Illicit [Harry Styles]

elliexmclean tarafından

1.7M 48.9K 28.1K

Illicit: forbidden by law, rules or custom. 17 year old law student Jessica Walsh meets Harry Styles in the... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - Part 1
Chapter 28 - Part 2
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chaper 74
Chapter 75
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend...
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Author's Note

Chapter 38

21.1K 615 326
elliexmclean tarafından

Shortly after using all of my willpower and letting Harry get dressed, he joined me on the bed laying on his back and staring at the ceiling with a huff. I was on my front, holding up my top half on my elbows as I browsed my phone, that aching feeling you get when you've been laying on your stomach for too long ever present.

After a little while of silence he rolled onto his side and deliberately stared at me, observing and taking in my entirety which I could see him doing out of the corner of my eye. When I still didn't take any notice of him he shuffled closer and decided to invade my personal space by nuzzling his face into me in the hopes of getting some attention.

I glanced sideways at him with an unamused facial expression clearly displayed, to which he tried his best to suppress a grin. He was behaving like a puppy that wanted to be shown affection. Ignoring him still, I turned my attention back to my phone screen and scrolled absentmindedly through my Twitter feed as though I might see something of interest for once.

"Why are you ignoring me? Do I need to take my clothes off again to get a reaction from you?" he muttered against my arm.

I rolled my eyes in response, "There will be no taking off of clothes."


As awful as it was, I was enjoying feeling like I had some kind of power over him after he'd come chasing after me and actually opened up about not wanting to lose me. I was definitely using this to my advantage, for once being able to get away with just about anything and feeling much too cocky for my own good. Harry was treading lightly to make sure he didn't upset me, and I felt like I could have him fanning me with leaves and feeding me grapes in no time.

"Can we do something? Anything? I'm bored of laying here and watching you be just as bored as me — which I know you are, by the way."

"What do you suggest?"

"I have a whole room filled with shít we can do," he reminded me. I'd forgotten Harry was rich as hell and didn't have to do normal things like suffer boredom because of lack of things to do. Suddenly he sat himself up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me behind him as he got up and we headed to the room I believed would be any fifteen year old boy's dream.

"Oh, hello Jessica," Harry's mum — Louise — was plodding up the stairs as we left his room, and Harry did that typical guy thing where they're embarrassed by their mothers being in the same room as them when they have company over, attempting to drag me away quickly.

"Hi," I said sweetly, smiling and digging my heels into the landing carpet so that I could stop and chat to her against Harry's will.

"I was just coming up to ask you what you wanted for dinner, Harry. Jessica, will you be staying to eat with us? I can make plenty of whatever you decide on — it's no hassle."

"That would be lovely, thank you," I obliged cheerily, noticing Harry's state of discomfort next to me and wanting to practically leap up into the air at how he wasn't even going to try and be grumpy and convince me not to stay because of our current situation.

"Great. So, what would you two like?"

I thought it was quite unusual that his mum based her whole plan for dinner on what Harry wanted; in my house we'd come downstairs when called and eat whatever was put in front of us, but I guess it's different being a spoilt only child.

"I don't mind, whatever," Harry mumbled, his hand subtly tugging at mine to try and get me into his games room and out of this encounter. He winced when I tightened my grip on his fingers to tell him silently to stop being rude.

Louise scoffed playfully at her son's indecisive nature and pondered for a moment. "What about a casserole? Jess, do you like casserole?"

I nodded happily back at her, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

"Alright then, casserole it is," she smiled at me before turning to Harry, "If you don't like it, don't eat it, young man."

Harry rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath before dismissing his mum and finally managing to get me to budge and follow him into the games room down the hall. He slammed the door shut behind me and breathed a sigh of relief, instantly telling me about how annoying he thought his mum was which I brushed off.

"So, what do you want to do... young man?" I teased, feeling pleased with myself when his face became consumed by irritation.

"Shut up," he groaned.

"You're so mean to your mum — she's so nice to you!"

"You wouldn't be saying that if she was your mum," he said. His fingers raked through his damp ringlets and his mood seemed to shift as he approached me with his eyes lowered, his tongue snuck out to wet his lips as a hint of a smirk appeared in it's wake. "Now, back to what I want to do..."

I let him put his hands on my waist but I didn't give in to him like I usually would. I suppose you could say that he dived in mouth first, but I turned my head just in time and his lips landed on my jaw near my ear, which he was taken aback by.

"You wish. I told you nothing of that essence is going to be happening tonight so if I were you I'd drop it."

He took advantage of the positioning of his mouth and started to tentatively kiss and suck on my neck. My eyes fluttered shut and my mouth fell agape, but I made sure to keep still and silent as to not give away to him that I was enjoying it.

