Dean Winchester

By 21vanessa21

90.8K 1.4K 341

Dean Winchester imagines. These are all from tumblr. More

Bathrooms and Impalas
A Hell Of A Winchester


10.8K 161 50
By 21vanessa21

Imagine finding a baby on a hunt which needs temporary taking care of and you and Dean self-assign the roles as mother and father to it.

There had been a lot of weird things on hunts with the Winchesters, but this was probably the weirdest.

"It's a baby."

Looking up at Dean you smiled. "Thank you Captain Obvious, now what do we do with him?"

"It's a boy?" The baby was currently holding onto your finger throwing his hand around smiling as Dean leaned over the side of the crib. "How do you know?"

You couldn't help but laugh, for hunters sometimes the Winchesters weren't very observant. "Well for one his name is right there." Following your finger to the frame that said 'Jason Michael Duffy' he nodded. "And secondly there's a picture downstairs of the ultrasound that says 'It's a boy!' so I figured..."

"Alright, alright." He said still looking at the kid. "I get it."

"What should we do with him?"

The baby started opening and closing his fists at the two of you, his bottom lip stuck out and you just knew that he would start crying any minute.

"Wait, you're gonna hold him?" Dean asked as he watched you gather the baby in your arms. "Why?"

"Do you want him crying?"

"Not really."

"Then I have to hold him." Walking around the room you tried not to think of the parents bodies lying in the kitchen downstairs, killed from vetala venom. "See, he's already falling asleep."

Dean walked up behind you watching the little eyes flutter closed and then pop open again trying not to miss anything happening around him. "What do we do with him?"

"I think Sam said he was going to look around for anything that might show a next of kin of any kind. Maybe if he finds something we can contact them."

But just as you were finished explaining you could see the flashing lights out front and someone pounding on the front door. "Shit." Dean grumbled moving over to the window.

"Do you have your FBI badge?" He nodded. "Go answer the door, tell them you're a friend of the neighbors and they heard the baby screaming so they called you and your partner and you brought me from child protective services."

"You're a genius, y/n."

Running down the stairs you could hear Dean talking to the officers explaining the situation and walking with them up to the nursery.

"Agent here says your's from CPS."

"Yes, sir. Anytime there's a little one involved I get called in." The baby was nustled in your arms finally asleep, there was no way the officer was going to ask you to hand him over. "These agents here are looking for a next of kin, but you fellas know that information we would be grateful."

Sam walked in holding a notepad and held it up. "Got it."

"Looks like you have everything under control then. Just - what happened?"

Dean looked as sad as he could muster. "Looks like a murder suicide, poison most likely. Might've been one of them slipped it into the others drink and then took some themselves."

"This poor child."

You waited until the officers were gone before having the boys gather everything needed for the baby and heading back to the bunker. You were close enough that he slept the entire ride and only woke up as you unhooked the car seat (which you snagged from the car in the driveway before leaving) and walked into the new place.

"I'll stay out here with him." You offered. "Hopefully you won't hear him in your room if he's fussy."

"Did you really just say fussy?" You smiled at Dean as he set up the pack and play. "Ok, mom."

"You're one to talk, making sure he has a place to sleep."

Sam walked past the library as you were setting everything up. "I'm going to let the new parents be happy."

"Hey, I actually need to change and grab blankets and stuff. Do you mind keeping an eye on him for a minute?" Dean nodded and you ran back to your room changing quickly into an oversized shirt and shorts before grabbing the pillows and comforter from your bed and dragging them out to the couch.

When you got there though you heard murmuring coming from the room and slowed down to see what it was. Poking your head in you realized it was Dean humming to the baby.

"Smoke on the water?" You whispered watching him slowly turn towards you the baby sitting in his arms. "I guess it worked."

"You're damn right it did."

"Dean, language!"

"He's a baby, y/n."

"He can still hear you." The smirk he shot to you was amazing, he looked like a natural with the baby in his arms. "Support his head a little better." You said moving his calloused fingers up to cradle it.

Placing the now sleeping baby back in the bed you made sure that there was formula to feed him in the middle of the night and diapers for changing before saying goodnight to Dean and curling up on the couch.

You always slept with something on for background noise, so being in the library was odd enough but everytime Jason snorted your eyes opened and waited for either the oncoming scream or no breathing at all. It was weird.

He only made a fuss once throughout the night and it was fixed easily but when you woke up the next morning you realized the pack and play was empty. Running out to the main room Dean was sitting with the baby bouncing on the wood and making faces.

"Good morning!" He said standing and walking over to you holding the baby in front of his face. "And little Jason says good morning."

"Well good morning to you too. I was worried when you weren't in bed when I woke up."

Handing him over to you Dean grabbed the bottle he had tried to feed the baby with. "He was whining and you looked dead to the world so I grabbed him." Jason sucked down some of the bottle while staring at you. "Want some breakfast? There's eggs, bacon, and toast."

"And coffee please."

Sam wandered into the room looking like he just rolled out of bed. "Are you two seriously playing house right now?"


"Dean's making you breakfast while you hold the baby. How do you not see that?"

Shrugging you watched as he pulled up the seat next to you and opened his laptop. "I don't know, any luck on finding the aunt?"

"She lives in Brentwood, about an hour and a half away. I figured we could call and meet up with her to deliver the baby."

"But first," Dean said carrying the breakfast over to you and exchanging it for Jason. "Breakfast."

Sam just shook his head, it was weird seeing Dean holding a baby anyway but actually knowing what to do with it was another thing. Taking the advice from the night before one of Dean's hands was holding up Jason's head even though you could see the fear in his eyes when the baby tried to fall backwards out of his grasp. "Little death machine is what you are." He grumbled.

"If you wanna call the aunt I'll make sure he's all cleaned up and ready to go." Sam pulled out his phone and dialed the number as you carried the baby back to the library not realizing that Dean had followed you.

"Hey y/n, you ever think of having kids?"

"I have. When I was younger I wanted three, one of each and a spare, but who knows what's in store for me."

"Why not settle down and start a family now?"

You laughed pulling a onesie over Jason's head. "Well, I'm only 26 for one, and for another I'm not even sure I can have kids. So for now, this is the closest I can get."

"What about adoption?"

"Dean, no offense but why is this bothering you?"

He shrugged and pulled out a little pair of jeans from the bag. "I just - I saw how you were with him last night and today and I just thought it's something you look comfortable doing. Like being a mother is something you were born to be."

"Well, technically - "

He cut you off. "I don't mean because you're a woman, I mean because it's something that your heart tells you. Look at this little thing, he's only cried once since you've been around you can't tell me that's normal for a baby."

Sam ran into the room and looked between the two of you. "Aunt is on her way to the house now, she wants to get some stuff and I just realized that we left the bodies there."

You all got dressed and got in the impala racing off back to the house where you set up in the living room to wait while the boys dealt with the bodies. "We should probably call the morgue and have them come get them."

Dean dialed and started talking saying how their main concern last night was getting the baby out of there for safety reasons but now that the next of kin was coming they needed the bodies out as fast as possible. Within fifteen minutes a van was there and not ten minutes after they were gone the sister ran in through the door.

"Jason!" She screamed grabbing for the baby and holding him as sobs racked her body. "Thank you, for taking care of him."

Within an hour she had collected everything she needed and left the house for the last time.

You waved good bye to the little boy and couldn't help but feel a tug at your heart when he kept looking at you. Dean wrapped an arm around your shoulders letting you fall into him for comfort.

"Maybe you should try again, maybe it's in the cards for you."



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