean he was stating the obvious, that he was older than me and he saw me as a child?

I look down at myself, looking at my body. My school uniform enhances my breasts a little, they're not big, but they're not small either. I'm almost eighteen in a couple months, I always hang out with Hannah, and a couple other friends. Something strange inside of me was telling me that I wanted to celebrate my birthday with him. But of course, we're different. His version of celebrating could be going out to a club, drinking, and having a different kind of fun, while mine was watching a marathon of America's Next Top Model with my best friend. Hannah would say something dirty about the attractive men on the show, and I would end up hushing her up.

Once my mother was walking towards me, I knew she was upset. Her thick eyebrows that I've gotten from her were pulled together revealing that wrinkle on her forehead. I gulped, backing away from the door to give her access for her key. I kept quiet as she opened the door and left it open for me. I rolled my eyes at her for being so childish. I close the door and head to my room, but her voice stopped me.

"Annabelle, this will be the last time you forget the keys." She tells me, her hands in her hips. I can tell that she was tired and stressed out, so I just nodded. I didn't want to upset her furthermore, so I went to my room.

I thought I was going in to my room to do my school work, but I just laid there on my stomach with my pen in my hand and my feel crossed together in the air thinking about the mysterious, yet intriguing man I've ever met.

Do I like him? No, I can't and I shouldn't.

That night I ate supper and went to sleep. The next morning I got dressed for school, ate breakfast which was a bowl of cereal, and waited outside for Hannah; she drives now, and I'm quite jealous. I don't like waiting inside my home, it suffocates me enough and I want to go out and breathe the fresh air. I couldn't help but to stare at his door every time I walked past it, part of me wanted him to come out at the exact time I was walking past it, but it never happened. Well, until this morning.

I was sitting on my usual spot on a cold, brown bench outside the complex waiting for Hannah. I should've worn my ear warmers because it was getting colder by the day, I hugged my trench coat tighter around me.

I heard the door open but I didn't pay attention to it, a lot of people come out of it every morning, but not one in particular. The footsteps stopped next to me and I felt someone's eyes on me, I couldn't help my curiosity so I looked at the person. It was him.

His brown eyes were cold, tired, and without life. I smiled at him and gave a little wave, he smiled and made his way next to me. I noticed he shaved his facial hair, there was the shadow of it but I missed the scruff.

I placed my hand on his side of his face gently, "Where's your beard?"

"Um," he coughed, his jaw clenching underneath my hand. I can tell he wasn't expecting me to touch him, but he didn't remove my hand.

"You make it sound as if it was 12 inches long," he chuckles.

"You know what I mean," I tell him.

He broke away the eye contact, he stared of what was in front of him. I frown, removing my hand from his cheek.

"Why are you out here? It's cold."

"I'm waiting for my friend, she picks me up everyday for school," I tell him. I asked him what time it was because it was taking Hannah longer than usual.

"Do you want me to take you?"

I widen my eyes and my cheeks get hot. He must've seen my reaction because he quickly added, "I mean to your school, Annabelle."

My heart leaped when he said my name. It sounded so good coming from him, especially since he had an accent. I wanted him to say it again but that would too odd to ask.

"My mom will murder me," I laugh, knowing it's true.

"She doesn't need to know."

He's looking at me with those intense eyes that make me go weak on my knees. I bite my lip, thinking about this. Will Hannah come? What if she gets here and I already left? Will she be angry? Will she tell my mother? All these questions started filling my mind that I placed my face in my hands.

"It's fine, I'll wait for her," I begin, "Besides, I don't want to make you late for work."

"Don't worry about me, remember?" He smiles, I know what he meant, but I didn't listen to him, I like caring about him.


There was a silence, it wasn't awkward and it was the kind silence where it was comforting. After a couple of seconds he finally said something.

"Come on she's not coming," he was already standing up and overpowering even more. My eyes looked up at him, my eyelashes fluttering, and I knew if I looked down I'd be staring at his crotch.

I gulped, not saying anything and standing up. I tugged on my book bag as I stood beside him. He started walking towards his car and I followed behind. Even from the back he looks handsome, so so handsome.


Annabelle told me directions to her school during the drive, she didn't know the school's address. I could still feel her soft hand on my cheek, she seriously caught me off guard and my first reflex was to move it away, but I didn't; I couldn't. When I stood up from the bench and was in front of her, it looked so sinful and I loved it. Her blue eyes decorated with long eyelashes were looking up to mine. I wonder if that's what she'd look like down on her knees...

"Take a right here, you'll see the school," she says, taking me out of my fantasy.

I nod and do what she says. Her school comes in view and my eyes widen. I saw the sign and the only words that struck out to me were high school. I looked at her and she was staring out the window. The uniform. The way she holds her book bag. Her young face. Of course she was still in high school. What was I thinking?

I come to a halt when I was in front of the school's entrance. She quickly opened the door and said a thank you before running inside the building. I watched her until she was no longer able to be watched. I looked around and only saw girls in the school campus. This is an all-girls school. Wow.

I shook my head and head to work. I wasn't late actually, so I wasn't going to get shit from Matthew.

All I knew right now was how the hell am I going to he over a school girl that makes my heart race.


Hello. Sucky chapter sorry! Promise everything will go down after this....[in a good way? ;)]

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