"Harry," I began, my voice wavering far more than I had hoped it would. I cleared my throat and collected myself before continuing, "What have I told you about the word no?" I said more firmly.

He grumbled as I managed to detach him from me, feeling ever so proud at how much self control I had today. I was intent on sticking to my word for once in my life; I didn't want to continue to be that girl that is easily swayed by affection of a man who wants his own way.

When he'd finally got over his paddy that arose from me telling him no (very little surprise there), he flopped down into his beanbag chair and turned on the large flatscreen that hung on the wall. I invited myself onto his lap — my little fantasy of sitting with him whilst he played on his games console becoming reality as his arms snaked around my middle and his hands which held the controller landed in my own lap.

We sat like that — with me just watching or asking annoying questions about the game — until I spotted that the sky had turned a beautiful blend of pinks and purples through the small window. As I was admiring the real life watercolour of a perfect sunset, Harry's mum called us for dinner. He reluctantly stopped his game and we both got up from the comfort of the bag full of polystyrene beans before I let Harry lead the way down to the dining room.

I was slightly surprised to see a man sitting at the long, oak table. He was wearing a suit with the top button undone and tie pulled loose as he read today's newspaper under the dim light. This must be Harry's dad. It came as no surprise that he was handsome, his thick dark hair that held a very slim hint of grey — although short atop his head — had a slight curl to it like Harry's. Their features didn't look identical to the naked eye, but there was just something that the two of them shared that resulted in a great similarity between the two men.

Entering the dining room, we took a seat and I watched as Harry's dad's eyes lifted. He didn't look as though he was going to say anything when his gaze landed on Harry, but when he noticed me following along behind he put on what I would say was a pleasantly surprised face and studied me for a moment.

"Hello, I didn't know we'd be having company tonight."

I laughed kind of nervously as I sat down beside Harry, "Hi, I'm Jess."

"Ian," he introduced himself, "I'm Harry's dad, but I'm sure you gathered that," he chuckled. "And you are Harry's..."

My mouth fell open in a panic as I looked at Harry. I don't know why the topic made me feel unsettled, because in reality I'm Harry's nothing — we're not in a relationship, but I wouldn't exactly introduce him as my friend. I had no idea what he regarded me as.

"Friend," Harry answered for me, and I gave an uneasy smile as I nodded, but in reality — for some reason — my heart felt like it dropped a little bit.

"Right," his dad said, a certain amusement that I knew Harry wouldn't enjoy present on his face.

It was a bit strange to me that Harry's parents always seem to be assuming things about their son's life, and they just accept everything that they think they know. When I first met Harry's mum she automatically decided I was 'seeing' him, and now his father obviously has decided that we're not friends, but neither of them seem at all fazed.

Harry pulled out his phone as we waited for his mother to bring out the food, and when she did she immediately swatted at his hand and told him to put it away. She placed down a steaming hot dish of casserole in the centre of the table and began scooping portions of it onto our plates before sitting down to join us.

"How was work today, Ian?"

"Hectic as usual," he replied to his wife before taking a large bite from his fork and chewing, "Since we won the boys' case in the summer, the firm has been rushed off it's feet with clients."

"That's good though, isn't it?"

"It's good in terms of business, not so good for my greying hair though — I feel like I've aged ten years today alone," he chuckled, and I couldn't help but smile as I listened in. "How's things at the hospital? We've made lots of referrals to your department recently."

"It's all going well, and yes we've noticed."

Harry and I sat quietly listening to his parents' conversation as we ate. I felt a bit nervous and intimidated by the situation so I kept my mouth closed, and I gathered that Harry probably wasn't the most talkative when it comes to his family... or anyone, really.

"So Jessica— or do you prefer Jess?" Harry's dad spoke up loudly to catch my attention.

"I don't mind, whatever you want to call me," I smiled politely, and both of Harry's parents smiled humorously.

"What is it you do with yourself? Are you at Harry's sixth form?" Ian asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm in my final year," I told him.

"And what are you studying?"

"Law, psychology and English."

"Ooooh, another lawyer or psychologist!" he sang, nudging his wife's arm. "I own Styles and Co Solicitors, and Louise is a doctor in the psychology department of St Anne's."

"Really? That's amazing. I'm not quite either of those things though," I chuckled, "I want to go on to do criminology or social sciences at university next year."

"Criminology, wow," Ian nodded respectfully.

Harry still hadn't said a word, he was just eating his casserole in silence with that usual bland expression and his face leaning on his fist as he moved his food around his plate like he wasn't at all interested or bothered by the dinner conversation.

"I'm glad Harry's finally making friends with sensible people," Louise smiled at me, and although it was meant to be a compliment to me I felt bad for Harry, "It makes a change not to come home to—"

The screech of cutlery against china indicating someone had come to an abrupt stop in eating pierced through the room and Louise cut her sentence short. "Mum," he warned with a death stare that told me she was about to say something I didn't want to hear.

