Imprisoned by the Moon (UNDER...

By kcmali3

249K 1.7K 144

Astraea had a perfect life going for her; she has perfect parents and a faithful best friend, except for the... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 The Bonding
Chapter 2 The Pain
Chapter 3 The Truth

Chapter 4 The Fixation

13.6K 396 18
By kcmali3

Chapter 4 The Fixation

Luella POV

"LMAO, this bitch really thought I was her friend." It was supposed to be me, I was supposed to be Luna, then this trash of a wolf was born. My parents told me that Astraea was the one blocking me from my destiny. With this skank out of my way I could be Luna. This is why my parents and Boone's teamed up and assassinated her parents. Thankfully they died, giving my parents rank in the court.

I was the star of the pack since I was six, always the most popular and undeniably beautiful. Everyone loved me, so why wasn't I chosen to be Luna? After her parents died she lost her memory of the incident. This gave me a power over her, she doesn't even know who she is! Stupid CUNT!

To remove her out of the picture, I manipulated everyone to make them turn against her. The boys was the easiest to exploit as they're literally dumb and eventually the girls came around.

At the beginning of middle school is when they started to bully her. This was on my part since I began to spread my infinite web of lies. The first was a rumor, saying that she slept with older wolves for money. People even went as far saying she was pregnant for one of the men.

Stupid people they believe anything you tell them.

Boone, Boone. I could remember the day we first met in kindergarten. He picked up my pink bow. He was so adorable, he was like my knight in shining armor. From that day we hung out everyday until he proposed to me with a ring pop. He promised to be with me forever, and I WILL make that happen. I will not let anyone get in my way, not even that bitch, Astraea. Boone will be mine forever.

Part 2

After Lilja came into the picture, Astraea was able to find a safe haven from her awful life. She found it comforting that someone genuinely cared and loved her. With time, her self confidence grew.

It's been a month since Astraea moved to the pack house. She got 'used' to her new life. During her stay, she overheard word about the Midnight Ball which is held once a year. Astraea never knew that the pack held such prestigious events since she basically lived in the pack house now, why not attend?

"Hey Lilja. Do you think I should go to the ball?" Astraea confidently asked.

"How are you going to pay for everything?" her wolf questioned. Astraea had enough money to pay for everything. There was a lump sum of money in an envelope, probably left by her parents, she thought. She explained how she found it to Lilja

"And what about the bullying," Lilja added. Luckily, the ball was masquerade themed therefore Astraea could not be recognised by the other kids. "You're going through a lot right now so you should take it slow." she continued.

"Come on Lilja, I will be careful. I promise." Astraea pleaded hoping that her wolf guardian would comply.

"Ok" Lilja responded, still reluctant with her decision.


Astraea merily pranced to the dress shop, in search of the perfect dress. "I'm going to get my hair, nails and anything else that needs to be done," she squealed excitedly. "I need to look perfect."

Astraea was really hoping to have the night of her life. For once she wanted a night to just be happy, to live like a normal person. She has never attended a school dance before let alone a grand ball. Luella always told her that she should not attend the school dances because everyone would bully her. With Luella being a distant memory for her, Astraea had nothing holding her back from attending the Midnight Ball. An idea popped in her head, "what if , tonight when Boone sees me, he will accept me as his mate." Astraea heart fluttered at the thought.

Astraea struts through the store, looking aimlessly at the options before her. She started getting frustrated until... she finally found it, the perfect dress. It was a blue gown, beaded with beautiful freshwater pearls that made a design which gave the illusion of a corset. The bottom half of the dress was laced in the most luxurious lace Astraea had ever seen. It laid over the skirt like a piece of art. Thankfully, she found a matching pair of shoes of equal elegance to the dress.

Nothing could have spoiled her day, not even Luella.


By the time she arrived back at the pack house it was dark. Five hours had already passed and she was worried that her absence was noticed. As she passed by the open deck, she witnessed the planners preparing the area. From what she saw, this was a big event. Astraea was ecstatic that she would finally have a magical evening with her mate.

She rushed up to her to get ready, after all beauty takes time. When she was about to put her shoes, she heard a knock on her door. She froze, by the sound of this, no one knocked on her door except the alpha.

Lilja was on edge, Astraea reluctant to open the door. She slowly approached the broad structure knowing what would be the outcome. She had not reached the door when it suddenly flew open. As usual, Boone let himself in. "Who told yo-" he paused, his eyes growing darker, burning with desire and want. Her supple skin, glowing as the moonlight struck it. Her hair hitting just beneath the nape of her neck. He towered over her, making her cower at his presence.

For a moment she thought that his desire was directed at her but that was abruptly dismissed. "Again too far fetched." she cringed to herself. His gaze caused a shiver down her spine. Lilja was practically running around in circles in Astraea's mind.

The air around him was usually dominating but this time it was..... in a different way. He slowly approached her like a wolf would approach its prey. Astraea's mouth turned dry from her nerves. She did not know what was going on but she liked it.

Boone's eyes momentarily flashed to its normal color, "Where were you this afternoon?" he asked in a not so nice voice. He knew where she had been. He always knew where she was even when she was not aware. "Take that off, you're not going to that ball," he growled, in a low husky voice, "I forbid you."

For some reason Astraea and her wolf felt powerful. It was as if they had a power over their mate. "No, I'm going," she replied in a soft yet confident voice.

"Are you fucking defying your alpha? You're getting brave, whore!" He said as his voice raised. He stepped extremely close to her, their bodies almost touching, he did not sound pleased. When she heard his voice, she lost her confidence and trembled almost becoming obedient. Like the beast he was, he liked the fact that she easily submitted to him.

"Again with the whore," she thought, "I've never slept with a man in my life." Astraea was scared but Lilja was pushing her to stand her ground. Boone examined her body. His eyes analyzed her facial expression. He sensed her inner conflict.

"No alpha." Astraea finally whispered as tears burned in her eyes. Boone smirked, he found this enticing. He was filled with lust and desire. He wanted this. Astraea wanted this. He then closed the distance and made his attack.

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