The Lost Boy (Sequel to The L...


16.9K 891 124

Four months have passed since Arabella received a strange message, yet it is still obscure. No new letters, n... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Seventeen

627 37 8

We rush out of the store and bolt back into the flow of the crowd, in fear of any other magic pit falls the store had up its sleeve.

"What the hell was that?!" Sam screams, her voice breathy and exasperated.

Ana speaks up, "It was Regina, it has to be. She must have somehow found out where we are and is sending her minions on the hunt for us-"

"No," I interject, "It couldn't be Regina. The old man said he will get me, not she."

"Maybe the witch is disguised as a man or something. Who knows what she's capable of?" Sam says.

"I don't know this just seems...different," I say, drifting off into thought.

The scene we had just encountered was too different to how Regina operates. If she'd managed to lure us into a store she would have killed us in whatever way possible, not try to capture us in a box.

"I think we should just carry on," Sam says sharply. "Maybe we can look at the clue again-"

"Wait I minute," I interrupt, pulling the clue from my pocket and quickly unfolding it. The three of us move to the side of a building and rest there.

"We never did figure out who is sending us these clues," I begin. "So what if he or she isn't trying to help us, but trying to get us."

My two sisters return me comprehensive yet slightly doubtful expressions. I continue, "Think about it! 'All can be found with just a small peak', isn't that a bit close to mini vision?"

"I don't know," Ana says gently, "I feel like we might be throwing away our only ally, and besides this would mean there's a real chance Peter isn't here, and another that he isn't alive at all."

My throat tightens, I hadn't thought about that. I'd been so eager to see Peter again that I hadn't really considered the validity of my source. Perhaps it's an evil sorcerer thriving off my desperation, and I've sucked us all into his game.

"Look!!" Ana half screams, making a motion toward the wall behind me. Tucked into one of the cracks is a small, folded piece of paper, identical to the one in my hand.

"Convenient," I mumble sarcastically and grab the sheet. I unfold it as I did the rest, and read the same handwriting:
"Come to The Plaza Hotel at 11 am tomorrow"

"That can't be right," Sam says, "there's no riddle; There's nothing ambiguous about it. It can't be from the same author-"

"It is," I say flatly. "Everything about it, down to the stroke of the handwriting, matches all the others."

"Well should we go?" Ana asks.

"I think we should," Sam responds. "Whoever it is has led us this far."

"No," I start, "This isn't right. We know nothing about who is writing these."

My sisters glare at me with complete disbelief across their faces.

"Are you kidding me?" Ana says, her tone harsh and cold. "We came all the way to another realm, disobeyed our parents, and risked our lives because of these messages, and you want to give up now? No, I'm sorry but we are in too deep."

"I don't care how deep we are in," I retort, "I have a bad feeling about all of this, and if that means heading back home so be it. We can reconcile with mom and dad."

"And lose your shot at finding Peter? No. I refuse for that to happen. I can't watch you mope around for the rest of your life. I don't care about 'danger' or 'bad feelings', if there's a chance of getting your happy ending we're going for it," Ana's face changes to a slight shade of red.

My chest tightens up at the mention of his name. "I....I don't know-"

"Exactly," Ana breaks away from my stare and turns her attention back toward the crowded streets. "Let's go find a place to eat, then a hotel to stay at for the night." She dashes off back into the stream of the city and Sam and I pursue.

We eat at a nice little cafe. It's an awkward, quiet meal. Almost the entire time is spent staring at whatever commonplace items we can spend a comfortable time observing, just as long as there was no eye contact with each other.

After we finish we head to some shops, buying whatever we felt like. Ana bought some scented candles and Sam bought some items from a tourist trap.

"How do I look?" She said, trying on her new 'I <3 NYC' sunglasses.

Ana and I both laugh, relieving some of the tension between us, but it is short lived and soon the awkward tension floats to the surface again.

At around seven we find a nice hotel and check in. We get a fairly nice room, with a beautiful city view and two queen sized beds.

"I'll share a bed with Sam," Ana says as we walk into the room. "Ara, is that cool?" She gives me an ice cold stare.

All of this is so rare with Anastasia. Usually she's the kindest person for miles, not to mention my closest friend. We are twins after all, it's hard to share a womb with someone and have a hatred for them.
Part of me wants to stay upset with her, but a smaller part wants to listen to her. All of her points were rooted in wanting to help me, to see me happy. Yet, my motives are selfless as well. All I want is for my sisters and I to stay safe, and to not be caught in the middle of a treachery we didn't see coming.

Eventually night falls and we get into our beds, giving each other only small goodnights.

I stare out of the window at the vivid lights. They've always captivated me, filling with a kind of wonder that even traveling realms can't fulfill. My ears focus on the sirens and rhythms of the world below me, and soon I fade into unconsciousness.
I make my way down the streets alone, completely covert in my actions. No one gives me any attention, not even the slightest bit of eye contact.

I turn into the hotel and spin through the revolving door. When I make it in, I look around me expecting to see a luxurious lobby, but instead a find a nightmare.

Rocks walls surround me, coming closer and closer with each passing moment. All along the perimeter of the room flames shoot up, giving the place a warm yet terrifying glow.

I hear a familiar voice call out.

"Save me!!!" Ana screams, her eyes are filled with fear, and her clothes caked in blood. She's tied to a post and a shadowy object is making circles around her.

I hear a scream to my right, and look to see Sam standing on a platform, surrounded by blue flames.

"Help me!!!" She screams, desperation surging through her.

"I will!!" I yell back at both of them. I try to run to Ana, as she's the closest to me, but my feet remain frozen. I try again, nothing.

"No!!" I hear Ana shriek, and she disappears, consumed by the darkness.

I scream out for her, but nothing comes out of my mouth. I look up at Sam.

The flames have grown larger and larger.

"I'm coming!!" I try to shout but once again nothing comes out.

Sam lets out a pain filled shrink, then she's gone. Lost in the flames.
I sit up rapidly, shaking myself awake.
"Just a dream. Just a dream," I whisper to myself.

Outside the sun seems to be pretty high in the sky, indicating it to be a later hour in the day.

I turn to look at the clock, it reads 12:30.

"I guess we've missed that little meeting after all," I say stretching out my arms and turning to face my sisters. But when I turn my eyes, I find an empty bed.

"Ana!? Sam!?" I call, now slipping out of my covers and making my way through the room. They are no where to be seen.

My eyes fall on a small sheet of paper left on the coffee table. I pick it up and read it,

"Our dear sister,
We've gone to find your happy ending.

-Ana and Sam."

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