"You know what I mean, honey..."

"Yeah," Harry muttered sarcastically, but his attitude didn't annoy his parents at all — I suppose they were used to it.

We finished eating our meal and Louise and Ian were talking amongst themselves so Harry turned his attention to me, his elbow on the table holding up his weight as he leaned the side of his face on his hand and looked at me whilst I sat back straight in my chair.

"D'you want to stay tonight?" he murmured lowly to me. I couldn't stop myself from glancing at his dark pink lips as they moved slowly to let the words out, the deep and quiet tone of his voice sending a shudder through me.

"I don't think I should," I admitted, even though a voice in my head didn't agree with that statement at all. That voice wanted me to run upstairs as fast as I could and make myself at home while Harry was in a good mood.

"Why?" he asked, sounding a bit offended, his eyebrows sloping down into the bridge of his nose in a frown.

"Today — well, recently — has been a lot to handle, Harry, it's just not a good idea."

"But why?" he pressed, "Do you think I'm gonna force you to sleep with me?"

I quickly glanced over to his parents and thankfully they weren't listening. "No, no. It's not you I'm worried about..."

What only could be described as a shít-eating smile emerged on his face as he eyed me for a moment. "Worried you won't be able to resist me?"

"Shut up," I complained, and possibly not even realising he was doing it, he licked his lips again. "And stop that as well!"

"Stop what?"

"Stop licking your lips and smirking at me and being a huge sleaze! I'm not staying. End of."

"Fine," he chuckled. "I'll drive you home."

I didn't even think about declining for once. As if on cue, Harry's mum stood from the table with her plate to take it into the kitchen, Harry stacked his plate on top of mine and held out the two plates across the table to his mum, who scoffed — a gesture I'd noticed she did a lot when it came to her son.

"Bring them out yourself, Harry!"

"But you're going that way anyway, why can't you take them!"

"Because that's lazy and you can get off your bum and take them yourself. This isn't a hotel!"

Harry eventually gave in and took out our plates after making a scene about it, and then I put on my shoes and we headed out to his car. He was feeling especially nice and opened the door for me, even closing it once I'd got in. The drive back to my house was short and uneventful, the sky being almost pitch black and dotted with stars when he slipped the car into a spot on the side of the road at the end of my path.

"So," I spoke up as Harry cut off the engine and we fell into silence.


"I guess I'll see you around."

What the hell, why was I being weird and nervous? He was the one that usually said shady lines like that, not me.

"Yeah," he replied just as awkwardly.

"Bye." I unclipped my seatbelt and pulled the handle to open the door, it swung open wide and I attempted to get out smoothly.

"Jess?" Harry's voice stopped me and I turned back, only for his hand to grab mine and pull me back down into the seat in one swift movement. As soon as I landed on the leather he was already leaning across and he smushed his lips against mine.

I heard the door fall shut behind me and he fiddled with a lever on the side of his seat until it slid back. My left hand was being drawn away from me and placed onto his far shoulder, making my body follow suit. He was leaning further and further away but still clasping my fingers with one hand and now nudging my waist with the other, I started to catch on that he was indicating for me to climb across the console and onto his lap, and I know I said I wasn't going to give in, but one kiss can't hurt, right?

The way I crawled over was the absolute opposite of graceful, but our lips remained connected the entire time and eventually I ended up sat on his thighs with my legs either side of him. I allowed Harry to add his tongue to deepen the kiss, and his hands were all over my sides until they found my hips and gripped tightly — his thumbs applying pressure as they moved in circles.

My hands rested on his shoulders and a whimper left my throat when his lower body ground up against mine, the friction making my stomach flip and I had to pull away to catch my breath. The car was growing humid and my skin was hot, only feeling hotter when his breath hit my chest before he kissed over any skin he could access. My fingers laced into his hair and closed around it, tugging at the roots gently which made him moan and want to find my lips with his again.

Just as our mouths met, I nearly jumped out of my skin in horror when there was a hard tapping against the car window from the outside. We pulled away from each other breathlessly and I stared out of the window like a puppy that'd been caught ripping up a sofa whilst the car door was yanked open.

My brother's face as he gawped at me straddling his friend's lap was not something I ever want to see again.

"What the hell is going on here?" 


Please remember to vote :) Comments are very much encouraged as well! 

Q: cvntry: Where abouts in the UK do you live? I live in Coventry and I am still yet to meet someone on here that does too lol

A: I live on the south coast at the very bottom - and pretty much middle - of England. I know how you feel, absolutely no one lives down here either!

Highlight with a question!



E x

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